Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 85 The Willow Eradication 1

"Humph!" Cyrus snorted and settled back into his seat. He needed to devise a plan to prevent the worst-case scenario: his faction being condemned by the people of the Curtained World.

Abandoning Lucien was not an option either. Such a move would portray him as an incompetent leader who couldn't protect his faction, undermining his authority.

An idea, albeit shameless, entered his mind. If executed carefully, it has the potential to enhance his faction's influence in the mundane world without exposing the existence of the Curtained World.

"As one of the judges, what Lucien did doesn't equate to exposing the Curtained World to the masses," Cyrus stated authoritatively. "While his decision to drop the bomb in a city was far from graceful, it was a necessary action for mages to defend themselves and eliminate any obstacles to true magical understanding."

"Far from graceful!? Thousands of lives were lost, and you call it 'far from graceful'?" Envy roared in anger upon hearing Cyrus's words.

Cyrus smirked, meeting Envy's gaze. "Grand Councillor Envy, I sympathize with the lives lost, but as long as the secrecy of the Curtained World is maintained, the casualties among the mundane population are irrelevant. Besides, the masses cannot distinguish between a regular bomb and an artifact bomb. They simply believe it to be the work of terrorists with advanced military technology."

"So, you're implying that if the masses don't perceive it as magic, it doesn't matter?" Greed interjected, her voice trembling with anger.

"One could argue that. My point is, as long as the masses remain ignorant of magic and the existence of the Curtained World, we can perform magic before their eyes or even sell them magical ingredients," Cyrus nonchalantly explained.

"Do you truly believe that? How shameless!" Envy gritted her teeth, her anger directed at Cyrus.

Cyrus, of course, didn't genuinely hold such beliefs, but he couldn't reveal his true thoughts. He needed to navigate this situation carefully, minimizing losses and protecting his faction's influence and his own authority from being undermined by the exposure of the Curtained World.

"Grand Councillor Envy, if you disagree, why don't we settle this with a vote? Let the court decide," Cyrus proposed.

Envy grew even angrier upon hearing his suggestion. The Path of Knowledge faction held the majority in the mage society, and only a few members of her faction were present in the courtroom. It was highly unlikely that they would vote against their own interests.

Envy surveyed the individuals in the courtroom, then glanced at Greed. With a meaningful gaze from Greed, Envy decided to place her bet on the sense of justice still present in the hearts of those present. Despite the odds being stacked against her, she chose to believe in the inherent goodness of people.

"Let's proceed with a vote," Envy nodded, accepting Cyrus' proposal.

Cyrus smiled and turned his attention towards the courtroom.

"Who among you believes that Lucien did not violate the taboo of the Curtained World?" Cyrus inquired.

As Cyrus's question resonated throughout the room, nearly every hand in the courtroom rose, signifying agreement with Cyrus's viewpoint.

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Witnessing this, Envy let out a sigh of disappointment. She had taken a gamble, placing her trust in the inherent goodness of the individuals present. Yet, it was not entirely unexpected, leaving her feeling disheartened about the nature of mages. 

Perhaps, after thousands of years since the Golden Age of Magic, mages had become self-centered beings rather than the noble souls who once guided and protected humanity from non-human and otherworldly threats.

"Very well... I believe there is no point in proceeding with a vote on the other matter," Envy responded, expressing her disappointment.

"Your Honor, what about Wrath's innocence, the matter involving the Willow family, and what Lucien did to Victor? Lucien did not kill Victor; that is the truth. However, he forced Victor into an unstable form, the slime, which proved to be even more precarious than the soul container used by The Syndicate Union. Victor had no choice but to abandon that body and reside in the soul container instead. This unintentionally led to the councilor's demise," Greed explained.

Reluctantly, Cyrus nodded, acknowledging the validity of Greed's statement. He then proceeded to deliver his judgment in accordance with the Hightower's laws. Cyrus understood that he couldn't continuously display his shamelessness, as it would undermine his authority.

"Very well... The defendant known as Wrath shall be considered innocent henceforth. The Willow family's punishment for breaching the favor contract shall be the suspension of Hightower's legal protection for three months. As for Lucien, due to the unintentional killing of the councilor, his councilor status shall be suspended for one month!" Cyrus declared, disappointing Greed and Envy, as Cyrus chose the most lenient punishments for his faction members.

Cyrus smirked and waved his hand, summoning a stone tablet from the ground below. This judgment stone tablet would record the outcome of unforeseen cases such as Lucien's use of the artifact bomb. It would serve as a reference for future judges when similar cases arose.

"The first judgment pertains to the use of the artifact bomb by Lucien Blackscar. It is permissible to utilize and exploit resources and products from the Curtained World in the mundane realm as long as the general populace remains unaware of the existence of the Curtained World. Therefore, what Lucien Blackscar did is deemed permissible," Cyrus declared, and the words he spoke appeared on the stone tablet. Both Cyrus and Envy sealed their magic onto the stone using their blood, solidifying its status as a reference for future judgments. 

This action affirmed that Lucien's actions and similar actions by others would be considered legally acceptable.

The court session concluded, and Cyrus swiftly exited the courtroom. He realized that he had expended a significant amount of his authority during the proceedings, openly displaying his shamelessness. Wanting to avoid any further attempts by Greed to undermine his authority with her cunning mind, Cyrus decided not to linger and wait around. 

Instead, he needed to reach out to the Willow family and offer his assistance in weathering the attacks from other mages. Additionally, he planned to assign someone to protect Lucien, recognizing the value of having him as a strategic asset within his faction.

On Greed's side, she, along with Ragnar, Klaus, and Yuki, exited the courtroom and made their way to the guest room that Envy had prepared for them in the hotel. Envy quickly caught up with them there.

Inside the lavish guest room, Greed made a phone call to Daniel, who was anxiously awaiting the outcome of the court proceedings, eager to hear the good news.


— 7:20 PM - 10 Kilometers outside of Tessia Kingdom Coast —

At 7:20 PM, 10 kilometers off the coast of the Tessia Kingdom, Daniel stood on the deck of the Atlantean Battleship. With the help of numerous Atlantean scholars, he had meticulously modified the vessel to suit his needs. The ship was enveloped in a veil of illusion magic, effectively concealing it from prying eyes as it floated on the calm sea.

Positioned at the bow of the battleship, Daniel towered over the deck, flanked by two women. Michaela, his loyal bodyguard, stood beside him, her gaze watchful and vigilant. Dressed in a crisp white suit and matching pants, she projected an aura of focused determination. The other woman, Penthesilea, had her blonde hair tied up and wore a green suit that gave her an androgynous look. As the director of Daniel's special forces, she exuded an air of competence and readiness.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the horizon, the atmosphere on the Atlantean Battleship grew tense yet focused. The deck buzzed with activity as Atlantean sailors assumed their battle stations, their disciplined movements a testament to their training and readiness. Commanders, adorned in their distinct uniforms, stood stoically, their eyes fixed on the horizon, prepared for the impending storm.

Amidst the organized chaos on the deck, one prominent feature stood out — a colossal dual magic artillery turret. Its immense size and formidable presence commanded attention, dominating the bow of the battleship. With its four large barrels, reminiscent of the legendary Yamato turret, it stood as a symbol of the ship's firepower.

The turret's barrels were meticulously aligned, pointing ominously towards the landmass of the Tessia Kingdom. Each barrel glistened under the fading sunlight, a testament to the meticulous care and maintenance undertaken by the crew. The massive structure exuded an air of raw power and readiness, capable of unleashing devastating magical salvos upon command.

The Atlantean sailors moved around the turret with purpose, making final adjustments and conducting last-minute inspections. Their dedication and expertise were evident in every precise movement, ensuring that the turret was primed for action.

Beep beep.

The shrill sound of a ringing telephone broke the stillness, emanating from Daniel's inner suit pocket. He cast a quick glance at the incoming number before retrieving the phone.

"Hello? How is the hearing progressing?" Daniel initiated the conversation, his gaze remaining steadfast on the distant horizon.


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