Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 68 Danger Situation

— 12 hours ago Sector Alpha City - Ground Zero —

Within the dark and damp space, filled with dust and ash, Daniel slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Michaela's beautiful golden eyes shining in the dark.

She sat atop his stomach, dangerously close to his crotch, but fortunately, she wore safety pants under her long skirt. Otherwise, Daniel's mind might have been thinking something strange or weird or even kinky.

Michaela's posture was protective, as she shielded Daniel from the debris around them. Her six wings still shone brightly as they protected his whole body from all the debris like a big umbrella, but he noticed that bright golden blood was seeping out from her stomach.

"Michaela, you're injured!" Daniel panicked.

He didn't think that Michaela's ability of [Mitigate 3], which could even withstand an anti-tank shell, would be destroyed by normal debris. But when he tried to move, Michaela grunted in pain, and he felt something protruding from his stomach.

Daniel looked down at his stomach where he felt the protrusion and quickly retrieved his smartphone from his pants pocket.

Using the light from his phone, he examined the area and was stunned to see a steel rod protruding from his back, penetrating his stomach.

He realized that this was the same spot where Michaela's golden blood was seeping out. At that moment, he remembered the ability on Michaela's card that stated, "As long as Michaela - Defender of the Faith is still on the field. No damage can be done to its original owner."

"So, is this how the ability works in the real world?" Daniel panicked but when he saw Michaela grunt in pain, he immediately felt guilty and apologized.

"I'm sorry," Daniel said apologetically to Michaela.

Michaela smiled beautifully, enduring her pain, and replied, "Please don't worry, my lord. It is my duty to protect you."

Daniel was at a loss for words as he watched Michaela endure her pain. He wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious or how many injuries Michaela had sustained on his behalf. He decided to remain still to avoid causing her further discomfort.

Daniel wanted to summon the emergency door to bring Michaela in for medical treatment, but the cramped space made it impossible. He needed to make more room first. He didn't know how much debris Michaela had taken on in her efforts to protect him, but he knew he needed to lessen her burden before taking any further action.

He looked around but couldn't find his suit which he had hung on a wooden stand in his room before the bomb hit. He didn't know where his outer suit was, as the Universal Pocket, which contained all his metal scarab, was inside it. If he could get his hands on it, he could release the scarab to clear the debris.

This was the first time since he gained his powers that he felt so powerless. If he had known this was going to happen, he would have turned the Universal Pocket into a necklace and worn it all the time.

Daniel's mind entered his mindscape as he searched for a card that could aid him in this situation.

[Found it!] Daniel exclaimed inside his mind.

Card: Salvage

Picture: A man walking amidst a battlefield littered with salvaged golems and other vehicles.

Rarity: Common

Type: Spell

Mana Cost: 2:Water 2:Non Element

Description: Return all non-creature artifacts to their owner's hand. Create 2 tapped tokens called Mana Stones that can each produce 1 non-elemental mana.

Flavor text: "All of these are free resources, free for the taking."

Daniel's mindscape became filled with artifact cards, including the Universal Pocket. At that moment, he felt a connection to all of his metal scarabs that had been released from the pocket.

He was relieved that the rule about his cards still worked in the real world. The rule stated that if a permanent that kept other cards inside it were to leave the battlefield, all the cards kept under it would return to the battlefield.

The metal scarab swarm crept toward the small space where Daniel and Michaela were. At first, Michaela was startled by these small intruders, but she soon remembered the metal scarab that had helped Daniel before. She sighed in relief because she couldn't move due to the debris on her wings.

Daniel could feel his connection to all of the metal scarab, and he quickly commanded the swarm to come to him and turn all the debris that was crushing him and Michaela into dust.

As Daniel commanded the metal scarab swarm to clear the debris and reinforce the space, he was amazed at how the swarm worked like a well-oiled machine. The scarab moved in perfect synchronization, working tirelessly to clear away the debris and strengthen the space.

Each scarab had a specific task that it performed with precision and speed. Some scarabs focused on breaking apart the concrete and metal debris, while others gathered the broken pieces and turned them into dust or new scarabs. The newly created scarab immediately joined in the work, increasing the swarm's numbers and efficiency.

The swarm moved with a fluidity that was both beautiful and awe-inspiring. They worked in perfect harmony, their tiny metallic bodies clicking and whirring as they communicated with each other, always knowing exactly what to do next.

Daniel watched in amazement as the swarm reinforced the space, using leftover metal rods and other materials to strengthen the walls and prevent the roof from collapsing. They moved with lightning-fast speed, their small bodies zipping around the space in a blur.

Within just one hour, the cramped and dangerous space had been transformed into a safe and spacious area. Both Daniel and Michaela couldn't believe how quickly and efficiently the metal scarab swarm had worked. It was truly a remarkable sight to behold.

Upon seeing that he finally had enough space, Daniel quickly summoned the emergency door to bring Michaela to safety.

As the door appeared seemingly out of nowhere, Michaela was initially startled, but she quickly recognized that it was Daniel who had summoned it, which put her at ease.contemporary romance

"Michaela, please go inside, I'll help heal your wounds," Daniel commanded, relieved that the steel rod that had previously pierced his stomach had already been removed by the metal scarabs.

"As you command, My Lord," Michaela responded obediently, and she made her way inside the mysterious room beyond the door.

Meanwhile, Daniel quickly actualized the universal pocket again, ensuring that all of the metal scarabs were safely kept inside it to prevent any non-mage personnel from discovering his artifact construct.

After finishing up, Daniel also enters the room. As he enters, his heart nearly stops when he sees Michaela taking off her armor and clothing to check her wound. He quickly turns to the wall, trying to keep his eyes from wandering to her pristine body.

"It's okay, My Lord... if it's you... I don't mind," Michaela says, her voice carrying a hint of shyness.

This nearly drives Daniel insane; his little brother seems to want to stand up straight and salute Michaela, which makes him very uncomfortable. He really wants to go to the bathroom to calm down, but it would be too obvious. How can he dare to look at Michaela if he were to do that!?

"It's okay now, my lord. I already turned my back," Michaela repeated, her voice laced with a hint of shyness. Daniel knew that if he refused to turn back, he wouldn't be able to call himself a man. So, he gritted his teeth and turned around.

He was greeted by the sight of Michaela's pristine white back with six angelic wings protruding from it. The sight was both beautiful and challenging to his self-control, as he had a bit of an angel fetish. It was like being asked to run naked on Normandy Beach during D-Day.

[God... this is too much,] Daniel gulped, and he quickly walked up to Michaela, plunging his mind into his mindscape to calm himself down. Then, he used a spell card to heal Michaela's wound.

Card: Healing Touch

Image: A depiction of a cleric placing their hand on the wounded soldier, radiating a bright and warm holy light.

Rarity: Common

Type: Spell

Mana Cost: 1 Holy, 2 Non-Element

Description: Restore 5 Health. If the target is a creature, it gains +0/+5 until the end of the turn.

Flavor text: "God grant us the miracle of healing, so that we may serve the divine purpose."

Daniel uses the spell and tries to use it without touching but the spell doesn't work.

[Gaaaaaaahhh!!! Why Do I need to touch it!? God!!! Are you playing with me!?] Daniel screamed inside his mind.

Once again, Daniel's fetish with angelic wings put his sanity at risk. He feared that a simple touch might make him lose his self-control and behave inappropriately toward Michaela.

With a determined effort, Daniel bit his lip, hoping that the pain would snap him out of his dangerous thoughts. He approached Michaela with caution and carefully touched her wounded back.


Michaela let out a soft moan of pain and pleasure as Daniel's fingers made contact with her soft, delicate skin. He couldn't help but notice how smooth and alluring it felt, like the skin of a newborn baby.

[!!@#!!%^%*#] Daniel wanted to scream in frustration and smash his head onto the floor to stop the wild and intrusive kinky ideas that were occupying his mind right now.

The warm light emanating from his touch quickly healed all of Michaela's wounds, restoring her to a healthy state.


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