Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 113 Magitek VS Grand Paladin 2

Daniel observed that the paladin had shifted his attention solely onto him, diverting his focus from the escaping car. Although relieved that the car was no longer the immediate target, Daniel knew that the fight would now become more challenging, as the paladin seemed determined to confront him directly.

Inwardly, Daniel delved into his mindscape, assessing the cards he had left. Two of them were lethal, designed to swiftly end his opponent's life, but using them was out of the question. He had no desire to draw the attention of the Vatican and invite unnecessary trouble. The remaining cards consisted of quick spells meant to enhance his own power, offering a different approach to the battle.

Daniel and Christopher locked eyes, each trying to discern an opening in the other's defenses. Sensing an opportunity, Christopher shifted his body weight to the right, prompting Daniel to swiftly aim his gun in that direction.

Clank!! Splash!!

The bullet struck Christopher, who had expertly folded his upper and lower arms to create a makeshift shield, augmented by the hidden blades concealed within his sleeves. Blood spattered, mingling with the scattered fragments of muscle and bone that littered the floor.

Yet, in a split second, the blade of a short sword hurtled towards the vulnerable point in Daniel's gun mechanism, obstructing the bullet's path just as it was about to load the next round into the chamber.

"Blast!" Christopher bellowed, his voice resonating with determination. The blade detonated, unleashing an explosion of force equivalent to a 500-gram C4 explosive.


The resulting blast tore through the roof they had stood upon, reducing it to rubble. Christopher swiftly retreated to a nearby building, leaving Daniel engulfed in a cloud of smoke and ash, his senses momentarily impaired.


A series of rapidfire bullets pushed through the thick smoke towards Christopher, who found himself defenseless with only his left arm available, as his right arm was still in the process of healing through the blessing of his faith.

Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!!

With an inhuman speed, Christopher's left arm moved swiftly as a series of blades concealed within his hand deflected the incoming bullets. Despite the smaller caliber of these projectiles compared to Daniel's previous handgun, they were easily parried. However, the relentless barrage showed no signs of relenting.

RataRataRataRataRata/Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!!

The symphony of bullets and the resounding clash of metal echoed incessantly, and traces of fatigue began to manifest on Christopher's face. His left arm and hand, strained by the demanding high-speed movements, started to wear down, even with the blessing of healing and regeneration within his body.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

With only a split second delay, three bullets pierced the Grand Paladin's body. Despite the blessing of faith and the defensive power of his divine garments, the specially designed bullets that Daniel used tore through them as if they were nothing.

Unscathed by the explosion thanks to the power of one of his cards, the 'Shield of Faith,' Daniel emerged from the thick smoke. He launched himself towards the priest after rendering two of his guns useless. The malfunctioning large-caliber handgun could no longer fire, and the Uzi-like firearm he had created was out of ammunition. Daniel knew that any other ammunition, besides the specially designed one, would be ineffective against the paladin's divine defense.

Thus, he decided to settle the victor in close-quarters combat.

"Out of your specially designed bullets, huh, Magitek? You've chosen the wrong approach by engaging me in melee combat!" Christopher taunted, raising his guard and preparing to face the mage in close combat.

"We'll see..." Daniel uttered with a cold and emotionless tone. His state of mind entered a trance, merging with the power of the Max Level Grand Hunter card.

Engulfed in the fading glow of a distant light pillar, Daniel and Christopher engaged in an exhilarating duel of blades. As darkness claimed the evening, their clash intensified, the air crackling with the fiery flash of their equal prowess.

The razor-sharp edges of their blades possessed an otherworldly might, capable of slicing through steel as effortlessly as a knife through butter. Daniel's enchanted artifact and Christopher's blessed blade, born of the Vatican Secret Exterminator Unit, were perfectly matched in power and durability, leaving no advantage to be gained in terms of weaponry.

Their battle raged with an unyielding intensity, propelling them from one rooftop to another, their nimble forms dancing amidst the sprawling cityscape. In their wake, the streets bore witness to a tapestry of deep gashes and meticulous slashing marks, testaments to the unrestrained ferocity of their confrontation.

Streetlights and trees stood defenseless, falling victim to their ruthless assault. Property damage was of no concern to the combatants, for they knew it could be attributed to mere vandals, preserving the secrecy of the hidden world they inhabited.

Their clash transcended mortal limits, each displaying unwavering resolve and unrivaled skill. The weight of their blows reverberated through the night, a symphony of clash and parry that stirred the very soul of the city. Their battle was an epic struggle of equals, an embodiment of the true essence of combat.

As the echoes of their clashes resounded, it was clear that the outcome of this awe-inspiring duel hung in the balance, awaiting the final stroke that would determine the victor of this titanic clash.

In the distance, amidst the towering buildings, stood a dark room within the Tessia Kingdom Royal Court Mage observatory post. It was here that the leader's office resided, a sanctuary of rest and respite. Within its walls, a man in his late thirties reclined in a chair, his feet propped up on the desk, succumbing to the embrace of slumber.

"Suddenly, the silence was shattered by a beautiful voice, echoing through the office. "Sir! There's an emergency!" the woman exclaimed, urgently switching on the lights to rouse her leader from his deep sleep.


Startled by the sudden shout, the man jolted awake, tumbling from his chair and landing unceremoniously on the ground. Slowly, he gathered himself, his eyes still heavy with the remnants of sleep.

"Huh? ...wah? What? Amy? What happened?" he groggily inquired, his drowsiness evident in the deep bags under his eyes, revealing the toll of sleepless nights. This leader was none other than the observer unit leader who had witnessed Daniel's battle with the master-rank mage, and Amy, his loyal vice-leader, had been by his side throughout their work.

"Magitek is fighting someone!" Amy exclaimed.

"Huh?" The leader jolted upright and fumbled for his glasses on the desk. As he clumsily put them on, he continued his inquiries with a groggy voice. "Who is that idiot? Is he dead yet?"

The leader's tone carried a mix of amusement and curiosity. The incident involving Daniel and his team's raid on the Willow family estate had become well-known within the mage community of the Tessia Kingdom. Everyone knew about it, and as a result, no one dared to cross paths with Daniel, despite the legal loophole that allowed anyone to seize control of his soul without consequences.

Having witnessed the sheer power of Magitek and his companions as they decimated an entire reinforcement from the vampire clans, nobody wanted to end up like the Willow family. Therefore, the leader found it both amusing and intriguing that someone would be foolish or greedy enough to provoke Magitek.

"That's the problem, sir. We don't know," Amy replied with evident worry in her voice.contemporary romance

"Huh?" The leader furrowed his brow in confusion before making his way to the observation room.

The room was filled with numerous PCs and large screens used for monitoring the city. Being the permanent office in Sector Alpha, it was equipped with various observation equipment, machines, and artifacts to assess the damage and situation in the event of mage battles within the city.

"Display the footage on the main screen," the leader instructed one of his subordinates.

In an instant, the live footage from the area where the fight was taking place was projected onto the main screen of the observatory.

The scene displayed Magitek locked in a ferocious battle with a priest-like figure, obliterating everything in their path as the clash intensified. The leader strained his eyes, unable to discern the identity of Magitek's adversary due to the speed and intensity of the fight.

"Retrieve the fight recording and slow it down to one-tenth speed on the right screen," the leader commanded, and his subordinates swiftly complied.

The right screen showcased a slowed-down version of the confrontation, allowing the leader to finally catch a glimpse of the person engaged in the intense duel with Magitek.

"F*ck... That's Ward… What in the F*cking world?" the leader exclaimed, his voice laced with a swear word, as he comprehended the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.

"Huh? Ward? Who is he?" Amy inquired, her curiosity piqued by the identity of the formidable priest-like figure locked in combat with Magitek.

The leader's expression grew complex, akin to witnessing a battle between two titans.

"He is Christopher Ward, the Grand Paladin and Vice Leader of the Vatican Secret Exterminator Unit. He possesses enough strength to single-handedly annihilate three squads of average Hightower Enforcers," the leader explained, a mixture of admiration and apprehension tugging at his smile.


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