MINI STORY: The Greybacks Continue

Chapter 4

The next morning, Tigris and Theo waited for Wally and Luca to give them the word that it was safe to start snooping. Luca was going to keep an eye on Tate to make sure that the brothers didn’t run into each other unplanned. As far as Tate knows, Tigris and Theo returned home last night. Instead, they were sneaking out of the small cabin to find Quinny’s four guardsmen. Wally was distracting Quinny so Tigris and Theo could speak to them alone.

The twin Alphas found the guardsmen waiting outside of Quinny’s private cottage which was a suspicious distance from the packhouse itself. It was odd to see the Luna living somewhere other than the packhouse with the Alpha and even stranger for that home to be so far away. It made Tigris and Theo even more suspicious than before.

“Who are you?” One of the guardsmen grunted in their direction.

“We are here at the request of Gamma Wally and Beta Luca to make sure that you four are equipped to guard their Luna.” Tigris lied, not wanting the four to report their identities back to Quinny.

“We weren’t informed of this.” Another one of the guardsmen said angrily.

“Because it was designed to be a surprise so you couldn’t prepare.” Theo said,

“Let’s start with introductions, shall we?” Tigris probed.

The four guardsmen looked at each other before deciding to answer their questions. They couldn’t deny the commanding Alpha tones that both the identical looking men had over them.

“I’m Baxter, and that’s Jackson, Collin, and Garet.” Baxter introduced the guardsmen.

“What are your credentials?” Theo asked.

“Credentials?” Collin looked confused.

“Yeah, you know, what was your position before joining the Luna’s Guard? What was your rank?” Theo clarified, but the fact that he even had to was answer enough.

“We were on patrol.” The one named Garet replied.

Theo and Tigris exchanged a look, but before they could respond the door to the cabin flung open. The twins stiffened up, prepared to make a run for it if it were Quinny, instead it was an unfamiliar man. He was still pulling on his sweatshirt as he exited Quinny’s cabin. He stumbled down the steps when he noticed Theo and Tigris.

“Who are you?” He snapped rudely.

Theo and Tigris gave the mystery man the same excuse they had given the four guardsmen.

“Oh,” The man shrugged, not seeming too concerned with the fact that unrecognizable men were wandering around his pack’s territory, “I’m Gregory.”

“And you are?” Tigris asked.

Gregory smirked and looked back towards the door of Quinny’s cabin.

“Just a friend.” He said in a tone that said he was much more than just a friend.

“A friend?” Theo cocked an eyebrow at Gregory.

“The Luna has many friends.” Gregory snickered, glancing over at the guardsmen who seemed to be nodding in agreement.

“What’s going on here?” Tigris’ tone turned serious which earned him a stern elbow from Theo.

The guardsmen and Gregory exchanged weary glances, probably engaging in a silent conversation with each other.

“Why do you care?” Jackson snapped.

“He means,” Theo shot his brother a glare, “We’ve heard some things about your Luna and were wondering… do we get in on the action?”

Theo smirked devilishly at the five wolves standing in front of him, winking suggestively. Tigris, finally catching on, changed his expression to match Theo’s. Collin, Jackson, Baxter, Garet, and Gregory continued to exchange looks.

“Hey, cease with the silent conversation and vague expressions, just give us the goods.” Tigris clapped his hands in the guys’ faces, gaining their attention.

“We don’t know what you’ve heard…..” Collin started.

“You know exactly what we’ve heard.” Theo cut him off.

“The Luna is very….generous with her time.” Jackson sighed.

“Is she now?” Tigris smirked, “Is she generous with all of you?”

The five of them nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact.

All of you?” Theo clarified.

“It’s part of being her guard, it’s our duty.” Baxter said,

“I’m starting to understand what your credentials were.” Tigris mumbled under his breath.

“Are you really here on behalf of the Gamma and Beta?” Garet narrowed his eyes on the twins.

“Yes, we really are.” That wasn’t a lie.

“Does the Alpha know about this?” Jackson asked.

Theo and Tigris looked sideways at each other before Theo answered,

“No.” He decided that, if these men were sleeping with the Luna, they probably weren’t huge fans of their Alpha.

“Are you going to tell him?” Collin inquired.

“It depends.” Theo replied.

“On what?” Collin asked.

“On if you tell us everything we need to know, including how to get some…..generosity from the Luna ourselves.” Tigris said smoothly.

Of course, the five wolves wanted nothing more than to cover their asses.

“Well, it doesn’t take much, honestly. The Luna is pretty much game to be with anyone.” Gregory shrugged casually.

“What do you want to know?” Jackson asked skeptically.

“We want to know how she gets away with all of this without the Alpha knowing. We want to make sure that our asses are covered and we won’t face the wrath of the Alpha.” Theo said and Tigris covered up a snicker at the idea of their baby brother’s “wrath”.

“Oh, sure, that’s easy. The Alpha just looks the other way, honestly. I think he probably knows about it, but he looks the other way because he’s not man enough to say anything.” Collin replied bitterly.

“No way he knows,” Jackson shook his head, “He might be a weak ass Alpha, but if he knew what the Luna was doing, he’d take it out on all of us.”

Theo and Tigris held back their rage as they idiots talked smack on their brother, their Alpha.

“He probably doesn’t know, but he also doesn’t care enough to ask. Let’s be real, the Luna is a pain in the ass and he’s just glad that someone else is dealing with her.” Baxter rolled his eyes.

“She lives all the way out here and flirts with anything that has a dick. She tells the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma that she’s going out shopping and takes us with her because she knows we won’t say anything. She meets up with other guys and woos them so they’re willing to take the risk of having an affair with their Luna. Then, she invites them back to her cabin and does the deed.” Garet explained, “Usually they’re one offs.”

“Besides me.” Gregory said defensively.

“Us and Greg are some of her regulars.” Collin rolled his eyes at Gregory.

“Does she have any more regulars?” Theo asked, swollen back the bile that was burning his throat.

“Uhm, Asher, Morgan, and…..” Garet paused, thinking.

“Riley.” Jackson added.

“Right. Asher, Morgan, and Riley.” Garet nodded, “They, like Greg, are unmated patrol wolves who no one would question if they were caught snooping around the Luna’s cabin.”

“So, the Luna only gives attention to unmated men?” Tigris was attempting to find something redeemable about the woman mated to his brother.

The guys started laughing.

“I never said that.” Garet said,

“She just doesn’t do repeats with mated men to avoid the she-wolves.” Collin continued.

“You know how those she-wolves can be.” Gregory said, shaking his head.

Tigris and Theo were hanging on by a thread at this point. They were enraged at the things they were saying about their brother, disgusted by the things they were hearing about Quinny, and defensive over the idea of anyone cheating on their mate. They had to end this conversation before they blew their cover and their mission.

“I see. Well, thank you for the information.” Theo said, clearing his throat.

“You can also just knock on her door.” Greg said, winking as he walked past the twins.

“Maybe later.” Tigris said, nodding at the men.

“Oh, better not come by tonight. It’s Tuesday, so one of the regulars will be coming by.” Collin said nonchalantly.

Theo and Tigris looked at each other quickly, a plan passing silently between them.

“Good to know, thanks.” Theo said,

The twins said goodbye to the guardsmen and walked casually away from the cabin like they hadn’t just struck gold. Once they were out of earshot, they grinned at each other widely.

“That was horrible on so many levels.” Theo said,

“It was and it’s about to get worse.” Tigris agreed.

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