MINI STORY: The Fae Queen

Chapter 9

“Princess.” Viktor entered the room and bowed his head, his hands clasped behind his back.

“Lord Judge.” Lili plastered on a fake smile, “Please, sit.”

Viktor moved across the room gracefully and took his seat across from the desk. He eyed Onyx with board curiosity.

“I apologize for missing your birthday celebrations, your grace, and wanted to extend my well wishes.” Viktor said,

“Thank you. Your absence was noted.” Lili lied, “I’m sure you were busy tending to the improvements of your village.”

“Yes, the advisors you sent have been quite helpful. They have offered many suggestions that have bettered the condition of our people. I believe that our people are much happier now.” Viktor declared.

Lili resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

“I would expect that it’s going to take more than a day to improve the conditions of your people.” Lili said plainly.

“Of course,” Viktor eyed Onyx again, “I’m sorry, am I interrupting another meeting?”

Viktor was playing dumb and they all knew it. The castle had made an official statement that morning about the princess’s mate. He knew exactly who the other man in the room was but was pretending that he didn’t in order to degrade the man who was once only a servant.

“This is Lord Bell, my mate.” Lili answered.

“Oh, I hadn’t heard the news. Congratulations.” Viktor said, but his words didn’t match his expression and his smile didn’t reach his eyes, “I’ll admit, I had hoped that your union would bring together the palace and another village, just as your grandparents union did.”

Lili nearly fell off her seat. How dare he say such a thing? Lili’s grandparents were a topic that was scarcely discussed and certainly not from the tongue of someone outside of the royal family. King Titan was overthrown and executed publicly in front of the realm after a very short trial led by King Solaris. His wife, Queen Tabitha, had come from the East village. The union made the East village the official royal village, benefiting from the bounty and riches of the palace.

That is, until she died. Then, the East village was cut off. It was a kick in the teeth. Something that no one understood. That was, until they learned that King Titan had murdered their beloved queen and had wanted to cut all ties with her.

So, for the arrogant Viktor Judge to bring up her grandparents and the heinous acts of the former king was nothing less than deplorable.

“That is quite bold of you to say.” Lili said after a moment of gathering herself.

She clutched her hands into fists at her side, pushing down her anger and rage, and replacing it with diplomatic politeness.

“I meant no offense, my lady.” Viktor said with an ugly sneer on his face that said he meant exactly what he had said.

“I’m quite thrilled with the selection that the Moon Goddess has made for me and I expect all of my people to rejoice with me.” She said sternly, earning a look of admiration from Onyx.

“Of course, princess.” Viktor said,

“The villages don’t need a union with the crown to be bountiful and to flourish. They need strong leadership that works openly and honestly with the crown.” She added, “Did you need something specific?”

She needed to maneuver the conversation away from the sensitive topic that was sure to cause Lili to lose her cool. She already hated Viktor Judge, the last thing she needed was more fuel for the fire.

“I was hoping to convince you to remove your advisors. I’m sure they have reported back positively.” Viktor replied smugly.

“I believe that the princess has already answered that question,” Onyx surprised everyone by speaking up, “She shouldn’t have to repeat herself.”

Onyx could see the not-so subtle digs that Viktor was making against his honor. He was implying that Lili shouldn’t stoop so low as to accept a servant as a mate. He had clearly come here to test the waters himself, to see if he could wiggle his way between the new mates.

“I apologize, Lord Bell,” Viktor spit his title, “I don’t recall the princess answering such a question.”

“She said that the village couldn’t possibly be changed in a day. Your request comes too early.” Onyx said,

Viktor looked at Lili who was smiling smugly. She was happy to have someone else speaking on her behalf and to have it be words that she actually agreed with. She was used to doing all the work on her own, being on both the offense and the defense of these sorts of conversations. She wasn’t sure what it would be like to be a mate, but she didn’t expect to have a man who spoke up for her without request.

“I understand.” Viktor said between his teeth.

“Yes, I think a month will do as a trial period. At the end, I will revisit the village and make my own assessments.” Lili said,

Viktor looked positively pissed.

“Yes, your highness.” He grumbled.

“Thank you for your visit, Lord Judge. Safe trials back home.” Princess Lili said, standing from her chair.

Onyx and Viktor quickly stood as well, and Viktor bowed his head; even he was smart enough to know when he was being dismissed.

“Thank you, your grace, Lord Bell.” He nodded at them both and then excused himself from the room.

“That guy is a tool.” Onyx sighed in frustration.

“No kidding.” Lili mumbled, “Thanks for the back up.” She added, glancing at him shyly.

“Isn’t that my job?” Onyx smirked, cocking his eyebrow at her.

“Your job description is a bit blurry.” Lili said, raising a laugh from Onyx.

“Not to me, Lili. My job as your mate is very clear.” He said her name and stepped around the chair to move closer to her.

“I think that you think this job is much easier than it really is.” Lili sighed.

Onyx chuckled again and ran his hands up her arms, gripping her forearm and pulling her closer to him. She didn’t resist his touch, allowing her chest to brush up against his.

“Oh, my princess, I certainly know how difficult the job is. But, I also know how much it’s worth all the challenges.” He assured her, leaning down to brush his nose against her cheek.

She blushed at his affection, not sure how to react. Her eyes fluttered closed but when they opened, she noticed the two guards still inside the office, shifting uncomfortably by the door.

“There is no danger in here,” She snapped, causing Onyx to pull back in confusion, “You can wait outside.”

Onyx smiled crookedly when he realized she was speaking to the guards, who scurried out of the office.

“No danger, huh?” He teased, winking at Lili.

“I can handle myself.” Lili said stubbornly and then suddenly the wind picked up inside the office.

A cool breeze snapped across Onyx’s face and whirled between them. His face grew serious as he tightened his hold on Lili.

“You don’t have to when I’m here.” He promised her, “And you can’t make me release you.”

His hold turned possessive as his arms wrapped around her back. He crushed her warm body against his, his grip stern but comfortable as she relaxed against into arms.

“You say things that you shouldn’t.” Lili said in a small voice.

“Why shouldn’t I say them?” Onyx asked, his lips against her ear.

“They are too bold.” She shivered.

“Not when spoken to the woman I’m mated to.” He whispered.

“Onyx,” She said his name and was interrupted before she could say more.

A deep sound rose from his throat as he moved away from her ear to look into her eyes. He cupped her face in between both of his hands and his dark eyes bored into hers. Something unrecognizable swirled in those eyes, making the rest of Lili’s words catch in her throat.

“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, rubbing the palm of his thumb across her cheek.

Lili swallowed, unable to speak.

“I’m a lucky man to belong to you.” He said,

You belong to me?” Lili asked in a quiet voice.

He chuckled at her shocked expression,


It was typical for a mate to be possessive and to claim ownership, but for a man to openly give himself up to his female mate was something Lili hadn’t expected. She thought he would try to own her, she never imagined he would give himself away to her.

She might have to rethink this whole matebond thing.

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