MINI STORY: The Fae Queen

Chapter 13

“Onyx!” Lili’s shout could be heard throughout the castle, especially to Onyx, who could hear his mate from anywhere.

In seconds he had appeared in her office, hovering beside her protectively.

“Is it time?” He gasped, breathless.

She collapsed back in the chair.

“No, false alarm.”

Onyx groaned.

“Again? That’s the fourth one this week!” He complained but one look from Lili shut him up, “Not that I mind.”

One of the guards snorted from behind them but covered it up with a cough when Onyx shot him a glare.

“This is why you should’ve stopped working weeks ago. You’d be safe and sound in our room right now and I wouldn’t be panicked.” Onyx sighed.

“It’s all about you.” Lili huffed, rolling her eyes.

“It’s all about you and your safety, and our baby’s safety.” He argued.

Lili was due any day with their first born, a daughter who would be named Tabitha Tori Oxford-Bell, after the mothers of both the future King and Queen. Lili was determined to make Onyx feel represented in the royal line while also bringing her werewolf bloodline into the fae realm. It was truly a joining of two worlds, fae and wolf, royal and servant. In fae terms, the mating ceremony married Lili and Onyx together, and the birth of their child would solidify their rule.

Lili and Onyx were nearly running the realm by now, a year after their mating ceremony. King Bayu was mostly there in name only. Once Princess Tabitha was born, and Lili and Onyx had gotten through their maternity and paternity leaves, they would be named King and Queen.

Lili’s family line on the throne began in war and bloodshed. King Titan’s reign only began with the brutal and unjust murder of the former king, a man outside of their bloodline, by Titan himself. His tyranny continued for centuries, only ending when two brothers sought revenge for their younger sister and mother. Thus began an era of peace and sacrifice. King Solaris led by example after giving his life in a war that united the species, a war that took place on the werewolve’s battlefield. King Bayu proved that you didn’t need a mate nor a child to be a good leader, you only needed to be a good leader. And he created another good leader in his niece.

Princess Lili showed the world what a woman could do, an outspoken, strong, independent, powerful woman who was half-fae, half-werewolf. She showed every realm that a halfbreed could not only lead but could be the most powerful queen any of the realms has ever seen. She continues to show grace and humility by falling in love with her mate, a man who many saw as nothing more than a servant. A servant who would become the most humble and kind kings in the realm’s history.

It was hard to predict what Princess Tabitha Tori Oxford-Bell would give the world, all the worlds, but it was sure to be something magnificent and incredible.

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