
Chapter 28

Roy was quiet all through the meeting because he wasn't paying any form of attention to whatever it was they were saying but luckily his beta was listening and giving his own opinion and suggestions when necessary. For all he cares they were talking rubbish, no one had the right to tell him how to run his pack. They were all lucky they hadn't talked out of line because if any did, even if it was by mistake, he wouldn't hesitate in using that person as a perfect example for the rest. He knew they were all acting like assholes because he was mateless. They were all after his position as alpha but they would only have a taste of it in their dreams.

He couldn't think of anything besides Kimberly. He wondered what she was doing at the moment. He could somehow tell she wasn't crying because of the bond. If she was, he would feel her pain. Roy knew it was Christine's doing and he was glad he made the right choice by asking her for help. “Roy you need to make up your mind. Is she your mate or is she not?" he mentally fought with his wolf when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back to reality.


Roy was surprised to see his uncle here. It has been weeks since he last saw him because he was brooding over his mateless life. His uncle understood what he was going through and gave him his space which he was grateful for. If he didn't have an uncle like Alan, who would've been there for him during his difficult times?

"How are you doing son?” Alan asked with a small smile.

Roy could tell his uncle was feeling sorry for him because of the rumors people were spreading about him.

“I'm good I guess” he replied, looking anywhere but his uncle, whom he didn’t want to read his expression because Alan was good at doing that.

Only when he looked around did he realize that the meeting was over.

“Can we talk somewhere private?” his uncle asked, gesturing for them to go outside.

“Sure” Roy nodded, following Alan out of the meeting room.


“Roy... are you alright?” Alan asked as soon as they got to his house.

Roy didn’t say anything, instead he took a seat on the armchair in his uncle's living room.

“You barely paid any attention to what the members of the council were saying all through the meeting” his uncle continued

"Why should 17... They know those bodies have nothing to do with this pack yet they scold me for it because I'm an easy target” he finally opened up

Roy was quite defensive when it came to his pack, which was the duty of every alpha. Alan understood that pretty well, so he let out a sigh before he spoke

“I'm not worried about them, Roy. I'm worried about you... you're slowly drifting, that's not a good sign”

Roy only stared at his uncle not knowing what to say. He was fighting within himself whether or not to tell Alan about Kimberly. He honestly didn't want to get his hopes up and later get disappointed, which would be the case if he ends up discovering that Kimberly wasn’t his mate and his mind was just playing tricks on him.

“There's something bothering you... you can tell me anything, you know that" his uncle said, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

“l know uncle... I'm just stressed out, that's all” he eventually said, causing Alan to take a skeptical look at him before deciding to give up

If Roy had something to tell him, he would do it when he felt it was the right time.

“If you say so son... Mind staying for a drink?”


Roy knew his uncle wanted them to do some catching up and he didn't mind at all because at this point, he needed some distraction.


Kimberly had no idea there was a lake behind Roy's house until Christine showed it to her while they took a walk outside to get some fresh air. She applauded him for choosing a really serene location for his home. It was lovely but made her sad because it reminded her of her last moment with lan. “I never wanted to come here” she began, her eyes already filled with tears that threatened to fall. “It's all my fault. lan would still be alive if I had said no to this trip”

"Oh dear, don't think that way. You had no idea any of this would happen” Christine said, trying to comfort her.

“I wanna die Christine. I can't live without him” she yelled, not able to hide her emotion anymore as she broke into sobs.

Christine took some steps towards her but she backed away because she was tired of people feeling sorry for her. All she wants now is death, was that too much of a request?

Christine stared at Kimberly with much worry, concern and pity. The girl before her was completely broken and in need of emotional help and support. If only she would give them the chance to help her. She stared at a sobbing Kimberly one last time before going into the house because she didn't want to go against her wish by being close. She doesn't want her running off into the woods, where she would be exposed to danger. So to keep herself distracted and not have the urge to disturb Kimberly, she decided to make them lunch and dinner.

Christine knew Roy wouldn't be bothered about eating at this point because he was going through a lot and so was Kimberly. They were both broken but she is willing to pressure them to at least have lunch because starving wasn't a solution to anything.

Kimberly had no idea for how long she had been crying by the lake and she didn’t intend to stop anytime soon. If she could die from crying, then she was willing to cry for days because as it is, she hated her life.

First, her mom died while giving birth to her, now her fiancé and friends were dead because she agreed to join their camping trip. She brought nothing but death to the people who cared about her while she remained alive to suffer the pain.

The realization made her cry harder. She was nothing but bad luck to the people around her. Her knees grew weak and she was slowly dropping to the ground when she felt two strong arms securely hold her. She couldn't stop crying as she realized that she wasn't dying anytime soon. After crying into the chest of her comforter for what felt like hours, she lifted her head to see who it was.

"R-Roy?!" she exclaimed in surprise


Roy was still at his uncle's place when he suddenly felt that pain in his chest. It was like he couldn't breathe and he knew what that meant. Kimberly was sad and in pain

“Uncle, I have to go” he said, taking Alan by surprise


“There's something urgent I need to take care of. I'm sorry to leave like this” he tried to explain "Okay. Just stay safe and call me if you need any help” Alan said, giving him a hug

“I know uncle. Thanks”

And with that, Roy left his uncle's house and hurried into his car, driving home as fast as he could. He needed to make sure Kimberly was okay.

He rushed out of his car the moment he turned off the engine, not bothering to remove the keys or lock the car and followed her scent, which led him to the back of his house. There beside the lake stood his world, his everything, his mate in tears. If he thought he was in pain, seeing Kimberly this broken made his pain grow a thousand times. It was his duty as her mate to make her feel better, even though she knew nothing about that.

He walked towards her and reached her side just in time to prevent her from falling. He held her close to his chest, his arms were protectively and possessively around her as he let her pour out her pain. He so badly wanted to take away all of her pain, if only she would acknowledge him.

After a while, he noticed she had stopped crying but he chose not to let go of her because of how perfect her body was against his. She slowly removed her head from his chest and their eyes met. "R-Roy?!" she exclaimed in surprise before passing out in his arms.

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