Mine (Blood Ties Book 1)

: Chapter 30

HE LEANED DOWN, kissing me with the kind of hunger that was consuming. But there was a difference this time. A change I felt in the brush of the back of his finger along my cheek, and the way he stared into my eyes as he towered above me.

He moved, driving me back against my mom’s door, and cupped my breast. “I’ve been desperate to do this all morning,” he murmured too loud.

Panic raced through me. I tore my gaze to the door. “Nick,” I whispered. “She’ll hear.”

His slow, wicked smile made my pulse race as he lifted my shirt. “Then I guess you’re gonna need to be quiet, princess.”

My blood hummed in my veins as his crooked finger found my nipple. I dropped my head back and closed my eyes. The feel of those big hands on me sent a delicious warmth through me. I felt him move, brushing my shirt up to tug on the cup of my bra, my pathetically plain cotton bra.

“Christ, I love it when you wear this,” he whispered, lowering his head to take my warming peak in his mouth.

Warmth surged through me, dancing around the sensitive flesh until my knees shook and my will wavered. I speared my fingers through his hair, sliding deep in the length, driving him harder, which only spurred him on.

He gripped me around the waist and lifted my feet from the floor before he sank to his knees, laying me down carefully, right in the doorway of my mother’s bedroom.

Quiet now, princess, his smirk warned as he reached for the button of my jeans. I shook my head, my eyes wide as my gaze turned helplessly to the door. But no matter how hard I pushed his hands away, he wasn’t stopping. The slow slide of my zipper had me shivering in fear.

I couldn’t think over the booming of my heart. My gaze was riveted on the handle of my mom’s door as Nick peeled my jeans lower, growling as he found the same Hello Kitty panties I’d worn in the car that first time he’d taken me to our park.

Our park…

That’s what it was now. Ours…his…mine. He yanked off my boots and tugged my jeans down before discarding them in one brutal jerk. Movement came from the corner of my eye. I tilted my head, to see Tobias and Caleb approaching along the hall and watching the display.

“I see you found your mom out cold,” Tobias said to me with a hint of amusement. “Couldn’t wait, brother?”

Nick’s answer was the solid slide of his finger along my crease. “What the fuck do you think?”

I looked down, eyeing the enormous bulge in his jeans. He was hard…already he was hard. Oh God, the memory of him last night had me trembling.

“That’s the way.” He pushed my legs wider and leaned down.

His big fingers captured the elastic of my panties. The same warmth that was cooling on my breast now found my pussy. I lifted my head, my fingers entwined in his hair as I guided him where I wanted him.

I was already wet, already aching, already desperate to come against his mouth. He sucked my clit, sending shivers along my spine.

“Such a greedy princess,” Caleb murmured, drawing my focus.

I looked up, finding them watching Nick licking between my legs in the doorway of our parents’ bedroom.

“Muffle that cry, Ryth,” Tobias warned as Nick slid his hands under my ass and tilted my pussy to his mouth.

I bit down on my lip, hard enough to send a spear of pain to collide with the pleasure.

I was going to come…

I was going to come.

I was…

Nick pulled away, leaving me shaking…and panicked. I jerked my gaze to him, my throbbing lips curling against my teeth. “What?”

He just smiled, his mouth glistening as he swiped the back of his hand along his lips. “Nothing.” He lifted his head, but movement rushed toward me.

“Our turn.” Tobias bent, grabbed me with both arms, and lifted me from the floor.

I reached out, grabbing him as I landed bareassed and squirming in his arms.

“Easy, Ryth,” he ordered, those dark eyes flashing with promise. “Unless you want me to hang you over this railing…and rail you.”

My body clenched.

The image of that came alive in my mind, the hard railing pressed against my hips, my legs splayed wide, my pussy bare for all to see. I closed my eyes, biting the inside of my cheek and squirmed once more in his arms, only this time it was for a whole different reason.

I tightened my grip, lifted my gaze to Tobias’, and whispered. “I’m…I’m going to come.”

“Not yet you aren’t, little mouse,” he forced through gritted teeth and took the stairs faster, then headed for Nick’s room. Footsteps echoed behind us before the door closed.

Then it was just them and me…

The only difference was, this time I was sober.

“Protection this time.” Caleb shot Tobias a glare.

“You okay with this, princess?” Nick stepped closer, gripped his shirt and peeled it free.

My pulse was out of control. I wanted to crawl into the corner and hide. But there would be no more hiding, no more denying what my body craved.

“Say now,” Caleb urged. “Tell us what you want, and it’ll happen.”

I jerked my gaze to him. “You mean, no sex?”

He shrugged. “If that’s what you want. Or if you just want Nick to go down on you, or if you just want one of us to take care of you. It’s up to you.”

The three of them waited. I lowered my gaze. They were ready, hard…and oh so greedy. “I…I want.” I glanced at Tobias, finding that cruel spark shimmering under the surface. “One at a time. I want to feel you, want to know you.” My cheeks burned. “I want to see you.”

The corners of Tobias’ lips curled as he yanked his shirt off.

“That’s our girl,” Caleb grinned.

I came alive under the praise, that pulse between my legs throbbing as Tobias shoved down his jeans. His cock was thick and hard, bouncing against his abdomen as he neared. But the moment he leaned forward and slid his hands along my thighs, I caught sight of his bloodied knuckles.

Panicked snatched me away from desire. I grabbed his thumb, lifted his hand, and met his gaze. “What the hell happened?”

“Nothing,” he answered, giving nothing away. “Just a minor disagreement.”

I winced, staring at the split, raw skin. “Doesn’t look minor to me.”

“You haven’t seen the other guy,” Caleb disagreed coldly.

God, these men were pure testosterone, from the muscle cars, to the looks of ravenous desire they fixed on me, to bare-knuckle fistfights with God knows who. I lowered my head, lifted his hand, and kissed the torn, bloody skin.

He was in pain…

If not now, then he had been then. I didn’t like that, not at all. A sudden flare of rage tore through me as I stared at his injured hand. “Did you beat him…” I met his gaze. “Did you hurt him?”

“Yeah.” That deadly shine shone brighter. “I did.”

“Good.” I lowered those poor hurt fingers to my breast, and watched his thumb brush my nipple, drawing a ragged breath free. “Good.”

He bent low and kissed me, pushing me back on the bed, pride so close to that threatening trait I knew in him.

“You still hate me?” I had to know.

“Do you want me to?” he asked, leaning over me, caging me in.

Part of me wanted him to. It needed him to, like there was a role we all played here, and this…this cruel, predatory mask was his. “Yes,” I whispered.

He grinned, then his fingers on my breast pinched, hard enough to draw a sharp gasp. “Then I do, more than ever, little mouse.”

That longing in me came alive with his words.

“And I’m going to take out my anger on your body. I’m going to fuck you, little sister. Whenever and however I want, you got that?”

I shivered…hard.

“I’m going to punish you, going to use you.” He leaned close…so close his breath became mine. “You’re mine, little mouse…and I’m the goddamn viper.”

His hand moved against the bed as promise glowed in his eyes. He needed this, almost as much as I did. He needed it to feel. I moved upwards, desperate to kiss him…until he pulled away with a smug smile.


A crinkle came from his hand. He lifted the wrapper to his teeth, never once taking his gaze from me, and tore it open. This was happening…really…really happening. My body came alive, adrenaline surging through me as he held the sheath over his cock. “Soon, little mouse. Soon I’m going to fill you.”

My gaze trailed down his chest and hard stomach. He was toned and firm from all those mornings spent in the gym and the afternoons pounding the pavement. I wondered what drove him…what consumed him. He slid the condom over the head of his cock, those dark eyes fixed on mine. Whatever had driven him before was now replaced with something else…me.

He shoved my leg aside cruelly and leaned closer, pressing his cock at my entrance. I held my breath, waiting for that initial rush, but there was nothing. Pressure built, the slick of the condom slid against me…until with a growl, Tobias plunged in.

I closed my eyes, shaking with the invasion. My senses exploded with the brutal thrust.

He snarled and slid out slowly, only to drive back in even harder. The movement shoved me into the mattress and he rode my hips as he thrust again…and again, stretching me until I couldn’t breathe.

“I fucking hate you,” he grunted with the brutality. “Look at me.”

I wanted to panic. I fought to panic, but still I obeyed, opening my eyes to watch him. His lips were curled, that endless stare shone with frenzied compulsion. “I hate you, Ryth,” he growled, sliding out.

Only I didn’t see hate, I didn’t feel hate, not when he rammed back in and lunged forward, bracing his arms on each side of me. No, it wasn’t hate that shone back at me as he bucked his hips, driving that thickness inside me.

I slid my arms up his back and his body shivered with the touch. There was a flare of panic in his stare. A tremor I felt in my soul. Heat spilled through me, stoked by his desperate need.

“I know you do,” I whispered as he fucked me, sliding my hands along his strong back, feeling the corded muscles.

“Hate her, brother,” Caleb urged softly. “Hate her all you want.”

Tobias lowered his head as his hard breaths against my cheek stoked the flames. He was all I felt, his brutal invasion, his breath searing that mark on my cheek. His consuming agony that seemed to have no end as he fucked harder and faster…and I wanted more.

“I love you,” I moaned as that heat raged, pulsing in my pussy.




I cried out as he thrust deep, giving into that surrender. His mouth found mine and his cruel fingers gripped my ass as he grunted. The sound invaded my mouth, and he stilled. He spasmed inside me, drawing the last tiny shudders from deep in my core.

His lips burned and his hunger was consuming. Suddenly, I was standing on the driveway of my old house once more, watching my world burn to the ground. Only that was a world I’d never felt part of,. a world where I’d never once belonged…but here…with them…here, I’d found my space.

His mouth grew softer, moving to the corner of my lips. “My little mouse,” he whispered, still inside me. And I knew in that moment there was no going back…for the both of us.

My little mouse. The words branded me.

He lifted his head. Need and pain danced together in the glint of his eyes as he slowly withdrew. “Got that, Ryth?”

I sucked in deep breaths, unable to look away as I watched him push off the bed and slowly stand. I knew what he was saying. I slowly nodded, my gaze trailing down the shine of sweat on his chest.

I wasn’t just his…he was now mine.

“You okay?” Nick stepped forward, drawing my gaze.

I gave him a small smile, coming back into my body. “Yeah.”

Tobias slid his hand along his cock, dislodging the condom with a swipe. The surge of desire I felt for him compounded as Nick moved to kneel on the bed. “You did so well, princess.” He slid his hand under my neck.

For a second, panic found me. I looked at Tobias, searching his gaze for a hint of jealousy or anger…and found pride. He watched me, then his gaze moved to his brother.

“Do you feel alright?” Nick drew my focus.

I turned my head as he trailed a finger along my core. Aftershocks followed his touch, drawing that ebbing heat back once more. “Yes.”

“You’re not sore?” He met my gaze. “My brother fucked you hard, princess.”

Oh God…

Fire licked deeper with the words. His fingers followed that flare of heat, the lightest trace of his fingers circling my clit, dancing around the tender flesh.

“Yeah,” he whispered, dipping a finger inside. “He fucked you real hard.”

I closed my eyes, my body trembling.

“You still want to feel me inside you?”

My body bloomed. I opened my eyes and nodded as his finger slid deeper. Tobias tossed a foil packet his way, hitting him in the chest. He slid his finger from me and grabbed it, pushing up on the bed to work the button of his jeans.

This moment had been coming since the second we’d stepped into that diner. He’d bought me food and driven me in his car. Nick took care of me in ways the others didn’t…and I craved that.

He stilled, those honey-brown eyes deepening to amber. I opened my legs, showing him exactly what I wanted. His breath caught with the movement before he lifted the wrapper to his mouth and tore it open. One long slide of his hand along his cock and he’d sheathed himself. I froze with the movement. He was big…bigger than Tobias, bigger even than I remembered. That thick, angry vein pulsed along the shaft under his hand. “You like this?”

I nodded. “I like you.” I glanced at Caleb, then Tobias. “I like all of you.”

Nick just grinned and stepped out of his jeans. “That’s good, princess. We like you too…” He climbed onto the bed, his finger finding my aching pussy as he looked down. “Very…very much.”

Faint memories of last night came to me as he leaned closer and slipped his hand free to guide his cock. That big head probed my entrance. Panic burned for a second as he pushed in, stretching me, before he slid out.

“Breathe, Ryth,” he urged, guiding himself back in once more.

He went down…a lot. Now I knew why.

“She’s fucking new,” Tobias snarled, glaring at his brother. “Don’t hurt her.”

“This hurt, princess?” Nick asked, sliding the head inside again, pushing me, straining me.

I opened my legs wider, my pussy clenching for more. Hunger licked deep inside me. I shook my head.

“That’s my girl,” he grunted, driving a little deeper, sliding that thick knob inside.

Inch by inch, he moved further in, forcing my thighs to tremble with the invasion. He tilted his hips, stroking that part of me that made me cry out. I clutched his shoulders and drew him closer.

His arms caged me in until his body was all I could feel, invading, consuming, and I was nothing more than that slow, powerful thrust.

“Fuck, you feel perfect,” he moaned, bucking his hips. “Goddamn perfect, princess. You’re gonna make me…” He lowered his gaze, the word shining bright in his stare. “Gonna make me fall for you.”

“Then fall.” I gripped his shoulders and drove my body down, meeting his surge. I wanted more, more of him, more of them. I wanted him crowding my every move. I wanted not a second of my life without them. I wanted the heat of their bodies to never leave. “Fall for me.”

Nick scowled, driving deeper. That delicious heat slammed into me once more as my pussy trembled, clenching around his cock. I bowed my spine, smashing my breasts against his chest, and cried out.

Over and over…

My body spilled and tightened, tiny pulses quaking around Nick as he lowered his head, his breath hot against my neck. His low moan filled my ear.

“Fuck…me,” he groaned, stilling deep inside me.

Hard breaths came to me in stereo, filling my ears, rushing in my head. Nick’s breaths were a blowtorch against my neck before he lifted his head and looked at me. “You okay?”

I couldn’t speak, only nod. He pulled away from me, but I wasn’t ready. “No,” I croaked, pulling him back against me. “Not yet.”

He stayed, pressing his weight against me even as he slipped free. My body throbbed, aching and clenching. I was overloaded, overwhelmed, but I still needed the warmth.

The bed dipped beside me and warmth pressed against my side. The sultry scent of Caleb washed over me. But there was no touch, no demands, just his presence.

“Relax, Ryth,” Caleb murmured. “You need to rest, princess. There’s plenty of time.”

I exhaled hard and slow, opening my eyes to turn toward him. “I still…” I searched his gaze. “I still want to see you.”

Nick moved slowly, rolling to the far side, leaving Caleb to rise. “You want to see me?”

I nodded, my body trembling. He rose from the bed, sleek and powerful, with barely more than a small dip to the mattress. His dark eyes glinted as he worked the buttons of his black shirt, opening them slowly as he turned. His knuckles were grazed and red, but not as bad as Tobias’. Whatever had gone down…they’d been there together.

Because they did everything together.

Caleb dropped his shirt to the floor. Powerful muscles flexed as he moved, working the tongue of his belt through the buckle. “This what you want, Ryth?”

My body shivered as he pushed his pants to the floor, leaving him standing in soft black boxer briefs, his cock straining against the fabric.

So precise.

So controlled.

The real him shimmering under the surface.

There was a lie about Caleb, a pretense where he lived. Everyone knew it. Everyone saw it, but no one acknowledged it. No one stepped into his darkened room and threw open the blinds, exploring his desires…except for me.

He survived in that lie, shrouded by mystery. Keeping himself hidden away. I pushed up in the bed, my arms trembling, my body spent. “Show me,” I whispered, my core clenching.

He pushed his briefs down, releasing his cock. I saw his face from last night, the way his fingers had tangled in my hair as he’d guided my mouth there. My tongue skimmed my lips as my mouth grew wet. I wanted him inside me, even if my body shivered at the thought.

His hand worked his length, the red, marred knuckles turning white as he fisted the girth. A tiny tortured sound tore free as he stood there, just inches away. I swallowed, and lifted my gaze to his.

“There’s plenty of time, Ryth,” he reassured again, his clenched fingers sliding all the way to the head.

A tear glistened at the tip, until it was captured by his fingers and rubbed into the skin. I moved against the bed.

“Uh-uh.” He stepped out of reach. “You want to watch, princess…so watch.”

I focused on the husky tone of his voice, and the way he worked his cock, the movement hypnotic and powerful. His stomach tightened. “Lie back,” he demanded.

I dropped my weight, bracing on my elbows.

“Spread your legs for me, princess.”

My core quivered at the command and my knees shook as I widened my thighs.

“You like my brothers fucking you?”

I let out a guttural moan, my cheeks burning.

“No need to be shy.” Caleb took a step closer, his hand still moving, sliding up and down the shaft. “Not around us, little sister. After all, family takes care of each other…isn’t that right?”

He moved closer, so close now I could reach up and touch him, the heat of his body touching mine.

“I want to tie you down.” He stared into my eyes. “I want to take you into my room and leash you to my bed. I want to do things that will make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.” That animalistic gaze swept down my body. “I want to push that sweet little body to its limits. I want to stretch that pretty little cunt of yours wide. I want to fuck you, and keep fucking you, until even when I’m not inside you, you’ll still feel me.”

An orgasm hit me, vibrating deep, spilling through my body. Caleb smiled and reached down, grasping my knees to widen my legs further. “You like the idea of that, don’t you?”

Even after Tobias and Nick, I was ready.

“Maybe I’ll take your ass,” Caleb murmured, those dark eyes alive. “How does that sound, sister?”

I reached down, my pussy pulsing, wet and aching. I pressed my palm against the hot flesh and closed my legs, turned my knees, and rolled, giving him access to where he wanted.

“That’s my sweet angel,” Caleb approved as he moved.

The slick heat of his cock trailed down my back as he lowered himself to the bottom of the bed. “Just a taste, little sister,” he whispered, his finger gentle against my hot core, skimming the tight pucker of my ass.

Pressure built, but I had no time to feel shame, no time to feel anything but his touch working against the ring, pushing in, only to slide out.

“So brand fucking new,” he muttered, pushing his finger into my ass. “Christ, I can’t wait.”

I lowered my head, my body clenching around the invasion, making that heat push nearer to the surface. The slick sounds of his hand on his cock came once more, the movement making him moan. I curled tighter, opening myself for his touch.

Hard thrusts of his hand came faster, working against the gentle probe of my ass as he slid his other finger deeper.

“I’m going to stretch you so wide, princess,” Caleb growled, his voice filled with darkness and hunger.

I trembled, listening to the sounds behind me. The fact I couldn’t see him or touch him only seemed to heighten my desire. I pushed against the conquering of my body…until, with a savage grunt, warmth spilled over my ass, sliding down into the crevice.

Caleb slid his finger free, leaving me gaping, until he rubbed his cum over my ass and inside. “Soon, little sister,” he promised. “Soon.”

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