Mine (Blood Ties Book 1)

: Chapter 25

NO…DON’T do this. A tiny voice sounded in the back of my mind as she lifted her head from the backseat of the car and kissed me. I fisted her hair and consumed her mouth. I wanted her moaning, wanted her whimpering. I wanted her bruised and breathless underneath me…

But was that the right thing for her?

I ended the kiss and pushed her toward the window.

She lay there, need shining in her eyes. Streetlights flashed against her as we drove. I looked down, my hands moving before I knew it, sliding her dress upwards until I could see her white panties…only this time, they were lace. White lace, almost sheer…sheer enough for me to see her pussy.

“I can’t stop.” I pushed her dress higher. “And I don’t want to.” I lifted my focus, meeting her gaze. “What the fuck are you doing to me, little sister?”

Caleb turned, looking around the edge of the seat as Nick adjusted the rear-view mirror, tilting it down as he punched the accelerator. She lifted her knee, shifting it to the side. “The same thing you’re doing to me…all of you.”

I shook my head and pushed backward, my voice raw. “This is wrong.” But my eyes drifted down her body, from that mark on her cheek to her perfect fucking breasts, then to her pussy.

“Get us home, Nick,” Caleb demanded.

The car took a corner hard. “What the fuck do you think I’m doing?”

That dangerous hunger inside me was fading, turning into something more, something desperate and urgent. Something that made me think way too much. I shook my head, trying to cast the demons out, but all I saw was him, fucking Gio. My cock twitched, remembering the way he’d looked at her. Like he…wanted to save her.

She deserved someone like him.

Someone good.

Someone honest.

Someone who wasn’t going to ruin her for the rest of her goddamn life. Because when I looked at her sweet goddamn face and smelled that faint scent of her pure perfume, that’s what I wanted to do.

I wanted to ruin her.

And make her mine.

“I would’ve let him,” she whispered.

I wrenched my eyes toward her as a “Fuck,” came from Nick.

“You what?” I asked, my voice devoid of emotion.

She looked at me like she knew that I was thinking, like she could see the I change inside me. Like she could feel my fear. “I would’ve let Gio kiss me.”

The car swerved and braked hard to pull over to the side of the road outside someone’s damn house, headlights cutting through the darkness. “Goddamn bastard.” Nick clenched the wheel. “I’m going back there…I’ll rip his fucking cock off.”

But all I saw was that daring gleam in her eyes as I repeated. “You would’ve let him kiss you?”

She nodded slowly. But I could see it was a lie. It was all a seething fucking lie, one designed to push me to the goddamn brink…and it was working.

“Home, Nick,” I demanded. “If our sister wants to be kissed so badly, I’m sure we can help her out with that.”

He seemed to understand, accelerating hard to pull out into the street once more, leaving her bathed in the flickering streetlights until he pulled the Mustang into the driveway, hitting the button for the gates to close behind us.

My father wouldn’t be home tonight, and neither would her mom.

It would be just us…all night long.

We jerked to a stop. I was already climbing between the seats as Caleb shoved the door and stepped out. But I just stood there, outside the car, not helping her, watching as she scooted her ass along the seat, catching glimpses of her pussy, and fought the overwhelming need to take her right here and now.

The driver’s door closed with a bang. Nick was quickly there beside me, watching as she stepped out of the car and stopped, unable to get around me.

“T?” Nick called me cautiously.

Lights came on inside the house. I hadn’t even noticed Caleb leave.

“Get inside, Ryth…” I stepped aside. “Now.”

She hurried toward the house, her damn heels clacking on the driveway, inciting in me the need to take her down to the ground. Fuck, I felt like a beast around her. Maybe that’s who I was now? First mom, then Lazarus, now Ryth and the goddamn wedding.

A beast…raging with emotions.

I raked my fingers through my hair and glanced over my shoulder at the street. I didn’t know what I expected to find, Lazarus or Freddy in their fucking Audis, so I could redirect my anger. But they weren’t there. The street was as quiet as it always was. Leaving only her in my fucking path.

I strode after her, stepped inside the house, and locked the door behind me.

Soft steps came from the stairs, then disappeared at the top into the hallway. Nick’s voice murmured, then silence, before a tiny moan came from feminine lips. I headed for the stairs and climbed up. Ryth wasn’t like other women. She was innocent. She was familiar. She was mine.


I saw the way my brothers looked at her, and the way she looked at them. I lengthened my stride, taking the stairs two at a time until I stopped on our floor. Nick’s fingers were in her hair, his mouth on hers. My brother. I bit my lip as Caleb stepped out of his bedroom door, now missing a shirt, a fresh bottle of Scotch in his hand.

I glanced his way, finding those dark eyes fixed on her. “You okay?”

He was drunk…and hungry. I’d never seen him this out of control. I glanced at my soon-to-be sister as she slid her hands along Nick’s biceps and took his mouth, and I realized that, when it came to her, we were all out of control.

And I welcomed it. “Get her into the bedroom, Nick,” I commanded.

Hate, hurt, and hunger lashed inside me like a tornado, tearing apart everything in their path as Nick bent, grabbed her around the waist, and carried her into my room.

Caleb followed, right behind me. Ryth let out a moan. Whatever Nick was doing in her mouth excited her. Excitement tore through me, too, racing to the head of my cock. I didn’t need to reach down to know I was hard as we crowded into my bedroom.

Nick moaned into her mouth, his hand between her legs, fingers stroking her pussy as he lowered her to the bed. That dress…that goddamn dress was bunched around her fucking waist.

Caleb stepped beside me, his gaze fixed on our brother as Nick broke away from her mouth and moved lower, tugging those sheer panties to the side to find her pussy with his mouth.

“You’d let that fucking Gio kiss you?” I stepped forward, rounding the side of the bed as she let out another moan.

But she wasn’t getting away from my question so easily. I scrambled inside my head, desperately clawing for that burn of hate as I leaned over, grabbed a handful of her hair, and tugged her head backward to stare into her eyes. “Answer me.”

Panic filled her eyes, swallowed by the slow, sweet torture of my brother’s mouth as he tongued her pussy.

“Y-yes,” she whispered.


The word was a slap. She was fucking lying. My cock pulsed, thickening in vengeance. I clenched my fist in her hair hard enough to make her eyes widen. “You’d let him put his mouth on you.”

I glanced at Nick, watching his tongue delve into her pussy around the elastic of her panties. She lifted her hips, arched her back, and widened her legs for him. For his mouth and his fingers. Thunder boomed in my head as I met her glazed eyes. “You’d let that piece of shit stick his tongue inside you?”

Nick pushed deeper, then sucked her clit. Her eyelids fluttered, and her skin was pale. Still, she fought, my little fucking mouse, to gasp. “Yes…yes, I’d let him stick his tongue in me.”

Nick lifted his head, his lips glistening. He was too far gone, even I saw that. I glanced at Caleb, whose gaze was fixed on her. She was so fucked. I don’t know if she had any idea how far this had already gone.

“T…” Nick reached up and grasped the edge of her panties as she lifted her hips from the bed.

I looked at Caleb, then to the bottle in his hand. He stepped forward, shoving it against my chest. “She wants this, don’t you, Ryth?” he asked, returning his stare her way.

I took the damn bottle from his grasp and downed a long swallow as her panties were pulled off and flung to my bedroom floor. I’m getting a collection. The words came out of nowhere. A goddamn collection of her panties. Fuck if that didn’t make the beast inside me howl with pride.

Nick reached up, rolled her to the side, and tugged down the zipper of her dress. Then that too was gone under the slide of my brother’s big hands, leaving her in her white lace bra and heels.

She reached for the bottle in my hands, and the movement triggered something inside me. I grabbed it just as the rim reached her lips. “Need to drink for courage, little mouse?”

Desperation burned in her eyes as I dragged the bottle from her hand and tilted it, pouring the heat into my own mouth. Nick slid his hand along her body and reached under her back, releasing the hooks of her bra before pulling it free. The greedy little bitch opened her mouth as I leaned closer, as though she knew exactly what I was going to do…

I spat.

Scotch splashed her mouth, some shooting inside, leaving the rest to dribble down her cheeks. Nick moved in, licking the remnants from her skin.

“More?” I asked as she swallowed, then nodded.

I lifted the bottle, taking a smaller draw, and leaned over again, kissing her hard. The burn consumed us, numbing our lips and claiming our mouths. Movement came from the corner of my eye as Caleb ran his hand up the inside of her leg and parted her thighs.

“Fuck her, T,” Nick urged.

“Do it.” Caleb dragged his finger along her slit and slid it inside, right where I wanted to be. “I want to stare into her eyes when she has her first taste of cock.”

“It won’t be her last,” Nick declared as he reached for his zipper.

“You said until the wedding,” she whispered, her face flushed from all the goddamn alcohol.

I leaned over and stared into her eyes, making sure she understood what was happening. “You want me to stop, little mouse?”

Silence…silence while she searched my eyes and I did the same. Tell me…tell me to fucking stop and I will…so help me fucking God, I will.

My heart was pounding as my world shifted.

This moment was suspended in time.

Another plane.

Another existence.

Where there was just the four of us.

Caleb’s finger in her pussy.

Nick reaching for his fucking phone and hitting record. “Fuck her, T, or I will, brother.”

“Tell me, Ryth,” I demanded, unable to hold on a second longer. “Tell me what you want me to do…”

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