Mine (Blood Ties Book 1)

: Chapter 22

“THAT LOOKS WONDERFUL. What do you think?” Mom stood back, looking at the dress now that it’d been tucked and pinned. “Will you have it ready in time?”

“Of course, Mrs. Banks,” the seamstress nodded and smiled.

“Mrs. Banks,” I repeated. “Already?” I turned to her, finding darkness creeping in outside over her shoulder.

It was getting late, and the bridal shop was staying open, just for us. I guess it was just another one of the perks of being Mrs. Banks. And she loved it, loved her new friends, loved her new lifestyle. One so completely different from the one she’d had with me. Her phone beeped again for the eighth time in the last five minutes.

“Just trying it on,” Mom shrugged, laughing at some message from one of her new friends, who were actually the wives of Creed’s friends. “I’ll be using it for good in another week.”

I ground my teeth at the words. She even looked different. Gone was her natural brown hair, the same shade as mine. Now she was a honey-ash blonde with highlights. Even her clothes were different. I stared at her nude-colored, mid-thigh, strapless dress and heels that drew your attention to her long legs and small waist. She was dressed to party. I guessed that was her life now. Parties and a brand new husband. The only thing that stayed the same was me. I opened my mouth to ask about dad and the lawyers, but she looked so happy in that moment…and I didn’t want to ruin that.

“You like him, right?” Mom narrowed in on the flare of my jaw. “I mean, he’s been kind.”

“Yeah.” I stared away, avoiding her gaze. “Creed has been cool.”

“And you like living there, in the house?”

My stomach was in knots as I reached up to the zipper at my back before the seamstress hurried forward and tugged, pulling it down. “I like the house just fine, mom.”

“And the boys seem to have taken a liking to you. Creed said how proud he was how they’ve taken you under their wing.”

And into their bed. The words resounded in my head.

“Which is why I’m not so worried about leaving you for the week.”

I stopped, then spun to face her. “Leaving? Why?”

She smiled, letting out a small bark of laughter as she lifted her third glass of champagne. “Ryth…for my honeymoon, silly. You didn’t think I was going to get married and not want to celebrate it, did you?”

Her honeymoon…

Her goddamn honeymoon.

Blood rushed from my face as my pulse spiked. I hadn’t thought about that. I’d been so busy. You have until the wedding, Ryth. Tobias’ warning pushed into my head.

“You’re okay with that, right?” Mom asked as my phone went beep.

I didn’t answer, I couldn’t speak. My heart was in the back of my throat as I picked up my phone and stared at the message from Gio. Hey, just seeing if you’re still keen on our date?

“A date?” mom asked over my shoulder. “Gio, huh? Someone from school?”

I flinched and went to pull the phone away, but then I stopped. Gio…Gio could be my way out of this. I could use him, pretend he was my boyfriend. It’d give me time to figure this out. That’s all I needed. Time…to figure out what the fuck I was going to do. “Yeah,” I answered as I typed out a reply to him. I can’t tonight. Next time?

I waited for an answer.

Gio: Your mom?

I smiled and typed. Yeah. Hen’s night. He sent back a thumbs up, which made me wince. Christ, I hated those. Three little dots appeared when he started typing. I waited for the message as mom drained her glass behind me. “This is really nice, Clarissa.”

“Another, Mrs. Banks?” she asked as I still waited for Gio’s reply.

“Sure,” Mom responded. “Why the hell not? I’m going to be Mrs. Goddamn Banks in a week.”

I stared at the screen as those dots scrolled over and over. Hurry the fuck up, Gio.

Then the dots faded, leaving me staring at an empty screen as the door to the bridal shop opened and a piercing female squeal sounded. “There you are!”

I winced at the sound and headed for the dressing rooms, swiping a glass of champagne from the tray as I went.

“Oh my God, this place is sttuuunnnnning!” mom’s new friend groaned.

I downed the champagne as I stepped into the dressing room, then I stopped and lifted my gaze. And as always, I found that ugly mark on my cheek…it wouldn’t matter how my life changed, that would always be the constant.

The one thing that reminded me exactly who I was…ugly…

My chest rose hard and fell even harder as the piercing shrieks from the showroom tore through my head. Honeymoon…why the fuck hadn’t I realized? I flinched, then stepped out of the dressing room. Mom didn’t even see me. Not anymore. I placed my empty glass on the tray and took two more. I’d barely touched a drink in my entire life. I’d sneaked a sip of dad’s Scotch when I was ten, then spent the next hour gagging and gasping from the burn. I swore I’d never touch alcohol again…but now…now I needed to not feel.

I drained a glass, then placed it back down, taking the second one into the dressing room as I shrugged off the pinned dress and put my own jeans and t-shirt back on.

“Honey,” mom called outside the dressing room. “Do me a favor and try this on, just for size. You need a party dress.”

She plopped a black strip of cloth over the door.

‘Mom…no.” I stared at the thing.

“Just to get the sizing. You’re always wearing those ugly jeans. You’re a young woman now, Ryth, and Gio…well, you might like to go out sometime. Just sayin’.”

Who the fuck was this woman?

This wasn’t my mom. I lifted the glass and swallowed the slightly bitter swill. My head buzzed, moving my panic to the back. I put down the empty glass. Just for sizing.

“That’s right, honey,” mom answered.

I hadn’t even realized I’d spoken out loud. I grabbed the dress mom had hung over the door and tried to find the damn opening. The tiny cubicle swayed, making me slam my hand against the mirror to stop from falling. Laughter and giggles outside masked the thud, and for that I was grateful.

I tried to concentrate while my head spun, and tugged down the zipper. I slipped it on, working it over the revealing white lace bra and panties mom had made me wear. My gaze slipped down, finding the blush of my nipple through the almost sheer fabric, and I remembered Nick’s hands on me.

Heat flushed through me as the ding of the bridal shop door opening sounded. I tugged the dress up, black over white. The dress was tight, skintight. The thigh split gapped as I turned, looking at the gaping zipper.

“Show me,” mom urged as her friends erupted in a wave of giggles and chatter, drowning out everything else.

I opened the dressing room door and stepped out, and the room spun a little as I turned. “I don’t think I can wear this.”

“Of course you can,” mom answered slowly. “Ryth, you look…”

I lifted my gaze to the floor-length mirror at the end of the dressing rooms…and found Creed and his sons staring at me.

“Stunning,” Creed finished, meeting my gaze in the reflection.

My heart lunged as I spun, my gaze moving to Tobias and Nick as they stood next to him.

“We came to check on you,” Creed smiled. “The boys offered to drive you home, seeing as how your mom is about to be…wasted.”

“Hell, yes she is!” one of her new friends squealed.

I winced at the sound, glancing at the three women gushing over mom and Creed. One of the women navigated to Nick, opening her arms, quite obviously intoxicated already. “Nicky boy!”

She pulled him into a hug, one that he didn’t fight. Instead, he smiled and hugged her back, laughing. “Jess, you’re such a cheap drunk.”

“I know,” she groaned, and stumbled a little.

But when Nick turned his gaze back, it was directed at me. “The dress looks good on you, Ryth.” He said carefully, hiding his real emotions as he gave a shrug. “You should wear it.”

I shook my head. “I wasn’t going to—”

“Elle, we’re gonna be laaattteee,” Jess moaned, jealousy flashing in her eyes as she glanced from Nick to me.

“Okay,” Creed chuckled, motioning with his hand. “You ladies go. Go on.”

Mom turned to Creed, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Will we see you out?”

He laughed. “Not where you’re going. I don’t plan on swimming across the harbor to crash your stripper party on the damn boat, Elle.”

Stripper party?

No wonder she didn’t want me to come.

“Leeetttssss gooooo!” Jess howled and the two others added to the chorus until the entire shop was filled with whiny, intoxicated calls for partying.

“Okay…okay,” mom laughed as her newfound friends pulled her from Creed and dragged her toward the door.

“Have a good time!” Creed laughed. “I don’t want to see you home until tomorrow! Late!”

She blew him a kiss and flashed me a smile before she was gone out the door, taking the deafening squeals of her friends with her. Creed laughed and shook his head, his gaze moving to mine before he took in the dress. “Buy it, honey. It looks beautiful on you. You look beautiful in it.”

I shook my head. “I—”

Tobias hadn’t said a damn thing since walking in, he hadn’t even smiled, just scowled that moody goddamn scowl that seemed to be fixed on me, until he turned and strode away. Humiliation mingled with the cheap champagne, making my cheeks flush bright red until I caught Tobias swiping his card across the scanner attached to the cash register.

Nick glanced at his brother, then chuckled. “Looks like you’re getting the dress, little sister.”

Tobias glanced over his shoulder, meeting my stare. It wasn’t disgust in his eyes as he took in my body. It was hunger.

Creed’s phone gave a beep, drawing my focus as he winced, staring at the message. “Shit. I’m late, too. You guys okay to take Ryth home?” He glanced at Nick.

“Sure,” he smiled. “Go, Dad. Have a good time yourself.”

I was starting to understand their dynamic now, starting to find out where they all fit. Nick was the good guy, the smiling assassin, the one who drew you in like a rattlesnake, until he pounced, and Tobias…Tobias was the wounded beast, the one caught in his own trap, staring at his own heart like it was a limb he needed to gnaw off to save himself.

And Caleb?

You’re such a good girl, Ryth…those words resounded, making my pulse race and my body tremble.

“Go,” Tobias murmured as he headed my way. “We’ll take care of her.”

Creed strode forward and pulled me into a hug, planting a fatherly kiss on my forehead. “The dress is beautiful, honey. The boys will take care of you. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Tomorrow?” I glanced up into his eyes.

He smiled and stepped away. “Who knows, once these guys start drinking. You know what lawyers are like.”

Then he was gone, clapping Nick on the shoulder and giving Tobias a nod before he opened the bridal shop door and strode off. Leaving us alone…

The lights in the rear of the shop flickered and plunged into darkness.

“I think that’s our cue to leave,” Nick murmured, glancing toward the dressing rooms. “Grab your clothes, Ryth. Let’s go.”

“I can’t leave wearing this.” I shook my head.

“Can and are,” Tobias growled, striding toward me to push into the dressing room. He grabbed my jeans, t-shirt, and boots before coming back out.

I looked ridiculous, leaving in the tight black party dress and the heels mom had bought for the wedding. But as the seamstress appeared from the rear of the shop, giving us a desperate smile, I found myself following Nick toward the door.

“See you next week!” she called behind us.

Cool air hit me as I hit the sidewalk, making me sway a little.

“Whoa.” Nick grabbed my arm, steadying me. “Have you had something to drink, Ryth?”

“A little,” I answered, meeting his gaze. God, he was pretty…how had I not seen how pretty Nick was? I glanced at Tobias, with his gaze like a thundercloud. Christ, they were both pretty. I swallowed hard and looked away.

“Your mom know?” Nick asked.

I shook my head. “Took the glasses when she wasn’t watching. She wouldn’t know anyway, had her new friends to distract her.” The words sounded snarly. I didn’t mean them to be snarly.


My phone vibrated in Tobias’ hand. He glanced down and read the message. My pulse spiked as his brows narrowed. “Who the fuck is Gio and why the hell does he think you’re going on a date with him?”

Nick stopped dead on the sidewalk. They both turned their attention to me.

“Ryth?” Nick called my name. “Who the fuck is he?”

The black Mustang waited, parked against the curb a little further along.

“Ryth?” Tobias took a step closer, lifting my phone, his gaze savage. “Who the fuck is this punk?”

“No one,” I answered, the words a rush under the effect of the alcohol. “Just a friend.”

Tobias lifted my phone. “Seems like a lot more than a goddamn friend. Unlock your phone. I want to read the texts he’s sent you.”

“What? No. I’m not going to do that.”

He came for me with a look of rage, striding closer in the blink of an eye. I stumbled backwards until I hit the glass front window of a darkened shop.

“Can and will,” he growled, shoving my phone at me. “Now unlock the damn thing before I smash it on the ground.”

I flinched. “You wouldn’t.”

The curl of his lips was chilling. Midnight sparkled in his eyes. “Try me.”

“Ryth,” Nick warned, glancing over his shoulder to look for bystanders noticing. As though he knew what this looked like.

Two men pushing me up against the glass. No one would believe this was nothing more than a little sibling spat…because it was more than that.

They were jealous and controlling. Two older supposed brothers that looked nothing like me, because we weren’t family by blood. That panicked thrumming in my chest grew bolder as I stared into the pit of jealousy in Tobias’ eyes. Nick turned back, his gaze just as terrifying. “Unlock the phone, Ryth. We want to know what this prick has been sending you.”

“You think…you think he’s sent me a dick pic?”

Tobias’ lips curled. “Has he?”

Oh God…oh God…heat bloomed between my thighs as Tobias lifted his hand, bracing it against the glass, blocking me in. “You looked at his cock, Ryth?”

And there was that look again.

The look that said he wanted to choke the life from me and fuck me all at the same time. Power rushed to my head, carving through the effects of the alcohol. “If he did?” God, I felt powerful in that moment, watching how badly they were affected. I needed this…needed to know how they felt about me. Because the truth was buried under the lies I kept telling myself. Lies I’d been whispering louder and louder the more time I spent with them. I wanted them just as much.

“If you did, then he’s fucking dead,” Tobias warned.

I flinched.

“Tell us the truth.” Nick dragged his fingers through his hair, then curled them into a fist. “Tell us the truth and we can work it out.”

He looked desperate, strung out, licking his lips before glancing at the phone’s screen. Did he feel something for me? My breath caught in my chest and that same need flared inside me.

Did they both feel the same as I did?

I reached up and slowly entered the code, unlocking my phone. Tobias stepped away, opening up Gio’s text. “He thinks you’re fucking dating?” he snarled, scrolling through the few pages of texts Gio had sent me. “What’s this about a goddamn party? You planning on going, Ryth?” My brother met my gaze. “Was that it? You think you can sneak off and meet up with this fucking punk?”

“You planning on fucking this guy?” Nick asked carefully.

“What?” I flinched. “No.”

But he wasn’t having it. He shook his head, moving closer to take Tobias’ place. But he wasn’t hot, cruel rage like his younger brother. No, Nick was cold and careful, his vengeance calculated. “You planning on losing your virginity tonight, little sister?”

Jesus, the way he said those words. Little sister…the words resounded as he pressed his body against mine, driving my spine against the glass. “Because if it’s that much of a burden…”

“Mine…” Tobias growled, his eyes flashing with rage as he came closer, sliding my phone into his pocket. “You get that? You…belong…to…me.”

Desire slammed into me with the words, even as a tiny part of myself made me shake my head. “No.”

“Oh yes.” Tobias strode closer and grabbed my arm. “Now get your ass in the car, Ryth. We’re taking you home.”

He pulled me toward Nick’s car, opened the door, then got in himself and pulled me down into his lap and slammed the door as Nick got in behind the wheel and started the car.

“Wait,” I barked, fighting him. “Tobias, stop!”

“Settle down, or so help me God, Ryth. You don’t know what I’m capable of right now.”

His grip left me as he clasped his arms around my waist, since we couldn’t fasten the seatbelt over both of us.

“Fuck, try and run.” Tobias glared at me in the dark. “I dare you.”

His words were a warning, one I didn’t want to push.

“Get us home, Nick,” Tobias demanded, his ravenous gaze riveted on me. “Now.’

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