Mine (Blood Ties Book 1)

: Chapter 16

I WORKED ON MY ASSIGNMENT, finally nailing down what I was going to write before the bell sounded. Everyone else packed up in a hurry, so I followed, glancing at my schedule and the map as I found my way to my classroom. As usual, Gio was standing outside waiting.

“I looked for you this morning,” he grumbled.

“Oh, you did? I came early.” I strode past him and into the room, taking a seat off to the side.

“Yeah,” he said as he slid into a seat behind me. “Don’t tell me. Nick Banks had more important things to do?”

“No,” I answered, trying to ignore that nagging annoyance. “You ask a lot of questions where they’re concerned.”

I caught the shrug over my shoulder. “Just curious.”

About me or the guys I live with?

Stepbrothers, remember? I tried not to, shoving them from my mind as I focused on the class in front of me. But it didn’t matter how much I wanted to ignore the fact my mom was getting married to Creed, it still pushed in.

She’d brought home wedding cakes, for God’s sake. I winced at the thought, my heart aching for my dad. I wanted to see him, or at least talk to him. More importantly, I wanted to know what the lawyers were doing to bring him home.

The class passed in a blur, as well as the next one. I tried to think about my assignment due on Monday, and even though I had an idea of what I’d write my assignment on, getting it together in my head would require a serious amount of work. The bell rang for lunch, leaving me to push out my chair and grab my laptop. The moment I turned to Gio, he looked at me with a hurt expression.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re different today.” He shook his head. “I don’t like it.”

“Different how?”

“I dunno.” He gave a shrug. “Colder toward me. Is there something I’ve done?”

“You worry about that a lot, don’t you?” I grabbed his arm and dragged him with me toward the door.

“Fucking traitor,” came the call the moment I stepped into the hall.

Eyes darted toward me. They all stared. My cheeks burned under the outburst, but this time I didn’t run and hide. This time, I met each gaze. “Who said that?”

No one answered. Instead, they shuffled past, pretending it hadn’t happened.

But I couldn’t pretend, not anymore. I may as well stand there and let them hurt me.

“I’m not a fucking traitor!” I screamed. “I’M NOT MY DAD!”

Hard breaths tore from me as I seethed.

“Hey, you okay?” Gio touched my arm, making me flinch and pull away. But he didn’t mean it as anything other than comfort.

“Sorry,” I muttered, watching as everyone walked past.

“It’s fine.” He smiled. “Why don’t we get something to eat and sit outside, my treat this time.”

I nodded, followed him to the vending machines, and took the sandwich and cola when it was offered, then accompanied him outside. The sun was warm, caressing my body as I sat on top of the table next to Gio and closed my eyes.

“Hanna’s party is going to be awesome.”

I vaguely caught the tail end of his chatter and opened my eyes, instantly remembering something about the wedding. “Not sure I can make it.”


“The party.” I glanced his way. “Mom has dress fittings this weekend and something about a party. I guess I’ll be expected to attend.”

Panic crossed his eyes and for a second, I was confused, why would he panic about that? Then he moved, leaned across the table and kissed me.

“Gio!” I shoved him away, my face burning. “What the hell was that?”

He looked shocked, confused. His brow furrowed as he looked around to see if anyone had seen me rebuke him. “I thought…I mean, I like you, Ryth.”

“You like me? You barely know me.” I fought the need to wipe the feel of his lips from my mouth.

At least Tobias and Nick never tried to kiss me…

The unwanted thought surfaced before I shoved it away. Gross…I didn’t know why I thought that, why that would even come into my mind, yet it had…and it brought with it the image of Nick as he’d gripped my wrist and guided my slick fingers into his mouth.

I knew what he’d wanted, knew what that meant, and I knew what came after. I closed my legs, trying to will that sick desire away.

“I’m sorry,” Gio muttered, and looked away, embarrassed, making me feel like a real bitch.

“No, I’m sorry. I just got scared, okay? I wasn’t expecting it.”

He looked at me, a spark of hope igniting in his eyes. “I get it. I came on too strong.”

“Yeah, kinda.” I gave him a smile.

“But that’s not a no…”

God save me. “No, that’s not a no.”

He grinned, cracked open his cola, and drank hard and long before giving me a nod. “Next time, I’ll give you fair warning.”

Next time…

I smothered my panic by grabbing my sandwich, watching for movement in the corner of my eye as I opened the packet and took a bite. He wouldn’t kiss me with a mouthful of ham and rye…surely. If he did, what then?

Then I’d have to tell my stepbrothers, wouldn’t I?

The thought of that filled me. “Someone kissed me today at school.” I could almost see the thunder in their eyes.

They were possessive.

And controlling.

And utterly disgusting.

That heat rose inside me.

“You’re smiling.”

I jerked away from the thought and felt the curl on my lips, killing it instantly. “Just thinking about the wedding.”

“Oh? You’re all for it now, are you?”

“If it makes mom happy.”

Is she happy?” he asked as the bell rang for class.

I grabbed my trash and slid from the table. “Yeah, you know, I think she really is.”

Which made living there with those assholes all the more like Hell. Why couldn’t they be normal instead of gorgeous and rich and driving seriously hot cars? Why couldn’t I, just for once, slink away into the shadows.

I followed Gio as we made our way to class. Just before I stepped inside, my cell vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the five missed calls and ten texts from Nick. He was pissed…more than pissed.

Nick: I’m warning you, Ryth. You won’t like playing this game with me…

“Won’t I?” I murmured, switching my phone off before sliding it back into my pocket. “We’ll see about that.”

“Won’t what?” Gio asked, taking the seat next to me.

“Nothing.” I shook my head and focused on the class.

I thought about him all during the lecture, until my mind turned to mom. The cakes were just the start of it. She was different, freer around Creed…she was in love. Was that what love looked like? Like you were blind to everyone and everything else?

The last bell rang suddenly, making me jolt. Gio was up, reaching for my arm before I glanced up at him.

He looked at me as though I’d slapped him. “It’s fine, Ryth. I’m not going to try to kiss you in class.”

“No,” I answered with a smile “I didn’t think that.”

I walked with him along the hallways and stepped outside into the warm sunshine once more…before I was grabbed and hauled backwards. Panic reared, and I was fighting as I spun. Nick’s glare was venomous as he manhandled me, shoving me toward the drop-off point where his car waited.

“Get your fucking hands off me!” I screamed, tearing my arm from his hold.

But he was back beside me in an instant, crowding me until he was all I saw. “This isn’t what you think, Ry. Now get in the goddamn car.”

I shook my head, lurching away from him. I felt them now, all the shocked stares as the entire school watched Nick’s possessive rage, then in an instant, Nick lunged and grabbed me around my waist to haul me into the air. I barely held onto my laptop, clamping my fingers around the edge as I landed hard on his shoulder. My feet dangled, my ass up in the air as he strode toward the Mustang, then dumped me on my feet.

He yanked open the passenger door and forced me down with a hand on top of my head. “Stay,” he commanded, his voice low and hostile. “You run from me, and so help me God, Ryth, I’ll tackle you to the goddamn ground in front of everyone, and I’ll make damn sure your skirt rides high enough to show everyone what’s mine.”

My heart pounded. My face burned as I glanced toward the entire school as they watched. And Gio was there, standing in the middle, his gaze fixed on me.

“You want that?” Nick demanded.

I shook my head, tears blurring their faces. “Good, now put your goddamn seatbelt on.”

The door closed with a thud. One that made me jolt, but I couldn’t move, couldn’t look away from Gio’s scowl as he fixed his glare on Nick, his lips curling in a sneer. The driver’s door opened, then slammed closed.

A snarl came from Nick before he reached across me, his hand brushing my breast as he yanked the seatbelt over me and clasped it into place. The engine started in a burst of noise and we were peeling away from the drop-off point, tires squealing as we went.

Now he shows off…

Now, when the road in front of me shimmered through my tears.

Now, while everyone stared.

Nick glared at me as he drove, stealing quick glances at the road, his hands fisted around the steering wheel, his foot heavy on the gas. I hated him…I hated him…I HATED HIM!

“You want to go to our park?”

My breath caught with the words. But I didn’t dare meet his gaze.

“You want to yell and scream and hit me?”

I clenched my jaw. “No.”


I jerked my gaze to his. “I SAID NO!”

“Well, too fucking bad, Ryth.” He jerked the wheel, tearing us through a yield sign and toward oncoming traffic.

I slammed into the door and clamped down on a scream as he steadied the car, downshifted, and roared along the streets until a familiar place came into view. The moment he braked and slowed the Mustang, I risked a glance around the parking lot.

It was empty. Just like he’d said it was always empty. I hit the seatbelt release, clawed the door handle, and shoved open the door before he had a chance to fully stop.

“Fuck!” he roared behind me as I lunged, tore across the parking lot, and headed for the empty swings.

The heavy thud of his steps came barely a second later, the car left idling. He was fast, faster than I could ever be.

He grabbed me around the waist and lifted. Only this time, I turned on him and fought back, but I stumbled and lost my balance. He barely caught me, pulling me against him as we both fell and hit the ground.

The impact knocked the air from my lungs in a whoosh. I tried to breathe and get out from under him, but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the ground above my head.

“Stop,” he demanded as I coughed and choked, fighting with all I had. “Ryth, stop.”

I sucked in a breath. “Get off me!”


I bucked my hips, driving against him as hard as I could, as those menacing eyes glared down at me. I knew the instant anger shifted to something else in him, something just as hungry and just as dangerous…for me.

“You want to fight me, Ryth?” He ground his cock against me.

I could tell he was already hard.

“You don’t want to answer my goddamn calls…or reply to my fucking texts? You don’t want me to drive you to school so you can see your little friends?”

“No,” I spat, glaring at him. “No, I don’t.”

“You think you have a goddamn choice here?”

He lowered his gaze to my shirt as it rode up, then moved my hands until he clasped them in one. “You have the most perfect fucking pussy I’ve ever seen.” He reached between my thighs, his fingers brushing against my panties. “I want to look into your eyes as you come, want to hear your breath catch. I want to see that slow slide into oblivion when you give yourself to us.”


I shook my head and squeezed my eyes closed. “No…you’re my stepbrother.”

“Who else will treat you right, little sister?”

I threw my head to the side as his thumb slid along my crease, finding my clit. “Who else is going to give you what this body craves?” he demanded.

“Not…you.” I jerked my gaze to his, letting him see the savage in me. “Go to fucking Hell, Nick…and take your goddamn brother with you.”

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