Mine At First Sight

Chapter 27 - Pride

▪️E D R I C▪️

The next two weeks had passed quicker than I realised.

Where working with the werewolves and humans was concerned, it had surprised me how quickly we all found our rhythm. Everyone had been eager to get started on their designated roles, the protection of the empire being of the utmost importance to us all.

Since the Lycans had previously enslaved both the werewolves and humans, I had expected there to be some hostility. However, it would seem that working towards a common goal had them forgetting the past, as we strived to secure a better future.

Although, Lenna was mostly responsible for the lack of resentment my people faced and I was truly grateful for the way she tried to be a bridge between the different species.

I often heard her talking about vengeance not being the way, for it only led to more suffering.

Plus, the fact that my people went out of their way to help the werewolves and humans get situated in their new environment showed them that the Lycans alive today were very much different from those during Eberhard’s reign.

Before I knew what was happening, friendships quickly formed and I found that I enjoyed the way relationships came to be between the different species. It gave me hope that things could indeed work between everyone once this war was over.

Tonight, a group of us was out on one of our nightly hunts in the forest near the upper border by the mountains.

Lenna and myself were accompanied by Faeda, Eginhard, Ulrik, and a few other Lycans. Joining us as well were Berengar and some werewolves.

Hunting together was something that the Lycans and werewolves recently started doing. We were all in our beast formations and I did not miss the look of envy on Lenna’s face when we had all transformed.

Lenna was able to keep up with us while she rode on Gyllir. But I knew that she was still a little jealous for she had said as much when we were alone.

Even though she was proud to be human, a part of her wondered what it would be like to transform into a Lycan or werewolf. Sure, she could use her magic to create an illusionary form, but it was not the same thing as having your physical body altered.

Of course, Lenna had to tease and remind me of my previous dislike for humans. However, I told her to shush as I loved her just as she was and the smile that lit up her beautiful face whenever I said those words always made my chest expand.

Without a doubt though, I was happy that the three species were reunited once more. In fact, I was very much looking forward to rebuilding an even stronger empire than that of my predecessors.

“Nice shot!” Faeda commented, when Lenna expertly hit a large stag.

Beaming, she replied and holstered her weapons on Gyllir, “Thanks!”

Like always, it was an enjoyable night out.

The moon, though not completely full anymore, was as beautiful as ever and I must say, it was nice to be hunting alongside the werewolves. Though they could not verbally speak, we had no problem communicating through barks, body language, and scents.

It was interesting the way our pack formations had evolved to include the werewolves and such configurations would definitely come in handy during the war.

Walking over to Lenna, I softly growled, “Stop biting your bottom lip, that’s my job.”

Glancing around us, she shifted on her horse before whispering playfully, “Oh, is it now?”

In response, I buried my cold nose against her neck and her hands immediately tunnelled through my black fur. She had confessed once that it felt like a cloud and if she could sleep in it, she would.

The thought had crossed my mind more than once, and I must admit, I loved when her little human body was tucked snugly against me. So, I looked forward to surprising her sometime in the future by sleeping beside her in my Lycan form.

“Is everything alright though? You seem a bit uneasy,” I asked when we pulled apart.

Nodding, she said, “I’m fine, I mean, I have a slight niggling feeling in the back of my head, but I don’t sense anything around us. It’s probably nothing, you know how I’m always overthinking things.”

“Indeed…” I grumbled with a teasing eyeroll.

Lenna friskily shoved at my shoulder while she pouted before we resumed tracking some wild boar. I was always proud at the skill she possessed with her bow and arrow and I had no problems holding back my attacks as she aimed and fired, never once missing her target.

An hour later, we were finishing up with our hunt.

Berengar and the other werewolves, along with Eginhard and Ulrik, took the caught game back to the castle. The rest of us went to meet up with some of the Lycans at the border to check up on things.

Lenna was off to the side, her face full of concentration as she practiced some of her magic, while she patiently waited for us.

About fifteen minutes later, her panicked voice called out to me

“Edric! They’re coming down from the mountain!”

The magic swords she had created dropped from her hands and vanished into thin air before they could hit the ground.

The Lycan that I was talking to seemed confused, “What? Who’s coming? I don’t sense anything.”

“Trust me, you will soon. Sound the horn! Everyone, get into position!” Abidan ordered, clearly remembering the dream Lenna had had weeks ago.

I immediately ran to her side, “Lenna, you must ride back to the castle, now!”

“No! I am not leaving you,” she stubbornly replied.

“Dammit, woman! This is not one of your dreams, this is real life. If your vision is to come to pass, then a large number of Einarr’s werewolves will be coming over the ridge anytime now. Hell, even Einarr himself might appear, please go!” I pleaded with her.

Shaking her head, Lenna’s left hand caressed my large snout, “Please, Edric, do not ask me to leave your side…”

“Fuck! Fine!” I growled, knowing that it was useless to argue. “But don’t go putting yourself in unnecessary danger. Stay behind us and put up your shield!”

With a quick nod, she quickly walked over to Gyllir and whispered to him before hitting his rump. The horse tilted its head back and neighed before it sped back towards the direction of castle.

Seeing that Lenna had not taken her weapons, Odun asked, “Not bothering with the bow and arrows?”

“It wouldn’t really make an impact on what’s coming,” she replied while her energy burst out of her body.

“Einarr is getting braver by trying to attack the borders,” Drengr noted, his sword raised.

“What better way to test his creations…” Lenna said, getting into her stance.

In that moment; we all sensed the presence of the werewolves. Their eerie howls echoed before they came charging over the ridge and down the mountain. These did not resemble the ones we had seen on our last encounter.

I noticed that their bodies were not as frail-looking. They reminded me of the batch we had encountered the night we took Tharun prisoner.

Ghaffar and Faeda were positioned behind me, closer to Lenna, one on each side, while Drengr stood in the middle, forming a protective triangle in the front of her.

The rest of us went into an arch-like formation as we rushed forward.

Like the previous times when the werewolves had attacked, it would seem that Einarr was testing the resilience of his fighters. If Lenna was correct, Einarr’s curiousity in wanting to see how his new creations would fare against us would make a plausible reason for him to attack the borders and assess their strength.

Although, a part of me feared that what really lured him out this night was Lenna.

It was the only logical explanation, for just as she could sense his enchanters’ magic, there was no doubt that they could also sense hers. A part of me hoped that Lenna’s dream would not have come to past, but as I looked at the attacking werewolves, I tightened my hands around my weapons.

I had made a vow to myself, one where the only way Einarr would ever get his hands on Lenna would be over my dead body!

It was a promise that I intended to keep no matter what.

Unlike what Lenna had seen in her nightmare, there were only about two-hundred or so werewolves. Rather than the insurmountable number that she had witnessed coming from the mountain.

With our weapons raised, we howled as we began slicing through their bodies, though not as easily as in our previous encounters.

The werewolves’ reflexes were even faster than before, and a few managed to get past us.

I was not worried though, for I knew that with my second and third in command behind me along with Drengr, whatever creatures managed to slip past us would be taken care of.

“Go ahead! I got this!” I heard Lenna tell them.

The blasts from Lenna’s magic speared through the werewolves’ bodies easily, leaving large gaping holes behind. Limbs and blood began to litter the green grass below us, staining the ground beneath our feet.

My chest swelled with pride as I watched her hold her own.

Lenna was a fierce warrior in her own right and with the aid of her magic, she was truly a force to be reckoned with. I was more than proud of her to be fighting at my side, but of course, that primal instinct to protect what was mine caused an internal struggle within me.

As the cold wind hit my face, I heard familiar howls coming from behind us, as reinforcements from the castle approached our location.

The Lycans and myself soon made quick work of the enemy werewolves.

When we had slain the last of them, I turned to see Lenna running towards me and I engulfed her in a big hug, holding her close to me as I lifted her off the floor to briefly swing her around.

It was then that I heard Einarr’s distinct laugh echoing through the valley.

We all looked up at a nearby cliff as he appeared in human form, clapping his hands as though applauding us. The sound seemed to carry with the wind and Einarr had a devious smile on his face while his eyes raked over Lenna’s body, noting the way my arms tightened around her as I lowered her back to the ground.

“Well done, little brother! Your human is more impressive than I imagined she would be, she has certainly grown a lot in these last few months,” Einarr said as he looked down at us.

I snarled and moved to stand protectively in front of Lenna.

“You still have time to stop this madness!” I shouted up at him, my eyes never leaving his.

Scoffing with a laugh, Einarr replied, “And deny myself the satisfaction of killing everything that you hold dear? Never! But tell you what, to show that I’m a man of my word, I promise that this will be the last time that you’ll see me until we meet again on the battlefield. Let us agree to meet in seven cycles, yes?”

“How can you seek to destroy the very place that you once called home?” Odun asked, pointing his large axe at Einarr.

“It’s quite simple... This is not my home anymore. My home was taken from me. So, in return, I will gift to you that very same isolation that will surrender you all into heartbreak!” Einarr sneered, before transforming into his Lycan beast.

“Brother…” I began, before I felt Lenna’s body sag against mine, having lost consciousness.

It seemed that using her magic had taken more of a toll out of her than either of us had anticipated. My brows creased as my eyes took in the exhausted look on her face, my hands holding her even closer to me

“Go tend to your woman, for she will surely need her strength for what’s to come. See you on the seventh full moon!” Einarr said, then howled before he disappeared behind the ridge.

I gently picked up Lenna in my arms and held her against my chest.

Looking down at her worn features, I silently cursed myself for not forcing her to return to the castle. Lenna was always pushing herself and I should have known better, I should have known that she would do anything to protect us all.

“I am so sorry, my love,” I whispered, before making my way back to the castle.

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