Mine At First Sight

Chapter 24 - O Princess Of Mine

▪️E D R I C▪️

The light of the early morning sun peeked through the large windows.

Turning my head, the corners of my lips lifted into a smile as I watched Lenna peacefully slept next to me. Her lips were still somewhat swollen from my kisses, and my body rumbled slightly while remembering how amazing it felt to have her mouth against mine, especially when she had passionately returned my caresses.

Thinking back to last night, I reminisced on the heated kisses we had shared and the way in which her body had accepted mine. I could still feel her against me and my smile widened, thinking about the way she had cum all over my face and my cock last night.

There was no doubt in my mind that the whole castle had heard us and I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that every Lycan within a mile now knew that Lenna was mine and I was hers.

It was undoubtably the best sex I had ever had in my life!

Who knew that Lenna had such a kinky side?

Though I supposed a part of me had always been suspicious, given how bold she was in her everyday life. Why would her fiery passion not be expressed in the bedroom as well?

Either way, I was definitely not complaining and looked forward to exploring so much more with her where our sex life was concerned.

After we had another shower, we moved back to Lenna’s room, where I hand fed Lenna some bread, cheese, and meat before she fell asleep against me. I had wanted us to stay in my bed, but Lenna was mortified by the state we had left the sheets in.

I must confess, the concept of sharing a bed was new to me.

In fact, it was the first time I had ever slept next to another person. Even though we only fell asleep a few hours ago, I had never felt more rested.

Moving my gaze back to Lenna’s sleeping face, I was briefly reminded of her nightmare from last night.

I had sat next to her, helpless, with my fingers gripping the sheet while I had watched the woman I loved whinge and shake in her sleep. The anguish in her soft unintelligible pleas had torn at my heart as my hands moved to shake her, desperately trying to wake her up.

Unfortunately, this only resulted in her body convulsing, and I had been tempted to call upon Drengr and Klaus.

When she had called out Einarr’s name, I felt my heart clench in my chest. The tortured scream that tore from her lips just before she opened her beautiful eyes was a sound I would not forget.

Judging by the two similar dreams she had described, it was clear to me that these were more like visions than just simple nightmares. Especially since users of magic like hers had been known to predict the future, I had no doubt that what she saw would more than likely come to pass and the thought chilled me to my bones.

Nonetheless, I vowed to keep Lenna safe, no matter the cost.

I would give my life for her!

After spending years in the shadow of my older brother, I had finally broken free, managing to lose myself in many adventures across to sea. My parents, however, would pull me right back and shackle me to a throne and life I did not want.

I never thought that I would experience true love, as it was not something that everyone had the pleasure of finding. So, my plan had been to keep the empire safe, find Einarr and kill him, then pass the crown on to Eginhard once he was ready.

That had been my life’s purpose up until recently. Then everything changed.

My lips twitched into an even bigger smile as I continued to stare down at Lenna’s sleeping form.

To think that this human changed me so much was still something I was coming to terms with. I wanted to be a better man because of her. My life was no longer driven by revenge and hate.

Lenna ignited something within me that I thought had been lost years ago.

It was amazing to see how many lives she had touched since she first set foot inside the castle. Even Ghaffar and Odun were different. Their frowns, though still present, were less noticeable once she was around, and it made me proud to have my people embrace her as they did.

“Still in the habit of watching me while I sleep? Not creepy at all…”

Lenna’s groggy voice startled me, and even though her eyes were still closed, she had a small grin on her face.

Shuffling her body closer to mine, she hugged me, pressing her breasts against the side of my torso, allowing me a delicious view of her cleavage while I enjoyed the feel of her hands around me.

“What can I say, you fascinate me,” I replied hugging her back.

Snorting in amusement, she opened her eyes, “I’m sure Master Odun would understand that as being an acceptable reason for you being late to your morning run.”

“Well, I am the King. They can wait,” my smile expanded.

Pushing herself away from me as she sat up, Lenna looked back at me over her shoulder, “Indeed, but you have a duty to your people, Your Majesty. Plus, I have to get ready to meet Klaus in the library soon, I won’t have you making me late.”

Grumbling, I sat up and kissed her temple before getting out of bed, “Alright, Princess, have it your way.”

I laughed as she scrunched her face up at my nickname before hitting me in the face with a pillow.

“Did you sleep alright though?” I asked while tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

Leaning into my touch, she smiled, “I did actually. Though, I believe you may have woken me up once or twice with your snoring.”

It was my turn to crinkle my face as I retorted, “I do not snore!”

“You’re right, it’s more of a snarling wheeze,” she teased.

With a grunt of protest, I attacked her ribs with my fingers, “Take it back, right now!”

Lenna’s squeals filled the room as she giggled and gasped, “Never!”

“I am your King! As my Queen, I demand your surrender!”

My laughter joined hers before I noticed the way in which her eyes widened at my words. Upon seeing the unexpected expression on her face, I ceased my assault and moved to lay next to her.

“What’s the matter?”

“Your Queen, huh?” Lenna whispered.

“As if you didn’t already know that you rule over me…” I replied, while staring into her eyes.

Tracing a finger over the muscles on my torso, she murmured, “You know, they say that the Queen’s throne is on her King’s lap, so in theory it should be me demanding your surrender.”

My nostrils flared at the thought of being at her mercy.

Flipping us over so that she lay beneath me, I momentarily buried my nose in her neck inhaling her scent briefly before peppering fiery kisses along the column of her throat. I growled, enjoying the way her nails scratched at the skin of my back. Raising my head to lock my gaze with hers once more, I lost myself in the beautiful colour of her eyes.

My voice was husky as I replied, “Perhaps you are right. But then again, it can be said that the Queen’s throne is also on her King’s face. And from that position, I think it would be you who will be screaming your surrender.”

I watched as her pupils dilated, clearly picturing the image I had just placed in her head.

The scent of her arousal let me know that my words had succeeded in their desired effect as she no doubt was remembering the way she had sat on my face last night.

Grinning down at her, I rubbed my hardening length against her inner thigh. Before Lenna could say anything, I gave her a chaste peck on the lips and wished her a great day before getting off of her and jumping out of the bed.

I then sent her a wink before exiting through the side entrance that led directly back into my own bedroom.

“You’re such a tease!” Lenna shouted after me.

Of course, I was, I said to myself while another chuckle burst from my lips as I closed the door.

Once I had taken a quick cold shower and changed into my usual daily attire, I made my way towards the stables, where I knew that Ghaffar, Faeda, and the others would be waiting.

“You’re late,” Odun commented gruffly.

Eyeing the love bite on my neck, Faeda smirked, “Relax, can’t you see that our King had a busy night?”

Ignoring them both, I proceeded to greet everyone, then told them about Lenna’s dream.

“That is most disturbing…” Abidan commented. “Does that mean Einarr manages to get past our border defences?”

With a frown on his face, Ghaffar said, “I don’t see how that is plausible. Though I suppose with enough magic, we have seen how the impossible becomes possible.”

“Agreed! Look at how strong our Lenna has gotten in the months that she has been here. Who knows how strong Einarr’s own are!” Odun huffed out.

Raising an amused eyebrow, Faeda commented, “It’s ‘our Lenna’ now, yes?”

The warrior Lycan simply grumbled, the tips of his ears turning red.

Faeda laughed as she continued, “As I have said since I first laid eyes on her, she is truly something special. It doesn’t matter how long Einarr has been preparing for this, I believe that our Lenna is indeed stronger, and together, I know that we can defeat anything he has planned.”

Drengr nodded, “I second that! For I can safely say that, as I watch her grow each day, we have only just touched the surface of her true potential. Unlike Einarr, we aren’t using her as some puppet. We have each utilised our individual skills and knowledge to teach Lenna many different things. It wouldn’t surprise me if she were able to hold her own against all of us very soon.”

I could not help the smile that spread across my face while I listened to the them praise Lenna’s name.

“Yes well, we’ll need to train those werewolves and humans that will be coming to help defend the empire,” Ghaffar’s lips were pressed into a hard line.

“It shouldn’t be too hard. It’s as Lenna had suggested, the humans can stay to the back and be the archers. Since most humans have some basic skill with a bow and arrow, it shouldn’t be too hard to upgrade them from expert rabbit hunters to hitting something more mobile,” Odun grinned widely, looking forward to the challenge.

Everyone voiced their agreement.

After talking for a few more minutes, we then shifted into our Lycan forms and headed towards the borders, to see how best we could fortify things for an attack that we knew would be coming.

From one of the castle balconies, I stood with my arms folded over my chest, watching as Lenna trained with Gyllir and Faeda out in the open field near the stables.

It was mid-afternoon, and the sun shone over the land.

I observed as they practiced charging at each other from a distance, giving Lenna the opportunity to train and perfect her movements. She would stop and make sharp turns, doing her best to avoid being hit by Faeda, all the while keeping a shield of her energy around herself and Gyllir.

We were scheduled to train together later that night, and I was looking forward to seeing what she would throw at me today.

As I continued to look at Lenna, I was forced to think about the letter I had received from her father yesterday. Wilhelm had stated that he and his family would be visiting in a few weeks, but that they would be delayed by a few days. The healer had written as respectfully and politely as he could, that he hoped I would do right by his daughter and not hurt her.

I had always respected Lenna’s family, for they had been one of the most esteemed human healer families in the entire empire.

They always knew their place in the social structure and had never stepped out of line. However, they were never afraid to voice their concerns in ensuring that the humans within their province would be treated fairly.

“It explains a lot about Lenna as an individual,” I said to myself while reflecting on her sense of honour and duty.

In truth, I liked the fact that even though I was the Lycan King, Wilhelm was not afraid to state his unease to me where my relationship with Lenna was concerned. It showed me just how much his daughter meant to him.

Having immediately sent a reply, in my letter, I passionately expressed my love for his daughter, hoping to alleviate any worry he may have had. I also indicated that we would talk more once he arrived, as there were some important things concerning Lenna that I wished to discuss with him in person.

With a smile, I jumped from the balcony, down onto the grassy grounds below.

I headed towards the armoury, to see how Abidan and Odun had been coming along in terms of increasing our weapons supply. It would be used to arm the werewolves and humans, who had been arriving in increasing numbers each day over the last several weeks.

Each individual would have a part to play as we sorted and sifted through the new recruits, to help decide where to position them on the battlefield.

I planned on putting Vizra Rorik in charge of the werewolves, as out of all the Vizras, he was certainly the most cunning and formidable. Where his son Berengar was concerned, based on what he had done with Lenna, it only made sense that he would see to the training of the humans.

Later that night, after ensuring that everything was going as it should, I made my way over to the stables, where I knew Lenna would be waiting for me.

Upon seeing her with Gyllir, my eyes widened with shock as I exclaimed, “What did you do to his mane?”

Glancing over at me while she finished secure the last leather band, she said, “I braided it, what does it look like?”

“You are aware that he’s a male horse, right?” I asked while observing the intricate lace braids that she had done.

Crinkling her nose at me, “And? The male Lycans and werewolves have long hair that they braid sometimes. Why can’t I do the same to my horse?”

Walking to her side, I smiled, “Fair enough, my dear.”

“Besides, Gyllir loves it,” she nuzzled him as he neighed happily against her.

Lenna then proceeded to finish brushing his coat. With a smile, she kissed his nose before tucking him into his stable. I watched in silence as she devotedly took care of her horse, treating him with such love and attention.

If I had not known it before, I certainly now knew, without a doubt, that Lenna would be an excellent mother, and a great Queen.

As we took a slow stroll towards the training grounds, I held her hand in silence and enjoyed the feel of her body as she leaned into me. Occasionally I would kiss the top of her head while reassuringly squeezing her hand in mine.

Upon reaching out destination, we quickly focused on the task at hand.

“Alright, Lenna. For the last few days, you managed to make a werewolf using your magic. Do you think that you would be able to make a Lycan tonight? I hope Faeda did not wear you out earlier,” I teased and stripped out my clothes and transformed.

“I’ve been working hard on using my magic to create bigger objects. Even though a Lycan would be the most challenging one yet, I think that I’m ready. Besides, for you, I will always be sure to have enough energy,” she grinned while getting into her stance.

Throwing my head back and howling at her, I raised my hands, urging her to come at me, loving her feisty attitude.

“Give me your best shot, Princess,” I taunted as she grumbled then frowned at me.

She momentarily closed her eyes, and I could feel the shift in the atmosphere as I watched Lenna channel her power. Crouching slightly, I observed in fascination as she used her energy to conjure the form of a Lycan beast which gradually began to take shape before my very eyes.

“Are you okay?” I asked, noticing her brows crease even more as the skin of her face began to flush.

Nodding her head, clearly unable to speak, she took a step back, grounding herself with her palms clasped together. Lenna’s Lycan mimicked my earlier stance, and reared its head back and howled. The sound was unlike anything I had ever heard, but it was deep and commanding, as a burst of energy pulsed from it, knocking down all the nearby training targets.

To me, it was obvious from Lenna’s stance and the look etched across her beautiful face that holding this form was taking a heavy toll on her. However, from experience, I could tell that she did not want me to go easy on her and so, as her Lycan charged towards me with two axes raised, one in each hand, I quickly armed myself and prepared to fight back.

From its movements, I noted that her Lycan was sturdy, though not as strong as myself and the other high-ranking Lycans, but robust enough to go toe to toe with some of the others.

For a first conjure, I was beyond impressed, as it had taken her two nights to get her werewolf forms right. It was obvious that Lenna had been paying attention to what Odun, myself, and the others had been teaching her, as her Lycan moved similarly to how we would.

After a few minutes of exchanging blows, the glow surrounding the beast was beginning to fade, and as I charged at the creature, it disappeared into thin air. Concurrently, Lenna fell towards the ground, and I quickly dropped my weapons and ran to her side before she could hit the grass face first.

Turning her over in my arms, I saw that she was bleeding profusely out of her nose.

Shit! I felt myself beginning to panic.

Her eyes struggled to stay open even as she smiled brightly up at me, clearly happy with what she had managed to achieve tonight. Though the effort from this seemed to have left her almost unconscious, I just knew that she would not hesitate to try again.

This blasted woman!

“Lenna! Are you okay? Talk to me, should I call Drengr?” I asked, the words rushing out of me as my panic rose, seeing her face pale before my eyes.

Shaking her head slowly, she whispered, “Just, tired… Need a bath…”

Picking her up in my arms, I hurried back to the castle. I informed one of the guards to get Drengr and have him bring some medicine to my chambers, then proceeded to carry Lenna into my bathroom.

Sitting her down on the ottoman near the sink, I quickly shifted back into my human form. I then gently proceeded to clean her face before making her firmly pinch the soft part of her nose, just above her nostrils, while holding a cloth to catch the blood.

I could feel her eyes trailing over my naked body as I walked over to fill the large tub.

Turning back to face her, I instructed Lenna to lean forward and breathe out through her mouth, before I ventured back into the bedroom to meet Drengr who had just entered and was waiting for me.

“How is she doing?” the healer asked, while handing me a small bottle with dark liquid for her to drink.

“She seems alright, just very tired and drained,” I replied, feeling slightly guilty, thinking that I may have pushed her too hard.

“I heard that she managed to make a Lycan! What was it like?” Drengr could not withhold his excitement.

“Nothing stays a secret for long around here, does it?” I commented before proceeding to quickly fill him in before heading back to the bathroom.

By the time I returned, Lenna was sitting up in the tub, naked. Her light brown skin looked so inviting, especially with how the water sliding down her shoulders caused me to visibly gulp as I walked over to her and gave her the medicine.

Lenna quickly downed the contents, making her usual gagging noises.

“Ugh, you would think Drengr would be able to make this thing taste better by now,” she commented, while handing me back the empty bottle.

“How are you feeling?” I asked while kneeling beside the tub.

Inhaling deeply, she replied, “Much better.”

Lifting her out of the tub, I helped dry her off and dress her before tucking her into bed.

There was pride in my voice as I told her how fascinated I had been with what she had managed to achieve tonight. But of course, I could not hold back my reservations and my concerns about her body’s well-being.

“Perhaps you should take the next few days off, to recover and heal your body. You have been pushing yourself way too hard,” I said while wrapping my arms around her as we cuddled facing each other.

Sighing softly, she yawned, “Can you blame me? I just want to be strong, to help win this war.”

“Lenna… You are, more than you seem to realise,” I whispered, then kissed her forehead as I watched her drift off to sleep.

My eyes traced every contour of her face, as her breathing evened out.

A small smile pulled at the corners of my mouth as I silently wondered how I ever found someone that was so perfect for me.

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