Mine At First Sight

Chapter 12 - Tight-Fisted

▪️E D R I C▪️

I quickly slammed Lenna’s bedroom door behind me to prevent her from asking anymore questions about why I still had Berengar’s letter in my possession.

The truth of the matter was, with everything that had been going on, I really did forget to give Lenna the letter after having scanned its contents.

However, instead of just being honest and telling Lenna that, I would rather let her think I had purposefully withheld the letter.

It was better for the both of us if she continued to believe that I was an asshole.

Just remembering Berengar’s words made me rumble with complaint. He had been concerned about her, hoping that she was alright, and that she did not get into too much trouble with me.

Berengar had also written that he trusted her to have been keeping up with her training. After seeing Lenna’s performance today, I made a mental note to send word to Vizra Rorik to commend his son on a job well done.

In the letter, he had also stated that she should not be too upset anymore after realising by now how right he had been. That being at my side was what was best for her.

“Well of course it fucking is!” I grumbled while entering my chambers

As I stripped out of my clothes and made my way into the bathroom, I replayed the events of today.

When she had stood up to Beyza and accepted her challenge against Hasso, I had felt my pants tighten, her courage turning me on. As Eginhard expressed his adoration for Lenna due to the bravery she displayed, I could not help but growl in warning at him.

Observing her stand her ground, I had to admit that it took a lot of self-control not to run out on the field to protect her as I watched Hasso charge forward. But as her heartbeat slowed, it was then I realised how wrong I had been to underestimate her.

Unlike Beyza’s slave, Lenna was not out to show off any fancy moves. She had a point to prove, and had done it with such grace.

When Beyza had rushed towards her, something in me snapped.

There was no real explanation to what I had felt, but the need to protect Lenna overwhelmed any other thought I may have had in that moment. I made sure to enforce my authority over Lenna right there and then so that no one would dare think about touching her.

That privilege was reserved for me alone, I thought while reminiscing about what had happened in the hallways as well as the garden.

I flattened my left palm on the stone wall in front of me, while my right hand moved to trail down my torso. The image of Lenna on her knees before me, begging for forgiveness, had almost been my undoing. When I had told her that that was not the way one should beg, I meant it, for her position was that of a submissive to her master, waiting to be told what to do.

Had we been in such a relationship, I would have definitely taken her against the corridor’s wall and buried myself deep within her.

Fuck, just thinking about it had my body trembling while my hand stroked my hardened shaft.

The scent of her arousal had invaded my senses, even though I could feel her trying to calm her body’s reactions, just as I was doing the same. On the other hand, Lenna’s fear of me punishing her had not gone unnoticed.

I realised that I did not want her to be afraid of me.

In fact, I found that I wanted her to trust me, to need me; and for the life of me, I could not explain why.

“What the hell is this human doing to me?” I groaned softly; my eyes remaining closed.

I could still smell her arousal as I gripped my manhood, allowing my senses to invade the room next to mine. Lenna was also in the shower, and it was as though I could almost see her as if she were right in front of me.

A part of me wondered whether she forgot that I could hear her, or perhaps, she just did not care.

Though in reality, she likely thought that I would not be so rude as to eavesdrop. Which I knew I should not be doing. But for some reason, I could not help it, for there seemed to be some invisible pull towards her.

Deep down, I knew that it had partly to do with her special abilities.

The comprehension of the power within her attracted my own. That was the Lycan way, besides love, we chose our companions based on power and compatibility and as much as I hated it, Lenna and I were very compatible.

From the embrace on the garden terrace, it was more than obvious how well-matched we were for each other, at least sexually. It did not take much for our bodies to become aroused around each other, and my personal egoism wanted to satisfy her feminine needs.

Instead, here I was, acting like a complete asshole, invading her privacy.

But I just could not help but secretly listen to her touch herself while I myself was being forced to do the same, to ease the turbulent, throbbing tension she had elicited.

Fucking hell, the sound of her moans was beautiful and I was jealous, wanting to be the cause of her pleasure.

With eyes tightly closed, I gritted my teeth as my ragged breathing filled the quiet room.

I was beginning to question my no-touching-humans rule. For my body just did not seem to care what my brain was trying to command of it.

It was embarrassing how I had been reduced to pleasuring myself in the shower. My ears twitched while I heard Lenna’s soft moans of completion which triggered my own orgasm. I groaned as I released against the stone wall, like a young male not in control of his urges.

I was the King!

As such, I certainly did not need to do such things. There were numerous females lining up to service me.

Yet, for some reason, the only female my treacherous body seemed interested in was my little human. I could feel my inner beast stirring as I exhaled harshly through my mouth, trying to catch my breath from my climax.

At least I was not the only one being tortured.

With a scowl on my face, I sat at the head of the table, listening to Faeda and the others chatting eagerly with Lenna.

She was the centre of attention tonight, as usual.

Many Lycans had been impressed with her sense of honour. Not to mention her display of strength, and congratulated her on her victory. Eginhard in particular seemed to be extra touchy feely with her, and had insisted that Lenna sat and ate next to him, much to my dismay.

When I asked who would pour my wine, he replied with a smug look, claiming that he would take care of that.

What a rascal!

My glower deepened as I stared at my brother.

Right now, he was touching Lenna’s hair, while commenting once more on the colour. I had to give it to him, he had some balls to be blatantly doing such in front of my face, and I wondered if he was doing it purposefully to get a rise out of me.

“Need a refill, brother?” Eginhard asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

Snarling, I slammed my empty goblet onto the table and watched as he, the Lycan Prince next in line for the throne, acted like my slave, while Lenna sat there, shifting on the bench, a slight flush to her face.

“I must say again, you surprised me, human,” Odun said as he looked at Lenna from across the table.

Bowing her head slightly, she replied with a silent nod.

“Come now! Now’s not the time to be shy. After that display today, I would’ve thought you would be more excited,” the warrior Lycan commented before taking another bite of food.

“If I can be honest, Master Odun, you scare me a little,” Lenna replied while folding her hands on her lap.

Everyone at our table got quiet as they looked at one another before Odun burst out in a loud laugh, followed by Faeda and the others around the table.

“I would have been offended if I did not,” he nodded while flashing her a grin.

Faeda caught me staring at Lenna, and I quickly uncurled my lips and put back on my usual scowl. But there was no fooling my third in command, she had caught me red-handed.


Just what I need, her giving me shit.

Which I knew would be coming sooner or later. Especially after Lenna’s display on the training grounds today, many of the male Lycans had been showing increased interest, staring blatantly at her since she entered the dining hall.

Growling softly, I downed my wine and sat back with a frown.

I probably looked like a petulant child, but by this point, I did not give a shit. All the attention on Lenna was beginning to aggravate me. But I could not do anything, short of gauging their eyes out, which was unfortunately not an option.

“So, training with a werewolf huh? One does not hear about such things often,” Ghaffar noted, his eyes fixed on Lenna.

“I, for one, am grateful that the young werewolf taught her some things. It makes our job that much easier where training her is concerned. Can you imagine how she’ll be with some Lycan training? Not to mention when she fully unlocks her magical abilities,” Klaus commented as he smoked on his pipe.

“Who knew humans could wield such power,” Odun remarked offhandedly.

Mocking, Faeda interjected, “Uh, purple eyes and magical powers anyone?”

Grumbling, the warrior Lycan said, “You know what I meant! It has just been so long since their kind has been seen. Given how the society had been restructured, things have gotten lost over time.”

“It’s time to fix that, I think,” Faeda responded, while giving me a pointed stare.

I groaned inwardly, pointing to my goblet so that Eginhard could refill it. I knew what Faeda wanted to say. Since we were young children, she had always confided in me about her confusion concerning the social hierarchy. Expressing that it was time we reverted to the old ways, removing what King Eberhard had done.

Of course, I held no power then, specifically as Einarr was destined to rule. Now that I sat on the throne, Faeda had been behind me, illustrating ways in which we could continue to make small changes.

My father had already amended some of the enslavement terms years ago.

The humans were now given payment for their services. Not to mention the humans within the Lycan region were now being allowed to keep in contact with their families back home and even marry other humans.

I knew that where the overall treatment of humans was concerned there was still much room for improvement. Ultimately, many were hoping to go back to the days where freedom of choice was unrestricted and not a privilege.

With the threat of Einarr’s growing army, however, I acknowledged that it would only be a matter of time before we, the Lycans, had to work with the werewolves and humans to help boost our numbers. Which in turn would help better fortify the Malvar Empire and could be the start of a new era.

After all, if we could all work together, why should we not be allowed to live and love together freely.

As my eyes darted sideways at Lenna, I ground my teeth, a muscle in my jaw ticking while I watched Eginhard throw his arm over her shoulder. He then whispered something in her ear, a joke, the sound of her soft laughter washing over me.

They looked so good together, I thought while I continued to observe them and the jealousy that I felt swirling within my chest was almost stifling.

Fuck, I wanted Lenna, but she was worth more than just being the mistress of a Lycan.

What was I even thinking?

I shook my head almost violently, trying desperately to clear my thoughts. Pushing my goblet away, my brow creased even more. I had definitely had enough to drink this night.

“Edric, I’m ready for bed, can Lenna tuck me in again?”

Letting out a soft sigh, I looked at Eckart’s big brown eyes and his pouting face. Lycan King or not, when a young child pleaded with you, there was no denying them.

Nodding my head to Lenna, I silently gave her permission to escort him back to his room.

The young Lycan grinned as they both stood up. She bowed her head to everyone and wished them a good night, and Eckart hugged her legs before she smiled then took one of his hands in hers.

“Okay, little Prince, let’s go,” she said sweetly, as they exited the room.

All eyes were on Lenna as she left, and I had to clear my throat to refocus everyone’s attention. Eginhard in particular had a blush to his face and I frowned at him once more while shaking my head.

“What? I can’t even look at her now?” Eginhard asked shamelessly.

“It’s the way in which you are looking. You will do well to remember that she’s not just some average slave that you can fuck and throw away when you’re done satisfying your needs,” I warned, leaning forward in my seat.

My younger brother fidgeted, “Yes well, I will have you know that it is not like that with Lenna. I know that she is different. Were she a Lycan, I would have already been courting her…” Eginhard paused as he straightened his posture, “In fact, I think I still will! The laws we have in place are outdated and senseless. When I am King, that will be the first thing that I change!”

At his declaration, Odun choked on a piece of meat that he was eating, and Abidan took great pleasure in hitting the man with exaggerated whacks on the back.

I myself was staggered by his confession, wondering if he was really serious or just trying to purposefully irritate me. As I tried to find a fitting response, Faeda slammed her fist down onto the table with a grin.

“Yes!” She shouted, her eyes wide and bright, clearly in support of what Eginhard wished to do.

“Faeda…” I gritted; my hands were tightly fisted on my lap.

Shaking her head, “No, Edric, you know that he’s right. Your father started something and it’s more than clear that his sons will finish it. Be it you, Eginhard, or Eckart!”

Klaus and the other Lycans at the table all looked at me, waiting for my reply.

“We are not discussing this right now!” I growled, while abruptly pushing my chair back, I muttered, “Goodnight!”

Scowling, I walked towards the upper levels of the castle.

From down the corridor, my ears twitched at the sound of Lenna’s voice. She was currently reading Eckart one of his favourite stories. It involved a few dragons, and I found myself smiling as she made different voices while reading certain parts.

Quietly approaching the room, I stood outside the door.

“I can feel you lurking,” Lenna said, before I could even settle myself.

“You really are getting good at that, I didn’t even make a sound,” I entered and watched as Lenna sat on the bed next to Eckart who was already tucked in.

Laughing softly, she replied, “I told you, the more powerful the individual, the easier it is for me to detect. I felt you the moment you entered the hallway.”

“You can’t sneak up on Lenna anymore, big brother!” Eckart giggled then said, “Come sit with us.”

Sighing, I climbed in on the other side of the bed, the young Lycan now sandwiched comfortably between us. He then took the book from Lenna, and began reading us the story. After a while, Eckart’s eyes could barely stay open, taking the book from him I kissed his forehead.

“Good night, young Prince,” I whispered.

“Night, big brother, do not forget to kiss Lenna too,” he yawned as he snuggled against his pillow.

Tilting my head, I watched as she looked down at her hands, there was a slight flush forming across her light brown cheeks. Gazing down at Eckart, I noticed that he was still watching me through sleepy eyes, waiting for me to do as he asked.

“Fine…” I muttered, and leaned over to kiss Lenna’s forehead.

I did not miss the small sigh that escaped her as my mouth touched her soft skin and I had to take a deep breath to control myself from doing more.

Rising quickly from the bed, I ignored the tingling of my lips while I placed the book on the side table. We wished Eckart good night once more, before gently closing his bedroom door.

“He likes you, a lot,” I commented, as we walked towards her chambers.

“I like him too, he’s so adorable. Perhaps my favourite Lycan in the region,” she chuckled softly.

“Favourite, huh?”

I could not help the way my brows creased slightly while we walked side by side towards her room. But then I quickly realised that I was jealous of a seven-year-old and I pushed the thought away.

Wanting to change the topic, I brought up visiting the dungeon as we both sat down on her couch in front of the fireplace.

“Will it be safe?” Lenna asked.

Giving her a look, I sarcastically replied, “What do you think? You’ll be surrounded by some of the most powerful Lycans alive, I think we can handle one caged werewolf.”

Before I could stop myself, my left hand reached out to rest on top of hers, seeking to comfort her.

Nodding, she exhaled softly, “I hope that I will be able to help in some way.”

The warmth of her hand felt too good against my own and so I swiftly removed it and resumed looking at the fire.

Clearing my throat, I listened as Lenna emphasised her goal on becoming the strongest that she could be. Deep down, I had no doubt that she would achieve this and I could not wait to watch her power grow.

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