Mind to Bend (Stolen Obsessions Book 1)

Mind to Bend: Chapter 21

Seraphina sits in the passenger seat beside me. I keep the bindings around her arms and legs loose so that I can buckle her in. She lets me, neither complaining nor trying to reason with me as I retie her wrists. The sour tang to her ordinary sweet-smelling sweat is the scent of her fear—my new favorite fragrance. And it fills the cab around us.

She’s not screaming, which I appreciate, but her pretty, full lips sit between a frown and a pout. I want to kiss the expression off her, but we need to get where we’re going. My Angel isn’t fighting, which makes things easier. She’s bound, of course, but she could still hurt herself if inclined to.

She’s crying a steady stream of tears, and as much as it hurts me to see her pain, I keep quiet. There is nothing I can give her right now that will make her feel better. I hoped she would embrace the freedom granted by Tim choosing to leave her, and the fact I killed him would have remained irrelevant. Though my little Angel doesn’t know anything other than self-torture.

I’ll break her away from that. She’s going to learn to treat herself appropriately as if she’s too goddamn good for this world and anyone in it but me. Then I’ll be the only one responsible for her torture, and I know how much my Angel will love that. Even now, her nipples are hard and straining against the silky fabric of her robe. I tied it closed for her before subjecting her to the chilly night air, but I can’t pretend that her shivering against me didn’t turn me on.

The heat has been blasting since we left the house, so I know she’s not cold anymore. She’s been quiet for so long that I decide ungagging her won’t hurt anything. I want to hear her voice and smooth things over between us during our very long drive.

“Don’t scream,” I tell her as I reach over and rip the tape from her mouth.

She yelps.

“I’m sorry, Angel.”

My fingers trail over her offended skin, and she gasps. I could have been gentle, but it wouldn’t hurt any less. The significance of those panties is lost on her as she tries her best to spit them out. I took them the first night I came to her house, and I’ve been wrapping them around my cock every night since. Knowing how they’ve absorbed my cum and her screams only turns me on that much more.

“If you bite me, I will punish you. I don’t want to, but I will.”

I don’t wait for her to respond. Instead, I reach between her teeth and pull out the panties while she gags her way to relief. My regret for being so forceful with her ends when I see her hard nipples and her blown-out pupils overtaking her impossibly light irises. She says nothing, too busy drawing ragged breaths in and out until she settles. Her tears slow with her breaths, and I’m proud of how she’s calmed herself.

“Good girl,” I pat her hair, and rather than flinching, she leans into my touch.

She’s wordless, but I have a satisfied smirk on my face because it only took two fucks for this girl to crave me. From my peripheral vision, I spot her rubbing her thighs together, desperately trying to relieve the tension. My Angel enjoys the way she’s bound, confirming my intentions to keep her tied while I pleasure her many times over once we’re safe.

The city lights glow in the distance, fading to nothing as the black highway stretches before us. Her gaze flicks around the cab, and I try to anticipate what she’s looking for while I split my attention between the road and her. We’re heading toward the foothills of a nearby mountain range. In a few hours, the landscape will be unrecognizable. The road steadily increases in elevation. The trees grow denser, then thinner.

My ears pop right before Seraphina asks, “Where are you taking me?”

“My friend has a house in the mountains. We’re going to stay there for a little while.”

She scoffs, “Your friend knows you’re abducting me and is still willing to give you a place to stay?”

“Something like that.”

I’m amused, and I know she can hear it. Her pretty cheeks pinken, and she huffs right before she turns away from me to stare out the window. I take the turns in the road slowly, trying not to get pulled over or into an accident. I can afford to be patient now that I have everything I want. Seraphina’s gaze touches me like the most gentle caress, and I would give anything to know what she’s thinking.

“How long is a little while?”


“You said ‘a little while,’ how long is that?” her voice breaks, and one of the tears she stemmed spills over her cheek.

Time is relative, clever Angel.

“That depends on you,” I answer, leaving my left hand on the steering wheel as the right drifts over her thigh.

She does her best to bat me away with her tied hands.

“I don’t think any of this is up to me.”

“That part is not up to you, Seraphina, but things will go much easier for us if you stop pretending you don’t like it. I can see the wet spot on your robe.”

Her mouth drops open in shock, but I’m telling the truth.

“As for how long I’m keeping you in a private mansion in the mountains where I intend to lavish you with every bit of affection you’ve ever missed out on? To spoil you with every luxury you can imagine? It’s entirely up to you. If you give me what I want, you can leave.”

“And what do you want?” Is she trying to sound stern? The breathless quality of her voice gives her nervousness away. She’s desperate to know what I have planned for her, but the anticipation will only make it sweeter.

“You’ll find out soon.”

She makes a dissatisfied noise in the back of her throat before falling silent. The road passes beneath us, the sky finally revealing bright stars. She’s focusing on the sky, and despite her circumstances, she looks peaceful.

“My arms hurt,” she tells me a while later. We’ve only passed two cars since we’ve been on the road, and even I have to admit it’s eerie. Usually, this road is well traveled, but fate is trying to make this as easy for me as possible.

“Are you going to fight if I untie you?” I’m musing. I don’t think she will, but it takes her a second to answer, so she must be considering her options quite seriously.

“What benefit would fighting you have?”

She tilts her head toward the window, and I must admit she’s not surrounded by the most helpful of environments. Too bad that’s not what she really thinks. Seraphina is a crappy actress.

“Are you planning to knock me unconscious and take the car back to your precious Tim?”

Her cheeks turn pink, but it’s not anger. It’s an admission of guilt.


“I am sorry that your arms hurt, Angel, but we’ll be there in a few hours. I’ll untie you then. After that, I plan on making it up to you, provided you behave.” She has no idea how many ways I plan to make her shake.

“Hours? You can’t be planning to leave me tied up this entire time. What if I have to pee?” Her little jaw turns up at me defiantly, as if she thinks she’s won something.

“Piss yourself.”

She turns to look directly at me, which she’s been trying to avoid. Her jaw hangs open as she gapes at me, and I’m overcome with the desire to teach her how to put that pretty mouth to good use.

“You’re a bastard.”

“Ask me again when you actually have to pee, Angel.”

She wiggles toward the window, trying to put distance between us. It’s an exercise in futility, but I’ll let her have the illusion of space.

“You’re really planning to leave me tied up for hours!?”

“I wasn’t, but you sealed the deal. You know as well as I do you were thinking things that would get you in trouble.”

“It would be stupid to try something when you know I was planning something. You might as well untie me.”

Her eyes dart around the cab like she’s thinking about throwing herself out of it while I’m driving the speed limit on a state highway.

“Stupidity hasn’t stopped you before, Seraphina.” I’m insulting her, but my voice has an indulgent note. She doesn’t hear the affection in her panic. Instead, she flinches as if I’ve slapped her.

“What does that mean, Shane? That I’m stupid for being in this position? That you abducting me is my fault? You’re clearly not a great guy, but I didn’t take you for a victim-blamer.”

I laugh coldly, and I know the sound digs at her because she shrinks in on herself.

“You’re not a victim, Seraphina. You haven’t even asked me to take you home.” I wait, giving her a chance to do that. I won’t take her back regardless, but just like I thought, she keeps quiet.

“You’re not stupid, Seraphina, and I’m doing this because you belong to me.”

I reach over and palm her pretty cunt through the silk of the robe. It parts slightly, allowing my splayed fingers to rest partially on her flesh. She’s wet for me, and I am so fucking hard for her.

“I know how smart and capable you are, but you’d still be mine, even if you were nothing but a cunt on legs.”

I rub her clit through the silk, the slippery material working her into a near frenzy.

“You’re stupid for marrying a man who didn’t love you when the man you were meant for was waiting to worship you.”

She moans, and the sound is equal parts pleasure and pain.

“You begged him to touch my cunt, Seraphina,”

I press my finger more firmly against her clit, drawing a moan.

“I can’t tell you how angry that makes me. I want to punish you for it, even though I know it’s unfair. I don’t want to be fair when it comes to you.”

I prove my point by picking up the tempo and dipping my finger lower, playing in the wetness at her entrance.

“You’re feeling guilty about all the wrong things, Angel.”

I shove one thick finger inside her.


I work the next one into her.

“Don’t feel guilty for how good this feels. I promise you, Tim left you. He’s not coming back or waiting for you. He told me he didn’t want you. What do you think he meant by choking you and cheating? He has never claimed you. But me? I can’t get enough of you. I want to live under your skin and fuck my way into your soul.”

Her tight cunt is clenching around my fingers. I want to trade the digits for my dick so badly I’m seeing stars. I’ve fucked her twice in as many hours, and I’m still achingly ready for her. The fact that I’m angry with her and want to prove a point only makes my need for her worse.

My hand tightens on the wheel while the other plunges in and out of her, drawing her closer to her fourth orgasm. Yes, I’m counting them, and I don’t give a fuck. They’re all mine.

I’m squeezing the wheel too fucking hard like the pressure might somehow transfer to my dick and take the edge off. I need to get a handle on myself, but I can’t stand that she’s still thinking about Tim, worried about him, when he wasn’t worthy of a moment of her time, let alone being her husband.

I’m going to pull this car over and fuck her right now, or I need to hurt her like she’s hurting me by denying us.

“He wouldn’t tell his friends you were his wife. He wa—is ashamed of you.”

I very nearly slip and use the past tense.

She sucks in a breath, and her brows press together, my words having the desired effect. I want to tell her that Tim can’t be disappointed in the light of my life, he’s fucking dead, but that would only upset her.

“I’m not like Tim, Angel.” His name burns like acid on my tongue. “I’ll tattoo your name on my skin. I’ll marry you, fill you with so much cum you’ll smell like me, and it’ll be impossible to deny who you belong to. You’ll give me children, and I’ll show you off to every person we meet, not giving a fuck if they care or not. No one will ever doubt how I feel about you. Least of all, you.”

She’s panting, and her pretty lips parted as she licks frantically back and forth at the bottom one.

“Do you like that, Angel? Do you like that I need you?”

Her hips buck into my hands. She’s chasing her release, even tied the way she is, and I’m proud of her for it.

Guess her arms don’t hurt that badly.

I’m watching the road because I’m obsessed enough with the need to keep her safe, but my eyes can’t stay off her for long. Her robe has worked open, her tits on full display for me. Her nipples are so pale. I desperately want to bite them, suck them, and turn them pink and red. My cock is so hard it’s painful, and my foot pushes down on the gas like adrenaline is the cure to my discomfort.

“Would it scare you to learn all the things I’ve done to have you right here, or would it turn you on to know that from the moment I saw you, I knew exactly where you and I would end up?”

She doesn’t say anything, her hips still bucking toward me, and I’m getting tired of this monologue.

“Answer me, or I’ll stop finger fucking your needy cunt, Seraphina.”

My fingers still, and she wails in aggravation.

“It scares me and turns me on…”

I keep them still, refusing to give her what she desperately needs.

“Please, Shane. Please!”

With that, I pick the pace back up.

“You don’t ever need to be afraid of me, Angel. I will never do anything you won’t ultimately love.”

“Ultimately love?” she pants, sounding confused and close to her orgasm. The twitching pulses from her tight cunt lend to that suspicion.

“You won’t like everything we do, but you’ll love how I make you feel while doing it.” I laugh as I imagine all the ways I plan to use her.

“Like anal?” she asks, and I’m so pleased by her bold question and the apparent way it excites her.

No, Angel.” I tease her gently. “I can tell your ass is just as needy as your cunt. You’ll love every minute of me taking your tight hole with my big cock.”

She clamps down around me and screams through her release.

After her orgasm, she’s quiet for a long time but not tearful like before. I can practically feel her thinking beside me, and I hope her thoughts lead her in a positive direction. The car smells of her, and I’m dying to eat her cum out of her and slide my cock home.

“Remember when you led me through those breathing exercises in your office?”

My heart speeds at her question, and my cock does the impossible and grows even harder. I’ll never forget it. I didn’t mean to hypnotize her that day, but I can’t deny how I took advantage and dreamed of doing it again.

“I’ve never felt like that before.” Her tone gives nothing away.

“Is that all you wanted to say, Seraphina?”

“I liked it.” She swallows hard. “I think it was obvious how much I liked it.” She’s referring to the puddle she left after her orgasm. “I’m not sure exactly what you did, but I want you to do it again.”


“I felt so free, fucking amazing. I don’t want to be in control, Shane.”

“Anything for you, Angel.”

I press my thumb into her earlobe, gently massaging her tension away.

“Close your eyes, Seraphina. I’m going to take care of everything.”

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