Mind Games (FIRST DRAFT)

Chapter Florence; The Second One

The whirring started slow and quiet, then grew into an ear piercing shriek. Jolting up, I went to see what happened. The broken Ouija Board lay on the floor, growing bright neon blue. I inched away from it, not wanting to touch it. A static-y ‘Hello?’ echoed from it.

“Hello?” I asked, and the static grew softer.

“Oh, good,” the voice responded, growing more secure, “I though I was all alone.”

“Who are you?” I asked, still in my far pile of cushions.

“I’m-” the Voice began, yet it continued to glitch in the moment, yet stopped and continued, “and I’m dead.”

“You’re... who?” I asked

“Did it glitch? Well, I’m-” and it continued to glitch.

“Nevermind,” I muttered. “Where are you?”

“I’m not exactly sure,” the Voice replied. “It’s this sort of house, and there’s this TV,”

“Well that’s normal. What type of paranormal world only has a house and a fucking TV?”

“This one, I guess.” The Voice sighed, then continued. Faint voices spoke in the background.

“Who’s with you right now?” I asked.

“No need for the prying questions, man. And anyways, no one’s here with me. And no one’s with you either. The TV’s showing you. Not your face, but you?”

“What type of TV is it?”

“It’s like the TVs people used to watch I Love Lucy or old cartoons on, I guess.”

“A box TV?”


I contemplated this for a second. A box TV is way too old to broadcast any live video, but then again, if I got here on a weird train and talk to dead people through broken Ouija Boards this could happen too.

“Hello?” the Voice asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m still here.” I responded. After a second I asked, “How’d you die?”

“Again with the questions.” The Voice laughed, then was quiet. “Mother.”


“Mother. She took me to the backroom and killed me. Not aesthetic.”

“I would hope not,” I responded. “Wait, are you Mei?”

The Voice was quiet, then said, “What?”

“Is. Your. Name. Mei?” I spoke each word slowly, hoping the ghost would hear it clearly. Or zombie. Maybe their ears fell off. Then again they were talking just fine earlier.

“I can’t hear you- It- it’s glitching out-” The Voice spoke as their voice glitched.

“It’s breaking up.” I said, louder than needed.

“FLORENCE!” Ray called from down the hall.

“Crap..” I muttered, then gathered my confidence to run near the board and whisper into it. “Listen, ghost or zombie or whatever you are, I need to go or Mother will get mad.”

“Ok- but remember, don’t-” and the call cut off. The board faded from the neon blue to it’s original dull wood form, slightly warm to the touch.

“Don’t what?” I asked the board. Useless, yet I tried again.

“Florenceeee!” Ray shouted out, closer to me than before. I hastily shoved the wooden pieces under a pile of blankets that reeked of blood.

“Florence, Jesus..” Ray opened the door. “Did you not hear me? Mother wants you.”

“Oh. No, Ray, I heard you.” I responded. “But I remembered you told me something earlier. What was it? Oh yeah. ′ I have people to see once I get out of here, and now I’m not going to try to help anyone out of here. I’m saving my own ass, and that’s it.’”

“Listen, you don’t understand,” they started.

“I understand fully, you fucker.” I stared at them, then said, “I have Mother to see. Move.” I pushed them aside and walked away.




“I’m glad you could make it darling,” Mother said. “Though I’m terribly disappointed in your lateness.”

“It was Ray’s fault, ma’am,” I muttered. Anger and worry seemed to consume me. This room was new, one I hadn’t seen before. The walls were like the one’s in the hall, as was the floor, yet a huge, lofty bed sat in the middle of the room.

“I see,” Mother replied. “Well that gives me even more of a reason to tell you what I’m going to tell you tomorrow.” She sat on the bed, letting it collapse under her weight. “We’re having a maze race tomorrow. I want to give you a head start.” She inspected her nails, which were capable of murder themselves. “The race begins at 8:30 am tomorrow. Be there before Ray. I’m telling him- I mean them- it starts at 9:45.” She then got up and walked towards me, escorting me out the room. “Good luck darling,” she purred, then shut the door.

I stared at the door for a moment, then turned to go back to my room. My footsteps echoed through the empty hall. I wondered if I could leave. This was the last game I would play. Finally free. Finally.

“What’d she say?” Ray asked, suddenly beside her.

“Why should I tell you, bitch?” I spat. They remained calm, and continued.

“What happened?” They rolled to move in front of me and began rolling backwards. “Hm?”

“Go away, Ray.” I stated. I shoved past them and continued on my way back to my room.

“C’mon Flo, just tell me.”

“Fuck off, Ray.”

End of Chapter Eleven.

Word Count: 1

Character Count: 3

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