Mind Games (FIRST DRAFT)

Chapter 4

Mei awoke to a scream. She jolted up and looked around, dazed. The sun’s rays were shining through the slightly closed curtains, dust particles showing from the light. Then she saw.

Everyone stood around Luca, who was still on the ground. Turns out Luca was not sleeping the night before. He had been stabbed by someone, then placed in a fetal position in his usual sleeping position. Mike and Mason had both agreed that it was definitely Ray. “I mean, who else knew where our positions are?” Mike exclaimed, as Mason nodded. Lily had said nothing, sniffling and tearing up at the mention of her brothers death.

That morning, at breakfast, the two boys glared at Ray, seemingly telling them that they knew what they did. Ray, however, did not take this lightly. Ray stayed as far away as they could from the two boys, by Mothers side. The table looked awfully empty without Luca, or at least what’s what Mei felt. Once about a half-hour had past, Mother escorted the 4 participants outside for a game of Musical Chairs. “This will be out only game for today my darlings.” Mother said in a sweet tone. She pulled out the cassette she was using yesterday. She then turned to Mei, “You want to hear the song, don’t you, love?” She smirked, then played the song for Mei, who was talking late into the night with Mike about music and how she was especially curious about the song Mother had played, which reminded her of Jack Strauber.

Click went the cassette player, and Mei’s ears were filled again with the sad, sorrowful tune of the man.

Sacrificed my love for you (wah-wah)

Drowning in the sea for you (la-la)

I used to be so kind to you (nah-ah)

Lost my mind for you (uh-huh)


She told me, “Darling boy, take my hand

And follow me to the sea,”

So I took her hand and she lead me away

Then I realized she had no love for me-

My siren girl

My dirty love

She took my heart and

filled it up

with water

Dirty water

She took my head under the water

As though we were fully in love

But she must’ve seen

Another opportunity

And killed me, sent me up above.

My siren girl

My dirty love

She took my heart and

filled it up

with water

Dirty water

The song came to a slow end and Mei had no idea what to feel. What was that song called, and why was it the only song Mother played? When she looked up, she saw Mother with an upset look on her face, looking down at the player. She rubbed the grooves on the player, and her face was so sullen it surprised Ray for a second. Mei turned to look at them. When had they gotten here? No matter..

“Alrighty then loves!” Mother shouted so suddenly a rustling came from the trees. Mei hadn’t seen animals since she had arrived, which then turned her thoughts to last nights dinner. What was that mystery meat? It certainly didn’t taste like beef, and didn’t look like chicken or pork. Mother didn’t seem like the type to hunt, so…

I said, ALRIGHTY THEN LOVES!” Mother interrupted her thoughts. “Mei, honey, go stand by Michael.” Her tone was almost as sweet as Mother's special nickname for the girl with the burnt hand.

“Does everyone know how to play?” Mother said as she simultaneously began to play her Dirty Water song. The 4 remaining participants walked around the chairs until 4,3,2 were left. Mike had gotten out first, then Lily, so only Mei and Mason were left. Mei was determined not to lose again, who knows what Mother would burn next? She cringed whenever she reminisced on the singeing of the hair on her hand. The music stopped suddenly, and Mei won-? She had won. She had won! She smiled a small smile, trying not to show off her victory to the others.

The others were getting punished, so Mei was all alone in the room. The door creaked open, and Ray rolled in. “Oh- sorry, I- I thought no one was here.” They began to roll backwards out the room, but Mei beckoned them back in.

“I want to learn more about you. I don’t know much about you, or the others for that matter-“ she added bashfully.

They thought, then spoke; “Well then, let's talk outside. It's much nicer out there.” So the two walked outside, Mei walking besides Ray, her unburnt hand on the closest handle on their wheelchair.

“So, how’d you get here?” Mei blurted. Ray smirked the same smirk they had done at Hot Potato.

“I was on the Q train, heading to my house with Mike. I guess that’s how we both got here.” Ray admitted.

“You knew Mike before Mother?” Mei was surprised at this news, especially since Mike along with the others were so against Ray.

“Yeah,” they continued, “Mike and I were friends since we were little. Our mothers knew each other, actually. I was adopted by my moms when I was 5, and one of my moms was best friends with his moms. We met soon after, and were best friends. We actually did date for a year or two before Mother-“ They said this blushing slightly, yet with Mei, her heart broke a bit.

‘If I were to ever date Mike-’ Mei thought, ‘I wouldn’t be his first significant other- anyways, I don’t even know if he likes girls now..’

“I sucked up to Mother to try and find a way out.”said Ray, interrupting Mei’s internal heartbreak, “So far I’ve found nothing, and I’m thinking this is a rip in reality, like The Backrooms or some shit-“

Mei didn’t really remember what the Backrooms are, but she didn’t want to interject.

Both Mei and Ray turned to see Mike and Mason walking toward them.

“Your friends are coming.” Ray remarked. They turned to Mei and told her something that would be engraved on her brain until the end.

“Mother killed Luca, and Mason is next. Cover everyone in wildeberry to keep them safe, it’s demon repellent. More importantly, it’s Mother repellent.”

End of Chapter Four.

Word Count: 1,048

Character Count: 6

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