Millennium Tension

Chapter 211: After Twenty Months Passed

Aizen and his whole family just returned to the Axel Goddess after all of that. It was time for them to move on to the thing that had been delayed for about a month.

"Shall we go now?" Axel asked in a soft tone to the man beside her.

"Yes, we are leaving now." Aizen replied lightly. He looked again at the land of eternal winter and proceeded to process their departure.

At that very instant, the Axel Goddess shot out of Zavier's atmosphere and out of that cultivation world's solar system. Something was waiting for them, and it was inevitable. It was only a matter of sooner or later, then when and where.

The chaos that was engulfing parts of the Upper Realm would probably spread everywhere. If it was true that they were the Universe Core's chosen ones, then a path would appear even if the true divine was not present to assist them.

Apart from strengthening the personal body's strength level, they also had to increase their overall strength out of all the factors. For this reason, enormous resources and in-depth research must be carried out immediately.

In the end, twenty months had passed since the Trinity Family left Zavier. Extensive exploration and expeditions throughout the Lower Realm were carried out to increase their overall strength even from the smallest factor.

Ample resources were collected and plundered from various planets, stars, asteroids, and many other extraterrestrial objects. In-depth research was also carried out regardless of time and space.

All technology was upgraded in order to create a great power that would even rival those of the top class power in the Middle Realm. The knowledge and insights of divine cultivator practitioners from the Middle Realm were really helpful for that.

Needless to say, an inheritance passed down from Lin Tian, ​​the Lord of Divinity of the Upper Realm.

By the time, a dark mini planet like a weapon of absolute destruction was hovering over a galaxy closest to the Lower Realm's boundary. Something they once called the end of the universe more than a year and a half ago...

"Hmm, interesting... Looks like we found a planet with civilization. It looks like it is inhabited by living things with their latest technology." Aizen muttered with slight amazement when he stumbled across a unique planet. Nearly half of that planet was coated with metals and other technologies.

"Ahh, where? Oh, that, wow, the shape of the planet is a bit strange. This is the fourth civilization we find in the Lower Realm. Apart from Earth, Mars, Zavier, and this planet..." Ana hovered and sat down on Aizen's lap with such relaxed movements.

"Hey, this is the centralized command room... Your seat is over there and not my lap." Aizen lightly smiled as he pointed to the seat to his right.

"My nest is you. I'm comfortable here." Ana sweetly smiled as she put her arm around Aizen's neck.

"Are we going to visit that planet, Master Aizen? By briefly tracing this galaxy, our mapping of the Lower Realm will be complete." Axel smiled with amusement when she saw Ana's behavior.

"It's complete, hmm? If we call our whole universe is another ball... Then we are in the inner circle and closest to the Universe Core. But, it was nowhere to be seen. We didn't find it." Aizen only leaves Ana with what she wants. He rested his cheek on his hand and wondered.

"Umm, maybe it's because the Universe Core is in a different space? It doesn't allow its true form to be found without any special means." Yifei suggested her opinion.

"Un, I think so too. Let's scan this galaxy, and we can teleport to all parts of the Lower Realm at will indefinitely." Lian nodded in agreement with the answer from her big sister.

"Well, that may be true." Aizen only threw away the thought. It was useless to be questioned.

In these twenty months, it was clear there was something powerful that helped them from the background find the most needed things and new discoveries for new breakthroughs.

The time was short for rapid progress as a whole to meet results that far exceeded initial expectations. Even though it was a little uncomfortable to realize that something was lurking and helping them... It was just being put aside because they couldn't do much for those who were helping them.

Aizen and his girls can only silently thank them for the help. Even though they knew that it was not free, everything was not that easy... They would definitely be thrown into the Upper Realm to solve all the problems after being deemed strong enough to eradicate all those Void creatures and Chaos monsters...

Aizen glanced at the girls for a moment. All of them had reached the peak of the mortal level, including himself. Even though they could already rise to the divine level, they delayed it until they arrived at the Middle Realm.

"Alright, after scanning this galaxy, we will visit that planet before returning to Earth. We need to stop the mutation of that strange energy. I believe it was from something that made it through from the Upper Realm to the Lower Realm..." Aizen conveyed their next plan, and it was quickly agreed by all the girls.

"Oh yeah, go go! Swoosh..." Ana cheered when the Axel Goddess that had become like a mini planet shot away with a speed of more than a thousand Aecreruses.

The scans were carried out for several moments until the Lower Realm mapping was declared one hundred percent complete. After that, they got closer to the reddish-blue planet that was only twice the Earth's size.

"Ah, on closer inspection, this planet might look like Mars before it had an artificial atmosphere." Ana commented casually. She still remembers her whole operation when she was on Earth.

Ana was a pioneer who created a civilization support system on Mars with Axel at that time. All of that was continued by the latter after she chased Aizen to the realm of the dead.

"Hmm... Almost half of the planet's land area is covered with metal. The rest is just an ordinary desert... From here, we can see many cities inhabited by robots? Oh, wow! Some of the inhabitants are robots without flesh, blood, soul, or spirit!" Axel scanned all the way to the urban mainland to find out to satisfy her curiosity.

"Not really, there are also... Eh varies... What is clear, on that planet, there are living humans." Ana put a hand on her chin. She also saw that there were some real humans and artificial humans...

"They don't seem to be living in peace. It looks like some groups of mankind who live on that planet are cornered by this planet's rulers. Look, there is a war between Mecha controlled by humans against Mecha unmanned units." Aizen displayed a large image on the main screen.contemporary romance

Sure enough, on the desert side of the planet, a heavy war between the two sides seemed unable to get along in peace. Casualties were inevitable, and explosions continued to be thrown to destroy the other side.

"Well, we can't conclude much before we know where to go ourselves. Rather than bothering about other business, we'd better find a place for our first stop on this planet. What about the city in the heart of this metallic area?" Aizen discarded projections from the war. He suggested a more interesting thing.

"En, that city looks like the capital of this planet... That city is so big and majestic than the other cities. Its weapons of war too..." Ana did not choose much and just agreed. Almost everywhere on the new planet made her confused to choose.

"En, I think a flashy city like that can be our first destination, for the sake of seeking further information. We rarely find a planet with civilization. Although there is no need to interfere, at least we need to know. Yes, knowledge without limits!" Axel simply justified her curiosity.

"Hmm, hmm... You're just curious and want to know, right, Axel?" Yifei teased the curious girl.

Although that was not said, she and her little sister also viewed the grandest city on the metal side as the perfect place to land their first steps.

As for the other five fairies, they would definitely agree to the decision their master had taken, unconditionally and without the need for a reason.

"Yes, that's me. To know some things never hurts if we are capable. Who knows if we can get some interesting things from there as the fastest and best first step?" Axel responded without denying the accusation. It was true, and it was no use making excuses or talking about the reason.

"Alright, it's decided. Let's get ready to land with the mini spaceship." Aizen poked the girl who was still on his lap to get up. It was their time to visit that alien planet to find out more and satisfy their curiosity.

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