
Chapter 7

My mind wakes, but, my eyes stay closed. Where am I? The beds so comfortable, what happened before? Finally my senses come back to me allowing me to hear three people talking. Mika’s voice instantly stands out, I feel someone holding my left hand, but, I won’t look. I need to hear this.

“Why did you even come down?” Mika asks, a hint of anger in his voice.

“She’s in danger, from you, her father and a handful of angels and demons who want to get to her throne.” That voice… Jasper? That was real? I can feel my nose go tingly as I fight the urge to scrunch my eyes up.

“Mika, this is a huge issue. Hades needs her to complete the ritual. He won’t kill her, but, he needs her by his side,” A woman’s voice is heard, but, it’s oddly familiar. I just can’t put my finger on it.

I hear Mika sigh as the grasp on my hand becomes tighter showing me it’s him who’s holding my hand, “I know.” My heart stops beating as those words leave his lips. He knew about that whole thing? “I also know she’s got more power than him, even as a half breed.” Half what?!

“What we witnessed was something Hades doesn’t have. He can’t protect people like that,” the girl starts, but, is cut off by Jasper.

“Not that he’s tried,” I can hear the irritation in his voice, “he doesn’t protect anyone. Every man for himself.” He sighs heavily.

Jaspers voice is making me weak, I thought he was dead, after six years, he was watching over me this whole time? Why didn’t he come down when I was crying over him and let me know he was still there? A tear escapes my eye causing everyone to fall silent, “Shh.” Mika warns everyone as I feel a hand on my cheek, “Jamie?” Mika’s voice is calm yet worrying.

My eyes flutter open, “Mika,” I stare at him as a huge smile takes over his face. Without hesitation he falls into me wrapping his arms around me, burying his face into my neck. Almost as soon as he does it, I wrap my arms around him pulling him closer to me as I rest my forehead on his shoulder. I worried him this much? His hand comes up to the back of my head as he stokes my hair causing a comforting feeling to run through me. Slowly I look up to see Jasper standing next to a window he was obviously sitting on before. I stop myself form crying as a smile appears on his face, relief written all over his face. He has changed so much since his death. I didn’t know angels still aged in heaven or hell.

“You’ve been out for three days…” The woman speaks causing me to snap my head towards her and Mika to pull away from me. Alex? My best friend from high school is here, but, why? How did she know about any of this?

“Alex?” I mumble as I sit up. She smiles as she blows a piece of her black hair out her face, “I haven’t seen you in two years.” I smile back.

She rubs the nape of her neck, “there is an answer for that. I wanted to keep in contact, but, things happened.” She tries to cover the sadness in her voice, but, I can hear it.

I suddenly realise she’s in a room with two people from the afterlife. I slowly look at Mika, without moving my head, my eyes look back at Alex, “Does, she know about you two?” I whisper, but, because it’s so quiet she heard me.

“Mm, I do.” She chimes in as I snap my head to look at her. Curiosity clouds me and apparently it was obviously what I was thinking. Before I can even ask how, she blinks and her eyes turn black red veins running over them. I throw my hands up in the air before letting them fall back on the bed.

“Great. I’m the only alive one in this room.” I groan causing them all the laugh loudly. This isn’t funny, I’m actually slightly annoyed at this. It’s not that I want to be dead, but, why are my only friends dead? Wow that’s depressing.

“How do you think I feel? I’m surrounded by two powerful demons. It’s good to see you still have your sense of humour,” Jasper laughs causing me to look at him to see him walking towards me and sitting on the edge of the bed. Wait where am I?

A chuckle comes from Mika, “you look confused,” I look at him and run my fingers through my hair humming a yes while looking around, “you’re at Alex’s house. Well we all are,” he laughs as he reaches his hand up as wipes a piece of hair out of my face causing me to smile. Okay, I have officially fallen for a demon. I hate myself.

“You own a house?” I ask looking at her, but, she’s dead? How can she possibly own a house?

She crosses her arms and laughs, “I’m also in a contract, and so I share my house with my master.” The way she speaks his name, it sounds like she’s also fallen for him. I wonder if Mika feels the same way. My face drops as it suddenly clicks, she has a master in this house?! Does he know about my situation? Does he know I’m here?

“Does he know about me?” I mumble causing her to shake her head.

“Well, he knows you’re here, but, not your situation. He just thinks you were attacked by a group of demons that are outcasts.” She shrugs, and slowly hums, “if you think about it, they’re the, so called thugs of this world.” She laughs.

I look down placing my hands in my lap sadness taking over me, what is this sudden mood change? The room falls silent as my hair falls in my face, “who’s my father?” I can feel anger also swarming inside me. No one replies causing me to raise my voice, “Mika, I command you to tell me who my father is.” Mika stutters on his words causing a sound to erupt from his lips as if he’s stopped his words, “Mika.” I snap my head to him to see his mouth hung open as he contemplates his words.

“Hades.” Is all that leaves his lips trying not to say too much. My stern expression falls as I let those words sink in turning my head to look back down. He’s kidding me right?

“I’m going to get in so much trouble for this, but, your mother had an affair with Hades creating a demi god, in other words, you.” Jasper speaks confidently. I blink a couple times, I don’t want to believe it, but, I always knew Peter wasn’t my dad. I could just feel it. And with everything that’s gone on so far, I don’t find it very hard to believe them about my real father.

“We’re all here to protect you. Mika was ordered by Hades to protect you, so he sent Mika to create the contract with you. He was going to send him either way, but, you made his job easier.” Alex chimes in. Slowly I turn my head to look at Mika, so he did know this whole time. He wasn’t protecting me because of our contract, he was protecting me on my dad’s orders. Is anything he said to me real? Mika stares at me, obviously ashamed with himself, “Jasper always looked over you as a guardian, which makes him an angel with extraordinary power, but, not as strong as gods or demi gods. When god saw you were in a contract with Mika, he was sent to keep a close eye on you. He has been on the ground ever since you summoned Mika, well, at night he wasn’t on the ground, but, if anything had happened to you, he would have been there as fast as he did the night you first saw him.” I continue to stare at Mika as all this is being said, some of it going in one ear and out the other, my thoughts blocking everyone else out, sometimes paying attention to what she’s saying.

Jasper stands up causing me to look away from an ashamed Mika and look at Jasper, “and Alex is here because she was on an errand for her master and saw us and came to help. She already knew you situation, everyone in the afterlife does. Which is completely unsafe and stupid.” Jasper groans as he rolls his head back going back over to the window.

“Demi god huh,” I mumble as I look at Alex not exactly talking to anyone, “you,” I look at Mika causing him to look back at me, “have you lied to me?” I ask, my voice threatening to crack.

He shakes his head, “no. I have only told me what you asked. I didn’t see any point in telling you any of this because it never came up in conversation.” Those words make me feel a little better. Does that mean what happened to him when he was alive wasn’t a lie? I look down at his arms to see the scars that always makes the pit in my stomach larger and harder to bare, “I would never lie about that,” He mumbles as he tries to cover his scars with his arms, but, accidently showing more.

“I hate that bitch,” Alex curses as she looks at his arms, “you can’t tell me you’re not happy mamma is in purgatory?” She scoffs causing Mika to snap his head in her direction.

He stands up angrily, “no matter what she did, I still respected her! She made me the guy I am today, so don’t go telling me I should be happy about her being put in a place like that!” He yells as he steps towards her, his eyes going black.

“Mika calm down, I don’t know what she did, but, you can’t honestly believe she helped you in life,” Jasper takes a step forwards him just in case he tries to hurt Alex or me. But, he won’t.

“Exactly! You don’t know what she did to me so you don’t have a say,” Mika growls as he points at him, “I have to make her proud otherwise she will,” he abruptly cuts himself off before tensing his entire body spinning around and walking out the room. That escalated quickly…

“Mika!” Alex groans as she leans against the wall throwing her head back in annoyance.

Jasper shakes his head, as he furrows his eye brows in disbelief at it temper, “remind me how old he is again.” He speaks sarcastically.

“Twenty two,” Alex mumbles not looking at any of us. I stare at the door he just left before swinging my legs over the side and standing up, my legs wobble as I hold on to the side of the bed.

“You need to sit back down Jamie,” Jasper speaks as he walks over to me grabbing hold of my arm softly.

Quickly I yank it away, “I’m not going to get better if I stay sitting and lying down now, am I?” I look at him. A surprised look on his face as he freezes. I take this opportunity to walk around him, my legs still shaking as I place my hand on the door, “leave us alone for a minute.”

“Jamie,” Alex calls as I turn the handle, “be careful…” Her words strike fear in me. Mika would never hurt me. Right?

I tighten my grip on the handle as I gain the courage to walk out. Without replying I swing the door open closing it softly behind me. Didn’t Alex say she has a master? I wonder if he’s home, but, first I need to find Mika. I place my hand on the wall as I walk down the gorgeous hallway decorated in photos and beautiful sculptures, I guess her master is rich… Looking down the hallway, there’s only one closed door, of course he would make it that obvious. I make my too it and place my hands on the handle letting out a deep breath before walking in, “Mika?” I ask.

“Jamie, you shouldn’t be in here,” He speaks causing me to hurry in closing the door behind me. I look around the see him topless in front of a mirror. He has his back to it as he inspects his back, “you need to get out.”

I stop dead in my tracks and stare at his back, my mouth hung open, “what the hell did that woman do to you..?” I gasps as I put my hand over my mouth. Scars cover his back and chest, my heart pounds against my chest and I pray he can’t hear it. He sighs and continues to claw at his back. I run over to him and grab his hands prying them off himself, “Mika stop!” I plea causing him to look at me, “I know she hurt you, but, that doesn’t mean you have to hurt yourself!” I yell as I rip his hands away.

He rips his hands back grabbing my forearms staring down at me, “she hurt me so I would be stronger! I was weak, pathetic, but, she made me this, I’m stronger now,”

“You’re dead!” I cut him off as his eyes stay black causing my body to tremble slightly in his grip, “if you hurt me, you’re no better than she was.” I growl as I push his hands off me causing him to step backwards.

I see the anger in his face as he clenches his fists beside him, “I’m not going to hurt you, why would you even think that?!” He yells as his expression becomes washed with sadness. I take a step back from his loud tone, “I’d never be able to hurt someone like she did, so don’t go telling me I’m no better than her.” He growls as he looks down closing his eyes trying to control his anger.

I don’t understand him right now, “which one is it?” I ask causing him to look up at me confused, “one minute you’re defending her then the next, you’re saying how horrible she was!” I continue to yell trying to knock sense into him.

He shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair, “I respect her! I never said I wanted to be like her. She did horrible things to me, but, she always told me it was to make me stronger, make my pain levels higher, that’s why I respect her.” He sighs as he starts to tremble. I reach my hand out to touch his cheek to stop him from trembling, but, he walks away from the mirror and sits on the bed.

“She wouldn’t have done it for your sake Mika,” I mumble not turning round just yet, “she found fun in it, a game you might say.” I hear him catch his breath in his throat telling me he’s realising something. He doesn’t reply causing me to turn around and make my way over to him. He stays staring at the floor his hands holding his cheeks as he rests his elbows on his knees. I sit down next to him and lean forwards to see his eyes back to their normal blue, but, his pupils are tiny as if he’s just seen a ghost, “Mika… You don’t need to make her proud,” I reach over grabbing his face in my hands making him look at me.

“A game you say?” He asks making me remember what I said a couple of minutes ago, he’s still on that? I blink and continue to stare at him, “games were her specialty.” He closes his eyes and pulls his face away from my hands. So many emotions from a demon…

“Talk to me…” I whisper letting him know I can handle the story he wants to tell me.


“You remember the fun we had last time honey,” mamma laughs as she holds my chin harshly while in her other hand a pair of plyers.

My body starts to tremble as I try to pull my face away, “mamma, I didn’t have fun last time, I lost.” I whine as I struggle to stand up from the wounds on my legs, not to mention the burns on the soles of my feet.

She lets go of my face throwing me backwards onto the floor, “you lost because you’re weak. Now, why do you think mamma like playing these games with you?” She smirks as she steps on my ankle causing me to scream out in pain.

“Mamma please! I’ll be good, I promise!” I cry as I try to pull my ankle away, but, she steps on it harder.

She digs her heel into my burns, “stop crying and toughen up will you!” She yells as she takes her foot away causing me to grab my leg and wipe my eyes, “now go hide while mamma counts.” She smirks, her words coming out like pure venom.

“Yes mamma,” I smile slightly to please her. She looks away from me going through all her tools that she uses when she plays with me. I scramble to my feet and limp away running as best I can. She only wants me to be stronger, she’s such a good mamma, but, if only she was a little kinder. I run down the dungeon hallway as I search for a place to hide, she always finds me! It’s not fair. She knows all my hiding places. I make a sharp left turn down a corridor before making another right turn a little further up to find three doors. She won’t find me in one of these! I haven’t hidden here before…

“Ready or not! Here I come!” Her voice is heard echoing down the hallways causing me to turn around and look for her before entering one of the rooms. I look around to find contraptions everywhere. Oh no, I’m in the fun room. My eyes widen as I look at all my dry blood on the tables and wheels. My breath increases as I hear her footsteps down the hallway, “I have a fun punishment if I win this time!” She yells as I quickly run to the table in the back left corner climbing under it. Please don’t find me! I want to win so I get an even more fun reward! I hug my legs as I hide under the table on the cold brick ground, the feeling of excitement running through me. I watch as the door opens and she walks in, “are you in your play room Miky?” She uses a childish tone as she calls me by the nickname she created. Her eyes lock with mine causing a smirk to fall on her face, “I found you!” She snickers as she comes over to me kneeling in front.

“That’s no fair!” I whine as she holds out a hammer, “you always win.” I cross my arms as my body trembles again due to the sight of her with a hammer.

“I know.” She smirks as she hits me over the head with a hammer.

“Wake up my dear,” Her soft voice being heard as I open my eyes to find my arms and ankles tied together. I hate this one.

My head feels heavy as I try to lift it to face her, but, it hurts too much, “did I do good mamma?” I ask as I lay my head back down.

She turns around holding up a saw, “look at me when you’re addressing me honey,” she growls as she runs a sharpening blade across the saw.

I lift my head up, almost crying, “Did I do well?” I ask once again.

She smirks as she kneels over me, resting her knee into my rib cage causing me to let out a slight scream, “you did very well choosing you spot,” She holds the saw up to my face, “but, I found you so you get a punishment for being weak again.” She kneels harder into my side causing me to groan loudly and throw my head back in pain, “oh right, that’s the wound where I took one of your ribs out isn’t it?” She chuckles as she pushes harder.

“Mamma please! I’ll hide better next time!” I beg as I feel the blade of the saw land on my chest, “I need my heart to be strong!” She’s going to take my heart! If she does that, I can’t learn to be strong anymore!

She runs the blade down my sternum causing me to scream out in agony, the warm liquid running down and off my chest, “now, now Miky. I’m saving that for your 12th birthday which is next year. I don’t want a teenager you see, I want a boy. A boy who needs to be taught strength.” She deepens the cut. A loud scream leaves my lips as tears run down my face, my body in anguish, “that’s a good boy.” She coos.


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