
Chapter 1

“Are you sure you want this done?” He asks as he stares at the red lively rose held loosely in his right hand, a smirk plastered on his face.

A chill takes over my body as if his icy glare somehow made its way into my veins, “I do.” His eyes flicker to mine his mouth hung open in amusement, “M-my brother and sister,” I stamper trying not to show weakness.

He holds his hand up to silence me causing my mouth to slam shut, “You don’t have the right to speak up.” He growls putting emphasis on the ‘right’ as the rose in his hand turns black almost instantly causing me to jump back slightly at his temper, “You want vengeance? Revenge? What is it you want exactly?” He asks dropping the rose to the floor his gaze never leaving mine.

I swallow hard my mouth going dry, “Closure. I want closure.” My words coming out stronger and more powerful then I had expected considering my situation.

A dark chuckle escapes his lips, “So vengeance.”

“No,” I shake my head as I step towards him, “I said closure. No matter what it takes, I just want closure.” His eyes flash red as he looks me up and down at my forward movement.

He shrugs and spins around on his heel, “Sorry love, that’s not my thing.” I can hear the torment in his voice, “You see, I prefer a,” he moves his hand in a soft gesture trying to find his words, “different type of closure.”

“Fine.” I abruptly speak in a squeaky voice causing him to stop in his tracks and look to the side almost looking at me.

“What?” His amused tone showing he was planning this all along.

I sigh heavily, “I want vengeance.” The words coming out barely a whisper.

He hums in response turning the whole way around to look at me, “What was that?” His teasing pushing me over the line, “I couldn’t hear you.”

“I want vengeance for my siblings!” I yell as I continue to look down at the floor avoiding his cold stare.

I hear his footsteps as he walks towards me, “Now now, no need to yell Mistress, I’m right here. But, I can’t respect you if you don’t look me in the eye.”

Hesitantly I look up at the satisfied demon in front of me and step towards him, “I. want. Vengeance.” I speak slowly and harshly allowing him to absorb my words.

He cocks his head to the right and leans in to my left ear, “Good.” He chuckles as he pushes his lips against mine causing my eyes to widen at the coldness and abruptness of his lips. I try to pull away, but, being a demon, he is stronger than me, faster than me and smarter than me. His hand presses onto my ribs causing an extremely sharp pain to shoot into my side causing a scream to erupt from my mouth, but, his lips sealing mine shut traps the scream. My muffled screams increase as he presses harder onto the same spot, I try to pry myself away from him, but, he only holds me tighter. Suddenly he lets me go allowing me to catch my breath as I fall to my knees the pain slowly disappearing.

“What, what,” I cough as I gasp for air once more, “What did you do?” I ask as I lift up my shirt to see a circle with a symbol engraved in me, blood seeping out.

He kneels down in front of me and grabs my chin making me look up at him, “You made a deal with a demon. Mistress.”


“We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Annabelle and Parker Goodwin.” The priest speaks as weeps are heard all over room, the loudest coming from my mother who won’t even look at me.

My tears threaten to spill as I swallow hard trying to block out the memories of my family, “This is so depressing.” Mika whines from next to me as he puts his elbows on his knees leaning forwards resting his chin in his hands.

I sigh and look at him, “You didn’t have to come. Just because we made a deal doesn’t mean you have to go everywhere with me.” I speak robotically trying not to break.

He turns his head to the side resting it on his hands still, “I have to protect you. That’s a part of the contract and being here where your siblings are, this is a good place to strike if they were to get you.” He has a point. I blink once and stare blankly at him, if he speaks one more time, I’m going to cry, “You know,” I cut him off.

“Mika. Stop, just stop.” I beg as I look away from him closing my eyes. I can hear his voice get caught in his throat.

“Are you showing me weakness Mistress?” He smirks as he looks at the spot on my ribs where he sealed the contract. My hand slides in the way of his glance so he can’t try and break me.

I stare ahead at the priest, “As your mistress I order you to stop.” I growl knowing those are the only words I can 100% control him with as I know he doesn’t want to break the contract. His gaze snaps to my eyes as a scowl is shown on his face. Quickly he looks away from me crossing his arms as he sits back in the chair.

The ceremony finally finished and I could get out of there. I can’t be seen crying, not here and if I stay, I will cry. I look back at Mika who is trailing behind me, a sign of respect, “Mika, can you hurry up?” I ask as I blow a strand of hair off my face he looks up at me and smiles as he continues to de-attach the red rose from his suit jacket.

He hurries and runs up next to me, “I could take us faster.” He suggests, but, I know if anyone sees us, we would be screwed.

I shake my head, “You have been here for two weeks, how are you still an idiot?” I ask as I pull the keys out of my pocket and press the button to unlock my car.

A chuckles leaves his lips as he appears around the other side of my car obviously using his speed, “Mhm, I’m sure people notice my behaviour.” The wind picks up blowing his shaggy blonde hair. I go to speak, but, his expression changes, his eyes going red, “Get down.” He mumbles as his gaze snaps to mine.

“What?” I ask as I stay standing staring at him in confusement, what does he sense? A loud bang is heard as he swings his hand up catching something between his index and middle finger.

“I said to get down.” He growls as he places the object in his palm showing me a bullet. He turns around and stares intensely at where the shot came from. People were running frantically and staring at us, “Let’s go.” Quickly I get in the car starting it waiting for him to get in. Soon enough, he jumped in and took the rose out of his jacket.

“Thanks…” I speak as I start driving.

He shrugs and places the rose on the dash, “you need to be alive for me to have your soul.” I don’t know why, but, every time he speaks like that, my stomach drops. It makes me feel as if no one cares if I die or not if they don’t want something from me, “We have to be more careful.” He speaks softly a sigh leaving his lips.

“I know. But, tomorrow we are going to the docks where my sister’s friend lives. The cops didn’t go to their extended friends. Then we’ll go to my brothers friend who lives with his family,” I swallow hard as I look at him telling him our plans.

He nods and hums, “Yes mistress.” He sounds worried and uncertain, but, I have to go.

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