Midnight Mistletoe

Chapter Final

Katherine Bennett

As I make my way back to my old bedroom, my mind is completely blank, still struggling to comprehend the events that just unfolded downstairs. As I soon as I take a seat on the bed, a sudden realization dawns on me and my eyes widen in response to what I just did. As I think of our kiss, I raise my hand to my lips and gently touch them with the tips of my fingers.

I kissed Derek.

I kissed DEREK!

The problem here is that I enjoyed it.

I hide my face in the palms of my hands at the realization.

Stupid mistletoe.

It’s all its fault.

In the future, I’ll have to be more careful and step around it so the situation won’t repeat itself.

I can’t believe I enjoyed kissing Derek.

Shaking my head, I try to deny it.

Good luck with that.

Shut up!

Don’t forget until whatever this is is over. You’ll have to share a room with him.

Argh! Why me?

Because you put yourself in this situation.

The door suddenly opens, distracting me from my thoughts. Derek steps inside with our suitcases. My body stiffens, looking at him.

How am I supposed to act around him now?

“What’s gotten into you to be so stiff all of a sudden?” He asks as if he doesn’t already know.

Are we going to pretend that the kiss never happened?

Fine by me.

Shaking my head, I give him an answer. “Nothing.”

Derek lets out a snort. “You sure could have fooled me.”

Clearing my throat, I put my hair behind my ear. “I’m sleeping on the bed while you take the floor. There is no way we are sharing.”

“No worries.” He replies. “I would rather sleep on the floor than share a bed with you.”

Although I don’t want to admit it, his words did sting me a little.

A little? That’s what you are going for?

Shut up!

“It settles, then.” I get up from the bed to open the wardrobe. I take some extra sheets and lay them on the floor.

Thank God my old room has an en-suite bathroom so I can change in private.

I look inside the suitcase to pick up my pajamas. Wasting no my time, I walk to the bathroom so I can change. Once I have finished brushing my teeth, I return to my room.

“Nice legs!” Derek whistles.

I’m sure he did it on purpose just to annoy me.

I have opted to wear a tank top and shorts to bed tonight.

It’s not as if he never saw my legs. In the past, he already saw me in a swimsuit.

“Are you Okay down there?” I ask once I’m under the covers.

“Don’t worry about me. It’s not the first time I’ve slept on the floor.” He puts his hands behind his head while staring at the ceiling.

“How’s Nick doing?”

“He’s good. Why are you interested in him?”

Did I detect a hint of jealousy in his voice?

“No. I’m just curious. You know, I had my first kiss with Nick.”

I don’t know why I said that. I never told anyone about this, not even Nick.

“When?” Derek is curious to know.

“Remember when we were teenagers? You and some of your friends were playing truth or dare, and you Dared Nick to kiss me on the lips.”

“Oh, now that you mention it, I remember.” He chuckles. “If I knew back then, I would have never dared him to do it.”

“Don’t worry. It’s in the past.” I let out a yawn. “Well, goodnight, Derek.”

“Night, freckles.”

I close my eyes to go to the land of dreams. I hope the sandman won’t give me nightmares tonight.


A noise wakes me up, hearing a knock on the door.

It must be my imagination.

“Katherine.” I sit rapidly, hearing my mother’s voice.

“Derek,” I call his name, trying not to speak too loudly.

“We prepared a surprise for both of you.” The one who is speaking now is Jena, Derek’s mother.

Great, they are both here.

Derek!” I try again.

Nothing, he still sounds asleep.

I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

Thank God I have a perfect aim. It hit him on the first try.


“Shh! Our mothers are on the other side of the door. Get your butt in here before they see how we slept last night.”

“Honey?” My mother tries again.

Derek, don’t waste his time. He rapidly grabs the sheets he slept in and throws them at me.

“Just a minute!” I tell them.

Derek lays beside me, spooning me.

I jump, glaring at him.

He raises his hands in defence “I’m sorry. It’s morning.”

I roll my eyes as we change position. “Come in,” I say loud enough for them to hear me.

Our mothers barge in, holding a tray of food that looks like breakfast. “We are sorry to disturb you so early. We wanted to bring you breakfast this morning.”

“Thank you.” Derek and I say at the same time.

“Well then, we are going to leave you alone. Enjoy.” Jenna, Derek’s mother, is the first to step outside, followed by my mother.

Derek takes his first bite. “It will break both their hearts when this is over.”

I sigh. “I know.”

“You should eat.” He suggests.

I reach for his hand instead. “I’m sorry to have dragged you into this.”

Derek looks at me before he continues eating. “It had to be done anyway. When we are going to break up, they don’t have a choice but to stop dreaming of us being a couple.”

“I know. Thank you again.”

He gives me a genuine smile. My heart beats so fast and loud that I’m afraid it will burst out of my chest.

I mess with my hair. I’ll have to be careful so that I won’t get out of this with a broken heart.

Maybe I always had a thing for Derek and never wanted to acknowledge the truth. Perhaps the tattoo on my ass is proof of that. I did it on a drunken night while I was still with Seamus.

And the kiss we shared yesterday…


I have to stop thinking this way. When all this is over, I will put it behind me as I will never think of it again. I will collect all the money I need to get rid of this ridiculous tattoo.

Who are you trying to convince?

I will not answer. I will do what I have in mind, and that’s final.

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