Midnight Mistletoe

Chapter Announcement

Katherine Bennett

“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” Derek wonders. “Once we start, there’s no going back, and we have to stick to our story until we announce our separation.”

From inside Derek’s car, I look at my parent’s house. “I know it’s a lot of what I’m asking you to do, and I’m very grateful. I want to do this. I need to do this.”

“Let’s do it and get this show started.” Derek gets out of his car, waiting for me.

Taking a moment to gather my composure, I inhale deeply before unfastening the seat belt to step out of the car. “So we agree on no kiss on the lips. Holding hands, a hug, a kiss on the cheek is acceptable.” I remind him.

“Freckles, we’ve been over this a hundred times. I think I remember the rules that you establish.” He rolls his eyes as I walk past him.

I look around before retrieving the gifts I bought from Derek's vehicle, putting them all in a plastic bag. I see the decorations that were set up by both of my parents. The Christmas lights are not lit yet as it is not dark outside.

While walking, I didn’t notice the thin ice on the soil. I slip, losing my balance. I put both hands before me to cushion the fall, dropping the plastic bag at the same time. I never hit the ground as two strong arms catch me in time.

I hold on to him tightly as my heart races, momentarily feeling scared.

“Careful, freckles.” Derek holds me close to him.

I look at my saviour briefly, but upon noticing how close our faces are, I quickly pull away and cough.

“Thank you.” Feeling like a klutz is causing me to blush with embarrassment.

I look at the gifts scattered on the ground. “Shit! I hope nothing broke.” I put them all back inside the bags.

“Is something for me in those boxes?” Derek is curious to know.

“You think a fake boyfriend deserves one?” I tease him. I frown as I see his empty hands. “You didn’t buy anything?”

Derek shrugs. “I still have a day or two.”

Men! Why am I not even surprised by his answers?

As I prepare to head toward my parent’s house, my eyes widen, feeling his hand reach for mine. “What are you doing?”

“I want to make sure I’ll deliver you in one piece to your parents for Christmas.” Derek jokes. “Besides, I’m supposed to be your boyfriend until Christmas is over. I’m just playing my part, darling.”

Deciding it was best to let him guide me toward the house, I couldn’t take my eyes off our joined hands.

My hand fit so perfectly in his.

Say what now?

The realization was so surprising that my jaw almost dropped.

I shake my head. I can't think this way. There is no way this will ever happen.

Why don’t you tell that to your branded right buttock?


Derek gives me a weird look. “You okay, freckles?”

“Uh-huh. Never been better.”

He shrugged nonchalantly and continued on his way.

Standing in front of the door, Derek lets go of my hand to ring the bell. I quickly grab his wrist to stop him. “Wait!”

“Tch, what now?”

“Do you think putting your arm around me would make it more believable?”

Shaking his head, he says. “It’s better if we don’t overdo it. Let’s announce the news once we greet everyone.”

He’s right. It will be better to take the time to arrive and say hello to everyone before we announce the news.

My mother greets us, opening the front door. “Derek.” She smiles, seeing him.

“Mme. Bennett.” He returns her smile.

“Haven’t I already told you to call me Amy?” She gives him a hug.

“What am I invisible?” I say to my mother, but she knows I’m just joking around.

“I’m sorry, Derek.” She shakes her head. “I’m not sure what I did wrong with this one. She’s impatient with no manners.”


Covering his mouth, Derek tries to suppress his laughs. “It’s okay, Mme Bennett. I already knew this about her.”

When I hear his comment, I roll my eyes—typical Derek.

I wrap my arms around my mother to greet her.

“So, where is that boyfriend of yours?” My mother asks me.

And here’s the question I was waiting for.

“Amy, give your daughter some space. She just got here?” My father comes to my rescue. “There is my beautiful daughter that I missed.” My father kisses my forehead.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Glad you could make it, kid.” He shakes Derek’s hand.

Whatever age I will be, my father will still call me kid.

I take off my winter clothes, my toque, scarf, gloves, etc., while Derek says hello to his parents.

“It’s so good to see you, Kate.” Jenna, Derek’s mother, greets me with a warm embrace.

“You too.” I reciprocate the hug and embrace her warmly.

“Tell me, my son wasn’t too hard on you?” Ryan, Derek’s father, glares at his son, warning him.

When we were younger, Derek was a real jerk to me—always teasing me for no reason. His father was always the one to come to my rescue. Ryan is the only one except for his mother that could put him in his place if he went too far with his schemes toward me.

“Nothing to report, sir.”

My mother clears her throat. “So about that boyfriend of yours, where is he?”

“Mom!” I complain.

“Amy!” My father warns her.

“What? It’s a simple question.”

I sigh. “Seamus broke things off with me. Is that what you wanted to hear? Me failing another relationship.”

My eyes land on Derek, praying he will say something soon. It’s not like we haven’t practiced the announcement before.

Derek catches my eyes as I keep looking at him. “Actually, Mme Bennett, we have an announcement to make.”

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