Midnight Cove

Chapter Blank Slate

I let Phoenix play to his heart’s content. When he finished I offered only my hand, a gesture for him to help me rise from where I was stationed on the floor. I didn’t let go of his hand as I stood, directly in front of him. Instead, I took up his other hand and placed them on the small of my back while I pressed my body against his. With soft pleading eyes and pouting lips, I glanced up into his dimpled smile from beneath the dark fringe of my lashes.

I made a sigh so delicate it was more of a moan and spoke his name. “Phoenix.”

It was all I needed to say. He kissed me then as if it had been our very first. It was a long kiss, deep and passionate. For the first time, I returned the kiss with as much urgency as he did. I rubbed my large, supple breasts against his ripped, muscular upper body and dug my fingers into his dark thick curls.

I knew he wanted me then; I could feel his body harden under my touch. I was going to claim his love and his heart forever. I made an audible moan this time, vocalizing my want for him. He picked me up, lifting me by my hips, hiking up my long silk gown and placing me atop the piano. I began to undress him, slowly unfastening the buttons on his shirt.

He watched me, not making any attempt at hindering, or helping my progress. I finished unbuttoning his last button slowly, and he shrugged his shirt and suit jacket off of his wide shoulders and onto the floor. I proceeded to undo his belt and slacks. When I had completed my task, I looked up at him. He had a sinful satisfied smile on his face and then in less time than I had to take a breath, his black angel wings unfurled. I gasped, for the first of many times that night, for that was when he took me.

Phoenix’s lovemaking wasn’t soft or tender, his love was deep and I felt it in inches. I clung to his strong frame as his powerful lunges drove his manliness into my soft velvety flesh. When he would hold back, I would moan and scream and beg from him more. I had found in Phoenix an authority I had never experienced before.

He could read the signals of my body better than the instrument I was writhing on top of. My weak flesh demanded rest, but my passionate desire demanded more and would not be quieted. After a time, of which I am certain was hours, we both climaxed at the same time. His warmth spread through me then, and I felt at peace in a way I had never before encountered.

I curled my legs up savoring the hot flush of my skin and fading sensation of my boiling blood. In one fell swoop, I was carried up in Phoenix’s arms. I had completely bared my soul to him and now lied back in his arms comfortable in my vulnerability. My head rested against his bicep, and I saw the glistening black feathers of his angelic faery wings tucked neatly behind his shoulders.

I reached my hand out, and with my fingertips stroked their glossy, ebony texture. They had always looked so fierce, but in reality, they were extremely soft. I smiled, they were just like him. I looked up and saw his soft eyes and smiling face looking down at me with nothing but admiration and love.

Phoenix set me down under my enormous canopy bed and I quickly grasped his hand. “Stay with me?” I pleaded. I couldn’t bare the thought of him leaving me now. He tilted his head and smiled down at me. Then he let go of my hand, and for single heartbeat I feared that he would leave, until I saw that he came round the bed and climbed in next to me. His left arm draped over me while he propped himself up on his right.

He peered down at me. “Marry me, Bonnie?" His soft whispered tone shone with a devoted love of admiration.

I turned onto my back, facing up at him. I didn’t know if he was serious. My eyebrows scrunched together and I stared back at him not saying a word. He read the look on my face.

“Marry me,” he repeated his same crazy question in earnest. “I love you. I have always and will always love you.” He pushed himself up and with excitement in his voice he said, “Wait here.”

He smiled his brilliant smile, and was off like a shot. Before a minute had passed he was back again, our clothes bundled under his arm. He had gone to the piano room. He dropped the clothes in a pile on the floor and climbed back up on the bed next to me. I sat up and leaned back against the silky, firm fabric of the ridiculously tall headboard.

“As I was saying," he cheated his throat, "I love you.” Sitting back on his heels, he took my left hand with his right. “Bonnie, even before anything had happened tonight, I meant to give you this.”

And he took out his left hand from behind his back and opened his palm. There in the center was a small, black velvet box. My breath caught in my throat and I'm pretty sure I had forgotten how to breathe for the moment.

“Bonnie, I will love you for eternity,” he said, his voice almost quaking, betraying his nervousness.

He let go of my hand and opened the box. Inside sat a diamond and ruby ring of exquisite detail. My hands involuntarily flew up to my mouth, I gasped at the very sight of such an extravagant ring.

“Would you do me this great honor, and be my wife?” I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. I wiped the tears away and tried to find my voice to answer. It took me a couple moments, but Phoenix waited patiently, watching my every reaction.

And as he slipped the ring on my finger, everything in the whole universe seemed to stop spinning for one infinitesimal moment and settle into place, before continuing on it’s rotation in it’s more natural and perfect course. Just like me, my world had been tipped on it’s axis and circling out of whack for so long now. In one fell swoop, Phoenix had righted the whole universe and set us all on our more natural course.

There weren’t words to express my joy as I looked down at my finger sparkling in the soft glow of my dimly lit room in the Dark Palace that had become my home. My eyes overflowed with tears and my throat felt so tight I was terrified of how I would sound when I could finally reply.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Yes?” he asked, almost in disbelief.

I nodded fervently, “Yes!” I exclaimed, finally finding some volume. “Yes! Yes! Yes, Phoenix. I will marry you!”

Quickly, Phoenix pulled me up into his embrace, planting a tender kiss on my lips, but not lacking in passion. As soon as he gave me enough room to pull partly away, I glanced down at my hand.

“Do you like it?” Phoenix asked. “We can get you something else if it is not to your liking.”

“What? No!” I yelled, perhaps a bit too loudly, but I already felt tied to the beautiful, tiny ring bedecked with jewels shining up at me from my finger.

“I love it! It’s perfect.” And I smiled down at my delicately ornate piece of jewelry. Phoenix’s smile grew so dazzling it was almost blinding.

“It’s a family heirloom. It was my grandmother’s,” he said affectionately.

“Thank you,” I smiled through the tears that had started up again.

“No, Bonnie. Thank you. You have made me the happiest man alive. You just agreed to be my bride.” And he kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around him, and threw myself into the kiss with abandon.

“I love you,” I whispered into his ear.

“And I love you, my Queen.” And with that statement my stomach dropped. I had forgotten that I was now going to be royalty. I gulped, and my eyes grew large. Phoenix laughed when he pulled me back to look at him.

“No fear, my love,” he said, and laid me down on the soft bed. “But it is best you get your sleep. You have a wedding to plan.” And he kissed my lips softly once more before snuggling down next to me.

“Goodnight, my prince,” I said as I closed my eyes. I thought I heard him correct me and say 'King' but I couldn't be certain. I smiled at that. My last thought before exhaustion took me was that Phoenix, whether Prince, or King, or Faerie didn't matter as much as the fact that he was mine, all mine.

That night was the beginning of my nightmares. I dreamt of many things, but most of which were indiscernible, a swirl of colors and faces. I awoke to an empty bed. Next to me on the pillow was but a single flower, a yellow evening primrose. I lifted it to my face drowning out the memory of my bad dreams in it’s intoxicating scent.

When I arose from my bed chamber I made my way to the balcony expecting to see Phoenix, but there was only the table laid out with breakfast. My heart sank in my chest a little at the sight of his empty chair. This wasn’t the way I had expected to spend the first morning with my fiancé. On the table sat a card addressed to me:

Good Morning Sunshine,

I am sorry for not being able to dine with you but duty calls me away.

I shall return to your side as soon as opportunity affords me. Remember, you have a royal affair to plan, so eat hearty my darling. You will need your strength.

I love you,


I sighed and set the card back down. The food in front of me looked as enticing as ever, but I couldn’t manage a single bite. The butterflies in my stomach wouldn’t allow it. Instead, I sipped at my glass of orange juice and looked out over the hillsides below. The reality of the situation was slowly dawning on me.

All that I could see would eventually come under my rule. I felt a raw surge of power and at the same time an overwhelming fear. I didn’t know if I could handle such an immense burden of responsibility. I thought back over the events of last night and drew strength from Phoenix’s love. I had to be strong, I wouldn’t back away from the possibility of a future with my adoring king, no matter what the obstacles.

The wedding planner arrived at exactly eight o’clock. I was lounging on a sofa in the sitting room, reading, when she walked in. She was a beautiful woman with long black hair and eyes of emerald green. I was relieved to see she wasn’t much taller than I was, finding a dress would be easier with the help of someone who was as vertically challenged as me. She had a soft spoken way about her and it helped me steady my nerves.

“Bonnie? My name is Adele. Phoenix has informed me that I am to assist you in anything I possibly can. The first question is, do you have an idea of what you want already?” she asked in all seriousness. She was soft-spoken but she was all business, no frills kind of person.

“No,” I said in all honesty, sitting up from my sprawled out position on the couch. “I have no idea what I want, or what to do.” I figured it was the best plan of action to inform her of how clueless I was from the get go.

Adele nodded. “Alright, nothing wrong with being a blank slate. We’ll do it from scratch then.” And she came around the sofa to come sit next to me. She pulled the folders out from underneath her arms and for the next few hours, we poured ourselves over her books. She took notes of everything I liked and disliked.

“This is wonderful. You have given me a lot to go on. I will make a few samples and come see you again tomorrow. Same time?” She held her pen in her hand, waiting for my response.

“Yes, that would be lovely.” I smiled, relieved for all her help.

I thanked her for her again, and she jotted down a few more quick notes before taking her leave. I sat back, melting into the couch cushions and sighed heavily. It was both a relief and a sigh of exhaustion. I was so thankful I was done for the day. Day One, accomplished.

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