Mia's Path

Chapter The Alpha


It’s been a couple of days since I got back to the pack. All my warriors are long healed, but the little human seems to be taking her time. Even though Mel had tried a risky thing and gave her my blood. I’ll admit, she sure healed faster than normal, way faster. Maybe her injuries were worse than I thought. I have checked on her every day since the first time I saw her open her eyes. Those beautiful green eyes of her. I mean, those potentially dangerous green eyes of her. She is still a threat, until proven otherwise.

I was pacing in my office at the moment, trying to understand why some other wolves or even a pack were chasing after her. If it was a territorial thing, they wouldn’t have followed her beyond their lands. Yeah, she killed four of them, but I still didn’t see the reason why the pack would follow her into another’s pack land. Maybe she stole something from them. If so, did she hide it? Did she even have the time to hide it? I don’t think so.

Maybe she killed their Alpha and ran. The wolf in my head tried.

Yeah, sure, Silver. If she had done that, the whole pack would have tried to kill or capture her. There weren’t that many wolves to be an entire pack.

Hm, maybe she stole those silvermoon blades from them. That would be a good reason to follow her. This time Silver had a point.

True, that would be a good enough reason.

Silver could be on to something. But I had a gut feeling that it was not it. Something just told me it was somehow even worse and that we haven’t seen the end of it. A knock on my door made me come back to the present. “Come in”.

“Good morning, Alpha. Just wanted to tell you that the doctor said the human might wake up soon. She cut the heavy meds a few hours ago.” explained Tom, my gamma.

“Thank you, Tom. Anything on the wolves? Maybe a pack that we can contact?” I needed something to go on. Anything.

“No, Drake, they sure belong to one, but we can’t place their scent. No other pack nearby said anything about wolves missing or humans around.”

“I see. Were you able to contact Raina yet?” Raina, a friendly witch towards our pack. She sometimes helped with minor problems. My plan wasn’t exactly minor, it would involve some pretty bad disrespect and I wasn’t sure that she would agree with it. But it was my last hope in finding more about the wolves. Well, last hope if the little human didn’t talk. There’s a chance she didn’t even know what pack they were from.

“Yeah, she will be here as soon as possible, according to her.” I nodded to Tom and with that he left.

Finally, some good news. Raina was on her way and the little troublemaker could be waking up right now. I better go there after I finish with these documents.

As I came closer to the human’s room what did I hear? Laughter. FUCKING LAUGHTER! There’s only one person I know that could be there right now and happily laughing with the enemy.

Beautiful enemy, though.

Not the point, Silver!

The damn wolf couldn’t stop thinking about the human. Okay, she was beautiful, with her curly red hair, pale olive skin with just some freckles on her perfect pointy nose. Her lips were pale from blood loss, sure, but they’re still plump and pinkish. And of course, those big round green eyes with thick black lashes. She was by far the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on.

Even drugged and blabbering her voice still sounded like an angel singing. But the most intriguing part was her scent. It was faint, human, but very faint. It still gave me goosebumps, something about her scent was just very odd to me.

It’s the best thing I have ever smelled.

This time Silver was on point there. It really was.

I opened the door without knocking and I used a little more force than what I had intended. Yeah, Kyle was there by her side. He seemed to have developed a crush on his almost killer. The knife she threw at him got close to his heart. He got pretty lucky that Tom was fast enough to pull the knife out almost instantly, otherwise the silvermoon would have killed him anyway. He had the scar to prove it.

All eyes were on me the instant I entered the room. I tried to look anywhere but those green eyes, they were like flames and I the moss. I cleared my throat and concentrated on Kyle first. “Why haven’t you told me that she had woken up?” I asked with a hiss. “Instead of reporting to your Alpha, I find you here, laughing with the enemy?”

“Oh, good morning to you too, Drake. Have you had a good night’s sleep? Yeah, I’m well, thanks for asking.” said Kyle with humor in his voice. That only made me angrier, both because he was not responding to my questions and, well, he embarrassed me in front of her.

HA! You like her, I knew it! Silver sang in my head while skipping around wagging his tail like a damn puppy.

SHUT UP, SILVER! I can’t look weak in front of my potential enemy, that’s all. I screamed in my head.

I took a deep breath so I could calm myself a little, or at least try to. I know that sometimes I could be pushy about pack business and Kyle always tried to lighten the mood. Did he have to do that at my expense today, though?


I looked into those green eyes again. She was already looking at me, with a fierce stare. I don’t know how much time passed, but she didn’t look away and neither did I. I couldn’t.

I had to admit that for a human she could hold herself in front of an alpha pretty good. Usually, humans would just avoid looking directly at my eyes or would look away after a couple of seconds. Not her. Not my mystery woman.

“Hello, my name is Drake Black. What is yours?” I said with a friendlier voice than what I used on Kyle. Well, my brother had it coming.

I was met with silence. Not even a slight movement on her pretty mouth. Maybe she was in pain or not feeling well. “Are you in pain?” A shake of her head told me no. “Are you feeling alright?” Again, she just nodded yes. “Can you talk?” Maybe her vocal cords were damaged? This time she didn’t respond in any way. She just glared at me. That was eating my patience away fast.

Another deep breath to calm my nerves, but it wasn’t having the desired effect since her scent was a bit stronger now that she was better. She smelled like wildflowers and something sweet that I couldn’t place. Silver was getting excited in my head, he wanted to come forward to smell her himself. That was not going to happen. Sorry, buddy.

“Look, you need to talk so you can apologize and explain yourself as what were you doing in my lands and almost killing my beta, Kyle here, in the process.” She narrowed her eyes on me. “I’m not saying I don’t want him dead sometimes, but that pleasure will be all mine. So, if you could explain why, you invaded my land with a bunch of crazy wolves, then maybe I can let you go.”

The last part wasn’t my best, I could see her demeanor change as the words left my mouth. Oh, she was getting pissed. Even her scent changed, turning a bit spicy. What the hell? Her lips were pressed into a very thin line, her eyes carried so much hatred that I almost, ALMOST, looked away. If glares could kill, I would be totally dead right now.

“Listen, maybe it wasn’t planned. You could be running from rabid wolves and didn’t know where you were going. After all, you are just human.” Again, not the best thing to say. She glared at me and scrunched up her nose. With a huff she just turned her back at me. I guess that we were not having a conversation today. “Have it your way.” I hissed.

“Kyle, I want guards here day and night. At least four. Two at the front and two at the window. She doesn’t leave this room until she talks to me. Am I clear?” I used the mind-link to talk to him.

“Yes, Alpha, as you wish. I just don’t think that will work here. She-”

“I didn’t ask what you think, K. Just do it as I say. For once.”

With that I severed the mind-link and went out of the room and shut the door forcefully on my way out. I was just mad as hell right now and needed to release my frustrations. So, I did what I always do in times like these. I went to training.

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