Mia's Path

Chapter Pinewood and rain


Come back to me.

Those words echoed in my head. He was so distraught, I had to do something to let him know I was here. That I wasn’t leaving any time soon. My heart ached with his sadness, I could feel everything he was feeling right now, and it made my heart bleed for - and with - him. Why was he feeling guilty over whatever happened to me was beyond what I could comprehend. I might not remember, but I was sure it wasn’t his fault. Knowing my luck, I had put myself on that situation and things went south.

The fear of losing something precious and the anger that filled his broken heart was too overwhelming to say the least. I had to do something, I had to stop that spiral of heavy feelings. I took a deep - metaphorical - breath and gather all my strength. I couldn’t wait anymore. It took everything in me, but I felt my fingers lightly move and close around his hand. Great relief washed over me, and it fueled my determination to wake up. I was done being like this, I was done waiting.

“Mia?” Drake’s voice caressed my ears, and I felt his hand ran over my face, brushing hair away from it. “Can you open your eyes for me, Red?”

“Hm.” It was all I could do right now.

My mouth was glued shut and dry as hell, so I guess it would take me a little more than that to be able to say anything. My eyelids were heavy, but I needed them to open, I needed to soothe him.

With great struggle my eyes fluttered open. Well, I thought regret was going to be the first thing I felt for myself, surely the lights would be blinding, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the room was dark. The only light coming from the partly opened window curtains and it looked like the moonshine beams were creating a cozy ambience for my eyes to feast upon.

I didn’t need to look around to find the silver-grey orbs I was trying to see. Drake’s gaze was so intense that I thought I could feel him urging me to stand up and wrap my arms around him. His features were tired, he had dark circles under his eyes and looked paler than what I last remember. Even his dark brown hair had lost its shine. Still, he was as handsome as ever, and that made me smile a little. My brows frowned when I saw some tears falling off his beautiful eyes and running down his face. My hand was suddenly cupping his face, as my thumb wiped his tears gently away.

I tried to say that it was okay, but my mouth was too dry, my lips parted but all I could do was let out a hoarse and senseless sound. I would get there.

“Finally, mine.” Drake breathed out in a velvety whisper and brought my attention back to him.

Before I could try to ask him what he meant, his lips crashed against my own. They felt warm and gentle, though I could feel the urgency and passion behind the act. Delicious sparks spread throughout my lips to the rest of my body, giving me a tingling sensation all over, just like before. It made me smile against his lips, before I could really gather my thoughts. I kissed him back. It was a brief moment, but most certainly delightful. Too bad I had no energy left to do or say anything else. I felt my hand getting too heavy again and falling to the bed. My eyes followed shortly after, and I was embraced by exhaustion once more.

Again, I didn’t know how much time it passed since I last woke up, but by now I was feeling a lot better. My muscles ached a little, like I had run a marathon without being prepared for it. At least I could feel it all and my body seemed injuries free. Small victories, you know. This time when I opened my eyes the natural light wasn’t so gentle like the moon shy glow, it was a very bright and sunny day. Took my eyes a few painful blinks to adjust to it and I could finally look around. I wasn’t in the hospital, like I thought I would be. I was in a room and by the looks of it was a very nice and vaguely familiar room. The bed was too comfortable to be a hospital bed, so I guess I should have known better.

That thought made me laugh. Well, I could say it made me gasp and cough, really. Although my lips seemed to be somehow moist, my tongue felt like sandpaper. Immediately a cup of water was put in front of me, and a straw was added to help me drink the water. I took it between my lips and delighted in the cold liquid calming my aching tongue and throat. My eyes snapped up to look at who was helping me, and my heartbeat skipped.


“Hey, Red.” I said softly while helping her drink some water.

After she gulped everything down, I put the cup away. She needed water, but she needed it slowly. No matter, I would take care of her from now on. A lazy smile formed in Mia’s lips, and she sighed happily. Careful not to hurt her I leaned down and adjusted the pillows under her head and back so she could be in a more comfortable position. The hairs on the back of my neck didn’t miss the subtle act of her inhaling my scent and they stood to attention, giving me goosebumps. She sighed lightly again.

“You smell nice.” Her voice hoarse and low.

“Yeah? What do I smell like to you?” I asked her, amused.

“Pine trees and rain. Refreshing yet comforting.” She whispered with her eyes closed, enjoying my scent filling her lungs.

“How are you feeling?”

“Tired, like I almost died again.” She joked and tried to laugh again, but the sound was more like a sad cough.

“How about we stop meeting like this, then?” I suggested softly, my hand cupping her beautiful face and caressing her silky skin.

The familiar sparks running through my fingers to the rest of my arm and chest, filling my heart with joy to be finally able to touch my mate and know she would be okay soon enough. My mate. Silver had no doubts anymore, she was ours and we knew it the moment she opened her eyes a few nights ago. Silver all but screamed in my head she was ours and I acted impulsively and ended up kissing her. I shouldn’t have, she was still too weak and fragile, but the urge was stronger than my resolve, so I did it. I was glad I did it though, because she had kissed me back. Might have been brief before she fell asleep again, but I felt her smile against my lips and ever so lightly kiss me back.

Too soon the door to my room was burst open and in came Raina and my sister. They were always around checking on us all the time. I hadn’t left Mia’s side since I brought her here - except for a few moments ago when I decided that I really needed a shower after being on the same dirty clothes for days. Mel and Raina had tried to make me go downstairs to eat properly and move a little, but I couldn’t leave her, even less after I knew she was my mate. So, they took care of me the way they could, bringing me food and telling me what was going on in the pack. I had blocked the connection out when I thought Mia was going to die. That way I could grieve in peace and solitude. But I couldn’t bother bringing it back up once she woke for the first time. I needed more time for the two of us.

Just the two of us.

I was being selfish, I knew that. But I couldn’t help it, I wanted her all to myself for a little while longer. I needed to make sure it wasn’t all a dream, and she was real, and she was safe. So, you can imagine the grimace I had on my face when I heard them entering my room and talking loudly about something that Tom and Kyle couldn’t agree on. Hearing their voices made my mate smile and open her eyes again, searching for the source of the voices. Okay, maybe they could stay a little if it made Mia happy.

“By Hecate! You’re awake!” Raina screeched, making me flinch with her high pitch voice of joy.

“Mia!” Melinda squealed equally loudly and high pitched and this time I had to put my hands on my ears.

“Oh, don’t be a baby, Drake.” Raina said while making her way to us, leaving a tray with food on the coffee table by the fireplace. She scoffed at me and shoved me out of my chair, sitting there herself and turning to look at a laughing redheaded beauty. “How are you feeling, sweetie?” Raina cooed.

“Hm, like a survivor.” Mia croaked out and smiled at her friends. Melinda was now sitting with Raina on the chair, and I could see she was trying not to cry.

“So, beaten up and tired, huh?” Raina joked, making us all laugh and Mia nodded her head.


“Are you feeling uncomfortable? Maybe anxious or nauseated? Feverish maybe? Craving for... something?” Melinda had to ask. She couldn’t leave things alone.

“N-no.” Mia looked at me with uncertainty and back to the good doctor. “Should I?”


Now I was confused. Melinda and Raina were searching my face and they looked worried about something. Was I looking that bad? What the hell had happened to me, anyways? Why would I be craving something. Well, other than water and rest. Was that it?

“It’s okay, Mia, you’re fine.” Drake assured me and sat by my feet, smiling at me.

Just looking at his face made me feel calmer. I hadn’t noticed that I was starting to feel anxious and panicking until he rested his hand on my thigh and the simple gesture gave me comfort. His scent of pinewood and rain invaded my nose again and I sighed contentedly. His silver eyes had trapped me again, but Raina brought me back to our conversation by squeezing my hand. My eyes snapped to her face, and I smiled. Raina and I knew each other for a short amount of time, but she was already so important to me, like the sister I never had.

“I’m so happy you’re okay.” She said getting up and throwing her arms around me, giving me a big hug.

I squeezed her back as tight as I could, which wasn’t much to be honest. But she got the intention behind it, that was what counted, right? Mel didn’t resist and joined us, making me laugh a little and squeeze her arms over Raina’s body. I knew that if I was saved, she had been the one doing the saving.

“Can you feel it?” Raina whispered in my ear after a few moments and brought her face to mine, looking in my eyes intensely.

I frowned a little at her question. Feel it? Feel what?

Drake cleared his throat, and my attention went back to him. He was scoffing at Raina, probably hearing what she had asked. The moment his eyes met mine again his face softened, and an easy smile spread across his lips. My eyes were drawn to his lips and the memory of them against my own filling my head. Image after image of our little make out session at his kitchen appeared in my mind. I could almost feel his lips on my own again, making my heartbeat race and butterflies take flight in my stomach. On instinct my tongue wet my now dry lips while I was trying to think about something else. Drake’s eyes followed my little motion, and his orbs darken a few shades.

My poor heart skipped a beat again and my own breathing sped up a little, getting shallower. I didn’t notice that I had moved to get closer to him and he had done the same until Raina snapped her fingers in front of my face and snorted at my confused look.

“Not that. I’m talking about your powers!” She chuckled at my face and made me blush profusely.

“Oh, can you sense what she is now?” Melinda gasped at Raina.

“No.” She said frustrated. “Whatever she is I’ve never encountered it before, so I have no way of knowing.” She closed her eyes and sighed then opened them again looking at me with hope and determination. “That’s why I asked if you can feel your powers. Maybe if you describe them to me, I’ll be able to tell what you are.”

I didn’t feel any different than before, just really tired and thirsty. I didn’t look different either, at least not what I could see anyway. My arms and legs looked the same as always. My hair was still red and with curls, so I guess I couldn’t help her out right now. Well, I guess I had felt something different, when I was unconscious, I wasn’t totally unaware of everything. I remember listening to Drake asking me to come back to him. So, I did. But then again, I heard that it wasn’t impossible and that rare to happen to comatose patients.

“Sorry, I don’t feel any different.” I shrugged my shoulders and yawned.

“It’s okay, love. You are tired and we can talk about that later.” Drake cooed at me, making his way over to me and kissing my forehead. “Now you should rest.” He whispered and kissed my cheek.

My eyes closed on their own and I welcomed dreamland with a smile on my face.

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