Mia's Path

Chapter Free to leave


After my conversation with Kyle earlier I was still a little undecided about what to do and how to act around Mia. I felt something for her, I knew that much, but all the situation around us was shit, to say the least. She had tried to hide the truth from me, but I knew she wasn’t being honest about her attackers. No wolf would just chase after a human for no good reason. So, I was sure she was being hunted by someone. I just didn’t know who or why.

She could rest assured I would find out and put an end to that. Mia was a fine fighter and had some mysteries around her, but I knew she didn’t deserve to be hunted down like that and for sure didn’t deserve the fate those wolves wanted to give her, whatever it was.

Probably death. Silver grunted in my head. The idea that somebody wanted her dead was not sitting well with us.

Yes, she could be infuriating at sometimes and even a bit scary if you got her in a fight. But that wasn’t enough, even in the supernatural world. She must have done something. She must have pissed someone important off.

Maybe it wasn’t her fault. Silver interjected.

Yeah, right! Come on, buddy, those wolves were rabid and gunning for her. She had to have done something to them.

With that Silver simply humpuffed in my head and started to ignore me. Oh, well, I guess he is sensitive today. With all the theories in my head about what could she have done I entered the cafeteria to have diner. I was already hungry as fuck. The first thing I noticed was that today was stew day. Nice. The second one was a different scent on the air. Mia was here.

My eyes snapped to her, she was at our usual table, sitting by Kyle’s side. That made Silver growl lowly. When Kyle came to talk to me about Mia, I had no idea that he was serious about her and that he would be making his moves sooner rather than later. It caught me of guard, even though he had warned me. I just thought I had more time to figure somethings out first. I guess I had no choice now.

After getting my food I made my way to our table and had to mind link Sam for her to not sit in front of Mia. I knew she was excited to get to know her, having heard the stories about her and all. She apologized and sat in front of her brother instead, leaving me the seat in front of Mia. Small victory! Silver grunted satisfied in my head. He liked that he could look at her all through diner and study her expressions.

As always, Sam couldn’t keep quiet for long and started word vomiting at Mia. She didn’t look all that bother, just a bit surprised, I think. But the subject turned fast and before I knew it Kyle was trying to show himself off, and she did look impressed with all that. Damn it, I need to say something. Again, before I could, Sam was defending me without me having to ask. She was loyal through and through.

The banter between Sam and Kyle continued and that made my redheaded girl giggle. My girl? Man, I was in serious trouble. And that giggle didn’t help one bit. It was whimsical and angelic. It made my heart warm, and Silver melted in my head. To say that he approved of her was a big understatement. He was as trapped around her finger as I was. Finally seeing my opening, I had to teased Kyle, I knew what he was going to say, but that was my chance.

“Oh, and why not, little brother?” I asked with badly hidden mischief in my voice.

As I knew he would, Kyle took the bait. What he was saying had some truth to it, sure. I was Alpha and there for was stronger the most, but he was Beta, he was not that far behind. So that wasn’t a good enough excuse. Kyle was a good fighter, but I was better simple as that. I had trained harder for what I need to do. Taking the pack over was not an easy task and therefore I trained hard every day for years. Kyle never wanted to be Alpha, so he never cared that much.

“Stronger? Maybe. But I’m better because I’m smarter and my fighting skills are better refined than yours, little brother.” I countered smirking at Mia and puffed my chest out a bit. If she wanted to be impressed by someone, now she had a motive. Well, a better one at least. And to my dismay instead of showing me her approval of my abilities, she just shrugged and went back to her food. My smirk faltered and I almost whined out loud at that, Silver certainly did in my head.

Kyle and Sam kept going at each other like they always did, sometimes I wondered why the Moon Goddess hadn’t made them mates. But maybe the fact that they were too similar could be the reason why. I was about to dig my food again when I heard it. It was low and completely spontaneous, but I heard Mia’s moan very clear. That made Silver pant in my head and it affected me more than I wanted to admit it. Her moan made my dick hard instantly and the will to make her moan more while saying my name came full force.

Silver started flooding my head with images he had conjured of her naked body entangled with ours in different positions. All kind of naughty things not appropriate for diner surfacing in our mind. I had to adjust myself discreetly. I swallowed hard and was about to say something, since her cheeks were on fire, and I could feel her discomfort. All eyes were on her, and I could see Kyle’s were as hungry as mine were. One more time Sam beat me to it.

She not so smoothly changed the subject and started talking about training again. That gave me a few seconds to breathe and organize my thoughts. And then my little sister went ahead and threw me under the bus. Move Mia to the pack house? Yeah, that should have been an obvious move on my part and should have been made days ago. Where was my head all this time? In my ass, I was sure.

Kyle was faster than me again and it made me angry at him. He would show her no room. He had no right to do that, after all I was the Alpha the one that commanded that kind of thing around here. Of course, Raina had something to say about it. I could see the mischief in her eyes when she offered to house Mia in her own apartment. I was having none of it.

“I know that she needs a room, Raina, but I’d like to keep an eye on her.” I blurted and quickly added “You know, for safety reasons.” I cleared my throat that had gone very dry all of a sudden and continued “So she’ll stay at my apartmen–”

Before I could finish my words, I was cut off by Kyle saying it wasn’t fair. FAIR? Why should I care about being fair when he was the one to start doing things behind my back first? I was sure that Mia being here tonight was his idea. I let a low growl at his words, and he quickly changed his phrasing a bit. He seemed angry at me too. Well, tough luck, brother. I was about to counter him when Raina opened her big mouth again. And before I could even breathe the whole table had opinions about where Mia should stay.

Even Tom seemed interested in her at this point and that was it for me. I saw him wink at her and that made Silver see red. If Silver had his way, Tom would be bleeding badly right now. I thought I was the only one to noticed that, but Kyle had noticed too and was not pleased about Tom’s wink. So, we all started to argue again, this time about where Mia would go after diner and with who. It was no use to really argue about it. In the end the decision was mine and my mind was made up, for so many more reasons now.

“If I’m free from the hospital, does that mean I’m free to leave?” All eyes were on Mia again and a heavy silence spread over our table.

Free to leave? What the hell does she mean by that? Silver started to spiral in my head.

I cleared my throat and was the first one to speak. “Leave? Why would you leave?” The words just left my mouth, before I really stopped to think about them.

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