Mia's Path

Chapter Dreamless sleep


I was still seething, how could Drake attack Seth like that? Why would he attack Seth like that? Seth and I were an... item, of sorts. After all the time I spent in this pack and the jerk Alpha had assured me they would help me, how could he do that to someone that had done the same and saved my life. Seth kept me safe; he took me places and he took good care of me. I was happy with him. Even knowing he wasn’t always a good guy and someone really bad was after him, I still wanted to be by his side. I still... loved him. Was that it? Was Drake jealous of Seth? Drake kissed me once, true. Yet he had no right to be jealous.

It was a good and hot kiss, tough.

It didn’t matter how good of a kiss it was or how good it made me feel. He had no right to attack my Seth. My Seth. I sighed with a warm smile on my lips. Since he the car crash, we had a wonderful time together. I must say I didn’t really remember all of it, the night of the accident was still fuzzy in my head, but according to Seth and a few human doctors that’s pretty normal. He did explained somethings to me, so I was okay with not remembering every detail. I was not really worried about it. I admit it really hurt when Seth told me that my friends had left me there, but he also assured me that they had other problems to deal with, like the rogues that caused the crash in the first place. I guess I couldn’t really blame them. I was passed out, right? What could have they done?

I heard the shower turn off and movement on the bathroom. I was already in bed; the trip back here was really exhausting. Holding on to a werewolf’s back while they run their asses off is not that comfortable or that easy. Tom was a big guy and an even bigger wolf, so balancing on him was tough as hell. Seth had argued that he could carry me, but all the wolves laughed at him and said he wouldn’t be able to maintain speed while carrying me. I didn’t know much about vampires, but I knew they weren’t the strongest supernaturals out there. In the end Seth agreed that Tom would be the one to carry me.

According to them we made back here in record time. In just a few days we were back when, in reality, it should have taken us almost five days to get to the Blue Moon pack again. I was glad we made it so quickly, I knew Seth was trying to keep me safe and distracted from the fact that we were running from someone powerful, but I saw him glancing over his shoulder every now and then. And when we finally made it here, I saw how he relaxed. Until he was attacked, that is. Dumb jerk Alpha broke four of Seth’s ribs. He could have crushed his chest and I was almost sure he would have if I hadn’t stopped him. Raina tried to keep out of the fight, but no one was doing a thing to stop the crazed giant wolf version of their Alpha, so I had to step in.

“Ready to sleep, little one?” Seth cooed at me.

My eyes ran down his body and I was horrified with what I saw. He had bruises all over his upper body. I could see the spots where Drake’s paws had hit him and knocked him down. But what made me gasp in horror was the big purple and black that took over half his right side. I couldn’t imagine the pain he must be in. He was trying to be strong and not scare me, but I saw how hard it was for him to breathe and move. If I knew it was that bad, I wouldn’t have let him shower by himself. Mel had told me he should be fine in a short while, so why wasn’t him healing like he should?

“Seth...” I whispered and ran to him.

My eyes were still glued to his torso. Tears were pooling in my eyes as my fingers delicately ran down his body. He flinched at my touch, and I retreated my hand.

“It’s okay, baby.” He reassured me and tried to smile like nothing was wrong. But his smile turned into a grimace as he lifted his hand and touched my cheek.

“Why aren’t you healing?” I whispered again, afraid that if I said anything louder it would hurt him more.

“It’s been almost a week since I fed, I guess I’m just hungry.” He joked and chuckled. His chuckled morphed into groans of pain and I helped him sat down on the bed.

“You should have said something, Seth.” I sat by his side and took my hair out of its way, exposing my neck to him. “Here, take as much as you need.”

“Are you sure, little one? You’ll get weak for a while.”

I couldn’t understand why he was refusing to take my blood for the past few days. It’s not like he didn’t drink it before, he even said he loved it too much. So why refuse now that he needed it?

“Please. I don’t want to see you hurt.” I pleaded with him.

With love in his eyes, he nodded at me, making me release the breath I didn’t noticed I was holding. He got closer to me and gently ran his fingers down my neck, my shoulder and arm, making me shiver in delight. His soft and warm lips touched my bare shoulder, and that simple act made me sigh and relax into him. The first time he drank my blood it caught me by surprise, I wasn’t really expecting the bite to sting that bad initially, but like he had said, it got better after that first break of skin. By now I was used to it and actually liked it.

I felt his fangs graze my sensitive skin and held my breath in anticipation. The sting this time was almost nonexistent, but the warm floating sensation that came after that was bliss. It was weird to think that feeling my blood being sucked out of my veins could actually be good, but it felt like I was floating, almost flying really. Even though I was losing blood and should feel cold, I felt Seth’s warmth envelope me. I little moan escaped my lips as he continued to drink from neck.

I guess he was really hurt and hungry, because he didn’t stop when I thought he would. I could feel the tiredness getting to me now and my eyelids felt too heavy to keep them open. I leaned into Seth’s arms and my whole body weight was dropped on him. I suddenly didn’t feel like I could hold myself up straight anymore. I was just tired and the blissful feeling of drifting in the wind was taking over me. Before I could really embrace the darkness that was trying to take a hold of me, I fell flat on my back at the bed.

“I’m sorry, little one. I took too much.” I faintly heard Seth say, worry heavy in his voice. I tried to answer him, saying it was okay and I was just tired and needed to sleep, but my lips felt numb. My eyes locked with his and I hoped I could transmit the calm I was feeling, because I could see he was panicking right now, and his lips were moving frantically but I couldn’t seem to register what he was saying.

I finally closed my eyes and let the night take me to a dreamless sleep.

“Please don’t leave me, baby...”



Was the first thing I heard as I entered my small apartment. Great, they were doing things that I didn’t want to know about. Ew! Oh, Mia, you can do so much better, girl.

“FUCK!” This time I noticed the panic in the voice and before I could make my way to the room Seth came out of it, his face pale like he just saw a ghost. But that’s not what scared the crap out of me and made me mumble ‘fuck’ as well. It was the crimson liquid that ran from his mouth to his chin. Blood. It had to be Mia’s blood. I ran past him, shoving him out of my way and immediately saw her on the bed, her neck was still bleeding, and her skin was as white as paper.

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?” I shouted at him while grabbing Mia’s wrist and trying to feel her pulse.

“I-I lost control. Her blood is s-so sweet, and addictive and I-I was hurt pretty bad.” He stammered.

“Mia, stay with me, please.” I whispered to her and shook her shoulders a bit. If she still had a pulse, I couldn’t find it. That was not how it was supposed to end. It couldn’t be.

Drake, Mia needs you RIGHT NOW.

I reached to him. I really hated using the pack link to communicate, I knew it was supposed to help the pack and all, but it just felt invasive to me. I tried to use it only as a last resort, and since I couldn’t carry Mia all by myself, I needed his help. I also wouldn’t want Seth to carry her, he had done enough already. In those few days we had to tolerate him I had learned that he really cared about her, in his own and twisted and possessive kind of way. But he did worry about her well-being. So, I didn’t expect him to kill her by draining all of her blood like that. Stupid bloodsucker.

Less than a minute passed, and Drake was at the room door, he took one look at the scene and knew what had happen.

“Seize him.” He ordered over his shoulder and made his way in two strides to Mia, getting her out of bed gently.

Kyle and Tom were growling at Seth and trying to control their wolves from attacking the damn stupid vampire. His face was distraught as he looked Mia being carried away almost dead from his mistake. He didn’t fight the boys and just accepted his fate.

I had no time to waste on trying to figure that guy out and I ran after Drake.

“She needs medical attention.” I pointed out the obvious.

“I’ve already called Mel; she’ll meet us at my room.”

That statement caught me out of guard. Why his room and not the hospital? I might not be a doctor like his sister, but I was pretty sure that all the fluids and medicine that we might need were all over there. I understood that his room was way closer and that could be faster to get to, but was it even worth it if we didn’t have the things we would need? Nonetheless I followed him to his apartment and opened the doors for him and Mia. When we reached his room, he quickly kicked down the door and hurried her over the bed, putting her down gently. For a second, he stopped to look at her face and kiss her forehead. Then he was rearranging his furniture by bringing his massive chair that used to be in front of the fireplace and leave it right by Mia’s side, almost glued to the bed.

Mel ran up to the room carrying a bag with her and started working right away. She tried to feel Mia’s pulse like I had done and by the look on her face she wasn’t happy, just like I had felt. Out of the bag I saw her get some needle looking things, some small fluid tubes and what looked like a plastic bag. Drake sat on the chair and extended his arm over to be close to Mel and Mia. Again, the doctor didn’t waste any time and disinfected Drake’s and Mia’s arms at the same time. She could work fast and efficiently. Damn. She poked Drake’s arm and connected the small tube to the needle like thing on him, letting his blood fill the tube and start filling the bag that was attached to it.

She then poked Mia’s arm and connected the other small tube that came out of the plastic bag to her. I didn’t notice before that Melinda had hanged the bag on the headboard, and it was filling it up with Drake’s blood pretty fast. At the same time, it was pouring his blood to Mia’s body, but slowly. I had no idea if we still had time to save her and if putting Drake’s blood on her was a good idea. After all she did have a weird and strong protection spell on her. Why it hadn’t worked against the likes of Seth I had no idea, but I could only hope that her body wouldn’t reject what we were trying to do to save her.

“What happened?” Melinda whispered and looked at me.

“Seth lost control.” I said simply.

“The fucker.” Drake growled out. “I don’t care about his influence over her, I’m not letting him anywhere near Mia ever again. If she really needs his blood to survive, fine. But she won’t get it directly from the source.” His eyes were glowing like liquid silver, and I knew his wolf was fighting him to get out and probably violently kill Seth.

He deserved a very painful and very slow death, but for now we couldn’t afford it. I didn’t know the specifics of his gift, so I had no idea how much Mia would suffer for being separated from him physically, but I could hope that she wouldn’t try to kill herself, like I had heard some humans did when away from their addiction.

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