Meric the Storyman: Rega and the Dragonstones

Chapter 32: Good vs. Evil

The evil dragons regrouped. By splitting their army in two, the good dragons had managed to kill eighteen of them. They had only killed nine of the good dragons. They wouldn’t be able to survive at this rate.

“We must wait for the ground force before we attack again.” said the new green leader.

“Who made you boss?” shouted a disgruntled red dragon.

This prompted a small fight to break out. Before it was over, there was another new leader. The green dragon lay dead, killed by the red dragon.

No one else contested the red dragon’s leadership.

While the evil dragons regrouped, the good dragons continued to gather up their fallen comrades. In addition to the nine dead, there were many injuries, the worst being the brass dragon’s destroyed wing. Other injuries ranged from small claw scratches to minor singes caused by a red dragon’s breath weapon. For the most part, the acid-protection cream was doing the job it was designed to do.

The first battle plan was a success. Bahamut told King Motagula and Fokar to prepare the ground forces because the next battle would definitely involve them.

Rega rejoined his friend. He, Dexir, the halflings and the brownies went with the ground forces. Doman and Lobaki stayed behind. Their magical abilities may have to be called on later.

They didn’t have to wait long before the evil dragons began their next attack.

Jaltor saw the other army already prepared for them. Even with all the orc and goblin casualties suffered along the way due to the heat, his army outnumbered the ground force of the enemy by more than five times.

The most dangerous foes they would face, other than the metallic dragons, were the storm giants. He had seen the blinding flash when the storm giants had hurled their bolts of lightning. He had six hill giants who would have to be used against them.

The rest of the enemy’s army were human soldiers, human wizards, elves, and gnomes. A handful of dwarves could also be seen. Out of them, the wizards and elven archers would be the worst threat. He would count on his army outnumbering theirs to help counter the bows. Once they were in close, the arrows would be ineffective.

His army had missile weapons of their own. The hill giants could hurl large boulders. Besides their swords, the orcs and goblins were also given spears.

He gave the orders to prepare for battle.

They charged.

Dexir counted the number of hill giants in the approaching army. Seeing that the storm giants were greatly outnumbered, he called on Akrun’s powers. “Strength and Growth.” he said to the sword.

He grew in height until he was a few feet shorter than the storm giants. Akrun had grown proportionately. He walked up to the front of the army to stand with the storm giants.

“Magical sword.” was all he said to the suddenly surprised storm giants.

Up in the sky seeing Dexir suddenly grow, Soliat also told the platinum dragon about Akrun’s abilities.

The first attack in the ground battle came from the elven archers and wizards.

King Motagula had half of the archers aim their bows for the hill giants and ogres. The remainder, along with the gnomes using slings, aimed at the orcs and goblins.

Fokar had the wizards all start with a volley of fireballs and magic missiles. They aimed at whatever target they desired. Magic missiles would usually kill an orc or goblin. Fireballs would explode, causing the most damage to the intended target, but also injure those nearby.

Many of the enemy fell, including a hill giant and several ogres. There were still too many of them, though.

Jaltor had his army attack next. The storm giants as well as Dexir easily avoided the hill giant boulders, however, some of the elves and gnomes behind them weren’t so lucky. The thrown spears also did their damage. The orcs and gnomes didn’t have to aim. With the vast amount of them thrown, some were sure to hit. The Silver Rose soldiers used shields to protect the wizards as much as possible, taking some damage in the process. The paladins from Morane were laying hands on those more gravely injured.

The wizards, elven archers, and gnomes with slings each had another chance to attack before the ground forces met. Two more hill giants, another ogre and many more orcs and goblins fell. It would now be up to good old-fashioned sword-fighting to determine the outcome.

At this time, the Silver Rose soldiers split up. One guard stayed next to a wizard. The others formed up, still on horseback, and attacked the approaching enemy army directly.

While the battle between the ground forces began below, the red dragon started the battle in the sky. He still had almost twice the amount of dragons as compared to the good.

Most of them had been given enough time to recharge their breath weapons. Everyone had been ordered to use them first. It did the most damage, so the more good dragons who could be taken out, the better.

He had seen the damage the single platinum dragon caused. That was his target. The remaining red dragons would go after the gold dragons surrounding him.

Similar to the evil dragons, Bahamut had divided the dragons by metallic type. Each Council member would be in charge of his or her own type. His entourage of ten dragons would fall in behind him.

He called out when he saw the red dragon begin the assault. So far, his superior cunning had beaten the evil dragons. Now, he was going to show them what his breath weapon damage was like.

As the evil dragons let loose with their breath weapons, the good did likewise. More dragons fell from the sky, dead or injured, good and bad. A copper dragon, wings frozen by a white dragon’s cone of frost, crash landed into a small group of orcs who had just avoided being hit by the elven archers. Orcs and goblins around the downed copper dragon attacked with swords and spears. The copper dragon died before he could release his breath weapon.

Bahamut avoided the fiery breath from the red dragon charging him. He finally let loose with the most deadly of his three breath weapons, the sonic vibration.

It caught the red dragon full on. A blue dragon flying nearby, also got a massive dose of it. Both of them began to disintegrate under the blast. Their flesh was blasted off their wings and body. Internal organs began to break apart as well. Finally, their skeletons turned to sludge. This all took place in a matter of seconds.

The platinum dragon then looked for his entourage. The seven gold dragons, two silver dragons and one bronze dragon had been fighting the red dragons. All but two of the red dragons were now dead.

He called for his entourage to follow him.

Rega had been fighting off a couple of goblins before Lano came to his aid. With one apiece, they quickly finished them off. He had a chance to take a look at the battle taking place.

The storm giants were locked in combat with the hill giants. Dexir was battling a group of ogres. Those who could perform offensive or defensive magic spells were now doing so.

Lano warned him as another goblin charged. Rega got in a good blow on his fourth slash. The goblin went down.

Rega glanced up in the sky to see the dragons. All of the good dragons were busy fighting off at least one evil dragon. Rega also saw the platinum dragon and his entourage going to the aid of heavily outnumbered good dragons.

Rega watched as one of the gnomes using the oil launcher let loose a volley at a passing white dragon. It was soon followed by a flaming arrow. It was a direct hit. The oil flasks broke open on the dragon’s chest. The flame from the arrow caused the oil to ignite. Although it didn’t kill the dragon, it still had to leave the battle for a bit to locate a water source to extinguish the flames.

He then glanced at the brownies. He could finally see why they were called warrior brownies. Although Certi and Ardi only went up to the knees of their attackers, it didn’t stop them. Working together, one would trip the attacker while the other would run up and stab the fallen enemy in the throat.

The few dwarves were also hacking away at the orcs. Rega had learned that their arrival was by chance. They had somehow gotten some information about who stole their King’s ruby and were heading to Estu when they met King Motagula.

The Elven King quickly set them straight, telling them all about the true nature of the gem they sought. He even invited them to come with him to Dragonlair for proof.

Thinking back, Rega now remembered a dwarf also sitting in one of the chairs. The wonder of the event had made him ignore the extra person. Somehow, he was sure Soliat was the one who had passed on the information. The silver Council member wanted his chosen people to be at the event.

Fokar and his group of wizards were casting the occasional fireball, magic missile, and other various offensive spells. There were acid arrows, the different power word spells, and by the higher-level wizards, disintegrate.

He looked back at his friend. Dexir had killed all of the ogres attacking him. His sword, Akrun, just sliced through them like they were butter. One of the storm giants had defeated the hill giants around him. The other storm giant was still fighting the last remaining hill giant.

Rega then saw a blue dragon break away from the battle in the sky and fly toward the storm giants. He let loose with his breath weapon. It was a lightning bolt aimed for the storm giant who still battled the hill giant. Rega was surprised as the storm giant absorbed the electrical energy from the lightning.

The blue dragon hadn’t expected this to happen, either. He was so caught off guard that he flew a little too close to the other storm giant. It proved to be a mistake.

The storm giant grabbed the blue dragon around the neck and threw him to the ground. A ground battle broke out between the two huge creatures.

A scream came from a nearby gnome. Rega ran to his aid too late. An orc had killed him. Rega ran up to the orc and hit it with his sword. The orc hit back, slicing into Rega’s leg. Rega swung again and connected once more. This time, the orc was dead.

Lobaki used her last memorized magic missile spell on an orc. Only two missiles were sent, but the aim was true. It was enough to kill the creature. She then went back to go help with the injured.

She found Doman placing a bandage around an elf’s arm. The half-orc had been given a robe of white with red trim to wear. This reminded everyone that he wasn’t one of the enemy. Doman had understood.

“How goes the battle, wizard?” said Doman.

“It looks like we may be winning.” answered Lobaki. “The ground force has killed many orcs and goblins. The main battle will be the one in the sky.”

“We are getting our share of casualties, though.” said the half-orc. “I can attest to that.”

Lobaki walked over to an elf who had been hit on his foot with a spear. The elf told him he had still wanted to fight, but he was ordered to come here to get bandaged. Lobaki found some bandages and clean water. After an application of the healing cream, the elf was bandaged and sent back out. A gnome directed the limping elf to another area.

Lobaki started walking to another injured elf when she spotted Rega and a familiar Silver Rose soldier carrying someone in.

“Rega. Over here.” she yelled.

Rega and the soldier brought the blood-soaked person to Lobaki. The young wizard saw that it was Dexir. He had claw marks all over his body.

“He saw the storm giant go down from a blue dragon’s attack.” explained Rega. “Angered, he fought and killed the blue dragon by himself, but not before being injured.” The thief then placed Akrun by his friend. “The sword’s healing power is what saved him.”

Lobaki called to Doman. The half-orc came running up.

“You have more experience in this.” said the wizard with a worried look on her face. “He looks to be in bad shape.”

Doman took some of the healing cream out and rubbed it into the wounds. “I don’t have much left.” he said. “Hopefully, it will be enough to help.”

Lobaki noticed the blood on Rega’s leg. “Let me help you, Rega.” she said. “I can at least do some simple bandaging.”

It was then that Lobaki noticed one of the other patients starting to get up from the cot where he had been lying. She forgot all about Rega’s injury and ran up to give her now-standing mentor a hug.


Lobaki was correct. The good dragons were slowly winning.

Jaltor saw there were no more hill giants or ogres alive. The orcs and goblins he had left were being slain faster than he could count. He knew there was only one choice left for him.

He called for a retreat.

The orcs and goblins quickly ran away from the battle. Elven archers took out even more as they ran.

Jaltor heard a small cheer come from the enemy before an arrow hit him from behind, piercing his heart.

Bahamut slowed to check the loses. There were roughly about two dozen evil dragons left. The good dragons had suffered great loses as well. The bronze Council member was dead. One of the gold dragons in his entourage was also dead, with another two badly injured. Counting himself and the remaining seven of his group, there were twenty good dragons.

He called the remaining good dragons to him, preparing for another attack.

The evil dragons had exhausted their breath weapons. Since the good dragons each had two different ones, with himself having three, they still had an attack left using them.

They flew at the evil dragons. The platinum dragon aimed another sonic vibration at a green dragon, disintegrating it. He immediately followed it by aiming a cone of cold at a black dragon, killing it.

The other good dragons had success with their breath weapons, too. The evil dragons managed to kill two more good dragons, but the attack was worth it. Only six more evil dragons remained.

The remaining six evil dragons realized it was time to retreat. Turning to the south, they flew back toward the hideout. Bahamut sent the remaining dragons in his entourage after them.

He then flew down to assess the damage done to the ground troops.

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