Meric the Storyman: Rega and the Dragonstones

Chapter 29: Fight to the Death

The black dragon returned to Hulafason. The woman was still alive, but barely. The blue dragon had an orc search for the pouch.

The orc had been checking her blouse longer than the blue leader liked, so he growled a warning.

“Sorry, sir.” said the orc, handing him the pouch.

Hulafason sent the orc away. He then emptied the pouch on the floor. As the contents of the bag came out, all of the dragons in the area stared. The beauty of the gems was overpowering.

But the blue dragon leader saw something else. He didn’t see gems. Instead he saw plain rocks. Other dragons began to see through the illusion as well, including the black dragon who had brought them.

Hulafason didn’t say a word. He looked at the black dragon and let loose with a breath weapon of lightning. The black dragon, along with a few stray orcs, goblins and ogres, died instantly of electrical shock.

Calling to one of the more power-hungry green dragons he said, “Take over here. I will call you when it is time.”

The blue dragon headed out the cavern. The final thing heard from him was, “If you want a job done is time for Verdi”

The desert was hot and dry. Rega had to stop the group more frequently to rest. It was good they had the extra water in the barrels. It was during one of these breaks when he explained about the illusion Dragonstones he had made. The gnomes, always looking for ways to have some fun with Effron, gathered some of their more-skilled illusionists to create the fake gems. Rega had intended on presenting the illusion Dragonstones to Effron. He was hoping it would make the brass dragon’s heart skip a beat or two in panic before actually being presented with the real Dragonstones.

They had left the wagon back at the spot near the stream. There was no way they could pull it through the desert. Stice and Lano were sad to leave it. Rega told them that if everything went well, they could return for it afterwards.

The brownies elected to ride with the halflings on their ponies. They both felt that if the fate of good and evil in the land were to be decided by going to Dragonlair, then they wanted to see it. Rega happily agreed.

There had been no other dragons spotted since the black one seen the afternoon before. Rega was relieved. Maybe the illusion would be deceptive long enough for them to make it to Dragonlair with the real Dragonstones.

The five leaders of the good dragons had been preparing several days for releasing the spells of the Dragonstones. Even though Soliat was fortunate enough to find someone who could get all of the gems, if they didn’t perform the ritual properly, the spells wouldn’t be released. So they rehearsed.

The leaders hadn’t been sitting idle while Rega had been gathering the Dragonstones. With them, they had their own dragon army. There were four gold dragons, six silver, three bronze, seven copper and eleven brass. When the five leaders were included, the total number were thirty-six dragons.

Dragonlair was located in the middle of the mountain range. The area was open, except for three large mountains. Together, these mountains formed a large triangle. The area inside the triangle was where the dragons now rehearsed.

Dragons and other flying creatures could fly directly into Dragonlair. For those without flying capabilities, there was a single cave opening.

Directly in the middle of Dragonlair, a beautiful metallic stand stood. It had five Dragonstone holders, each one resembling a dragon claw. Each dragon claw was made out of the appropriate metal type. The remainder of the stand was made out of a different metal entirely.

The gold leader signaled to begin again. The thirty-one background dragons began singing the song. The five leaders joined in at the next phrase. As Soliat sang, his thoughts were constantly on Rega. He had wanted to escort the group to Dragonlair, but Colnhe convinced him that the Wizard’s Guild would make sure he was protected.

Rega saw the cavern opening from where he rested. If what the High-Wizard in Makloran had told him was true, it would lead directly to Dragonlair. It would also be guarded. A pair of sand elementals would be there to stop unwanted visitors.

The heat from the desert had been taking its toll, especially on the horses. They were stopping every hour to rest. Only one more barrel of water remained.

“We had better get going.” said Rega. “The next time we stop it will be at the cave entrance.”

Although several of them groaned, everyone climbed on the horses and started out.

After about ten minutes, with Rega deep in thought about completing the mission, a shout came from Lobaki.

“Rega. We have trouble coming!” she yelled and pointed to the sky to the south.

The thief looked at where the wizard pointed and almost fell off his horse. Coming straight for them was a large green dragon. Looking at the distance between them and the entrance and then figuring out the amount of time it would take the green dragon to reach them, Rega said, “Everyone off your horses. We will have to fight. The dragon fear will probably spook them anyway.”

Rega and Dexir got off their horses. Dexir had even taken out Akrun from his sheath, although he hadn’t called on any of the sword’s magic at this point.

As Lobaki started getting off her horse, Barg suddenly flew off her shoulder, chirping wildly.

“What do you mean you can stop him?” said Lobaki. “How do you plan on doing that?”

Instead of answering, the bird landed on the sand. There was a shimmer around him and then he started growing. As he grew, the wings turned into human arms, the bird legs into human legs, the bird’s head and beak into a human head and nose. The feathers completed the transformation, changing into a magician’s robe.

“Nomis!?! Is it really you?” asked Lobaki.

“Yes it is, Lobaki.” answered the old wizard. “I have been with you from the start. You have done well, apprentice. Except for a couple of times, I let you do the work.”

Lobaki finally understood who had helped her in Leafbourn. When the sparrow had chirped, it wasn’t to warn her about the magic. He chirped to actually release the spell.

“I had to save my magic just in case something you couldn’t handle came along.” explained Nomis. “It looks like I am needed now.”

The old wizard looked at Rega. “You, too, have done well. Get to Dragonlair. The Dragonstones must reach there at all costs.”

Then Nomis started walking south, toward the dragon. He looked back one more time. “Go, I said! Don’t worry about me.”

This broke Rega and the rest of them out of the haze. Dexir put Akrun away and both he and Rega hopped on the horses. They all started toward the cavern opening.

Verdi was a very large and powerful green dragon. He was known as Hulafason’s enforcer. Killing was all that mattered, whether it be one of the younger dragons disobeying the blue dragon leader, ogres and orcs, or even humans. Only Hulafason had proved to be the superior leader, so he chose to follow him until that leadership faltered. Verdi was excited to be chosen for this mission. He was being turned loose to simply destroy, maim, and kill.

He watched as his prey stopped. He had them beat. There was no way they would make it into the entrance to the cave.

He then watched as an old man started walking toward him. The rest of the party headed in the direction of the cave entrance. Trying to decide who to go after first, he was soon answered.

“Foul beast. Come to me.” said the old man in an amplified voice.

The large, green dragon just laughed. He would kill the old man first and still have plenty of time to get the rest of them.

Even though it had only been a few minutes, Lobaki felt incomplete without her familiar. She had to stop thinking about her old master that way.

She also heard Nomis talk to the dragon in an amplified voice. Looking back frequently, she saw the green dragon going straight for the old wizard.

Nomis acted first. Lobaki saw a fireball shoot out of the man’s hand and go toward the dragon.

The dragon saw it as well. He managed to maneuver out of the way almost in time before it exploded. His right side and wing was still burned.

Everyone heard the roar of the dragon that followed. The horses ran a little faster, trying their hardest to put some space between the dragon and themselves.

Nomis stood his ground, anticipating the dragon’s next move. Sure enough, he was correct. He disappeared a split second before a cloud of poison gas from the dragon was aimed at the spot he had been standing. A second later, he reappeared fifty feet to the west.

“Teleport spell. Good.” said Lobaki, even though she knew his old master couldn’t hear her.

The dragon was even madder. The old man should have been easy to kill, even if he could do some magic. Maybe he would be able to get away from one attack in time, but not three.

Nomis saw the green dragon change course to his new location. He reached into his pouch of magical components and pulled out a piece of granite. He then began casting his next spell.

Verdi saw the old man begin another spell. He flew in low to the ground, making it harder for another fireball to hit him. Then, a large granite wall suddenly shot out of the ground. There would be no way to avoid hitting it. Ducking his head, he hit with full force.

The wall shattered, sending pieces everywhere. A fragment flew into Nomis’ left leg, knocking him down. The dragon fell to the ground. He got up to shake off the effects.

Nomis pulled himself up carefully. Looking down at his injured leg, he could see the bone had been broken. He looked toward the dragon, which was now gaining back his orientation. The beast would be able to get to him soon.

The old wizard knew what spell to do next. He had used up his only Teleport spell avoiding the dragon’s breath weapon. The Fireball spell was effective, but unfortunately, he had only studied one of these as well. He still had his Magic Missile spell, an Invisibility spell, a Fear spell that would most likely be harmless to the dragon, a Web spell, and a Burning Hands spell. None of these would really damage the dragon enough to stop him.

This left the one remaining offensive spell he had...the Death spell. Hopefully there was time enough to cast it. He reached into his pouch and found the powered black pearl necessary for the spell. He looked one last time at the dragon before beginning the spell’s chant.

Verdi saw him begin another spell. He would have to reach the wizard before this spell could be cast. He used all fours, charging the old man. As he neared, he roared again.

Looking back, Lobaki saw the dragon charge Nomis. She again heard the roar. The dragon then lifted up on of its huge claws and struck the wizard. She saw Nomis go flying before she felt the power of the magic.

Lobaki instantly knew what spell her old master had used. She saw the green dragon fall down where he stood. The dragon was dead. She looked at where the old wizard had landed after being hit by the dragon. Nomis also lay motionless.

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