Meric the Storyman: Rega and the Dragonstones

Chapter 21: Hill Giants

Deep inside his lair, Hulafason, a large adult blue dragon, listened to the latest report on activities of the good dragons. His wyvern spies had been busy gathering whatever bit of information they could. Apparently, there was a group of travelers that had been a part of these reports lately too. He heard about what had happened to Pyrdon, and then later heard about Eraston’s death. Both times this group had been involved.

The latest report was the group traveling with none other than a brass dragon. It was time that he found out more.

“Khalo!” roared the blue dragon. In a matter of moments, one of Hulafason’s guards entered the lair. Khalo was also a large blue dragon. Hulafason then said “I have a task for you. I need for you get to the pass and make sure a group of humanoid travelers do not get through. From what my spies tell me, there will be halflings, humans and a half-orc. Bring your friends, but just know we need to find out what they know first before you have your fun with them.”

“Right away, Lord” answered Khalo.

As Khalo left the lair, Hulafason called one of his wyvern spies. “Follow him and report back to me what happens.”

The final Dragonstone was located in Makloran, if what Effron had said was to be believed. Regardless, the group decided to head there. Hopefully, there would be some confirmation on the way. And there was.

It took a day to get back to the North/South Road. Waiting for them near the road were three men, one of which was an elderly man wearing a light red robe that Rega recognized.

“Soliat!” greeted Rega. “It is good to see you.”

“It is good to see you too, Rega of Ractah.” replied Soliat.

Rega introduced the rest of the group, finishing with his friend, Dexir.

Soliat then introduced the two men who were with him. Rega noticed that one was younger than the other, but both had similar features. “I would like you to meet Cupramos, the Copper Dragonlair member, and his son Tamaranos.”

“So this is the man you have been telling us about, Soliat?” said the one introduced as Cupramos as he extended his hand towards Rega. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” he then said to the thief.

“The pleasure is mine.” said Rega. “May I ask what brings you here?”

“We would like to travel with you for a while.” answered Soliat. “We are afraid that your deeds may have been heard by the wrong people so we wish to make sure you get through the pass safely. Cupramos stopped by Estu and asked King Motagula to send a small group of elven archers ahead to scout for us.”

The pass. To get to Makloran from the North/South road, one has to go through the pass. This area is where the mountains have formed a natural opening, allowing travelers a way through. Unfortunately, it is also a perfect spot for an ambush.

The halflings made room for Soliat and Cupramos in the wagon. They also let them enjoy some of the Redbottom Leaf they were carrying. Tamaranos walked with the wagon. He was young and full of energy. The expanded group moved slow but steadily towards the pass.

While he was still enjoying the pipe-weed, Soliat motioned for Rega to come closer. “I am pleased with your successes. The Council knew the Ruby and Emerald would be the harder to get, but it seems that the Sapphire turned out to be a bit tricky too. How did the Topaz fare?”

“Effron had his fun, if that is what you were wondering?” replied Rega sourly.

Soliat and Cupramos both laughed. “You should try to sit in on a Council meeting with him.” said Cupramos. “Even my pranks are tame compared to his.”

They continued without incident. It was nearing dusk when they decided to make camp for the night. As the campfire was being started, Soliat stood up and stretched. “I’m feeling hungry.” he said. “Go find yourselves some vegetables. I’ll bring you back something to go with.”

He then walked away from the camp and in a matter of moments took flight in his silver dragon form.

The brownies and Doman went in search of the vegetables. Cupramos and Tamaranos were sitting next to Dexir, discussing Akrun. Rega went over to join them.

“There are other powerful swords in this world.” Rega heard Cupramos mention to his friend. “Your sword is the Sword of the Warrior. You saw Motagula’s Sword of the Forest. There is a Sword of Deception, a Sword of Undead Bane and a Sword of Dragonslaying. This last one we know its location and have kept it hidden for many years. Crafting these weapons are physically draining on the spell-crafters involved. In some cases, the spell-crafter can be aged by 10 or more years. In addition to the spell-crafters, you need a master blacksmith. You have yourself a priceless find there with that weapon, young warrior.”

As Rega sat down, Cupramos turned to him and asked, “And you, our successful burglar, have you thought about what you will do when your mission is complete?”

“A little.” answered Rega. “The money will be split with everyone since they were all helpful in the success. Otherwise, it will be business as usual for me.”

“I ask because I have a special favor to ask of you and your friends.” said Cupramos. “I would like you to present the Dragonstones to the Council. I was one against hiring someone to get the Dragonstones, but Soliat was very persuasive. As you know, Tamin in Estu also had some influence. You delivering them to the Council will show us all that there is hope, even in places we least expected.”

“I fully expected to be finished once we reached Makloran.” replied Rega. “I would be honored.”

“We all would be honored.” then replied Dexir, along with nods from the halflings, Lobaki and the just-returned gatherers.

Soliat returned shortly thereafter. It was more of a half-eaten deer landing near them that let them know he had brought food for them as well. Doman began cutting up what vegetables the brownies and him had foraged, and then started adding some deer meat when the old man in the red robe walked back into camp.

“I feel much better.” he said while patting his stomach.

Everyone laughed.

When the food finished cooking, all but Soliat ate. Tamaranos actually had a second helping. “This is very good, half-orc.” he said to Doman. “I was tempted to go looking for my own deer, but am now glad I waited for this. Where did you learn to cook so well?”

Without hesitation, Doman answered “My mother.” He then smiled as he thought of Latala.

“Well thank her for me.” said Tamaranos. “I think I have a new favorite meal.” Then turning to Soliat, he said, “You should have waited. This beats raw deer any day.”

They continued the next morning after a simple meal of cooked venison and biscuits. As they traveled, Rega spoke with the two Council members.

“What can you tell us about the evil dragon leadership?” asked Rega.

Soliat, enjoying more of the Redbottom Leaf, was the one to answer. “As far as we know, the evil dragons are not capable of setting up a Council like ours. Their nature prevents them from being civil towards one another. Instead, the one that leads them now, leads by force. We know that there is a vicious blue dragon that has managed to get a brood of other blue dragons to follow him. We suspect that he is the leader. Pyrdon was very high up in the organization too, but young Dexir and his Sword brought him down a few notches in the leadership chain. Another red dragon will now have to step up to try to maintain control of the other red dragons. This may help us, even if just a little. We don’t have much information on the black, green or white dragons.”

They would travel all that day, and rest that night. Rega let Doman know he still wished to discuss some things, but the time still wasn’t good. They continued on for half of the next day when a lone rider came towards them on the road. It turned out to be one of the elven scouts.

The elf bowed his head towards the two Council members. “Lords.” he said. “I was sent to bring you word about the pass. It is blocked. A group of hill giants are waiting.”

“Well it seems that your group has finally been deemed worthy of notice, Rega of Ractah.” said Soliat. “Hopefully, our presence will be a surprise they weren’t expecting.”

It would take until the next day for them to get in sight of the pass. Rega saw it was the elf, Fisor, who was in charge of the archers. This was a good choice. Fisor came up to them, also bowing to the dragons who were still in human form.

“It looks to be a dozen hill giants waiting in the open for something. They aren’t moving.” Fisor reported to them.

Tamaranos, looking anxious, said, “I could easily take out two before they knew what was on them. Show me where they are at.”

Cupramos placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. “You will have a chance. Let us first put together a plan of attack. All may not be as it seems. The pass can be hiding more we are unaware of, even with the skills of our fine scouts.”

Calmed down for the moment, Tamaranos said, “Yes father. You are correct.”

It was the elder copper dragon who outlined the initial plan. He double-checked Akrun’s powers with Dexir. He made sure Lobaki had her spells ready and Doman had his prepared as well. He gave instruction to Fisor and his archers. When everyone was clear on their part, they headed towards the pass.

As they rode through the pass, the elven archers moved along the bottom of the mountains on each side. There would be plenty of areas for concealment. Soon, the hill giants came into view. They were large humanoid creatures, roughly 15 to 16 feet in height. They had stooped shoulders and overly long, muscular arms. All looked to be wearing what looked like bear hides. Their foreheads were low and their brows thick and raised, with dark eyes watching everything.

Three giants stood up front and scattered behind them were another nine.

The wagon slowed to a stop, allowing the archers a chance to get into position. Rega, Dexir and Doman moved up to the front of the wagon and also stopped.

“We are coming through.” shouted Rega to the hill giants. “I suggest you move aside.”

In perfect human, the hill giant up front replied, “You may not pass. Try if you want, but we will stop you.”

A couple of the giants stomped in response to the reply. Others swung large, stumpy clubs in an effort to make them look more impressive. It was working too. Several of the archers felt the urge to flee and fought it with every ounce of courage they could muster.

All of a sudden, the battle started.

From the wagon, Tamaranos jumped out and started changing. In a matter of seconds, he was in the air in dragon form flying right at the lead hill giant.

The lead hill giant, expecting something to happen, had also started changing. In just a short time, where there once was a hill giant there now stood a large blue dragon. It was Khalo. He leaped into the sky after letting loose a huge roar.

Some of the archers, a few hill giants, horses, Doman, and Rega ran away in panic due to Khalo’s roar.

Soliat and Cupramos also changed into dragon form, but it looked like the blue dragon and Tamaranos would meet before they arrived.

Dexir jumped off his horse and grew. He was now close to the height of a hill giant, so went to the nearest one. He parried a swing from the hill giant’s club and then returned with a slice that ripped into the giant’s ribs, exposing bone. The giant swung the club at Dexir again, but missed. This time Dexir took advantage of an opening letting Akrun pierce the giant’s heart.

Fisor and a group of archers that had not been affected by the dragon’s roar fired a volley of arrows at a couple more nearby hill giants. Their aim was true. One of the giants dropped to his knees. Another volley of arrows was all that was needed to finish him. The other giant started running back towards several others, trying to pluck arrows off him while running.

Khalo and Tamaranos clashed in the air. The young copper dragon was smaller and more agile, so was able to avoid the blue’s main claw attack. He did manage to get a claw swipe in on the blue dragon’s neck. Khalo turned around in flight and let loose his breath weapon. A powerful bolt of lightening shot out straight at Tamaranos.

The lightening stunned Tamaranos for just a few seconds, but that was more than enough time. The copper dragon fell to the ground with a bone-smashing thud. He was not moving.

Feeling the effects of the dragon’s roar fade, Rega, Doman and some of the archers met up with Lobaki to go after a hill giant also returning into battle. Doman took out his mistletoe and wrapped them around some more gathered twigs to start his entangle spell again. Once this was done, Lobaki fired off her magic missile spell, aiming at the giant’s face. The archers fired a volley of arrows.

The hill giant, becoming tangled up in nearby growth, became temporarily blinded when a bright flash exploded in his face. He then felt the sting of arrows, causing him to drop to his knees, just like the other giant. Rega had been slowly making his way to the giant. He took advantage of the giant’s predicament and was now able to get behind and make a back-stab attack. It was a good hit. This hill giant was dead.

Dexir was starting to go towards a group of three hill giants, but they all ran away in fear of this large man with the deadly sword.

Fisor and his group of archers brought down another hill giant, causing the others nearby to run away.

In the air, the blue dragon dove in for the kill, but before he could get to the young dragon he was blindsided by an angry father and by Soliat. This slammed Khalo to the ground. As he got up, Cupramos hit him again. This stunned the blue dragon. The elder copper dragon continued his assault, way past the time when there was any life left in the blue dragon. Finally, his anger abated, he turned towards his son.

Soliat was already there, trying to cast what magic he could to heal the young dragon, but it wasn’t going to be enough to save him. Broken bones had pierced vital organs in the fall.

The remaining two hill giants, seeing the blue dragon fall, decided it would be a good time to get away too.

High up in the rocks, nobody spotted the wyvern take off in a southern direction.

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