Meric the Storyman: Rega and the Dragonstones

Chapter 17: Leafbourn

The halfling city of Leafbourn was located in an area of the land with rich, fertile soil. The halflings grew corn, beans and other various food crops. Their main crop, however, was tobacco.

This pipe-weed, called Redbottom Leaf, was sought around the world. Other places had tried to grow it, but the flavor couldn’t come close to the original. Fortunately, the halflings kept up a high supply to meet the demand.

Leafbourn was a simple community. It revolved around farming. The most important holidays, Planting Day and Gathering Day, were created many years ago by halfling farmers.

Much of the halfling population lived away from the city. The ones who lived in the city were those who ran the official affairs, blacksmiths, the weapon smiths who mainly fixed plows, general stores, or wealthier halflings who did not want to be involved in farming anymore.

There was also a small halfling army. They were rarely used to protect the city. Most of the time they were needed in settling minor disputes between two farmers.

When they had to fight, they were deadly when using a sling. Occasionally, there were problems with orcs, goblins or wolves. There was one time when an owlbear attacked. Although several halfling soldiers lost their lives, the owlbear was killed.

The halflings were proud of their accomplishments. They had built a large museum so that their history could be preserved for many generations in the future. This was also the only place where the Emeraldstone could safely be kept.

The ponies pulling the wagon could tell they were close to home. All morning they had been out-pacing the other horses.

“This is usual for them.” explained Stice to Rega. “It happens every time we return.”

They were not heading for the city directly. Stice had explained that their father’s farm was just a little northwest of Leafbourn. There was plenty of room for everyone, and since they traveled a lot, it was not uncommon for them to have visitors with them.

“Besides,” added Lano, “nobody can cook as well as mom!”

Stice nodded in agreement.

So did the brownies.

As the day went by and they got closer to their home, more farms began to appear. Every now and then, a farmer working in the field would call out greetings to the brothers. As they drew near one farm, a pair of young halfling women came running up to the fence by the road.

Lano slowed the wagon enough to allow the girls to hop on. After each of the brothers got their welcome home kisses, the girls hopped back off the wagon and ran home. Stice yelled back that they would stop by later tonight.

“Our girlfriends.” explained Stice. “They want to be our wives, but we still travel too much to settle down.” He then added, “It does get tempting, though.”

Soon, their home came into view. An older, more muscular halfling worked in the tobacco field. He looked up when he heard the ponies neigh. Rega could see where Stice and Lano got their looks.

“Ma. Get on outside.” said the older halfling. “Come see who is here.”

A halfling woman came running out of the house. She was screaming the names of her two sons. She had tears coming down her cheeks.

Stice and Lano got down off the wagon once they had pulled it into the yard. They ran up to their mother and together hugged her. Their father joined them moments later.

When the family reunion was over, Stice remembered his friends.

“Mom...Dad, I want to introduce you to some new friends. First, this is Lobaki, next is Dexir, and finally Rega.”

The father shook hands with each of them. When he got to Dexir, he said, “Big fellow, aren’t you?”

Their mother just said, “I’ll set some extra plates at the table. Stice and Lano, show them where they can put their horses and gear. Get cleaned up and I’ll have dinner ready soon.”

The brothers took their friends to the barn. There was plenty of stable room for all of the horses. Each horse was given a meal of oats. An apple was placed on top. The two ponies neighed their approval.

Next, they went to a nearby stream to clean up.

“Mom gets mad if we come to the table dirty.” explained Lano.

True to their mother’s word, the smell of dinner came blowing down to them in the afternoon’s breeze. Rega’s stomach growled excitedly for a nice home-cooked meal.

The meal was excellent! The main course was chicken dumplings. There were also freshly cooked muffins. She had prepared several cooked vegetables, baked an apple pie and made some pudding.

When they had finished eating, all four of the halflings took out pipes and enjoyed some home-grown Redbottom Leaf.

“Lano, go get some of the good brew.” said the father to his son. “We can go to the other room and talk.”

Lobaki offered to help their mother clean up dishes, but was told very politely, “No, thank you. You have been traveling. Go talk with my husband. He is eager for any news anyone can bring to him.”

Rega was the last to leave. He just had to have one more muffin.

Between Stice, Lano, Rega, and Lobaki, most of the adventure so far was told to the halflings’ father. The parts about the Dragonstones were left out, but they did tell him about their fights with Pyrdon and Eraston. Dexir even told him about Akrun.

The older halfling was sharp. He could tell they were leaving out important events. He even pressed them a couple of times, but finally quit when he realized that they were not going to tell him.

Lano brought the treasure of Pyrdon back into the conversation. “Father, I brought you a present.” he said, bringing out a small leather pouch. “I couldn’t help myself, but when I was going through his lair, I just had to pick them up.”

Lano then dumped the contents of the pouch into his father’s hands. There were over a dozen gems of various colors and sizes.

“One of them should be enough to buy the new plow you wanted. Save the rest for any future needs.”

Stice looked at his brother. “Why you sneak. I had no idea you had those.”

Stice then took out a small pouch of his own. Inside it, there were only three gems, but they were larger than the ones his brother had picked up. He gave these to his father as well.

“Add these to your collection.” said Stice, glancing over at his brother.

The father threw back his head and laughed. When he finished, he said, “It’s great to have you home, sons. I thank you both for the gifts.” He then grew more serious. “Somehow I feel you won’t be staying here long.”

“You are correct, father.” answered Stice. “We cannot stay long.”

With that, the older halfling said, “Let me know when you go if you need more tobacco. Well, I had better turn in. I have to get up early.”

Everyone wished him a good night. Stice then showed Rega, Dexir, and Lobaki their rooms. Lano went to get the ponies ready. Stice and he were going to see their girlfriends.

Dexir was ready for bed. The battle with the green dragon had been exhausting. The several days on the road since had not helped.

As he crawled into bed, he noticed that his feet hung over the end by more than a foot. He heard Rega groan after getting into his own bed. As he nodded off to sleep, his thoughts turned to Doman.

Upon returning to Estu, Doman was shown to a very luxurious room in a building near the King and Queen. King Motagula was very serious about giving Doman the best training possible in the short amount of time they had, so after a good night’s sleep, he received a summons from the Great Druid. Doman quietly ate his morning meal, noticing the similarities with his mother’s cooking, before heading to the druid quarter of the city.

As soon as he neared the druid quarter, he was met by an escort from the Great Druid. “I am Archdruid Nisent” said the man as he greeted Doman. “Welcome to the Circle of Estu” he said as he gestured to the surrounding area. “King Motagula informed us of your arrival and we have been making preparations for your training since then.” He then turned towards the larger building located in the center of the area. “Please follow me. Great Druid Waramsu is awaiting you.”

Doman followed behind Archdruid Nisent, looking at the buildings along the way. He observed a good number of younger druids already in their training. Many times he was greeted with a friendly wave, head-nod or a “Good morning.”

The Great Druid’s building was built around a large oak tree. The actual chamber room was located up in the tree, allowing the Great Druid and his Archdruids the opportunity to observe all activities in the circle. There were two elves guarding the entrance and after climbing the circular stairway, Doman saw two more inside the chamber room as well. Archdruid Nisent motioned for Doman to approach the Great Druid.

Great Druid Waramsu looked up from some notes he had been studying, saw Doman, and then stood up to greet him. “Welcome, friend. We were told of your arrival and are happy to help in your training, although I must admit you are very unique.”

After stopping to inspect Doman a little closer, the Great Druid continued, “Training is going to be more combat-oriented, with a major emphasis in shape-shifting. We feel this will be the best course of action in the short amount of time you will be here. I trust you are prepared.”

Doman nodded.

“That is good because your training begins now.”

In Leafbourn, the next morning’s breakfast was equally superb. There were pancakes, eggs, bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice. When Lobaki asked about the fresh juice, Duci, Stice and Lano’s monther, happily told her that they had some cousins who grew oranges. They traded tobacco for oranges.

Stice and Lano had to be woken up by their father. They had returned very late in the night. They both ate their meals in silence, still very tired.

Rega enjoyed it here. It reminded him of when he had been a little boy. Although he had no brothers or sisters and his father did not farm, he could still get to like this lifestyle very easily.

“So, where you boys off to today?” asked their father.

“We thought our friends would like to visit the city.” answered Stice.

“Actually, sir.” said Dexir. “I would really like to see your tobacco fields. I can provide any help you may need, that is, if you don’t mind.”

“I would be glad for some company. Maybe one day my sons will decide to come visit me out there.”

Stice and Lano sunk a little in their chairs.

After breakfast, they prepared to leave. Dexir came over to Rega and whispered, “I hope you don’t mind me staying. I just felt it was better to not visit with you, being a tall human I figure I would stand out too much and all. Besides, I am fascinated about the fields.”

“I fully understand, my friend.” said Rega. “Enjoy your day.”

“Good luck.” said Dexir.

The brownies also elected not to go to the city. They knew a particularly good fishing stream nearby and could not wait to go try it out.

This left Rega, Lobaki and the halflings. They said their goodbyes and were on their way.

All along the way, farmers would stop and wave to Stice and Lano. Even soldiers patrolling the area seemed to know them.

“I had no idea we were in the presence of such famous people.” said Rega. “I had hoped to make it to Leafbourn as quietly as possible.”

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