Merciless Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 3)

Chapter 15

Why does it feel like I’m death walking? Whose idea was it to smoke weed during a weekday and stay up half the night trying to come up with a plan that might involve one of us, or all of us, getting killed?

I went to bed anxious, worried about what consequences our actions might cause but I’m done sitting back. I sat back and watched someone control my future without ever saying anything because it was pointless when I never had a say. I can see it so clearly now, no one will decide how I live my life but me. The guys weren’t kidding about having a sleepover, even Dom stayed, only leaving before the sun rose. Something about him stalking in the shadows, coming and going as he pleases is a big turn-on for me. I’m really glad Uncle Ri– I mean Rig taught me Spanish. The way Dom rolls his R’s… The beautiful, graceful language slipping out of his mouth like honey had me blushing like a virgin. It pissed Logan off to no end seeing the way the smooth talker affected me. It had him shouting in loud Italian while gesturing his hands angrily. It’s unfortunate I don’t understand what he’s saying but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what curse words he was shouting at Dom. Still hot though.

I laughed until my stomach hurt, watching them go back and forth with insults. I think it was a way to ease the tension we all seemed to be under. That’s what family does, sticks together through thick and thin. I couldn’t be happier even if sadness and rage lay heavily in my gut. I’m letting fate take the wheel for once, knowing deep down it’s going to lead us down a path of murder and mayhem. That thought doesn’t scare me, I think I’ve been spending too much time with Tey because I’m actually looking forward to killing all the sick fucks out there. I really do belong to these guys, fitting right in like a puzzle piece, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. This is bliss. I woke up this morning, overly hot but didn’t care. I soaked in the bliss of being surrounded by my guys. Tey had his arm thrown over my waist, snuggled into my side as Nicky hugged him from behind like the big spoon. Dalton lay on my other side, his big biceps acting as my pillow. His face was relaxed, long lashes framing his cheeks. I was almost afraid to move in case he woke up. He’s been working hard, putting aside his grief for Pike but that will catch up to him eventually and when it does hopefully he’s ready to come to terms that his old man really is gone. I’ll be right here to get him through it. Yesterday was his last day of school, he made the right decision even though I’ll miss seeing him there. I can understand running a motorcycle club comes first because that’s family and everyone is counting on him.

I stayed still for a long time, looking at each of my guys as they slept. I couldn’t see Logan’s face but he kept sighing in contentment in his sleep. He slept between my legs, resting his head on the bare skin of my stomach. I kept running my fingers through his hair as the sun rose, lighting up my bedroom just in time for me to see Dom rise from the chaise lounge. He wouldn’t sleep, kept shaking his head as I tried to get him to come to bed. He said he wanted to watch over me, making sure I knew that no one was getting to me with him guarding our backs as sleep overtook me.

I’ve been walking around school all day like a zombie but I’ve never felt lighter inside. A weight was lifted that’s been settled on my shoulders for as long as I can remember. I slept without a nightmare, dreaming of big cocks because I’m apparently sex crazy now. I’ve never felt so comfortable closing my eyes at night and getting a full amount of sleep. It’s probably from being surrounded by men that will take a bullet for me. I didn’t wake up or move around, not even once. Nothing was going to take away this feeling from me. I won’t let the cramps in my lower stomach stop my good mood. Although starting my period in the middle of class isn’t ideal, I’m taking care of it right now sitting in the girl’s bathroom stall.

Fucking period.

Why does my period have to make an appearance out of the blue without a warning? Another pair of underwear ruined as I clean myself up and curse when I see there isn’t a tampon in my backpack. I’ll just ask if another girl comes in if I can have one. For now, I’ll hide in the stall until my embarrassment fades. I couldn’t hide that aunt Flo came to visit me. At least my skirt is black but my white silk underwear can’t hide the fact.

Do you know how difficult it is to check if the feeling of wetness between your legs is mother nature cursing you or accidentally peeing your pants? It’s not easy. Tey was sitting next to me in class and kept giving me confused looks as I kept wiggling in my seat and dropping a pencil under my desk to look up my skirt. A spot of bright blood stained the front of my panties. I fucking hate aunt flo with a passion, she can go suck it. I folded my hands around my waist as I sat up, taking a deep breath as pain shot through my abdomen. I quickly picked up my backpack off the floor and slipped out of my seat sideways just in case my period seeped through the back of my skirt. The confusion cleared from Tey’s face, as a shit eating grin spread across his lips, finally realizing what was wrong as my cheeks turned red. I took a bathroom pass and almost ran out of the class, feeling the heat of Tey’s gaze on my retreating back.

How embarrassing. I don’t even know why I’m embarrassed, it’s a fucking natural thing but still. Maybe it’s the carnal desire that overtook Tey’s face? I know he loves blood, fascinated by it but he wasn’t serious about before… right? Wanting to have dirty, bloody sex with me? The thought excites me to the point of demanding him to fuck me right now and makes me wary too. What if he gets disgusted?

Ugh. Am I really thinking of having sex with Tey while hiding in the girls’ bathroom? At least it’s the smallest worry in my life, it could be worse.

The girls’ bathroom door opens, bringing in the sound of laughter of girls and the clicks of heels. I’m about to open the door to see if anyone can spare a tampon but her voice stops me.

“Can you believe she walks around here like she owns the place, hanging off Logan like a whore?” Paris says in a disgusted tone.

I peek through the stall crack, seeing her applying lipgloss in the mirror as her two sidekicks stand on either side of her doing the same thing. I roll my eyes, not having the patience for her today. I’m hungry, horny, and angry, so I don’t want to deal with her bullshit today. She’s been staying clear of me, but doesn’t stop the dirty looks and smiles like she knows something I don’t when we pass in the halls.

“I heard she’s fucking all of them. Half the football team too,” her friend says with a snicker, fluffing her hair in the mirror.

“It’s really pathetic actually. She’s hanging off my boyfriend’s arm when everyone knows he’s dating me. Logan’s just playing her, he told me so.” Paris flips her hair over her shoulder before blowing a kiss at her reflection.

My stomach drops, fists clenching at my sides and I’ve heard just about enough out of her lying mouth. I fling the door open, startling them as they shriek until they see me standing in the open stall with my arms crossed over my chest.

“Stalk much?” Paris’s other friend sneers. I can’t seem to care to get to know their names.

“You know what is pathetic, Paris? You and how you continue to chase Logan when he obviously doesn’t want you. Keep spreading rumors, I don’t give a fuck because I’m the one warming Logan’s bed at night. Actually, all of them. So yeah, I’m a slut. Their slut.” I grin as her face contorts into rage, her cheeks turning red as her friends go silent.

“My God. You’re so blind and easy to spread your legs to any guy it would seem. You are nothing but trash. Logan realizes that and he’ll drop you once he’s done with you. I’ll be here, waiting for him to return to me like he always does.” Paris steps close, pulling out her cellphone, and shoves it in my face while looking smug as hell.

I pull my gaze away from her and blink a couple of times as the image in front of me on the screen starts to make sense. I can distantly hear the girls giggling but my whole focus narrows on the image of Paris and the two guys surrounding her on a red velvet couch that looks familiar. Dom’s club. My eyes scan the article by Elle Walker, a journalist.

What is this? It can’t be real. Logan promised me… but you can’t deny what’s right in front of your face.

Both Logan and Nicky are on either side of her, crowded close like lovers. Paris has her hand on Logan’s leg as it looks like he’s whispering something in her ear with a smile on her face. Nicky’s chest is pressed up against her back, his hand wrapped around the back of her neck as he stares at the couple in front of him with a small grin stretched across his thick lips.

Nicky hardly ever smiles. God. Can this really be happening? Does Tey know about this? I feel like a fool, staring at the article that just goes on and on about Franco’s son not setting a good example since his father might be putting his hat into the next election. I don’t care about any of that.

“See? You are just a game to pass the time,” Paris sneers in my face, smirking when she sees my eyes water until I blink the tears away. “I was surprised Nicky has taken an interest in me since he has a thing for dicks. Disgusting.”

Her friends laugh, making crude jokes and making fun of Nicky. I feel my pulse pounding, a whooshing in my ear as if I have my head dunked under water.

“What the fuck did you just say?” My body is locked tight as a bowstring, all my focus zeroing on Paris.

“You heard me, skank.” Her voice is arrogant, making me feel pissed off and repulsed by her behavior.

She snatches her phone out of my frozen fingers as she turns back to the mirror, playing with her hair and laughing with her friends as I stand behind her. I can handle her shoving her relationship with Logan in my face, I’ll cry about it later under my covers but to make fun of someone for loving another person… It’s wrong. The whole thing makes me mad, furious that I make my decision to kick her snooty, hypocrite ass. I don’t think, I just react.

Her scream echoes around the bathroom as I grab her by the back of her head, my fist tight in her hair. There’s just something therapeutic about slamming her plastic surgery nose in the mirror, her face is squished and smeared with blood from the cut at her temple.

“I’ve had enough of your jealousy and nasty attitude. Should I just kill you now?” I lean down and whisper in her ear, watching her eyes widen as she struggles in my grip.

Her two friends intervene, pulling me off Paris who turns around with her lip curled as she dives at me. The two girls scream as we go down in a tangle of limbs the moment Paris attacks me with her body, scratching her nails down my face hard enough to draw blood. I don’t care at the moment, I want this bitch to pay for everything she’s done since I first met her. Her two friends get up and scramble to the door, leaving me and Paris rolling on the floor as I pull my fists back to punch her in the face. Her elbow catches my lip, splitting it open as I manage to roll on top of her and swing my fists until she stops fighting back.

Arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me off a passed out Paris and I kick my legs, yelling as I try to get out of their hold.

“Calm down, killer. It’s just me,” Tey grunts out in my ear while tightening his arms around my waist. I try to kick his shin from behind, but he doesn’t let up.

My body goes slack in his grip the moment it clicks with me that he’s holding me back from committing murder in the girls’ school bathroom. I pant for breath, staring down at Paris, and manage to kick her in the gut one more time before Tey pulls us away with a dark chuckle.

“Not that I don’t disapprove but what did she do to make you beat her unconscious?” Tey gently sets me down on the bathroom counter, caging me between his arms as he examines my face.

“You don’t know what Logan and Nicky did last week with Paris?” Tey’s eyes flicker towards mine with a confused look before he presses his thumb against my split lip.

“You can’t believe everything that comes out of Paris’s mouth when she’s jealous of you.” He clicks his tongue, shaking his head while looking over my messy hair and bloody face with a soft smile spreading over his plump lips.

“Tey… There are pictures on the internet by some journalist catching them at Dom’s club with her. They looked pretty cozy,” I mumble, hating how defended and hurt I sound.

Tey freezes, staring deep into my eyes and biting his lip ring as doubt crosses his facial expression. I gasp as he swings me up in his arms suddenly, throwing me over his shoulder like a caveman until my only view is his tight, muscular ass. He walks out of the bathroom, and down the hallways of the school without saying anything. The sun is bright and hot on my back as he strides outside and across the parking lot before stopping. He bends down and sets me on my feet, the blood rushing back to my head with a small wave of dizziness. I glance around and see him holding open the backseat door of Nicky’s car, waiting for me to move.

“Get in.” He gestures with a wave of his hand to the backseat.

I huff out a breath and climb in, scooting over when Tey follows after me while slamming the car door behind him. The silence is thick as we shut ourselves in the car, the blacked out windows adding to our privacy. I watch him rummage around in the middle console, pulling out wipes and turning back towards me. It’s hard to read his expression, his eyes flicking between mine and back towards the smeared blood on my face that he slowly wipes away.

“You have no reason to believe me but, Tillie… We are all crazy for you. Whatever Logan and Nicky did, hear them out first before making up your mind. Promise me that please?” Tey leans back, cupping my cheek as he swipes his thumb back and forth over the corner of my split lip.

I don’t know if I can do that. I’ve been burned so many times in life that there isn’t much left inside me to feel any emotions. I think of my life without the guys in it and come up blank. Maybe the image the journalist caught isn’t what it looks like? Can I really trust a word anyone says, especially Logan? What more do I have to lose? At least I’ll be able to get a real answer and know if this is where I’m meant to be.

“I’m scared. What if it’s something I’m not ready to hear?” I stare at him, hoping he has an answer but he just shakes his head with a sigh.

“I don’t know, kitten, but I know those guys. They would kill for you, die for you and that says something. Although I’m kind of pissed about them keeping secrets. Do you want to have some fun with me while getting revenge?” Tey starts to smile wickedly, leaning back in the seat with his legs spread and patting his lap.

I grimace and glance down at my thighs, suddenly feeling shy.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I turn my gaze out the window, wondering if I should make a break for it so I don’t have to have this conversation.

“Why’s that?” I hear the smile in his voice and bite my bottom lip.

“I’m, um, on my period,” I quickly say, wanting to die right here and now.

It’s so stupid. I shouldn’t feel embarrassed by something so normal but I don’t want to see his face turn into one of disgust.

“Get over here so I can make you feel good and I’ll get angel wings at the same time. A win and win. I’ve been wanting to fuck you bloody. I thought our first time would be with Nicky but he deserves to be punished for keeping secrets. Next time though.” Tey smirks at my wide eyes and open mouth.

He did not just say that!

He strikes before I can stop him, both of his hands slide around my waist and lift me up until I’m straddling his lap. My skirt gathers around my upper thighs, revealing my white, silk panties and the obvious red spot staining the front. I’m about to pull my skirt down to cover myself but he quickly grabs my wrists, pinning them to my sides.

“Trust me. You’ve been starring in my dreams at night just like this.” His long eyelashes cast shadows over his sharp cheekbones as he glances down and releases my wrists to run the pad of his index finger over the blood.

A shiver runs down my spine at the feeling. I tilt my head back in pleasure as he grazes my clit again with the smallest brush of his finger. My hips shift in his lap, sliding back and forth over the thick cock that strains down his thigh and keeps rubbing me in the perfect spot each time I move my pussy over him. Our heavy breathing fills the car, my moans echoing back to me each time his finger glides over my sensitive clit.

“I want you, Tey,” I moan, glancing at him to see him already staring at me.

He looks at me like I’m a Goddess, making me feel beautiful and special.

“I have something for you.” He grins, shifting around as he reaches between our bodies to pull something out of his pocket.

I stop moving, crooking my head to the side in confusion as he unfolds a choker in his hand. My name is engraved into the leather, big and bold.

“What is this?” I ask warily, shifting my gaze back to his and wondering if he wants me to wear the choker like a dog so everyone sees the leash attached and the owner on the other end.

“I had it made at the mall. It’s not what you think.” He chuckles and kisses my lips real quick before pulling back. “It’s for me. So anyone who looks at me knows who exactly has my body and soul. Nicky’s name is on the back, I thought it was fitting so he can see it anytime he wants.” He places the leather in my hand, waiting to see what I’ll do with it as he relaxes back against the seat.

I bite my lip, seeing what this gift means. This is Tey showing his love, in a fucked-up way but it means everything to me. My hand trembles as I lift the choker and slide it behind his neck, clipping the clasp until my name is front and center for the world to see.

“I love you too. Would it make you happy if I had one with your name for my neck?” I trail my fingers down my neck with a smile, instantly frowning as he slowly shakes his head.

“No. Your name is already engraved on my heart.” He grabs my hand and places it over the steady beat of his heart.

“Fuck.” I blink rapidly, willing tears to not fall as all these men destroy me in the best way.

My fist clenches on his shirt and I pull him forward to smash my lips against his, the cold metal of his lip ring biting into my bottom lip. Blood begins to drip down my chin from reopening my split lip but I don’t care. I can’t get enough of him. Our tongues stroke against each in hunger, running along the stream of my mouth that makes me shiver from his pierced tongue. Over and over he meets me, not even coming up for air between kisses.

“Clothes off.” He breaks the kiss with a groan, as frantic as me as I grab the bottom of my velvet, black shirt and slip it over my head.

Needing him, I work his belt open as he grabs the back of his shirt with his fist and pulls it over his head. My knuckles graze his abs as I open the button of his jeans, mouth practically watering as I shove them down his muscular thighs. His cock is hard, thick, and bouncing above his belly button with the metal piercing holding all my attention. Tey grasps my thong, pulling it down my thighs and legs as I shift up onto my knees to drag my panties off. I fling them in the front seat and grab his cock as I position myself over him, my pussy soaking wet.

“Wait,” he says, making me freeze as he scrunches his eyebrows and pulls his unicorn out of his pocket.

I smile, watching in fascination as he lifts the tail and pulls out the world’s smallest bottle of lube. He flips the cap and squirts it on the tip of his cock, sliding his hand up and down until he’s completely coated. He looks at me and chuckles under his breath at my arched brow.

“Peaches, you’re wet and bloody but I’m still big. I want you to enjoy this too.” He carefully sets his stuffed animal in the seat next to us and places his big hands on my waist.

I squeeze his hard cock again, rubbing him back and forth over my clit as my hips roll before positioning him at my entrance. I gasp, the thick tip of his cock sliding inside when I start to lower my body onto his. I should feel embarrassed at hearing how wet I am but all I can focus on is his piercing grazing the inner walls of my pussy the more I sink onto him.

“Damn, Tillie, that’s a beautiful sight,” he breathes out, his gaze focused between us as he watches me glide his cock halfway in and out.

I glance down, clasping my hands behind his neck for something to hold onto as my belly tightens in pleasure. I shift, grinding on him and seeing my juices mixed together with my blood on his cock just before I take a deep breath and slam the rest of the way down on him with a scream leaving my mouth. He hisses, sliding farther down on the leather seats as his hands hold my waist so tight I know I’m going to have bruises.

“Tey.” I whimper, setting my forehead against his as I play with his light blond hair on his neck.

“I know, sweets. You feel fucking amazing and incredible when you squeeze my cock just like that.” He groans, slamming his head against the headrest as my pussy flexes around his length to tease him.

He flicks the clasp of my bra open and slides it down my arms, throwing it in the front seat with my panties. I lean against him, crossing my wrist behind his head as my breasts touch the hard planes of his chest. My nipples are extra sensitive from my period, I can’t stop moaning and grinding against him as I tease my hard nipples along his pecs. My clit rubs against his tight abs as my hips roll, I squeeze my eyes shut on how good it feels.

“Open your eyes and look at the mess you’re making,” he demands, sliding me halfway off him with his biceps flexing as I open my eyes and lean away from him to glance down.

His cock is glistening with my blood and cream dripping down his length. I bite my bottom lip as I see his thighs covered with my blood, making it look like angel wings on either side.

“So fucking dirty. Keep making a mess, angel, let’s piss off Nicky.” His lips spread into a crazed smile and he slams me back down on him before gliding me back up by the waist.

My scream is loud even to my own ears, I kiss him as I start to match the rhythm he started. Sliding up and down his cock, I place my forehead on his shoulder as pleasure makes my eyes roll to the back of my head. I know anyone outside will see the car bouncing roughly, each time our bodies slap together the car moves and fills with sounds and our moans. He grabs my hair and pulls, making my back arch as he drags me away from him. He bends his head, biting my nipple until it stings, and sucks it into his hot mouth, hard. His mouth switches back and forth between my breasts, leaving bruises all over. My nipples throb painfully, his teeth bite lightly into my flesh and tugs until I’m rocking against him so hard to chase after the ecstasy pulsing through my veins.

“Tey, I–I need—” I can’t even get the words out, my body is riding on bliss and the toxicness of him that I can’t get enough of.

“I know what you need,” he says in a dark, wicked voice that sends a shiver down my spine.

He slides one hand down to my ass, squeezes as his other hand grabs my wrist and places my fingers on his choker. I slide off him and sink back down on him faster and faster without breaking my gaze away from his as I twist the choker around his neck. I keep a tight hold, watching his neck muscles strain, his veins pulsing as he leans his head back with a pleased sigh. I cut off his air, riding him like my life depends on it. When his face starts to turn a deep shade of red, I release the choker and place both of my hands on the ceiling to balance myself and pick up my pace even more. The car rocks hard with each movement, and he trails his other hand down my spine until he grasps both of my ass cheeks in his calloused palms. He helps guide my body, holding me still as he drives up inside me from below. My throat becomes hoarse as a scream of pleasure leaves my lips, my whole body trembling with sweat sliding down my back.

“I’m going to fill you up with my cum. So much cum. Be a good girl and take it all.” He groans, his pupils blown wide and I can feel his cock twitching inside of me as he slides in and out roughly, my breasts bouncing in his face.



 My good.”


“Fucking girl.”

Thrust. Thrust.

My orgasm rushes through me as he thrusts hard into me, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. I lean back to leave some space between us as he squeezes my hips quickly to pull me off of him so he can watch me squirt all over his cock and lower abs. He slams back inside of me forcefully with a harsh groan, holding my shaking thighs as I feel him start to come. Ropes and ropes of his thick cum coats the inside of my pussy, making a wet, crude noise as he fucks me frantically through his orgasm. He can’t seem to stop coming as he holds himself still inside of me, letting me feel every twitch of his cock. His sticky cum is leaking out of me and sliding down my thighs to mix with my cum and blood. I can’t stop grinding my clit on him to prolong my orgasm, feeling his piercing rubbing my inner walls deliciously.

“That was… amazing.” I gasp, trying to catch my breath as my body gives small shivers.

“Thanks for making my dreams a reality,” he says dreamily, pulling me close as his chest heaves up and down.

My arms collapse from the roof of the car and onto the headrest behind Tey. I feel heavy and like I could sleep for a year straight as my body relaxes against his.

“Anytime. Seriously, anytime.” His dark chuckle sounds in my ear as I sigh into his neck.

“I’ll hold you to that.” He slides his fingers through my hair, almost making me purr at how good it feels.

I draw in a deep breath and slip away from him, staring at his blue eyes that see into my soul.

“My love for you goes deeper than just my heart, Tey. We were always meant to find each other. My broken soul and your twisted one. Thank you for bringing me to life.”

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