Merciless Punks: Enemies to Lovers romance (Dolls and douchebags Book 3)

Chapter 13

I didn’t sleep last night. I couldn’t. I was there when Payne and his fucking goons talked about raping Tillie but I didn’t want to believe it. Hearing her yesterday at Dom’s club… it makes me want to tear the world apart and kill everyone that’s ever hurt her. I’m included in that… I can’t even begin to wonder how she can stand the sight of me.

My thoughts have been all over the place. I already know I’m going to lead my club into a war but that was decided the night the Demon Jokers touched my little bitch.

“If you keep making that face, she’s going to know what you’re thinking.” Nicky pats my shoulder as he claims the seat next to me and pulls out his lunch and a pair of chopsticks.

“I can’t help it. I want to kill every fucker who hurt her, looked at her wrong. I just want to right my wrongs and protect her,” I grumble out, sinking in my seat as I watch Tillie make her way across the outdoor courtyard with Logan and Tey.

“Suck it up, butter–buttercup. My bestie’s a fighter, not a pussy,” Nicola declares as she slams her tray on the table, her head ticking to the side as she sits down with Evan not far behind her. “Did Mom make you some octopus? The hell?! I swear that woman only shows her love when she’s cooking.”

I don’t watch but I already know Nicola is trying to steal Nicky’s lunch as he holds her away with the palm of his hand to her forehead without looking at her. It’s nothing new, his little sister is a food thief.

“Little bitch.” My voice comes out gravelly from lack of sleep last night.

I pat my leg as she approaches the table, noticing the sunglasses she has covering her eyes and how she walks slowly. I can’t blame her. My balls feel like they’re going to fall off after watching her come last night over and over. My cock hardens as if he knows she’s near, begging to sink inside her heat.

“I missed you. Never knew I’d like sleeping next to someone,” she whispers in my ear before sitting her luscious ass right over my hard cock and squirming like she enjoys torturing me.

The vixen.

“What am I? Chop liver?” Logan growls out, leaning back in his seat but looking relaxed as hell which is new.

“I will admit I did enjoy drooling all over you but your grumpy ass needs to chill in the morning. What kind of monster opens the blinds first thing when waking up?!” Tillie jokes, pushing her sunglasses up and reaching for some of Nicky’s sushi.

My jaw drops when he doesn’t bat her away but pushes the box closer to her without saying a word. He won’t ever admit it but he’s a food hoarder just like his sister.

“When am I going to be invited to the sleepover? I’m feeling left out.” Tey pouts, twirling a lock of her hair around his finger as he gives her puppy eyes.

“Tonight? I’ve never been in a puppy pile before but if you keep giving me those puppy eyes then I’ll be demanding it every night. Who knew you guys loved cuddles?” Tillie turns to face me, her expression teasing yet there are dark circles under her eyes so I can’t tell if that’s from the drinking last night or if she’s mentally exhausted.

“Do you need anything?” I ask quietly, leaning forward to rub my beard into the crook of her neck and wrapping my arms around her waist as she squirms in my lap with a loud laugh.

“Mercy!” she cries out, trying to catch her breath as I ease up a little.

“Don’t you know, toy? We are merciless,” Nicky states matter-of-factly and he’s not wrong.

“If you don’t knock it off, I’ll never dance for you,” she threatens me and I instantly stop tickling her with my beard.

“Dalton, my brother from another mother, I’ll cut off your balls, pan fry them, and then force-feed them to you if you tickle her one more time,” Tey claims so calmly, his voice completely serious for once.

Tillie turns towards him with a soft smile and blows. His dramatic ass pretends to catch her kisses, almost falling out of his chair while flashing his knife as if he dares anyone to try to steal his air-kisses. Tillie has tears of laughter trailing down her cheeks as she watches him, shaking her head at his ridiculousness. Tey, instead of pretending to eat her kisses, pulls his jeans away from his stomach slightly, flashing a hint of his abs with a wink at her, and drops her kiss down his pants.

“I can not deal with you fuckers. Why are we friends again?” Logan deadpans, ignoring the sharp knife Tey is using to carve something into the table.

I swear nothing frazzles Logan. I won’t admit this to the guys ever but I used to worry about Tey going unhinged and really losing it one day to the point of no return. I pictured seeing a bullet in his forehead, Logan’s gun still smoking after having to put him down. Tillie… She sees all our dark sides but she brings out something I’d never seen in any of us. A gentle side of someone falling in love.

Hell. I’ve already fallen, fucking hard.

“I’d advise you to keep it down. You’re disturbing the other students, this school isn’t a zoo.”

Fuck. Just fuck my life. My eyes squeeze shut at the voice directly behind me and I tighten my hold on Tillie like I’m afraid my touch is suddenly going to disgust her.

Everyone stops talking, and Tillie’s laughter dies off when she realizes Mrs. Sullivan is behind me and addressing her.

“Of course. We wouldn’t want to break any rules that affect the other students,” Tillie replies back, her voice even and calm.

I open my eyes and see her smiling sweetly at Mrs. Sullivan like she never seen her sucking my cock. I glance around at the guys, confused as fuck as to why Tillie is being nice and not causing a bloodbath. All the guys are glaring behind me until I hear a ridiculous humph and a click of heels walking away. I blow out a relieved breath, making eye contact with Logan who slowly shakes his head like he knew exactly what I was thinking. Getting rid of Mrs. Sullivan would help a lot of things, mainly making Tillie’s life easier since she has a class with her. But of course, Franco told us to stay out of the spotlight of the media and a missing teacher would do the opposite of that. My muscles strain, the tension thick in the air even after the sexual predator left.

“You know, I’ve never been to a slumber party. Can I come?” Evan announces, breaking the ice as we all turn to him with incredulous looks.

“The fuck you say?” Logan growls out, leaning threateningly in his seat.

“I don’t know if I should invite you because that’s sad as fuck or kill you now for even thinking of sleeping over at our girl’s place.” Tey chuckles, the dark type of chuckle that means he’s serious and crazy.

“We can have our own sleepover instead. Banana. Eek,” Nicola says innocently, throwing her banana peel over her shoulder with a jerk of her arm and reaching over to pet Evan’s arm.

“The sun is shining. It seems like a good day to kill someone.” Nicky’s voice is deep, his intense stare never breaking eye contact with Evan.

Tillie doesn’t say anything, she’s lightly sliding her nails back and forth across the back of my neck. A quiet woman is never a good thing.

“I’ll be right back. Going to the restroom.” She kisses my cheek and stands from my lap, not making eye contact with anyone as she walks away.

“Fine! I’ll never go to a sleepover!” Evan yells, his voice a higher pitch than before but I don’t look away from Tillie as she walks into the building.

That’s not the way towards the restrooms. I turn and see Tey sitting closer to Evan, dragging his knife loudly across the table. Nicky and Logan are staring at me then to the door she disappeared through. They think she’s up to something too.

“I’ll be right back.” I get up, abandoning my lunch, and walk calmly after Tillie.

Once inside, I look around and see her climbing the stairs to the second floor down the hallway. She doesn’t look at anyone as she passes students, shoving them aside without a backwards glance. My brows furrow in curiosity until it clicks where she’s going.

Oh fuck.

I take off down the hall after her, dodging students until they move like the Red Sea and get out of my way. By the time I make it to the stairs, she has a good head start on me. Climbing them two at a time, I reach the top of the landing and immediately head towards Mrs. Sullivan’s classroom at the end of the hallway. It’s the teachers’ lunch hour too so she’ll be all alone in her classroom. Honestly, I’m curious what my little bitch will do. Tillie’s already inside when I finally make it to the door of the classroom, I press my ear to the thick wood and hear two female voices but can’t make out what’s being said. Grabbing the door handle, I turn it slowly and slip through the gap big enough for my body to fit through. The door shuts quietly behind me so they don’t know I’m here but my jaw hangs open at the sight before me of both their side profiles.

You know, I thought I’d either find Tillie crying or at least kicking the shit out of Mrs.Sullivan. I was completely wrong, so wrong.

“I can make you come better than any man has before. I can find your G-spot with my eyes closed, your pussy squeezing my fingers tightly as you come again and again.” Tillie’s voice changes into a seductive purr and I’m almost afraid to blink just in case I miss anything.

It’s like looking at a different person. Her body language is more relaxed, the seductress standing in front of Mrs.Sullivan without touching her. She crowds her body, making sure her chocolate brown gaze is locked on Mrs.Sullivan.

“I–I–I’m not into women,” Mrs.Sullivan stutters, taken by surprise but I can see her gaze travel down Tillie’s body with lust darkening her eyes.

“Neither am I. There’s just something I can’t resist about you. Sexy as fuck.” Tillie’s eyes become hooded, stepping closer to Mrs.Sullivan until her breasts graze the front of the teacher’s button-down, slutty blouse.

“It’s not right,” Mrs.Sullivan whispers but without conviction in her voice.

“I promise I won’t say anything,” Tillie says, crooking her hip until her thigh rests between Mrs. Sullivan’s legs, the other fucking woman rolling her hips against my little bitch like she can’t help herself.

I should be afraid of the creature of lust in front of me, but I’m not. I can’t look away from her. Hell, I didn’t even know she could be this deadly, her body screams seduction and lust. She’s drawing her prey into her web without hardly having to try. She’s amazing.

“Jus–Just this once.” Mrs.Sullivan gives in so easily it’s almost disgusting but you can’t resist the spell Tillie casts.

I think I’m only beginning to see a side of Tillie she doesn’t let out. I saw her kill Miguel in the warehouse but this is different. She only has to use her voice and her body to get what she wants. Fuck, she’s dangerous and the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

“Take off your clothes and sit in your desk chair with your legs spread,” Tillie says in a raspy voice that goes straight to my cock.

I reach down and squeeze my dick to ease the pain without looking away from Tillie as she sways her hips while walking around the front of the desk, climbing on top, and spreading her legs wide open. Her skirt rides up to her hips, giving me a clear view of her silk, pink panties. I wish we were the only ones in here so I can slip into her tight pussy and never leave.

“You’re beautiful.” Mrs.Sullivan pants, her clothes shredded on the floor as she lowers herself into the chair in front of Tillie in just her bra and underwear.

“I know,” Tillie says, leaning back on her arm and taking her time sliding the palm of her hand up her bare thigh teasingly, drawing Mrs. Sullivan’s eyes right where she wants them.

My gaze is locked on her, only her, waiting to see how far she’s going to take this and that’s why I notice the barely there movement behind her as she lets out a fake as fuck moan. While distracting Mrs.Sullivan, her fingers playing right over the edge of her panties, my girl reaches behind her with her other hand. She slowly winds up the mouse cord that’s attached to the computer in her fist.

“Tell me how much you want this. How badly do you want to come?” Tillie gets in her face, ripping the cord from the computer and holding all of Mrs. Sullivan’s attention by grasping her jaw before trailing one finger down until it rests between her fake boobs.

Tillie has better breasts, a handful, perky, and real as fuck.

My jaw grinds as I watch Tillie slide off the desk as smooth as butter, straddling our fucking teacher’s lap who gasps when my girl’s incredible body grinds against hers with one hip roll.

“Please. I want to come, make me come!” The desperation from Mrs.Sullivan reeks. I’m an idiot for ever hooking up with her.

“You’re dying to come, aren’t you?” Tillie asks, leaning forward to skim her lips along the other woman’s mouth.

I’ve had enough, I’m about to make my presence known to stop this and bruise her fucking ass for kissing someone who isn’t me or the guys.

“It’s killing me. Touch me. Please, touch my pussy.” Mrs.Sullivan throws her head back, letting out a moan as Tillie drags her fingers down fake breasts and stomach, stopping just shy of our teacher’s underwear.

“I’ll kill you,” Tillie whispers seriously, bringing her other hand that was hiding behind her back forward and wrapping the cord quickly around Mrs.Sullivan’s neck before she knows what’s happening.

“Wha–what are you doing?!” The pathetic teacher who preys on her students just asked the dumbest question known to mankind.

She should have realized the whole time she’s been in the classroom alone with a very, very dangerous woman. Being a predator, having sex with her students, and getting away with it made her think she’s invincible. Guess she’s about to learn she’s not.

“I wouldn’t touch your dried-up cunt with a ten-foot pole, you fucking pedo. You think I’d just let it slide that you’ve touched what’s mine and eye fuck him every chance you get?” Tillie grits out between her teeth, tightening the cord around Mrs.Sullivan’s throat until her face starts turning an ugly shade of purple while she struggles.

A small chuckle slips past my lips, causing Tillie’s head to whip around with murder in her glare before she realizes it’s me.

“Little bitch, you surprise me at every turn. Don’t ever change.” I’m completely honest, I love this badass Goddess before me.

I stride across the room with my hands in my pockets and whistle when I glance over her shoulder at the panicked, wide eyes of Mrs.Sullivan who looks at me like I’m going to save her.

“This isn’t how it looks.” Tillie bats innocent, brown eyes up at me, her fist pulling the cord tighter while the pedo claws at her throat as her air supply is suddenly blocked.

“You don’t say? Looks to me like you’re trying to kill your teacher.” I rub my hand across my mouth, hiding my smile.

“Thank God. I thought you would think I was cheating on you guys.” Her shoulders relax and she smiles shyly up at me with a blush coloring her tan cheeks.

“I’m sorry but you can’t kill her. Dead teacher brings the news station to the school and Franco wouldn’t be pleased about that.” I huff out a breath, sad I’m ruining her fun but maybe I can help have fun another way without killing anyone.

“Fuckin Franco.” She growls under her breath and starts to let go of the cord with a sigh until I place my hand over hers to stop her.

“I have an idea,” I say, eyeing the flag pole behind the desk.

“And just like that, I’m suddenly scared,” Tillie jokes, easing off Mrs.Sullivan’s lap but keeping her in place by not loosening the cord. “Well?”

I wink at her and kick the chair Mrs.Sullivan is sitting in back, the wheels rolling her into the wall right under the flagpole. The cord loosens for a second as it slips from Tillie’s grip and the only sound you can hear is gasping breaths as someone’s air supply returns and a sob escapes her pedo lips. I don’t waste time. I walk behind her chair and grab the loose piece of the cord, pulling it until Mrs.Sullivan is wiggling like a soon to be dead fish. I keep pulling until I can reach high up to wrap the cord around the pole. If she holds still, she won’t choke too much but if she keeps kicking and wiggling, I’d give her about five minutes before she kills herself.

“I wouldn’t move if I were you. It doesn’t take long for all the oxygen to leave the brain as you choke to death.” My words must have gotten through to her because she stops struggling but keeps sobbing, her chest heaving for breath.

“Now what?” Tillie asks from behind me and when I turn around, she’s up on the desk again, swinging her legs back and forth.

I reach out for her, placing both of the palms of my hands on her cheeks, and gaze at her upturned face.

“Now, I confess my undying love to this amazing, beautiful, badass, little bitch.” I speak from the heart, telling the truth as I look into her shining, brown eyes.

“Make me yours.” She grabs my vest and pulls me into a kiss that almost has my knees buckling.

I trace the indent of her lips, sliding my tongue along the crease of her bottom lip. A deep groan slips out of my mouth at the taste of her strawberry chapstick, fresh peppermint from her toothpaste, and the just Tillie taste that’s natural, sweet. It’s addicting. She opens her mouth on a moan, pulling me closer until she can wrap her legs around my waist. I slide my tongue against hers, lips locked together and only coming up for air until my nose is skimming the other side of hers. Her skirt gathers around her hips as she leans back with a deep exhale, and quickly works my belt and jeans undone as if she’s as desperate as I am to feel her.

We both ignore the loud sobbing behind me and I couldn’t care less if the fucking teacher can see us fucking. She’ll see me claiming my girl.

Tillie yanks my jeans down to my thighs and scoots to the edge of the desk, pulling her panties to the side so I can see how glistening wet her pussy is. Dripping and all mine to fuck. This time, she doesn’t look at my cock as if it’s going to attack her, she looks hungry as hell as she stares at my hard length.

“You have the biggest dick, I swear. Put your cock in me right now,” she bosses me, gripping the base of my cock to guide it towards her pussy, rubbing the pulsing tip along her clit and pleasuring herself that has me hanging by a thread.

“You really are a bitch,” I growl out, knocking her hand away, and line up at her sopping wet, beautiful pussy, watching as my dick slowly sinks into her.

“Only your bitch,” she pants out, her mouth hanging open in the perfect O as she watches my cock slide halfway in and slides out again, glistening with her juices. I keep working her until I sink all the way in, sending a prayer to the man above that he sent me a woman to fit all nine inches of me.

“You feel so good.” I groan, pulling out slowly halfway before slamming back inside her with a quick snap of my hips.

“Less talking, more fucking, Daddy.” She gasps as I growl, grabbing the back of her thighs to spread her wider and fucking her until the only sound coming out of her delicious mouth are moans.

She fucking knows what calling me her Daddy does to me.

The sound of our skin slapping together fills the classroom, blocking out the sobbing behind me. I fuck her hard and fast, glancing down to watch my cock slide in and out of her wet pussy. She grabs my biceps as I pick up the pace, hitting deep inside that has her back aching and the desk screeching across the room from the rough pounding I’m giving her. She suddenly sits up straight, clasping her legs around my waist and rolling her hips to meet me stroke for stroke. Wanting to feel her breasts against my chest, I pick her up under her ass and turn us around, walking towards the whiteboard. Her back slams against it, the whole thing rattling as I continue to fuck her. She wraps her hands around the back of my neck and starts to bounce as I grab her hips to make her go faster. My groan is loud even to my own ears. It feels so damn good.

“Just like that, little bitch. Squeeze my cock with your fucking tight pussy.” I lean my forehead into her neck, releasing one hand from her ass to slide between our bodies until my thumb is circling her clit while the rest of my hand is squeezing her pussy.

“Dalton, I’m going to come! Fill me up with your cum!” she cries out, her eyes meeting mine as I lean back to watch her face twist into rapture.

It takes me a second to realize what she just said. I didn’t expect to fuck her walking into the classroom or her finally giving me the go-ahead to cum. I would have pleasured my girl even if my balls turned bluer and embraced the pain of a hard cock until she says I can cum.

“You sure?” I grunt out, watching her face as her eyes widen, her lips falling open as her pussy clenches my cock in a tight as fuck grip.

“Yesss. Yes. Oh God. Yes, Daddy!” She scratches at my back with her nails digging in deep as her body trembles from head to toe violently and her eyes roll to the back of her head.

Watching her come, feeling her squirting all over my cock, it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and felt on my cock. I can’t hold back anymore. My head arches back, exposing my neck as I groan just as the first burst of pent-up cum coats her insides, shot after shot. She leans forward, biting my Adam’s apple and licking up my neck until she places moaning kisses on my lips when I glance back down at her. For the first time in my life, I think my knees are fucking weak after sex. She’s killed me.

“Fuck. You’re incredible,” I pant out, trying to catch my breath as she nuzzles into my chest with a content sigh.

“I needed that. Needed you,” she says, placing a kiss on my chest before pulling away and looking back up at me. “I love you, Dalton.”

My heart was already racing but it picks up speed until it feels like I’m going to burst. Is that what love does? Makes it feel like you’re dying but living for the first time in your life? Looking at her face, her brown eyes that have a small speck of green… I know it’s real. She’s it for me.

“I’d give up my bike for you, Tillie. That’s how much I love you.” I crack a smile when she smacks my chest, unwrapping her legs from mine as I let her down. “Seriously though, you’re everything to me.”

“I know,” she says cheekily, giggling before stretching on her tiptoes to place a kiss on my cheek as I pretend to scowl at her.

I fix my jeans, buckling my belt as she smooths her skirt down and slips her underwear off with a grimace. My cock hardens again seeing her panties soaked with my cum and hers. I can’t fuck her again, the room is about to start filling up with students any minute. Maybe I can convince her into a janitor’s closet? Her cum is still coating my cock and soaking into my skin from how hard she squirted. Even my boots and the floor where we were fucking is wet. My cock doesn’t care that it was just in a warm home in her juicy pussy, it wants back in.

Fuck. Down, boy.

I argue with my dick, knowing he can wait. I see a lot of fucking in my future with my little bitch. Tillie glances at her underwear with an arched brow as she smoothes her skirt back into place and looks slowly over at Mrs.Sullivan with a wicked gleam in her eyes. I almost forgot about her in the corner. Her face is red, mascara darkened under her eyes like a raccoon from all the sobbing she’s been doing. She’s so dramatic. It’s not like we killed her.

“Seems you live for another day. You don’t get to have him.” Tillie points over her shoulder at me as she goes to stand in front of Mrs.Sullivan. “You don’t get anyone. I’m going to make sure the world knows you’re a pedo cunt.”

I watch in amusement, leaning against the whiteboard with my arms crossed as Tillie pries open Mrs.Sullivan’s mouth in a strong grip and shoves her cream-filled panties into the pedo’s mouth. I walk over and untie her from the pole, quickly securing her hands behind her back by tying them to the chair. Muffled words try to work around the gag as she watches Tillie turn towards her desk to open drawers until she hums in approval at whatever she was looking for. She blocks my view as she leans her face in front of Mrs.Sullivan’s with something in her hand. A few seconds go by before she leans away and nods her head in approval. The bell rings just as I see what she did.

Pedo is written across Mrs.Sullivan’s forehead and on her chest in sharpie says I like them young.

At the time, I never really thought about it. I just wanted to sink my dick into an available pussy to just forget about everything in life. I may have flirted with my teacher but she could have put a stop to it at any time. She didn’t.

“Feel better?” I ask Tillie, placing my arm over her shoulders and pushing students out of our way with my other hand as they start to fill up the classroom.

The first scream pierces my ears just as we pass through the door followed by gasps of shocked students. I don’t bother glancing back, I see a teacher running in our direction to see what’s happening. I bet students are already filming and everyone will know before the day is over what kind of person Mrs.Sullivan is.

“I feel really fucking good. And Hungry.” Tillie smirks, looking happy.

That’s my little bitch. Kicking ass and fucking me weak.

What a woman.

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