Merciless Prince: A Dark Mafia Romance (Brutal Reign Book 1)

Merciless Prince: Chapter 25

It’s almost too much to handle.

Pain and pleasure. Desire and fear. Aiden’s contradictions become my own as he plows into me with his powerful cock.

It’s so overwhelming, but so perfect. With each thrust, I’m throttled between heaven and hell. Every time I’m about to hit the edge of some fiery threshold, he pulls back and a new wave of pleasure crests and breaks, scattering pure ecstasy through out every inch of my being.

It’s like a missing part of me is being filled in, piece by piece.

The more I squirm the less I care to escape. Aiden’s lust digs deep into my core, pumping harder and harder until it feels like I’m sinking beneath him. Soon, I’ll never be able to escape his gravity. Soon, I’ll never want to.

I give into the sharp flames and growing waves of fire. The heat hugs me tightly, searing away the pain in cycles of pure pleasure, before plunging back beneath the hard surface.

Right now, Aiden is lost somewhere between gentleman and beast. He grips my hips, steadying my undulations as he thrusts back and forth, continually trying to fit his cock through my tight passageway. The look in his eyes is wild, but each pump is careful. The girth of his instrument pounds against my walls and his great big muscles flex with focus. His heavy breaths deepen. I hold onto the cool sheets below for dear life.

“… Do you want more?” he growls, letting go of my hips. I’m instantly caged in a prison of his searing flesh. His hands splay out beside me, and I grab back onto his forearms.

It’s enough to tell him that I do want more. I need more.

The further he leans down over me, the higher my legs rise, until I’ve wrapped him completely between my thighs. He’s so big that my heels just barely click around his muscular back.

Then he’s on me. Heaving chest pressing against my breasts, smothering me in his desire. The pleasure rises, as does the power of each thrust. Our sweaty skin sticks and Aiden’s grip around me tightens. He palms the back of my head and starts to really speed up. It’s never been more clear that I’m his. He owns me.

But, even as he gives into more primal urges and forgets about the gentle care he started with, I’m exposed to a whole new realm of pleasure. The intensity changes. We’re moving faster now, more untamed. Savage grunts escape Aiden’s lips and his fiery breath washes against the tender flesh of my neck. I claw at his back, desperate for more.

There are no more words to share. I’m on fire.

The harder he fucks me, the more I wish I could see into those eyes of his. What is he thinking? Every thrust seems so deliberate, so purposeful. He’s trying to make me cum. He wants me to explode for him. But is he holding back to keep me from shattering?

From underneath him, it’s hard to tell. But I’m not about to give up my place. All I can do is wrap myself around the muscular giant and take the increasingly vicious force of his desire.

Then it all comes to a head. I explode with pleasure. A mind-blowing orgasm ruptures every knot in my nerves, every fear in my head. When my senses return, I find myself gasping for air. But Aiden’s not done yet. He wants more. And so do I.

My pussy clenches around his cock. Every time he pulls halfway out, it feels like there’s no room for him to come back in. But he’s too powerful to hold back. His passion explodes back into me and I writhe in ecstasy. Every hesitation I ever had is ripped apart. Only pleasure is left.

The harder I squeeze, the faster he pounds. Then, his chiselled biceps bulge around my neck and a low thunderous groan escapes his lips. The deep sound rumbles my bones and tingles my nerve endings.

Below, I feel him burst into my passageway. A deluge of lust fills up what little space remains inside of me. Aiden’s cum is smooth and warm, and the way it coats my insides gives rise to a whole new wave of pleasure, even after he pulls out and collapses onto the bed next to me.

For a moment, I’m lost in the heat of it all. The only thing I feel is the residual heat from our passion. But then I come back down to earth. The absence of Aiden’s girth leaves me with a raw soreness, and it only seems to increase when I sit up and feel the mixture of blood and cum running down the inside of my thigh.

My cheeks flush with embarrassment. The sheets are stained, but Aiden doesn’t seem to care one bit.

For a moment, I’m worried that he might go quiet and cold and leave me again, just like he did in the shower. I don’t know if I could take that right now. But when I feel his fingers gently fall onto my aching thigh, I look at him and see only concern.

“How are you feeling?” His voice is different than it was before we fell into bed. There’s a low husky heat to it that’s filled with the simmering fire of the passion we just shared. It smooths over my soreness and entices me to ease up.

“I’m… I’m feeling pretty good,” I smile. It’s the truth. Despite the lingering pain, I feel fucking amazing.

The storm in Aiden’s eyes calms. In its place, a starry twinkle emerges. It’s almost surreal.

I’m smiling. He’s gazing at me, starry-eyed. How did this happen?

Is this the power of sex?

For a moment there, in the fire of our passion, it had felt like we’d melted into each other. Our sweaty skin stuck and the particles we shared pulled us closer together. Even now that we’re finished and not even touching, it still feels like we’re shoulder to shoulder, chest to chest. Heart to heart.

But the intensity of my emotions scares me.

Is Aiden satisfied? Was this enough to keep him from turning back into a monster? I should be cherishing this moment; that look on his face, the emergence of his heat-melting dimple, but I’m worried. Worried that this is all a fevered dream that we’ll both wake up from at any moment.

What will happen to me then?

“It suits you well,” Aiden says, snapping me out of my own thoughts.

The tip of his finger traces down my wrist, up the back of my hand and over the engagement ring. It’s beautiful, and for once, that beauty doesn’t seem so cursed.

“Thank you.” Really, I don’t know what else to say. I’m not thanking him for the ring, but for the compliment. For such a corrupted soul, Aiden sure can have a sweet mouth when he wants to.

For a while, we just gaze at each other. His eyes, his body, his mind. No matter how much I look, I just can’t seem to see the entire picture.

What are we? What is this that we’re doing?

Have we fallen into something more than just captor and captive? Or are we just fooling ourselves?

At the moment, there isn’t a single urge in me to press the issue. No more questions. Something has settled in the air between us, and I just want to bathe in it. Who knows if it will still be there tomorrow.

Whether or not Aiden is having these same thoughts is a mystery. No matter how long I look at him, I can’t see past those eyes. All I have to go on is an instinct, and when he stalks up beside me and runs his hand down my thigh, the only thought that comes to me is that he doesn’t want to leave. Right now, he wants to stay with me.

As much as I relish the softness in his touch, I still flinch away when his fingers get too close to the remnants of our passion. Cum and blood. Suddenly, it really hits me. I’m not a virgin anymore. We just had sex. Wild and amazing sex.

“It’s alright, princess,” Aiden assures me. His fingers sink into my tender flesh and he holds me in place. He doesn’t want me hiding. He wants to see all of me. “This isn’t something to be ashamed of. Look. That’s us. Mixed together. Inseparable now. Contract or not. You belong to me.”

You belong to me.

Somehow, there’s no foreboding in his words. For a brief moment, it’s almost like we’re two normal people. You belong to me… and I belong to you. He doesn’t say that last part, but he doesn’t have to. Not again.

I’m yours.

I didn’t believe it. But now, I’m having a hard time shaking that thought away. It would be so nice to just believe.

Aiden helps me. Caressing my chin, he pulls my gaze up and away from the mess we made. In his eyes, a hint of his eternal storm is back. The lightness that surrounds us falters ever so slightly and I wonder if he’s already remembering what brought us here.


He bought me to spite my father. There’s a heavy history between us and the longer we ignore it, the more it seems to weigh on my mind.

“What now?” I ask, just trying to break the silence. Our precious moment feels in danger of breaking, but I’m not ready to go back yet. This is too intoxicating.

Aiden brushes his hand up along my belly and over my breasts. At my clavicle, he splays his fingers out and gently pushes me back onto the bed. With a panty-melting smirk, he climbs back on top of me.

“Now, we do it again.”

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