Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Seven: Memories Forgotten

Sammy sniffed the air again. He was here somewhere; she could smell it. She continued to search the area, her nose in the air. When she found the fresh pile of dirt, she stopped and stared.

So, this is where he put you. She thought as she stood over the unmarked grave. Not even two sticks as a cross for a marker.

Sammy got to her knees beside the grave and closed her eyes. She has been dreaming about Boone’s brother, for days now. The look in his eyes when he had shot his brother, the fear when she had changed and took him down, the taste of his blood when she had ripped his head off. She gagged as she put her hand over her mouth.

Sammy has never killed anyone before. The werewolf who had changed her best friend for his own greed, was different. He was one of her kind and was foul-smelling and needed to be put down. But Tucker was a human, and Boone’s brother. And the rest of Boone’s family will probably show up during the Blue Moon and know what she had done.

Sammy got to her feet and looked around the area where Boone had buried his brother. She found what she was looking for and picked it up. She looked at the tree limb with a sigh and snapped it in half. She then pulled out the pocket knife she had borrowed from Raye and started cutting the small limbs off one half, until she had a stick, then did the same to the other half. She found some vines on a large tree and yanked them off.

She walked over to the grave and wrapped the vines around the sticks she had made until they were sturdy and made a cross. She moved to what she hoped was where his head was and shoved the makeshift cross into the ground. She stood back and looked at her handiwork. Not the prettiest cross, but it will do.

“I’m sorry I ripped off your head.” She whispered as she looked down at the dirt. “But you left me no choice.”


Sammy sighed as Boone’s arms wrapped around her from behind.

“What are you doing?”

“I made a marker for your brother’s grave.” She whispered as she leaned her head back against his chest.

Boone sighed; she truly does have a pure heart. His brother had shot them both, then shot her in the head and she still felt bad for killing him.

“It’s a very nice cross.” He said as he looked at the twigs and vines.

“It was the least I could do after I ripped his head off.” She said with a frown.

“He shot us and wanted to mount your head.” He said as he laid his chin on the top of her head.

“But he was your brother.” Sammy said with a whimper of a cry.

Boone turned her to face him and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Don’t cry over him, Sammy. He doesn’t deserve your tears. He was a bigger monster than any werewolf or any other supernatural being, I have come across.”

“But he was your brother.” She repeated.

He sighed as he pulled her to his chest. “He stopped being my brother the moment he pulled that trigger.”

She collapsed against him as she cried. “I killed him.”

He sighed as he held her close. “I know.”

He knew how much it was tearing at her that she had killed a human. Even though he had tried to kill her first. Monty was right. Their Alpha has the purest heart, and he planned to protect it.

“Look.” He said as he pulled her back, so he could look into her eyes. “It was self-defense. Everyone knows that, including you.” He said as he stared into her eyes. “No one will ever blame you for killing him. Do you understand me?” He asked as he moved her hair off her forehead.

Sammy slowly nodded her head, then leaned against his chest. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her.

“I love you, Sammy.” He breathed against her hair.

She sighed. “I love you too.”

“Let’s get back to the dwellings before someone finds you’re missing.” He said as he turned them away from the grave and started walking.

“How did you find me?” She asked as she leaned against his side.

“Hunter, remember.” He said with a grin as he pointed to his chest.

She laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around his midsection. It was quiet when they got back to the dwellings. Everyone was still in bed after their long night of celebrating. Boone walked her to their room and helped her out of her clothes.

She looked up at him with a smile, then she was all over him.

He laughed as she pushed him against the wall. There was no end to this woman’s hunger. He kissed her as she tore at his clothes. Once he was undressed, he gave her a shove towards the bed. She let him overpower her as he pressed her down onto the mattress. He took her fast and fierce. He knew that was what she needed. Hell, it was what they both needed.


“Boone.” Sammy whispered as she laid in his arms after their exciting and fierce lovemaking.

“Yes?” He asked as he kissed the top of her head.

“I know about the prediction.” She whispered as she held onto him.

He froze for a moment. What did she expect him to say? That he understood and would step aside? Because he doesn’t understand and he’s not stepping aside.

She looked up at him. “Don’t look like that.” She said with a frown.

He looked down at her and forced a smile. “Look like what?”

She sat up and placed her hand over his heart. “Like you just lost me.” She whispered with a hitch in her voice.

“But I have, haven’t I?”

She shook her head. “You will never lose me, Boone. I don’t care what some witch saw hundreds of years ago. There is no one else for me, but you.”

He smiled a genuine smile as he reached his hand out and touched her cheek. “I love you, Sammy.”

She smiled as she leaned into his touch. “I love you too.”

“And I will step aside when the time comes.”

Boone’s words burned a hole in Sammy’s heart. She leaned forward and kissed his lips.

“Even if he showed up at my doorstep today, I would tell him to go away, I already have a mate.”

He laughed softly. “A mate who can’t give you children.”

She sat up and stared down at him. “Is that what you think I want? I’m only seventeen, Boone.”

“You’re over seven hundred years old, Sammy.”

“Aly is, not me. I don’t know who Aly is right now, I only know me. And even if Aly does come back, she will know what I know and know that you Boone Zimmer are our mate. Always and forever.”

“At least a werewolf would live a real life with you. An eternal life…”

She kissed him again. “Elaine will keep you with me. How do you think our pack is still alive? We haven’t lost a member of the pack in hundreds of years.”

He sighed. “But will she do it?”

“For her Alpha?” She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

He laughed. Of course, the witch would do it for her Alpha. She would do anything for Aly, or Sammy.

“Enough of this, I only said something, so I could tell you that I’m not looking for this prophecy of hers. I have what I want, and what I want is you.” She said as she leaned towards him. “For all eternity.” She whispered.

He sighed as he pulled her down on top of him. “What if Aly doesn’t agree?”

“Then I’ll beat her brain until she does. I will still be me, you know. I will have my memories of Aly and the pack, but I will also have Sammy’s memories. She will know and feel what I know and feel. And she will love you too.”

Boone sighed. He wasn’t as sure about that as she was. But he let her believe it if it made her feel better. He has a feeling when Aly comes back, she won’t want a hunter as her mate and will be ashamed of what Sammy has done with their life. He felt a tear slide down his cheek and quickly wiped it away before Sammy saw it. He will always love this woman, even when she shuns him and looks for her true mate.


The next couple of weeks, leading to the Blue Moon, was full of energy and chaos. The new bond between their packs made the wolves stronger and they started showing off. It took both Alpha’s to get them to concentrate on their training. It helped that Sammy was with them, training. Knowing that she herself felt the need to train, showed the others that it was a necessity.

The day of the Blue Moon, Sammy walked up the hill to the cave she and Boone had spent her last feverish heat session. She stopped in front of the cave and looked inside the darkness. That was how she felt right now, a pit of darkness. She was terrified of getting her memories back and what Aly would do. Will Sammy fully disappear? Will Aly hate her? Will she love Boone and Raye as much as she does?

Sammy sighed as she sat on the log in front of the cave. She wasn’t sure why she had come up here, other than she felt peace up here. And Aly liked to be alone when she was contemplating things. Okay, so Aly has been slowly creeping into her head for the past few days. That didn’t mean anything, did it?

A gust of wind blew her hair around her face. She moved it out of her mouth as a vision came into her mind. A pack of werewolves playing in a field. Her pack, Aly’s pack. Sammy closed her eyes. Is this it? Is this the end of Sammy? Another vision flashed through her mind. Aly telling her cousin to take care of the pack, the look on Autor’s face. Sammy felt tears roll down her cheeks. Aly was coming back, and she was all alone.

Sammy moved off the log and fell to her knees. Another vision erupted in her mind. Aly standing by the forest, thinking about her pack when a hand came around her mouth and silenced her forever. Sammy placed her hands over her head as she cried out in pain when visions continued to invade her mind.

She started remembering things that weren’t even Aly. Waking up in the woods not knowing where she was or even who she was. A woman picking her up and carrying her to a hut.

Her first time being reborn.

Memories of families she doesn’t remember, flooded through her mind. Every rebirth, every family, every sad tale of the Alpha who once was. Then Sammy’s life flowed through her mind. Her parents, her friends, her school. That was when she was happiest; when she was Sammy.

The searing pain continued as Aly slowly took over her mind, filling her with thoughts and love for the pack she was destined to protect. Hundreds of years of memories flooded Sammy’s mind.

Alameda. Sammy’s mind whimpered as she felt a dread as though her life was over.

No dear heart, your life has just begun.

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