Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Three: Science Project

Sammy sighed as she opened the front door to her parent’s massive mansion. Being the richest, meant having the biggest of everything. The biggest mansion, the biggest gardens, the biggest ponds…

Sammy shook her head as she headed to her suite. Yes, suite. She doesn’t have her own bedroom; she has her own floor. It was like her own little apartment, with two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen with a small dining area. She rarely ate with her parents and she mostly stayed in her suite.

Being rich also meant rarely ever seeing your parents. That was why they had forced her to go with them this summer, was supposed to be a family getaway. Yeah, leave it to her parents to make a seminar into a family getaway. She still had barely seen her parents, mostly at dinner, and only to show off their stunningly beautiful daughter.

Sammy got settled into the living room of her suite and pulled out her homework. It may be easy for her brain to figure out, but at least it was something to occupy her time. She has never been one of those kids to play video games, hell, she never even played with dolls.


Sammy looked up at her parent’s maid. The woman cleared her throat.

“A boy is here to see you.”

Sammy’s heart skipped a beat. Was it Boone?

“Send him up.” Sammy said as she stood from the couch.

The maid nodded and left her suite. Sammy felt her heartbeat fast in her chest and tried to straighten her clothes. Her smile faded when a boy, not Boone, walked into her suite and whistled.

“Nice digs.” He said as he looked around.

She should have gone downstairs. She had never let Pryce into her suite when they were dating, if not for her excitement of seeing Boone, she wouldn’t have let him in now, either.

“What do you want, Pryce?” She asked as she glared at him.

“You know what I want.” He said as he grinned at her.

She sighed. Yeah, what all boys want at his age, sex. Well, he’s not getting it, not from her, anyways.

“You can take those thoughts and…”

“We’re partners for the science project, remember?” He said as he moved over to her couch and placed his bag on her coffee table.

God, how could I have forgotten?

‘Easily, you have had Boone on your brain ever since lunch.’

“Right.” She said with a slow nod, then sat down on the couch.

“So, what do you think we should build?” He asked as he joined her on the couch.

“I don’t know, what are we supposed to build?” She asked as she pulled the papers out of her backpack, which told them their options for their project. The first day of school and they’re already handing out projects.

“How about number three.” He said as he looked at his own paper.

She grunted. Leave it to him to pick the easiest one on the list. She shook her head slowly as she read the list, then grinned when she found what she was looking for.

“Number twelve.” She said as she set the paper down on the table.

“No way.” He said with a shake of his head.

She sighed. “Pryce, it’s an easy A, if we do the hardest one. Don’t you want a good grade? Or do you want the Coach to bench you again?”

He stared at her. She had brought up the benching, which for him, was a ‘no, no’. But she knew he knew she was right. Besides, she would be doing most of the work anyway, so what was he complaining about.

“Alright, but you supply the snacks.” He said with a nod.

“Whatever.” She said as she started to go through some of the other papers, to see what the teacher expected of the project. “Go tell Lucy what you want and she will bring it up here.”


“The maid.” Sammy said as she pointed to the door.

Pryce, not being from a very wealthy family, had gotten his popularity from sports. Luckily, he was good at them. Just not good in the thinking process of life. She sighed when he got up and left the suite. She knows why they had saddled her with him, they know she will get him that A he so badly needs, to play next week’s homecoming game.

“She yelled at me that she’s not my maid.” Pryce said as he walked back into the suite.

“What did you say to her?” Sammy asked as she stared at him.

“I told her to get me something to eat and drink. She looked at me as though I’d grown a second head, so I said, it is your job, isn’t it, you are the maid after all. And she said, “I’m not your maid.” And stormed off.”

Sammy rolled her eyes and stood, then moved to the intercom and spoke into the mic. “Lucy, can I have some snacks and soda please?”

“Sure thing, doll.” Lucy replied.

Sammy smiled, then moved back over to the couch.

“Wow, how did you do that?” He asked as he sat on the couch with her.

“Maids are people too. You don’t have any, yet you treat them as if they’re slaves. They work for us; we don’t own them.” She said as she laid the plans out on the table. “I think we can get this finished in a few days, maybe even less.”

“Great. Then I can take you to the movies.” He said as he laid his arm over her shoulders.

She wormed out from under him and moved to the other couch. “Just because we’re doing a school project together, doesn’t mean we’re dating.”

“Ah, come on Sammy. Are you ever going to forgive me? It was just a kiss…”

“You were snogging her like she was a treat and you couldn’t get enough of it. If I hadn’t caught you guys, you probably would have eaten her…” She stopped talking when his eyes lit up. She needs to watch her words around him.

“Sammy.” He said as he moved over to the other couch, where she sat. “The only person I want to eat is you…”

“You are so corny.” She said as she gave him a shove away from her. “If I have to, I will finish this project on my own, and tell the teacher that you did none of it…”

He sighed as he turned away from her. “Fine, have it your way. What do we do first?”

With a heavy sigh, she started reading the rules and told him what they were going to need.

The project she has been working on, mostly by herself, was due tomorrow. The past week had gone by so slow. And seeing Pryce every day after school was nerve-wracking. He was still trying to get a date with her, and still trying to get into her pants. Well, it wasn’t going to happen. She didn’t care that she was a seventeen-year-old Senior and still a virgin. It was her business anyways.

“I thought you had said it would only take a couple of days.” Pryce whined as she put some of the finishing touches on it.

“That was before I found out that the items we needed had to be ordered.” She said as she stood back and smiled. It wasn’t half bad if she did say so herself.

“That’s it?” He asked as he stared at it.

“That’s it.” She said with a nod.

“All that time and effort we put into it, I thought it would be bigger…”

“We?” She asked as she looked at him.

He waved his hand in the air. “You, whoever, this isn’t what I had expected. Are you sure this will get us an A?”

She forced herself not to laugh. Instead, she grunted. “It will get us an A.” She assured him. It seems that anything she does pretty much assured her an A, so why would this be any different?

“Good, because the game is this Friday.” He said with a smile.

“I know.” She nodded.

“You coming to watch?” He asked as he studied her face.

She shook her head. She knew the homecoming game was on Friday and the dance was Saturday night, were a big thing, but she didn’t feel like going this year.

“You want to go to the dance with me?” He asked as he continued to watch her.

She shook her head. The only boy she wanted to go with, hasn’t asked her, hell, he hasn’t even talked to her since the first day of school.

“What is your problem lately?” He asked as he studied her.

She took in a deep breath. That was a really good question. Ever since lunch on the first day of school, she has felt different towards, The Circle, and the others around her. She had even caught herself watching the nerds in one of the classrooms.

What would her life be like if she had sided with them, instead of the rich snobs?

Probably a whole lot better than it is now.

“Sam.” He said as he moved closer to her.

She never did like it when he called her that. Sam was too much of a boy’s name.

“I just don’t want to go.” She whispered.

“You do know you’re in the running for Homecoming Queen, right?” He asked as he studied her face.

She sighed. “I know.”

“Do you care?” He asked as he touched her shoulder.

She shook her head.

“I’m going to be King; won’t you be my Queen?”

She almost gagged at his words. What kind of fool did he think she was?

“I really don’t…”

Her words were cut off when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She tried to push him off, but he just pressed his lips to her even harder. Her brain went wild, was he trying to get her to soften to him? Or was he going to try and force it out of her?

She got her answer when he leaned so far into her that she fell onto the couch behind her with him on top.

NO! Her mind cried out.

She’s not going to lose her virginity like this, she can’t!

“Stop!” She cried out when he started to kiss her throat.

“You know you want it as much as I do.” He said as he pressed himself against her.

She could feel his arousal and it made her sick. She fought against him and finally managed to get her knees between them and gave him a good shove with her legs. Her legs have always been the strongest part of her body.

He let go of her as his body was flung to the other couch. Stunned, she laid there staring at him. She has never pushed, shoved, or hit anyone before. She didn’t know she had that much strength in her legs.

“Don’t come near me again.” She said with a growl as she stood from the couch.

“Why do you deny us?” He asked as he got over his shock of being thrown across the room and stood.

“There is no us. There never was, if there was, you wouldn’t have made out with that girl, under the bleachers.” She said as she straightened her hair.

“You would never kiss me, let alone let me touch you.” He said as he started to move towards her again.

“Don’t come near me again.” She repeated as she backed away from him.

He stopped and watched her for a moment, then seemed to decide it wasn’t worth it.

“Whatever.” He said as he turned and grabbed his bag. “Just don’t forget our project tomorrow.” He said as he left her suite.

She took in a deep breath as she sat on the couch. That was the first time a boy’s lips have ever been on hers’. Why couldn’t it have been Boone’s lips? She swiped at her tears and shook her head.

Don’t dwell on what has passed.At least you didn’t kiss him back.

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