Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Thirty: Powers of the Blue Moon

“Time is near.” Cyrus said as he joined Aly.

“Have you prepared your pack?” Aly asked as she looked up at him.

Cyrus nodded. “Just waiting for the moon.”

“Ready to show them how it’s done?” Aly asked with a grin.

“But of course.” He said with a nod.

Aly turned to her mate. “Boone.”

“Yeah, babe?”

“This will be the strongest Blue Moon in thousands of years. Not only will it enhance the wolves, but it will also enhance all other supernatural creatures, including you. Are you ready for it?”

“Bring it on.” Boone said with a grin.

Aly moved over to him and kissed him. “Do not die on me, Boone Zimmer. It took me too long to find you.”

Boone grinned. “I don’t plan on leaving you just yet Princess.”

Aly laughed as she leaned up and gave him another kiss.

“It’s here.” Monty said as he looked up at the stars. “Where do you want me?”

“With me and Boone.” She said as she looked up at the stars. “If anyone comes after Boone, you kill them.” She said as she looked at her cousin.

Monty grinned. “Sure thing, Cuz.”

“Look at that.” Aly said with a shocked breath. “Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?”

Everyone looked up at the Blue Moon with awe. The werewolves started to howl as they started changing. Even the born wolves seemed to be in agony. Aly looked at Cyrus and he nodded. They began walking among their packs, touching the wolves, soothing their aches, as they changed under the Blue Moon.

“Aly.” Boone said with a groan.

Aly moved over to her mate and placed a hand on his shoulder as he doubled over.

“Easy now, love.” She whispered as she helped him through his pain.

When everyone was finished changing and Boone stood back up, Aly looked around her. The wolves looked to be glowing.

“It is time.” Aly said as she nodded to Cyrus.

Being Alpha, meant they were able to hold back their change longer than the others, but the change was still inevitable. Aly stayed human for as long as she could, as she helped Cyrus through his Blue Moon change. When he stood before her in his magnificent wolf, she nodded, then stepped back from everyone, and let the moon have her.

Boone watched as Aly screamed when her bones started to shift. He could hear the popping of everything inside her and wanted to go to her. But it was too dangerous. She was the most powerful of the wolves, and could very well be the most dangerous.

“She stayed human for too long. The Blue Moon is stronger.” Elaine said as she joined Boone.

“Come on Aly, you can do this. You’re strong.” Boone said as he watched his mate.

Aly screamed as her back popped and she fell to the ground convulsing.

Boone rushed to her side.

“Boone, don’t.” Elaine cried out as she tried to stop him.

“Sammy!” Boone hollered as he dropped to his knees. “You can get through this. You’re strong, you can get through anything. You got through being shot in the head for crying out loud.” Boone said with a hitch in his voice.

“Boone.” Sammy cried out as she reached out for him.

“Sammy.” He cried as he took her hand.

“No!” Sammy screamed as her body jerked and she came up off the ground as her tail pulled out of her spine.

“Zephron!” Boone hollered, trying to reach the wolf inside her.

Zephron howled as the pain erupted from her body.

“Zephron, take the moon, you own it. You are the Alpha.” Boone said as he watched his girlfriend writhe in agony.

Zephron growled as she looked up at the moon. I own you.

Aly took a deep steady breath. ‘Good Zephron, we can do this, together, like always.’


Zephron howled as their body shifted and stretched as they became one, as woman became wolf and wolf became woman. And they owned that blasted moon.

Boone watched as the silver wolf took hold of the moon and made it hers. When the transformation was complete, the silver wolf got to her paws and stared her mate, eye to eye.

“Be very careful, Boone.” Elaine whispered.

“Aly…are you in there?” Boone asked as he looked into the beautiful eyes of the silver wolf.

Zephron licked Boone’s face and Boone laughed as he wrapped his arms around the large wolf’s head.

“Well done, Zephron.” He said as he kissed her nose.

“Look at everyone.” Elaine said as she looked at Samden.

“They’re beautiful.” He said with a nod.

Every wolf had turned, and every wolf’s color looked brighter, more vibrant, and their eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

“Now what?” Boone asked as he stood and laid his hand on the silver wolf’s neck.

“Now we wait, I guess.” Elaine said with a shrug.

They didn’t have to wait long. They heard a howl and turned to find other wolves, not as vibrant as theirs, coming into the clearing, from all directions. It was more than just Sebastian’s pack that had come. Wolves from all over the world had come to get a taste of the true Alpha. And none of them planned to leave without her.

“Looks like you have competition for Aly.” Elaine said with a laugh.

“They are highly mistaken if they think I’m going to roll over and accept defeat and hand over my girlfriend.” Boone said with a growl.

Zephron let out a growl as if to say she was with him on that one. Boone grinned as he patted her neck.

“Looks like it’s going to get bloody tonight.” He said as he watched the wolves approach them.

“Then let the bloodshed begin.” Samden said as he threw something into the middle of the field and a bright light erupted, blinding all wolves, except the bonded pack.

With howls, the fighting began.


The humans listened to the fighting outside. When the door to the shack was busted in, the humans screamed. But the wolf never saw them. It walked past them and around them, but never saw or smelt them. It finally turned and left the shack and headed to one of the other buildings.

Elaine turned to the building’s when she heard a loud noise. A couple of wolves were breaking down doors, probably trying to find easy prey.

“Boone!” Elaine hollered as she turned back to the chaos on the field.

Boone turned to her; a large wolf’s head, under his arm. Elaine pointed to the two wolves at the buildings. Boone grunted as he let go of the wolf and kicked him across the open space. The wolf landed with a howl of pain and whimpered as he tried to stand.

“Zephron!” Boone hollered to his mate.

Zephron turned to him, a wolf’s throat in her mouth. He pointed to the two wolves who were trying to find the humans. Zephron let out a horrendous growl as she ripped the wolf’s throat out, then bounded over another wolf and ran past Boone and the witches.

Boone watched her and shook his head. She was so ruthless with her memories back. Guess hundreds of years of training helped. Not a single wolf has been able to take her down. He quickly followed his mate. She was already on top of one of the wolves when he got to her. The wolf cried out when she ripped out his throat and tossed it aside. She looked up at her mate, her face soaked in blood, then tilted her head back and howled.

The wolf under her wasn’t dead, but it was going to take a while for his wounds to heal, and in the meantime, that gave them enough time to take out more of the unwanted company on their land.

“I’ll take care of that one.” Samden said as he approached the downed wolf.

“Where are you and Elaine sending them?” Boone asked as he watched the witch.

Samden laughed. “No clue, really. It’s a teleportation spell, we had found and amplified. It sends them somewhere in the world, away from here. When they wake, the full moon will be gone, and they will find themselves far away from their pack. They will find the need to find their pack heightened and won’t be able to think about anything else. Who knows, maybe they will wander the world for centuries, looking for their lost pack.”

“Or start one of their own.” Boone said as he watched the witch cast the spell and the downed wolf disappear.

“Then someone will find him and stop him. Hopefully, he won’t get that urge.” Samden said as he looked at Boone. “We are in a war here lad, anything we can use to help us now, we have to use. Do you understand this? We can’t worry about what can be, we need to worry about what will be. And that is here and now.”

Boone nodded. He understood, but that didn’t mean he liked it. They heard Zephron howl and Boone took off in the direction it had come from.

Samden shook his head. The boy has a good heart for being a born hunter. Especially how he was raised. He is a true born hunter. A rare find indeed. He heard a growl behind him and turned around too late to cast any spells. The werewolf jumped at him; he covered his face with his arms. A loud growl and the sound of wolves colliding, had him peeking over his arm.

Raye had been watching and knocked the wolf away from Samden, before it could reach him. She tore out the wolf’s throat, then turned to him. Samden smiled as he patted her back.

“That’s my girl.” He whispered.

Once she was off the wolf, he cast the spell to send it as far away from here as possible. They had all agreed to as little death and mayhem as they could. That is why he and Elaine had looked for a spell to help with that. Maybe they will learn from tonight, but then again.

He looked at Raye and nodded. “Let’s rejoin the others.”

Raye’s large head nodded, and she followed close behind him.


Elaine jumped over a wolf and landed on the ground between two fallen wolves. She cast her spell, which sent them far away from here. She smiled as she turned around. She squealed when a large wolf stood eye to eye with her. It snapped out at her and she jumped back. She pulled out the ingredients to cast her spell and the wolf knocked it out of her hands. This wolf means business, he’s going to kill her. But didn’t Voldern want her or something?

A familiar howl sent shivers down her spine. She turned her head in the direction, which was a mistake. The wolf took the opportunity to pounce. She screamed as she was slammed to the ground. The wolf opened his mouth to bite her, but never got the chance. The wolf went flying away from her, landing on its side. It stood and turned to growl at the wolf who stood over Elaine, protecting her with his body.

“Drake.” Elaine whispered as she touched his side.

Drake looked down at her, then back at the wolf who had attacked her. With a growl, he ran at the wolf, knocking him to the ground. The wolf screamed as Drake tore him apart. When Drake backed off the wolf, he turned to Elaine.

She sucked in a breath when she saw the blood and carnage. Drake had done that for her, but why?

Hearing the intake of breath and misunderstanding it for fear of him, he howled, then ran off to attack another wolf.

Elaine jumped to her feet and ran after the wolf who had just saved her life. She found him mauling another wolf, this one he left alive. Elaine touched Drake’s back and he turned and snapped at her, then stood still when he realized it was her. Elaine pulled her hand back, then continued with the motion and touched him.

“Drake.” She whispered as she rubbed his fur. “Why did you save me?”

Drake bowed his head and looked down at the wolf he had taken down.

Elaine pulled out her spell and cast it over the wolf, then turned to face Drake.


Drake’s head butted her in the chest. Elaine sighed as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Oh, Drake.” She said as she felt tears run down her cheeks.

Drake nosed her stomach, then pulled back and shook the blood from his body. Elaine laughed as blood splattered everywhere. It wasn’t really funny; it was disgusting. But her response was a nervous reaction. In all her thousands of years, she has never felt nervous, not until she had met this crazy-ass man, who had come to them, a bitten wolf, and is now one of the strongest of their pack.

“Let’s get back to the packs.” Elaine said as she touched his head.

He nodded, then jumped over her head and took down another wolf.


Zephron stopped at the edge of the forest when she saw him. He was a huge wolf. His fur was a rusty color, and his eyes were red. He stared at her as if he wanted to devour her, and not in the, I want to kill you, kind of way, in the, I want to screw your wolf’s brains out, kind of way.

“I have a mate.” Aly said as the wolf approached her.

“You have a hunter.” Sebastian said as he looked her over. “That is not a proper mate.”

“I love him.” Aly said as he started to walk around her.

“That is not how this works. Your mate must be strong, he must be able to take you down. He must be your Alpha.” Sebastian said as he stopped behind her. “I am your Alpha!”

Zephron howled when he attacked her from behind. She managed to pull herself out from under him, but just barely. Sebastian jumped on her again as she tried to escape, she howled as he tried to mount her.

“Get off her!” Boone hollered as he shoved his body into the large rust-colored wolf.

The wolf tumbled off Zephron and shook himself as he got to his feet. He growled at the hunter who dared to claim an Alpha wolf as his mate. He’s not strong enough to withstand a wolf, like her. Only Sebastian’s wolf can take her, Voldern had told him so.

“You stay away from her.” Boone said as he stood between his mate and the large wolf.

Sebastian’s wolf growled as he moved towards the hunter.

‘Boone, no.’ Aly cried. If only he could hear her. ‘Ariel please if you can hear me.’ Aly prayed. ‘He’s going to kill Boone.’

Sebastian jumped towards Boone and a bright light shined off Boone’s body, blinding the large wolf. Aly felt herself shift and cried out as she turned back to human. Boone looked down at Aly and ran to her side on the ground.

“Aly, but how?” He asked as he looked her over.

“I guess Ariel heard my prayer.” She said as Boone helped her to her feet.

“You prayed to go back to human form?” He asked as he stared at her.

She reached up and touched his cheek. “No, silly man. I prayed for you to hear me. You can’t fight Sebastian. He is too powerful. As a man, he would kill you with the snap of his fingers, and as a wolf.” She shook her head.

“I won’t let him take you like that. I’m your mate…”

“I love you, Boone. I will always love you. No matter what happens tonight, remember that.” She said as she leaned up and kissed him. “You will always be my mate.” She whispered before she took a step back with a deep sigh. “Now please move out of the way, so Sebastian can claim my wolf.” She said with a growl.

“Aly.” Boone said as he reached out to her.

“You don’t get it, Boone. You’re human…”

“I thought that didn’t matter!” Boone hollered.

Aly fought back the tears that came to her eyes. “Please let us do what wolves do.” She said as she pushed past him. “If you don’t have the stomach to watch him take me on, then leave.”

“Sammy.” Boone whispered.

Aly turned to him, a blank look in her eyes. “Sammy is gone.” She then shifted into the magnificent silver wolf and walked away from him.

“Aly.” Boone cried out as he tried to chase after her.

“Don’t.” Samden said as he grabbed hold of Boone’s arm. “She is right. You’re just a human.”

“I’m just as much a supernatural being as you are.” Boone hollered as he pulled away from Samden.

“That you are.” Samden said with a nod. “But she is a wolf, and you can’t change into a wolf, to mate with her…”

“What about you and Raye?” Boone asked as he looked at Raye. “I have seen the way you two look at each other.”

Raye whimpered as she backed away from them.

Samden sighed. “I will admit that I have noticed young Raye, in more than a friendly way. But she is not an Alpha.”

Boone turned back to where he could hear Aly fighting with Sebastian, or were they already doing it, here in the woods. Has he mounted her…?

“No, I won’t let him do this!” Boone hollered as he ran towards the noise.

“Boone, he will kill you!” Samden hollered as he ran after the young hunter.

“I don’t care.” Boone said as he rushed through the woods.

“But Aly does.” Samden said as he took hold of Boone’s arm again. “Listen to me. She has to do this herself. Why do you think she prayed to Ariel? She couldn’t let you get hurt. She had to tell you to let her go.”

Boone felt the tears run down his cheeks. “What is the name of Sebastian’s wolf?”

“What? Why?” Samden asked as he stared at the young hunter.

Boone continued to look into the woods where his mate was fighting with another wolf, who wanted to dominate her.

“Do you know his wolf’s name?” Boone asked.

“I do.” Samden said with a nod. “But why do you need to know?”

“Just tell me. Is it Zeldon?!” Boone asked as he lifted the witch off his feet by his collar.

Samden stared into Boone’s eyes as the young man stared daggers into him. He could hear Raye whimper beside them. What was so important about the wolfs name?

“Tell me!” Boone hollered as he shook the witch. “Is his name Zeldon?!”

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