Memories of Gaia: Seeking Shadows in the Storm

Chapter Chaptre 4 Steel Standing

Steel hated patrol duty with a passion; it was beneath her. She also had the displeasure of being in the company of Trevor, who never seemed to stop speaking. And Seto, he didn’t bother her as much. At least he did not talk excessively.

Steel groaned as her six-inch gold and pink heels sunk into the mud, the skin on her heel touching the wet dirt. She regretted wearing the matching fitted dress that had a sweetheart neckline and was held up by one shoulder. The once dry land was spotted with puddles from the recent downpour of rain. Steel wished at times that Valeena was dead; she hated the rain.

There had been several rumors of Goblins sneaking into the Necropolis, stealing valuables off of the corpse. The Queen had sent them to investigate the claims throwing her half eaten chicken leg at Steel when she suggested a soldier do it.

“You are the most qualified person I have to take on this job!” Queen Maylee shouted, her face jiggling in anger, causing her to resemble an irritated turkey. Steel tried not to look directly at the Queen for fear she might laugh.

Queen Maylee had decided to wear a bright, blood red dress with a deep v, her breast popping out of the tight material at different angles. She looked like an angry, red apple. A turkey stuck in an apple.

Princess Aurory had thought she’d try out pigtails and it did not suit her well. Steel often took pity on the Princess and tried to help her not appear so silly by offering helpful suggestions in a soft voice.

Today was not one of those times, however, as Princess Aurory loved to throw food and hurled a handful of pasta at Steel. She had missed her target but it still had annoyed Steel. The Queen dismissed her, adding suddenly that Trevor and Seto should go as well.

She had had no time to change and stormed out of the castle, not even bothering to wait for the two idiots that would accompany her.

The Necropolis sat on the Forgotten Continent, just a few miles south of the Queens newly created Necrodomus. Steel knew where the first Necrodomus was located but did not dare tell the Queen as she seemed to believe it was a secret.

Steel kept her blade close, her hand on the hilt as they approached the area that was said to be the Goblins way in. There were deep grooves in the soft mud, and claw marks on the stone wall. Steel saw no other indication that something was getting in or out.

“So then, I grabbed my gun and climbed onto the table top, kicking a glass out of this guy’s hand and-” Trevor stopped talking abruptly as the blade of Steel’s sword rested against the flesh of his neck.

“I suggest you stop speaking before I stop you!” She hissed, the gems on the intricately woven hilt sparkling in the light of the moon.

Trevor opened his mouth to speak but thought better of it, giving her a thumb’s up instead. Steel shifted her lovely eyes to look at Seto who held up his hands in defense, shaking his head.

Steel replaced her blade, leaving a paper thin cut on Trevor’s neck. He grabbed at his throat, opening his mouth to protest but the sight of tiny beads of blood on his fingertips caused him to think better of it. Instead, he closed his mouth, glaring at the beautiful lady.

“Let’s look farther down.” Steel said, looking at the aged stone wall. She still saw nothing to indicate that anything was getting through the wall and it certainly would not have been hard as pieces of the ancient wall flaked off with every touch.

She followed along the wall, stopping and turning back. What was she missing? Steel placed her hands on her slim hips, looking the wall up then down. She could see nothing and it was frustrating her. She was not about to return to the whale with bad news.

“Steel...” It was Seto, his voice low and timid as he broke their silence treaty. He carefully inched towards her, keeping his eyes on her sword at all times.

Steel blinked slowly, annoyed. She did not answer as Seto crouched down, pushing on the crumbling stone wall. Steel had to fight the urge to kick him in the ribs as several of the bricks moved smoothly aside.

“Gotta think like a Goblin!” Trevor cheered, pumping his arm into the air. He fell silent immediately as Steel reached for her sword, her eyes flickering towards him. Trevor put his hands up, backing up slowly. Steel’s eyes peered back at Trevor, a faint smile playing her pink lips.

“C-calm down!” He stuttered, trying to sound braver than he felt. He glanced over his shoulder as a tree snapped in half, nearly hitting him in the head in the process.

Steel saw the creature push on the tree and said nothing. She had hoped it would strike Trevor. The Ankou grabbed Trevor by the leg, swinging him upwards.

Seto took out his revolver and began to shoot madly at the beast, not being skilled enough to hit a moving target. Steel remained still, her hand never leaving the hilt of her sword.

She could easily have taken care of the beast, and yet, she refused to take action. ‘Trevor had it coming,’ She thought as she watched him scream in terror as the Ankou used its might hand to claw him in the back.

The ancient stone wall behind her exploded violently sending chunks of stone into the air, the pieces landing heavily on the ground. A piece of stone from the blast struck Steel in the back and she fell hard to the soggy ground.

Steel could not see Seto anymore. He had been inches from the wall before the explosion, his biody now covered in rubble. The sound had panicked the Ankou, who released Trevor from its grasp, fleeing back into the trees.

Steel looked back at the wall that now held a gaping hole in it. Had the Queen tried to kill her? Nyles landed in front of Steel, shaking his head.

“I’ve been tracking that idiot for miles. Thanks.”

Steel turned to Nyles as she pulled herself out of the mud, a look of disgust on her lovely face. She spotted the crystal on his forehead and smiled sweetly, “I’m Steel and you are...?”

“Call me Nyles.” He extended his hand out to shake, Steel looking at his stone hand as if he were handing a dead cat.

“So,” Steel began, sidestepping his hand before leaning seductively against a dead tree. “What brings you out here?” Nyles used his thumb to indicate over his shoulder.

“That idiot!” He shook his head and prepared to chase Elden again when Trevor, who was regaining consciousness, groaned loudly, sitting on his knees and rubbing his head.

“Wha- what the hell?” Nyles was by his side helping him to his feet.

“You okay man?” Nyles asked, holding Trevor’s arm firmly to help support him as he wobbled on his feet. He seemed disoriented as he rubbed at his head, squeezing his eyes shut.

Trevor bent over and vomited several times, Nyles turning away. He had a long gash on his face, starting under his right eye and cutting down to his jaw in a crescent shape. A couple of puncture wounds that were above his left brow were bleeding. The sleeve of his jacket had been torn off and he was missing a shoe.

“My body, it… it feels… different.” Trevor mumbled, his breath sour, his face glistening with sweat. He stumbled forward, leaning low as if he wanted to sit. Nyles helped him down, releasing his arm.

“Just relax, man,” Nyles instructed, turning to Steel who wore a look of hate like a mask. Nyles didn’t understand why she wasn’t helping. “Get some water!” He shouted, watching as she crossed her arms and glared.

Trevor groaned rolling onto his stomach and into the fetal position. Nyles bent down and rubbed Trevor’s back, noticing a fine dark fur was now visible on his exposed skin.

Nyles thought of Elden and how he had transformed into the beast as Trevor moaned in a voice that was becoming more like an animal growl. Nyles stood up and moved back as he put the pieces together. Elden had been bitten on that island. And he had just spread the curse.

Nyles spread his wings and hovered in the air, sensing the beast that was fighting to emerge. He glanced at Steel who still appeared indifferent, looking at her polished nails then crossing her arms again. She did a double take as she saw Nyles in the air and grabbed at his ankle in a panic.

“You’re coming with me!” She spat, arching her back as she attempted to pull Nyles to the ground. She had to bring Nyles to the Queen, had to get back on her good side after the blunder with Valeena.

Nyles laughed, “No, you’re coming with me!” He flew upwards towards the star-studded sky, feeling Steel grasped his ankle tighter as Trevor transformed into the Ankou below them.

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