Memories of Gaia: Seeking Shadows in the Storm

Chapter 7 The Reunion

“You are a despicable, dirty traitor!” Aira hissed sharply in anger at Valeena as she stepped out onto the roof, watching as the ship shot one last missile at the city before slowly making its way passed the castle and out to sea, its propellers blowing her dress up.

“Oh, shut up!” Valeena snapped back, using her shoulder to try and push by the elf, but she stood firm, using her own body weight to push back. Valeena found that she was surprisingly strong and took a step back, her blue eyes glaring at the lovely elf.

“I will explain everything when we find the king!” Valeena informed Aira through her teeth, watching as suspicion played on the elf’s face.

Aira stared for several seconds before finally nodding, stepping aside, her eyes following Valeena’s back as she made her way to the stairs. Valeena hoped she had appeared more confident to her mother than she had felt as she forced her legs not to give up on her.

Valeena made her way back down to the throne room and waited, spying Aira stroll in, still angry. Rowan had returned looking like something the cat drug in. His shirt was ripped, his pants covered in mud. He wore a wide, goofy grin as he chuckled to himself. He put the emptied rifle back on its rack, nearly knocking it over in his haste and found Valeena and Aira upstairs.

“Man, was that something!” He said brightly, brushing the dirt out of his wild hair, a look of confusion in his scarlet eyes as he pulled a pink ribbon off his shoulder.

“I have not been part of a war like that before, having been raised by the preacher I was taught war was man’s thing, not mine. But ho-lee shit!”

Aira tried her best to sneer and look away, crossing her slender arms over her chest. She was not amused by his boasting but loved that he was enjoying himself. “Kill anyone?” She asked the wall, refusing to meet Rowan’s eyes.

Rowan suddenly seemed very uncomfortable and rubbed the back of his head absentmindedly. “Well, no, I mean I shot a bird. I think.” He smiled shyly as Aira released a soft chuckle and actually smiled at him.

“Enough, let’s get on with this! I have not got all day for your nonsense!” It was the voice of the angry King Caspian. He had barged loudly into the room, his heavy boots leaving piles of mud on the dark carpets, his cape split on one side.

“Some blasted idiot shot my crown!” The King spat, ripping the crown from his head and looking at it in pure disgust. Valeena was the only one who noticed the momentary look of panic on Rowan’s face as the King said this and fought back the urge to giggle.

“Must have been one of my idiot sister’s men. They couldn’t hit a target if it was glued to their face!” No one said anything as the King roared with laughter, a few guards chuckling nervously. He placed the crown back on his balding head as he laughed. King Caspian coughed several times before clearing his throat, looking at Valeena impatiently.

“I made a deal with my mother that I would hand deliver her the crystals in an exchange for the end to this war.” Valeena began, her voice gaining strength as fear slipped away.

“Your majesty, I happen to know of a secret way into the castle.” Valeena began, approaching the highly detailed map where part of it was damaged from the King’s anger.

King Caspian clapped his hands together once and shouted, “Excellent!” As he limped over to her; forcefully grabbing the cane out of a guard’s hand. Valeena wondered if he actually needed it or if it was just for show.

“Show me where it is!” King Caspian was beside himself with joy as tapped the map, his smiled wide. He smelled like body odor and gun powered, sweat was glistening on his aging skin.

“I will. After I have the others,” Valeena stood her ground as the King’s eyes flashed with anger. He took a step closer to her, his breath smelling of beer.

“I care not for the others. Where is the way in?” He spoke the words loudly, his face twitching as he did his best to control the anger that was burning within. Valeena looked at him coolly and shrugged.

“TELL ME!” He shouted spit flying out of his angry mouth. Valeena was proud of herself for not flinching; all those years of verbal abuse from the Queen were finally paying off. Her eyes bore into his and it took the last ounce of her strength not to look away.

“I will tell you when I have the other Crystals.” She repeated, hoping the shaking she felt was not visible. The King seemed to be having an internal conflict as he stared at Valeena, his eyes never leaving hers. His face twitched again and he huffed, his olive eyes resembling his sisters. Finally, the mighty King Caspian blinked and stood up, leaning away from her and huffing again.

“You have a week. One single week, then I will be coming for you and I will make you talk.” He threatened, taking his damaged crown off his head and looking at the bullet hole in the Griffin. “Idiots!” He shouted, tossing the crown aside.

Valeena left the kingdom in a hurry with Rowan and Aira in tow, the two of them praising her for her strength. It surprised Valeena to hear words of praise from the Elf, but she took it all in, soaked it up like a sponge in water. She would never let them know how close she was to breaking back there, how she felt as though she may vomit on the King’s heavy boots.

The King had reluctantly given them a duffle bag with a small amount of food and water in it. Aira had refused to take a weapon, Rowan too afraid to. Valeena had tried her hand at swords before but felt she was too clumsy and unskilled. She hated leaving the castle without one, but she had made it this far without a weapon.

“Where are we going?” Rowan asked Valeena as he trudged through the tall grass on the hill bending to pick a vibrant yellow flower and tucking it delicately behind Aira’s ear. She blushed but left the flower behind her ear this time.

Valeena opened her mouth to offer an answer but stopped when the sight of the giant, floating strawberry caught her eye as it bobbed in the gentle wind. She laughed, waving her arms above her head to flag down the balloon, laughing at the ridiculous sight.

Tellah waved back, pointing at a large, band-aid looking object that had been patched onto the damaged red material. The giant, silver burner sputtered, sending blobs of burning strawberry into the air, Tellah shouting in fright.

“Oh, no!” Rowan was saying waving his arms as he backed up, his eyes wide in fear. “No, not again!” Aira was shaking her head as she absently rubbed her healing leg where the burning jelly had scarred her.

Valeena smirked as she jogged towards the balloon, watching as the giant, floating strawberry crashed into the hillside.

Nyles roughly dropped Elden onto the sandy shore, landing softly beside him. They both were laughing, shaking their heads as they lost sight of the flying ship.

“Damn,” Nyles said, lying on his back in the sand, resembling a starfish, nearly smacking Elden in the head with his boot. “I bet Sheila would have loved that!” He laughed once more, before sitting up, punching Elden playfully in the head.

“Lemme see the others!” Nyles said, holding out his stone hand and waiting, opening and closing his hand in a “give me” motion. Elden shook his head, his hair rubbing in the sand.

“I don’t have them.”

“What? Where are they?”

Elden sighed, shielding his eyes from the hot sun with the sleeve of his jacket, and shrugging. Elden heard Nyles huff in annoyance as his old friend said nothing.

He knew the last place he had seen the Elements was with Valeena back in Kingyosou, but he doubted they were still there. He tried to recall their plan, and the map, but it felt like he was reaching for an object in the dark. Nothing came to mind except for the brilliant blue of Valeena’s lovely eyes. He groaned and sat up, not realizing that Nyles had been talking.

“What?” He asked in annoyance, turning to face his friend.

“I was SAYING,” Nyles began again, shaking his head. “That we should get the others, ya know? And didn’t you mention other people with Crystals? Like Valeena? I am still surprised she is not dead. I really thought she was.”

Elden rolled his black eyes and climbed to his feet, starting to walk down the sandy shore, Nyles trailing behind him.

“Where are you going?” He called out, flying backward in front of Elden before landing and meeting his pace in the sand.

Elden glanced out at the open waters where the kingdom of Caspian was visible near the volcano that obstructed most of their view. Smoke was billowing out of the city, but Elden had no intention of figuring out why.

“Kingyosou,” Elden answered, shoving Nyles towards the water. “Maybe you can get another tattoo!”

The strawberry balloon landed lightly in the hot, yellow desert sand with a soft crunch. The trip in the giant balloon had been much more peaceful this time, Rowan laughing every few minutes at the idea of using strawberries as fuel.

When no one was looking he dipped his finger in the boiling jam and tasted it, shaking his head and longing for a sandwich. Aira was resting in the corner with her legs tucked tightly to her chest.

Tellah had seemed disappointed Akari was not with them this time, waiting several seconds before firing up the balloon as though he were waiting for her. Rowan had said she vanished, and that was that. Tellah nodded but did not hide the frown that replaced his wide smile.

Valeena was surprised that the old sage had the balloon repaired so quickly. But Tellah refused to share his secrets. He winked, and pretended he did not hear her.

After a few awkward good-byes to Tellah, Valeena led them to the spot where she had been left behind by Elden that lonely night, forgetting the bag of Elements that had been carelessly tossed at her.

Valeena said nothing as they walked, refusing to reveal any details about that night or why she was given the bag. She found the location with ease and searched the area, panicking as she could not find the bag.

“I was right here!” Valeena said in a rush, standing next to a faded paw print and pointing her fingers at the ground. “He tossed the bag and walked away in that direction!” Valeena pointed towards the northwest, lowering her hand as she saw him.

Elden was walking slowly across the green grass, passing smoothly under the branch of a soft, pink, cherry blossom hanging off the tree. He was walking with a man that appeared to be made of stone; both of them were smiling foolishly.

“Val,” Elden said, holding out his arms as she marched over to him, nearly running as her feet carried her body through the tall grass. His smile vanished as he saw the look of hate on her lovely face.

“Val?” Elden stopped moving, his face clouding over in confusion as he lowered his arms. He watched as she approached him, her arm swinging back then forward as she punched him square in the jaw.

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