Memories of Gaia: Seeking Shadows in the Storm

Chapter 24 Blum

Valeena emerged from the tunnel on the ground floor of the castle, her heart pounding in her chest. There were no signs of movement in the castle as her eyes scanned the room.

She slowing closed the door, doing her best to control the tremble that was still in her body. It felt as though she had willing walked into the mouth of the dragon.

“Great, it’s you.” Princess Aurory sneered. She had been sitting with back against the massive fountain, reading. Valeena had missed her and nearly jumped as she spoke.

“Yes, I am here to see the Queen.” Valeena spoke in a tone that she hoped was full of the confidence she was lacking. The Princess returned to reading her book and for a moment, Valeena thought that she had not heard her.

“She’s here somewhere. Just go look.” She finally said, shaking her head as she turned the page of her book.

Valeena stared at her a bit longer. She had never known the girl she called her sister to read anything before. Valeena noted that the child looked different somehow. Her face was thinner, her hair longer. She was growing up.

“It’s rude to stare. Go away.” Princess Aurory spat, her olive eyes never leaving the book.

Valeena chose not to respond as she made her way along the castle floor, confusion washing over her as she spied the muffins in the mouths of the dragon statues.

The castle felt different, Valeena noted as she saw the thin layers of dust that had settled on the furniture and statues. The Queen would never have allowed that to happen in the past.

Queen Maylee emerged from the kitchen moments later, holding a large pie in her hands. She had pulled her hair back into a tight bun and donned a lavender dress. The Queen dropped the pie as she saw Valeena, stepping over the red goo on the floor.

“So, you’ve finally returned. Give me the crystals and get out of my sight.” Queen Maylee demanded, holding out her chubby hand. "Or, I could kill you all and take them anyway,"

Valeena sighed and reached up, plucking the blue crystal from her creamy skin and dropping the gem into the Queens outstretched hand. She then removed a held up the bag she was holding in her left hand and turned the contents of it out. The gems from her friends tumbled out, nearly falling out of the Queen’s hands as she danced on her feet.

“Well, done, Valeena!” Queen maylee said, holding the gem that once belong to Akari up to the light as she admired the glossy surface. She was holding then like a child might hold a coin, smiling wide.

"You have what you want. Now end this war!" Valeena spoke, her voice firm. She no longer feared the woman before her, as she saw her giggle. The Queen appeared to be confused as she raised one eyebrow and locked eyes with Valeena.

"War?" She repeated, the word hanging in the air.

"You destroyed Vaughnstein and even your own people are-" But she could not finish the sentence. Valeena was still unsure what the people had become. She nearly rolled her eyes as the Queen shook her head no, waving a finger in the air.

"I did not destroy Vaughnstein! I would never! I love their cheesecake tarts!" Queen Maylee said, her lower lip quivering as she spoke. Her eyes were wide and brimming with fresh tears as she stared at Valeena.

The walls of the castle seemed to hum, replacing the trickling sound of water from the fountain. Princess Aurory was standing now, her hands in tight angry fist.

The wall behind the Queen burst, large chucks of stone littering the polished floor. Several winged creatures flew out, hissing and screeching as they filled the room. Their skin was as black as the night, their bodies being suspended by four rapidly moving wings.

The creatures condensed into one, to form a single, angry looking beast that roared loudly, striking one of the heads off the dragon statue. It was a tall, two-headed beast with dark red and black fur. It had thick spikes all over its body and stood on two stump like legs.

Valeena stumbled back as Blum stomped one of its thick legs, causing tremors to ripple through the castle. She watched as Queen Maylee picked up several large pieces of the debris off the floor and began to hurl them at the creature.

Valeena could see Princess Auroy burning with hate and anger as her olive eyes stared at her mother. She was not bothered in the least by the presence of the mighty beast and seemed annoyed that Thanos had appeared, using his staff to send lightning bolts towards it.

Princess Aurory's eyes flicked towards Valeena, Blum also turning its attention to her. The two heads snapped wildly at Valeena, their long snots nearly ripping her leg off.

The beast took flight as a bolt of lightning from the staff sent an electric current pulsing through its veins. Queen Mayee landed one of her attacks on the beast, striking its plated back.

The water from the fountain spilled out from the basin as the heavy foot of Blum crushed the side, stumbling backwards on the now slippery floor. The electric current from the lightning sparked through its body, the beast crying out in pain.

Only Valeena seemed to notice Princess Aurory, who was now standing on a chair to valeena's right. She was flexing her hand slowly as beads of light danced on her fingertips.

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