Memories of Gaia: Seeking Shadows in the Storm

Chapter 22 Fenrir

Valeena sat with her legs dangling over the edge of the castle wall, facing the mighty ocean. She had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but she was ready for it. Valeena was done running from the Queen and knew that she would never truly be free as long as the Queen was around.

Valeena had no intention of killing Queen Maylee, she could never do that. But she felt that locking her away as she had done to Valeena was good enough.

The moon was high in the cloudless sky, giving her a clear view of the Red Planet. It was much larger now, roughly the size of an oversized grape. Valeena had never researched its orbit and wondered just how close it would get to Gaia.

“I could have killed you, you know.” A smooth, soft, voice said, cutting through Valeena’s thoughts. She gripped the edge of the wall to stop herself from falling as the elf stepped out of the shadows, arrow posed on her bow.

“Aira! You’ve returned!” Valeena nearly shouted, watching as Aira replaced her arrow back into the quiver and crossed her arms.

“I could not allow you to do this all on your own. You would make a mess of things.” But a sly smile tugged at her lips as she said the insult.

Valeena opened her mouth to say more, but the thunderous sounds of heavy footsteps rushing towards her caused the words to catch in her throat.

“Aira!” Rowan shouted, smiling wide, his sharp teeth visible in the moonlight. He did nothing to contain his excitement as he jumped smoothly over the castle wall and ran towards the startled elf.

Aira was hastily reaching for an arrow as Rowan wrapped his strong arms around her, locking her in a tight bear hug. He nearly knocked the elf over as he held her, smiling foolishly.

“Let-me-go!” Aira demanded, her words coming out sharply as she was having difficulty breathing. Rowan released her a second later, kissing her quickly on the cheek.

“Oh, by the Gods!” Aira shouted as she shoved him, but her cheeks were burning. Valeena threw her head back and laughed, glad to see Rowan was finally himself again.

“Have you got a plan?” Fenrir asked as he sat once more beside Valeena, his eyes looking skyward. The laughter faded as the panic that was gnawing on her soul returned. She wanted the night to last a bit longer than usual so she could enjoy being with her friends. But the battle was far from over.

Valeena shrugged her shoulders slowly as she said, “I have the makings of one. I am not sure it will work, however.”

She had expected Fenrir to ask her for details about the plan and was a bit surprised when he didn’t. Instead, he allowed silence to fall between them as his yellow eyes followed a lightning bug.

“I am glad King Caspian did not try and kill you,” Valeena said, spying Rowan trying to tuck a flower behind Aira’s ear. But the elf smacked his hand, demanding he leave her alone or she would leave once more.

“Why would he?” Fenrir asked, the hair on his back raising as the lightning bug flew closer, zigzagging near Valeena’s head. He raised one paw and then other, setting them down just as quickly as he raised them.

“Well, you are a talking wolf,” Valeena reminded him, moving her head quickly as his jaws snapped towards the glowing insect. His teeth came uncomfortably close to her face and she nearly cried out from fear. Her heart was pounding in her chest as Fenrir moved his snout away from her.

“Sorry,” He said, doing his best to compose himself. But the bug was toying with him now, darting close one second and zooming off the next.

“I was not always this way,” Fenrir said, his eyes remaining focused as he did his best not to give the insect any more attention.

“You weren’t?”

Fenrir sighed and shook his head as she asked, “How much of your past do you know? What do you remember before you were taken to the castle?”

Valeena had not been expecting him to ask that. She looked down at her feet and sighed softly as she said, “I know that I was brought to the castle and that the Queen had allowed me to stay when I was about three years old.”

“Anything else?”

Valeena closed her eyes as she thought but nothing surfaced in her mind. But people do not generally remember their lives as a young child or an infant. The dragon spewing its mighty flames flashed in her mind. She shook her head no, and glanced at the wolf as she said, “No, not really.”

Fenrir sensed she was holding back but decided not to push it. Instead of asking her more questions he said, “I was there the night you were brought to the castle.”

Valeena was now staring at the animal, doing her best to contain the shock that was building in her. Her dreams never had wolves in them. And she no memory of ever seeing one until Fenrir had appeared on her wall.

“I was the one who brought you to the castle. I was Human back then. I tried to get the local doctor in Star City to help, but the fool refused to open his doors. I carried you to the castle, calling for help as loudly as I could.” Fenrir paused here to chuckle and shake his furry head.

“I then changed tactics and began shouting, ‘fresh hot donuts!’ I have never seen a door fly open as quickly as the ones to the castle had. The Queen was incredibly disappointed to discover she had been tricked. It took several minutes for her to realize I was holding a small child and not a bag of treats.”

Valeena laughed, despite herself. She could see perfectly in her mind the look of excitement on the Queen’s round face turning to anger. She probably had those poor cooks making donuts for hours after Fenrir’s trick.

“I think that was part of the reason the cloaked figure turn me into a wolf. He was told to kill me, but the crystal on your forehead had gotten her attention. I lied and told her that I knew where the others were. The Queen said she was going to lock me in the dungeon until I was ready to speak.”

Valeena felt a chilly sensation traveling down her spine. She had always feared Fenrir, and could not fully look at him as her guardian. Yes, he had rescued her, but was it for it his own gain? Valeena adjusted herself on the ledge of the wall, carefully scooting away. Just in case.

“Predwyn and I had been friends for years. He came to visit me one night as I was rotting in the dungeon. He thought it was hilarious that I was now a wolf and howled at me for several moments before picking the lock.” Fenrir chuckled again as the memory of his friend taunting him replayed in his mind.

Akari had appeared and was petting Fenrir on the head, smiling as Aira was still threatening Rowan. Valeena was slightly annoyed Akari had joined them. She wanted to ask Fenrir more but suddenly felt protective of her past. Each of them had a story, she knew, but hers belonged to her.

“What is your Human name?” Akari asked as she continued to pet the giant wolf’s head. Fenrir did not seem bothered by her and closed his eyes, his tail twitching.

“Bardolf was my Human name. I am Fenrir now, and that is the name you shall address me by.” Fenrir informed them, closing his eyes as Akari scratched behind his ears.

Valeena watched as Rowan and Aira made their way around the side of the wall, Aira walking well ahead of Rowan. She knew that she might never have this opportunity again.

“Fenrir, did you happen to see a dragon that night?” Valeena’s words were barely audible. A gentle rain danced from the sky above as the silence grew between them.

Fenrir sighed before replying, “Yes, there was a dragon that night.”

Valeena felt her heart jolt with excitement as the words sunk in. The dragon that plagued her dreams was real. She felt a strong sense of relief as she realized that she was not insane after all.

“You need to rest now. Tomorrow is approaching quickly and the battle must be won.” Fenrir said as he stood up and leaped swiftly off the wall, landing near Rowan.

“Akari, do any of your time leaves show me dying tomorrow?” Nyles was asking as he approached the wall. He had remained hidden in the shadows, listening quietly to Valeena and Fenrir. Akari turned her attention to the starry sky and refused to answer him.

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