Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 4 Just burn the damn thing

Valeena stayed in the shadows of the dead trees as the mighty Skyrah Nox circled the shores. Thanos was determined to find them, calling forth several more undead soldiers in that foreign language. The smoky figures resembled Shadowlings but were far more transparent and less deadly. They did not hover as the Shadowlings had done but walked on two legs as if they were still alive.

Valeena watched as the undead soldiers easily walked through the solid walls of Star City, their bodies disappearing and reappearing like a camp fire that was fighting to stay alive.

Even from the distance, Valeena heard Thanos call out in frustration. There was a bright flash of pale, blue light from his palm followed by a sharp explosion in Quell Fields. Within a matter of minutes, a raging fire had begun to burn through the grass, the smoke forming a thick screen between the trees and the castle. She could not help but think of the nightmares that use to plague her sleep. An involuntary shiver rushed down her spine as an image of the frightened little girl ran through her mind.

Valeena squinted her blue eyes against the smoke, but she was unable to see Thanos as the orange flames engulfed the dry field. The smoke was becoming far too thick, mixing in with the air in the forest. Valeena was forced to retreat deeper into the shadows as the air became harder to breathe.

“Are you not going to make it rain and put out the fire?” Aira asked, her silver eyes watching the smoke as it consumed the field. She herself was afraid to call forth the wind and allow Thanos to know that they are still nearby. She was content with letting him think that maybe they had died.

“Why bother?” Valeena asked, shrugging. “I refuse to make it rain for the same reasons you will not bring the wind,” Valeena said, forcing her eyes away from the smoke. “And besides, there is nothing left for the fire to hurt anyway. The Star Kingdom is safe on the island, while the city is dead. Vaughnstein is gone as well.” Valeena blinked back tears as the weight of despair filled her soul.

Aira simply nodded, offering no response. She instead, turned to Akari as the girl moaned softly. “Are you alright?” Aira asked as Akari quickly moved her head so Aira could not see her face.

Akari sighed and sniffed loudly, as she mumbled, “I am fine,” But Aira scoffed and replied, “No, that is a lie. What’s wrong?”

Akari sat silently for several moments before she sniffed again and cleared her throat, her voice thick. “The time leaf showed me that if Valeena went into the castle alone that she was going to be captured once more by Thanos,” Akari said her words low and slightly hoarse.

“But I am fine,” Valeena responded as a look of confusion swept over her. She glanced at Aira, who watched Akari, waiting her to finish her story.

Akari shook her head and continued, “It also showed me what would have happened if we all went, if Rowan, Nyles, or Aira followed you." She swallowed again before saying, "Or if I went with you. Since I knew the danger, I felt it was best I went with you. But, there was a chance that if I did go with you, my crystal-” Akari’s voice cracked and she sobbed loudly, burying her face in her hands. She cried for a moment before lifting her head and turning so that they could see her lovely face.

At first, Valeena could see nothing wrong. But then, as Akari moved her head in towards the sunlight, a beam reflected off the crystal. There, Valeena noticed a hairline crack running along the crystal.

Valeena felt terrible for gasping, but it happened before she could control it. The action caused Akari to sob louder, turning her head quickly as she buried her face back into her arms. Valeena glanced towards Rowan and Nyles for help, but they seemed uncomfortable by the tears.

“It is alright, Akari,” Aira said, sitting on her knees beside the crying girl. Valeena had surprisingly never damaged her crystal and could not help but wonder if they could heal. 'Could a crystal repair itself?' Valeena thought as she watched Akari;s shoulders shake from her tears.

“It’s not just that it is cracked, ” Akari said, wiping her nose on her sleeve as she sniffed, her orange eyes turning red from the tears. “My time leaf is not working. It’s as if I am trying to look out a window that has been struck by a rock. It is fractured and none of the pieces seem to match. I can't make sense of anything.” Her lip quivered and her words shook as she spoke.

“Hey, I lived my entire life not knowing what was going to happen,” Nyles began, elbowing Rowan for help. Rowan laughed as he said, “Shoot, some of my best days were times I made my own path. It’s a learning experience. You don’t need to see the future to have fun in the present. And if things don’t work out the way you want them to, you can always try again or make it work!” He nodded at the girl, even though she was not looking towards him.

“Do you think I would have let Valeena, Elden, and Aira hide out in my church if I had known that my neck would end up on the chopping block?” Rowan laughed his deep laugh at this, causing Valeena to smile as well.

“Heck no! They would have been left out in the rain!” Rowan finished as he mimicked the motion for slamming a door. Aira rolled her eyes as she suppressed a chuckle, a thin smile tugging at her lips.

"And do you think I would have followed Elden to that crazy island a few years ago?" Nyles said, sending a dagger into Elden's heart as Shelia danced into his mind. "No, way! I would have stayed home like I wanted too!"

Elden could feel his blood beginning to boil as he glared at Nyles. He wished he would stop blaming him for what happened that day. Nyles was making a point of not looking at Elden, but made a hidden rude gesture with his hand, just out of sight of the others. But Elden caught it and bot his tongue.

Akari wiped away the last of her tears and nodded, swallowing hard. “You are right. I must learn to make my own path and not focus on the future.” But there was a hint of doubt in her soft voice.

“It would have been nice to know where the door of Nihonal is before, though,” Nyles said, receiving a quick smack in the arm from Rowan. “What? I was just saying.”

Valeena moved to comfort her friend as well but paused as Rowan reached out to her. "What happened to your arm?" He asked, spying the painful burn that was resting just above her elbow.

"One of the undead soldiers grabbed me," She said, thankful he was putting that wonderful mint green ointment on it. "Thank you," Valeena said as instant relief washed over her.

“Isn’t there a Night Demon living in these trees?” Akari asked, rubbing at her own arm as she peered around. Elden shook his head as Valeena nodded.

“No,” Elden corrected as Valeena opened her mouth to protest. She knew the legend about the foul beast and saw the clocks in the cities. How could he say there was no Demon?

“How can you be so sure?” Valeena questioned, crossing her arms as annoyance rushed through her soul. A blue wisp circled her head like a planet orbiting its sun. It moaned hauntingly in her ears as it passed by, causing Valeena to shake her head several times. She swatted at it, watching as it darted away, fading into the shadows.

“Because after I lost- Shelia, I refused to go back home. I ended up living in the this stupid forest instead. To keep people from bothering, I came up with a monster; the Night Demon.”

“It’s true!” Elden insisted as he watched Valeena roll her blue eyes.

“Think about it, I lived in the forest before I met Nyles and even most of the time during. I had to do something to keep people away from me and my curse. I told one person about this Night Demon and literally the next day the clock tower was constructed.” Elden explained, laughing at the memories. “Search any history book and you’ll discover that the legend is really only roughly 13 years old.”

Valeena made a face that suggested she did not believe him, but could not offer an argument otherwise. She had never researched the beast as the library was off limits. But Valeena still scoffed at Elden, making a sour face.

“Why don’t we just burn the damn thing! That way, we will know for sure if the demon is here or not!” Nyles suggested intimidating a raging fire with exaggerated hand gestures as he squat down. He even supplied sound effects as Rowan laughed.

“Try it,” Elden said as he crossed his arms.

Nyles elbowed Rowan in the ribs, “You heard the man, light this baby on fire!”

Rowan glanced at Elden with a slightly nervous expression. He was not keen on the idea of burning the forest, as it was the only thing offering them protection at the moment. But Elden nodded once, a quick movement that Rowan almost did not catch. Rowan cautiously stepped forward and raised his hand, the tips of fingers sparking. Soon, fire engulfed his hand as he bent down and placed his palm on a root that was jutting out of the dry ground.

Valeena watched intently as his hand gripped the dry, ancient wood. After several seconds, Rowan released his grasp on the root to discover that there was no damage to the wood at all.

“I see,” Rowan said, glancing around as a roar echoed above.

Valeena subconsciously stepped deeper into the shadows, her eyes skyward. “We need to hurry, Thanos is far more persistent than Queen Maylee was.”

Elden nodded, ignoring a wisp that was trying desperately to gain his attention. It would circle close to his face, moaning softly before darting side from side. Eventually it gave up, zipping away into the shadows.

“I know!” Elden said, startling Valeena as she had just let her mind slip away into a daydream.

“Look,” He began as he lowered his voice, glancing upwards as the shadow of the mighty dragon passed overhead. “We need to return to Vaughnstein and get the Elements. But, we also need to find out if the door to Nihonal is in this forest.”

“Let’s split up,” Nyles said, squatting down as the roar of the dragon filled the sky. It was more distance like a storm ebbing, and just as ominous. “I think it’s best if we don’t travel in a large group until we know where Nihonal is.”

Akari nodded, squinting in pain as she tried and failed to look at a time leaf. She mumbled an apology, even though no one was upset about it.

"So, Akari, are you with me?" Nyles said with a laugh, watching as Akari's eyes grew wide. She shook her head as she pulled her body to her feet, brushing the dead leaves off of her clothes.

“Oh, no! I am NOT traveling with Rowan, and Nyles again.” She informed them, stepping closer to Aira.

“What exactly happened on that trip?” Valeena asked, enjoying the mischievous grin that tugged at Akari’s lips. She looked sideways at Rowan and then at Nyles. Akari's eyes finally landed on Valeena as she said, “Boy, do I have a story for you!”

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