Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 20 Darkness

The team had landed back at the seaside, standing in the freshly fallen snow. Their original footsteps had long been covered, masking the area in white.

“Now what?” Nyles asked, crossing his arms as frustration built inside him.

No one spoke. They had all witnessed the doorway crumbling away, trapping Valeena and Aurory within. They all wondered how the two would return to Gaia, but refused to ask out loud.

The cold, bitter wind whipped around the team, the sky still a piercing blue. Aira shook her head as she opened her mouth but quickly shut it again.

“Wait a minute,” Akari said, her voice low. She seemed uncomfortable as she shifted her weight on her heels. “Thanos said, “You can not kill that which is already dead”, right?”

Rowan was the only one who nodded, he was staring at the ground, his face twisted in anger. He hated this feeling of failure that was gnawing at his heart.

“So, he cannot really be dead. I recall a story my older brother told me where a dark wizard was able to travel using only his soul. The wizard’s body remained behind, allowing him to survive any attacks.” Akari continued, her eyes flicking from one friend to another.

“We just need to find his body!” Akari finished, her heart pounding in her chest. She had half expected the team to laugh at her and mock her for her theory. But Elden nodded, saying, “I think you are right.”

Aira stepped forward scoffing loudly as she said, “And where would we look for his body? The cemetery?”

“Maybe it’s back in Star Kingdom?” Nyle’s suggested.

“No,” Elden began as he raised his head and peered off into the distance. “I know where it is.”

He climbed on the back of Sora and waited for Rowan to join him. Aira huffed again as she mounted Olympus, Akari settling in behind her.

“Follow me,” Elden said dully, gently nudging the mighty beast with the heel of his boot.

Olympus soared after Sora, happy to be off the cold ground. Elden flew along the shoreline to the east, rounding the misty forest that trapped the secrets of the continent. The sky was fading from its piercing blue to a deep, rusty red color.

A peninsula jutted into the water ahead of them were a castle made of black stone sat. Sora reared back, landing suddenly as the beast refused to get closer. Olympus followed suit and shook the girls from his back, fleeing without looking back.

“What the Hell?” Aira shouted as she pulled herself from the harsh, gravel-like ground. She was too annoyed to care that she had used a Human curse word as she brushed the sharp sand from her legs.

“Let’s go,” Rowan said, the sand crunching loudly under his heavy boots. He peered at the dark castle ahead, feeling a sense of dread in his stomach. He glanced at Elden who was leading them forward.

“Careful, the castle isn’t safe,” Elden warned as thunder rolled above them in deep, red clouds. The ground beneath their feet began to rumble as well, as though it were an echo from the sky.

Sharp, needle-like drops of rain burst from the clouds, stinging the teams exposed skin. The wind was no help as it suddenly whipped around them, forcing the gravel like sand to dislodge from the ground.

Aira began to run, covering her face from the sand. The ocean waves seemed to grow stronger, sending their mist to mix with the rain and sand.

Lightning burst out of the sky, slicing a nearby tree in half as the electricity set it ablaze. The flaming branches fell dangerously close to Akari and Rowan as they too, began to run.

They reached the castle’s solid, iron doors sore and bleeding from the elemental attack. Elden forced his way to the front, ignoring the familiar tingle in his leg.

“Stay on your guard,” He warned as he removed his rusty sword from his back. Elden reach out and grasped the cool, wet, metal handle and tugged hard, the door opening with a loud groan.

The interior was glowing a hazy red from a giant fountain that sat in the center of the room. A deep, red, liquid was bubbling out several holes near the top of the demon-shaped fountain and pooling in a round basin. The walls were lined with trenches filled with the same substance, giving off a strange warmth. The walls were a deep black, made of a porous stone.

Elden swallow back the lump in his throat as the tingling sensation in his leg grew. The beast was fighting to take over and he was losing the battle.

A wide staircase sat not far behind the eerie fountain, covered in black carpet. The stairs lead upwards to a second floor that was hidden in the shadows.

“Where do you think it is?” Akari whispered as a scuffling sound emerged from the shadows.

“His bedroom?” Rowan suggested, peering upwards.

“No, he’s going to be under the castle,” Nyles said, pointing with his spear to the floor. “People always hide that kind of crap so no one will know.”

“Elden,” Aira spoke, an arrow poised on the bow was facing his throat. “You should go ahead,”

Elden nodded, knowing she had caught him rubbing his leg. He walked carefully around the fountain, the heat of the liquid warming his cold skin.

He glanced behind him to see Aira holding out her hands to stop Nyles, Rowan, and Akari from following him, confirming that she knew.

Several rat-like beast darted out of the shadows, screeching loudly. The sound of their claws against the stone floor was like fingernails on a chalkboard.

As an arrow pierced through the flesh of one of the over-sized rodents, the beast took over. The Ankou lashed out, striking the furry enemies hard.

Aira, Akari, Rowan, and Nyles fled to the opposite side, shoving their bodies in the shadows. They walked the edge of the wall as Elden threw one of the rodents into the fountain, its body catching fire.

“We must keep moving,” Aira hissed, her voice low but firm. “He can see clearly in the dark, the shadows are hiding nothing!”

Rowan, Nyles, and Akari did as the elf instructed, shuffling their feet to eliminate as much movement as possible. A Sincrawler was resting inches from a statue of a warrior that was nestled behind the grand staircase.

Aira slowing removed her bow, flinching as a flaming rodent’s body slammed into the wall behind her, sparks cascading down into her hair. The noise had startled the sleeping Sincrawler who lifted their head from their clawed feet.

Before it could react, the arrow pierced through its skull, pinning it to the marble base of the warrior. Aira ignored the gasp from Akari as the Ankou cried out, ripping an over-sized rodent from its back.

“Run!” Rowan shouted as he shoved Aira hard, nearly sending her to the hard floor. The Ankou had run out of rodents and its attention had been drawn to them. Its feet were thumping loudly against the stone floor as an angry roar escaped its throat.

The team darted towards the shadows under the stairs, discovering a door that was hidden behind. Akari tugged the door open, tripping over her own feet and spilling down the stairs that had been on the other side of the door.

Nyles swung his spear and struck the Ankou in his chest, causing the cursed beast to stumble backward, spit flying out of its gaping mouth.

Aira and Rowan rushed after Akari as she screamed from somewhere down below.

“What the Hell?” Rowan gasped as reached Akari, who had stopped tumbling dangerously close to the edge of a giant chasm. To their left, a rough set of stairs had been carved into the stone, covered in dirt and debris. A hollow wind drifted past them, carrying within a silent scream.

“Run, you dummy!” Nyles shouted, reminding them that they still were far from safety. The Ankou was having a difficult time figuring out the stairs with its large, over-sized feet, giving them enough time to rush towards the stone steps.

The stairs ended at a hidden grove, where massive, thorn-covered plants grew. Tall, beautiful flowers sprouted among the weeds, as insects buzzed close by.

Aira, Akari, Rowan, and Nyles squeezed themselves behind a giant boulder that was resting next to the bottom of the stairs. The Ankou tumbled into view moments later, landing hard on its side. Its red eyes surveyed the area as it searched for its escaping prey.

Aira had another arrow poised on the string of her bow, releasing it deep into the overgrown foliage. The Ankou caught the sound and scurried after it, tripping as it fought to climb to its feet.

Aira watched as he fled, feeling slightly disappointed she had not just killed him. She laughed at the idea, knowing that several months ago, she would have shot that arrow through its throat without a moment’s hesitation.

“Why is such a beautiful garden growing under the castle?” Aira asked, crouching in the shadows as she mistook the rustling from the wind as the Ankou.

“Ingredients,” Akari whispered back, wrapping her arms around her small frame. “You cannot create dark potions from nothing,”

Aira nodded, smirking as a cry of pain erupted from somewhere in the chasm. The Ankou had found an enemy she would not have to fight.

“Let’s go, we have to find Thanos’s body,” Rowan reminded them as he peered cautiously from around the edge of the boulder. He could not see the Ankou as he moved slowly, his body slightly hunched.

Up ahead another scream broke the unsettling silence and the lifeless body of a Sincrawler landed in the dirt several feet from Rowan.

“Oh,” Akari said as she covered her mouth and looked away.

Nyles brushed passed her, following closely behind Rowan as the trail twisted around a corner. Dark vapors of a purple smoke were visible in the shadows. A table was resting on a circular platform surrounded by red, flickering candles.

Aira felt her heart beat quicken as they neared the platform, realizing that Thanos was lying in the center of it.

The Ankou was nowhere to be seen, but there was still plenty of areas he could be hiding.

As Rowan neared the area several columns of smoke began to rise out of the ground, forming ghostly-like bodies. The Shadowlings wasted no time as they floated towards the team, releasing their otherworldly cries.

“We could really use Valeena’s sword right about now!” Nyles said as he stabbed one of the smokey bodies of the floating demons. The Shadowling dissipated like a candle being blown out, only to re-emerge moments later.

“Crap,” Rowan groaned as the Ankou leaped into sight, landing near Akari.

Akari screamed and kicked the Ankou in its leg, causing it to buckle under the beast weight. An arrow whizzed past Nyles head as Aira attacked a Shadowling that had wrapped its smokey arms around Rowan.

The Ankou climbed to its feet, slashing at the Shadowlings madly, appearing as though he were dancing in the smoke. His motions were slowing as his arms began to change. The curse was losing its hold on Elden, and he was becoming himself again. Nyles was disappointed to see him change as he was doing such a great job at taking out the Shadowlings.

Elden gasped as the battle scene unfolded to his eyes, and confusion washed over him. He was not sure where they were as he pulled himself to his feet, using the table Thanos was on for support.

He did a double take, glancing at the body as two Shadowlings rushed him. Elden pulled his rusty sword from his back and swung it upwards. He then brought the tip of the blade down, piercing the heart of Thanos.

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