Memories of Gaia: A new day is dawning

Chapter 11 Dragon dreams

Valeena watched Nyles walk away, holding her breath in hopes he would not notice her. His eyes never met hers as he stormed past her, mumbling under his breath.

“Where did that come from?” Rowan asked softly, his eyes moving from Elden to Nyles. But Elden did not offer a response as he reluctantly followed his angry friend.

Valeena trailed slowly behind in the snow, making a point of looking away as she passed the green pools of blood from the Glaze Lynx. The perpetual afternoon light did nothing to ease her tiredness. Valeena caught herself walking with her eyes closed several times, jolting awake as she stumbled in the snow. Her body felt warm, and her head seemed to have been filled with air.

“We need to find a place to make camp,” Valeena said out loud to no one in particular. Her comment seemed to anger Nyles who spun around, glaring at her.

“Aw, is the wittle princess tired?” He mocked, rubbing a fist near his right eye in a mocking manner. Valeena recovered from her shock and glared at him.

“Of course I am tired!” She shouted, even though her sleepiness was being washed away by the anger. “And don’t call me princess!”

“Nyles, we have been up for nearly a full day, I feel we should rest.” Akari offered in a low, meek tone. Her words were weak and could easily have been ignored.

“Fine,” Was all Nyles said as he continued moving through the snow.

The endless snow continued to fall, but Nyles never stopped. Twice Valeena caught Elden and Akari watching her, waiting for her turn to be lured into the storm. Valeena did not have the heart to tell them that she feared she would not be fooled. She felt a cold knife stab her heart as she realized that she had never lost anyone she cared for. Elden had lost Sheila, Akari, her brother. And Rowan, Aira, and even Nyles had lost a parent.

Akari opened her mouth once more to suggest they rest as a gray smudge appeared in the distance. She groaned, hoping it was not another enemy looking to kill her. Her body was far too tired for another battle, and she was certain she would die this time.

Nyles never slowed his pace as the gray object became larger, his footsteps sure. A set of long, wide stone stairs emerged out of the snow, sparkling from the flecks of mica. Large, rusty looking basins filled with an enchanted fire lined the stairs, one basin every fifteen steps. The fire rose out of the basin like bubbles from a bath, floating inches above the metal ring, before dissolving. A new ball of fire was already on its way to replace it as the last of the embers died out.

“We’ll rest here,” Nyles said as he made his way to the side of the stairs where there was an ancient tent leaning against the stone wall. The tent was nothing more than a flat piece of leather held up by two long poles that had been driven deep into the ground. The back of the tent was attached to the wall with metal spikes.

Rowan knocked the thick layer of snow off the top of the leather as Aira and Akari moved snow away from the mouth of the tent.

“What’s this?” Akari asked as her hands hit something solid in the snow. She continued brushing the snow away, revealing several stacked, damp logs.

Rowan helped her to uncover the rest of the logs, discovering an old cooking rack as well. His stomach growled at the sight of it, but they had no food. It took a while for Rowan to get a spark from one of the logs, the fire hissing and popping from the moisture still in the wood.

Nyles was still standing near the tent with his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed. Akari, Aira, and Valeena settled into the tent, instantly feel relief as their tired bodies hit the ground. The area under the tent had somehow managed to dry, the previous owner even left wool and straw for pillows.

Rowan sat near the mouth of the cave, Elden resting across from him. No one spoke as they warmed themselves, hoping they had finally reached the end of their journey.

Elden peered skywards, but the sky still had not changed. He knew Skyrah Nox could easily break through the enchantment and wondered why Thanos had not done so already.

Elden heard snickering emitting from the tent, followed by snores. He glanced sideways to find Aira covering her mouth as Akari snored loudly. She resembled a fish that had been plucked from the water, her mouth opening, and closing as she snored.

Aira acted as though she had not caught Elden glancing at her and quickly turned away, pretending to be asleep. Rowan used his crystal to get some more flames from the fire, but his red eyes were closing. Elden knew Nyles would keep watch, as he leaned on the pole of the tent. Valeena was just to his right, her body tucked into a ball as she slept. He felt his face burn red as and he quickly looked away.

Fire burst across the field in large orange flames, crackling loudly in the night. Valeena pushed her aching body to move faster as a beast in the sky hovered above. She could not make out its features as its black body blended with the clouds, but deep in her heart, she knew it was a dragon.

She saw a young boy stumbling to keep up, his face twisted in pain. He had fallen several times now, his clothes covered in mud. Valeena wanted to help him but knew she could not as pain rose in her side. She pressed on as a light began to glow above and she knew that the dragon was preparing another attack.

Valeena’s foot struck the loop of a root that was sticking out of the ground, causing her to fall. Her ankle cracked as she hit the ground, the wind rushing out of her lungs. Her head had struck a rock that was hiding in the tall weeds, sending flashes of red across her vision. She fought to stay awake as the warm blood began to flow from the wound.

Valeena blinked hard, turning towards the dragon as it released the fire that had been brewing its lungs. She saw the little boy standing in its wake, his small body engulfed in flames.

“Valeena!” A voice shouted as two, strong arms scooped her body up as her eyes closed once again. She could feel her body being carried, the wind rushing over her.

“Please, wake up,” The male voice pleaded as she fought to stay awake. Valeena forced her eyes open, shock jolting her awake as she discovered the fiery field was gone. She was looking out at a sea of snow, the bright white snow nearly blinding her.

“Where am I?” She asked, glancing up to find it was Elden who was carrying her limp body.

“Why did you take off like that?” Elden snapped as he set her body down near the tent, reaching for a piece of wool. Her head was bleeding, dripping onto the snow.

“No, the dragon,” Valeena continued, nearly flinching as Nyles whipped his spear out, preparing to attack.

“Thanos is here?” He asked as he scanned the storm.

“What?” Valeena asked, remembering the fire as it covered the little boy.

“He’s dead,” She whispered as a cold feeling of dread moved up her spine.

“Who is dead?” Elden asked as he took the mint green ointment from Rowan and began applying it to her wound.

“The little boy,” Valeena choked, her words catching in her throat. She had been saved, somehow by Fenrir but the little boy had been left for dead. Tears rolled her cheeks as guilt brewed in her heart.

“What little boy?” Elden questioned, pausing as he dabbed the ointment on her head. “Valeena?”

Valeena felt her lips tremble as she opened her mouth. “When I was three,” She began, her words shaking. “I was saved by Fenrir from the dragon. But there was- there was a boy with me,” Valeena tried to bury her head in her hands, but Elden stopped her, fearing she would only make her injury worse.

“He died,” Valeena said, her voice almost a whisper as tears slid freely down her cheeks. “I could not save him,”

She ignored the glances that were passed among her friends as they watched her, having been awoken by her screams. Nyles grunted and replaced his weapon. He crossed his arms and looked away.

“Valeena, the boy did not die,” Elden said, gently touching her chin with one finger and moving her face so she was looking at him.

“He did,” Valeena countered as the memory of his body being covered in flames danced in her mind.

Elden shook his head as he said, “I was that little boy,”

“What? How?” Valeena said, not sure if she should believe him.

Elden sighed, “I don’t know how we got there, but I remember trying hard to follow you as you ran ahead of me. The fire was thick, and the smoke made my lungs burn. I saw you trip over the root and I wanted desperately to help you. But I couldn’t. I was weak.”

“But the fire-” Valeena began, her words ceasing as Elden held up a hand to silence her.

“I used my crystal to protect my body from the flames,” He explained, his eyes not meeting hers. “You were gone by the time the fire stopped covering me. I saw the man running with you and took off after him. But the dragon attacked again, cutting me off. I fled into the trees, watching as you were taken to the castle.”

Elden crossed his arms over his chest as anger washed over him. “For years, I hated you. Why were you saved and not me?” Valeena flinched from the sharpness of his words.

“What happened to you?” Valeena asked, ignoring the quick in taking of breath from Elden. He was like the Elden she had met back in the trees and she found herself almost fearing him again.

“I,” He began, shaking his head as the memories made their way into his mind. “I was captured and locked in a cell. It was somewhere here, in the Forbidden Lands. I didn’t escape if that’s what you are thinking. I was set free. He dropped me off back in the field like yesterday’s garbage.”

Valeena wanted to say something to comfort him, but could not find the words. She knew the others were listening, but no one spoke.

“I watched you for years, hating you. I always wondered what would happen if you were outside the castle, alone.” Elden said, his voice low and menacing. Valeena moved away from him as a chill ran up her spine. She casually stretched her arm behind her and gripped the handle of her sword, just in case.

Elden sighed the hate washing away from his face. He climbed to his feet and walked to the steps, facing them. “I’ll go on ahead,” He said as he began to descend the ancient steps, the thin layer of snow crunching under foot.

Valeena watched him go, glancing at Akari, Aira, and Rowan. They were watching him as well, their features were frozen in shock. Akari met her eyes once but quickly peered away. She pulled herself to her feet, Aira doing the same. Valeena saw Rowan get to his feet as well, noticing the fire was long gone.

She silently followed her friends, stepping just beside their prints in the snow. The crisp, white snow was thinning out as the storm seemed to die with each step. Valeena had trailed behind, her legs aching from ascending the large steps.

The snow formed banks around the temple, concealing it in white. Whatever stood at the top of the stairs was still hidden by the storm, making Valeena feel uneasy.

She was counting the stairs in her head, groaning every time she hit another ten. “Two-hundred,” Valeena heard Rowan say. He was several steps ahead of her, nearly patting from the climb.

Valeena’s legs were burning, her muscles begging her to stop. A warm sweat that instantly turned cold clung to her back, making her uncomfortable. But she knew better than to say anything.

“What are you doing?” Rowan asked, causing Valeena to glance up. Akari had given up ascending the stairs on two feet and instead had doubled over, using her hands as well. She resembled a small child as she crawled up the stairs, huffing.

Nyles was floating up the stairs, using his wings instead of his legs. His features were still set in anger and he made a point of not looking at anyone.

It took Valeena several moments to realize that the light around her was dimming as the storm ebbed. They were finally moving outside the enchantment and entering the real world once more.

Valeena closed her eyes as a light breeze swept over her, cooling her body. She felt her boot slip out from under her as a piece of the ancient, stone, steps crumbled. Valeena wind milled her arms, doing her best not to fall backward.

Aira grabbed hold of her hand and tugged her forward, saving her from a painful fall. She made no rude comment as she released Valeena’s hand, wiping the sweat on her skirt.

Valeena glanced towards the sky and could just make out a large, stone building looming up ahead. She felt her heart skip as she realized there was an end to these stairs.

The stars were beginning to twinkle in the canvas of the sky, where bring colors laced the night. Valeena had never seen the lights before, as they did not appear near the Star Kingdom.

She paused to watched them as them as they danced above, appearing to be almost alive.

Valeena glanced around the sky for more of the lights when a bright, red orb had caught her eyes. It was Firrian, and the red planet. She felt her heart sink as she realized it was now the size of an apple.

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