Meeting Mr Anderson (The Men Series Book 1)

Meeting Mr Anderson: Chapter 22

We sleep late the next morning. Jay was right. All the events of the previous evening exhausted me. My body was drained. Jay dried me after our shower and carried me to bed. I was asleep within moments of my head hitting the pillow.

“Here.” Jay hands me a mug of peppermint tea.

“Thanks.” My fingers brush against his and a buzz of energy runs between us.

I sink back into the plush gray cushions of the sofa as Jay sits down next to me, lifting my legs as he does, and resting them over his lap. Before he can say anything, his phone rings and he picks it up off the coffee table.

“Hey, Stefan.”

He’s already spoken to Stefan this morning and told him about what happened last night. Why is he calling again so soon?

“Okay, what channel?” Jay leans forward in the seat, reaching for the TV remote and flicking it on. “Yeah, I’ve got it on,” he says, and I follow his gaze to the screen. There’s a news reporter talking. Next to her is a picture of Jay and me on the red carpet last night. Jay turns the sound up and I hold my breath as I listen.

“Last night was the launch party for model, Anya Katiss’ new fragrance line. Jay Anderson is the face of the male version. However, things took a dramatic turn when her agent, Doug Thornhill, began choking. Eyewitnesses at the event said they feared he would have died if it hadn’t been for the quick-thinking actions of Jay’s girlfriend, Holly Havers. Miss Havers performed lifesaving back blows and abdominal thrusts on Mr. Thornhill.”

The camera cuts to a recorded video from outside the hotel last night. A female guest is being interviewed, her eyes wide as her hands switch between running through her hair and covering her mouth, shock clear on her face.

“It was awful. He was going blue and floppy. I thought he was going to die right in front of me. Holly saved him. She was incredible. She knew what to do.”

The camera returns to the news reporter in the studio.

“Jay and Miss Havers confirmed they met a few months ago on an Atlantic Airways flight from London Heathrow to LAX, where Miss Havers works as a long-haul flight attendant. Her training certainly came in handy last night. Mr. Thornhill was taken to hospital to get checked over, but our sources say he left this morning.”

Jay flicks the TV onto mute as our picture disappears and the reporter moves on to the next story. His eyes look across to me as he talks to Stefan again.

“No, she won’t be doing that. If they’ve got a problem, they can take it up with me.” His jaw tenses. “Yeah, okay, talk later.” He hangs up and blows out a deep breath as he strokes his palm along my legs.

“What won’t she be doing?” I ask, looking over at him.

“The press want an exclusive interview with you. They’ve been calling Stefan all morning.”

“Oh.” My stomach knots at the idea of going back over every detail.

“I don’t want them hounding you, Holly,” Jay says, his brow creasing.

“Always trying to protect me.” I smile over at him and his face softens.

“I have to, Holly. The idea of anything happening to you…” His voice trails off and he swallows, staring into space.

My heart breaks for him. He’s so strong and self-assured on the outside, but inside he’s scarred by the loss of someone so close to him, someone he loved. No wonder he wants to protect me and feel in control of the situation. I lean over and squeeze his thigh through his jeans.

“Nothing’s going to happen to me. Besides, there’ll be someone far more interesting they will want to talk to soon.”

He looks over at me. “They don’t give up that easily, Holly. Although, I have to disagree; you’re extremely interesting to me.” He manages a small smile.

“Charmer.” I giggle.

“Is it working?” He raises one eyebrow.

“Oh, you charmed me a long time ago.” I smile as he moves toward me and brings his face to within an inch of mine.

“Is that so?” His breath tickles my lips.

“It’s so,” I whisper.

Jay leans forward and kisses me softly. I will never get enough of him kissing me like this, or any way for that matter. I sigh as our kiss deepens and his hands move to hold me around the waist.

“God!” My heart leaps into my chest.

Jay throws his head back and chuckles.

“You’re going to have to get used to the new bell, Berry.”

“Your old man bell, you mean?” I tease as he jumps up from the sofa and heads to the front door.

He checks the camera before buzzing whoever it is in. I get up and walk over to the front door, standing next to him as he opens it.

“Anya, Doug?” I stare, not expecting them at all. Anya has her arm entwined with Doug’s, and she’s smiling. Jay stands to one side so they can come in, closing the door behind them.

“Hey, Anya.” He kisses her on the cheek and then throws his arms around Doug. “Hey, man, I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad to see you.”

“Ha, likewise,” Doug says as he smiles.

He is very handsome when he’s not busy being grumpy. His face looks a lot more relaxed, lighter somehow. He seemed so tense when I first met him yesterday.

“Holly.” Anya squeezes me in her arms. Her long dark hair presses against my face and I smell her perfume. My shoulders relax; it isn’t Capture. I don’t want to smell that perfume again anytime soon in case it brings back memories of last night. I look over her shoulder at Doug. Maybe their visit is just what I needed. Seeing Doug here, alive and healthy and a normal color, helps to make last night seem like a distant memory.

Anya lets me go and I’m left with just Doug to greet. I stand there awkwardly until he extends a hand toward me. I place mine in his, expecting him to shake it. Instead, he pulls me toward him, and I’m wrapped in his embrace. His warm chest rises and falls against mine as he rubs me on the back.

“Holly.” He draws back, his eyes watering. “How can I ever thank you?”

I stare back into his eyes. “You just did, Doug.”

He studies me. “You’ve no idea how grateful I am for what you did.”

“How grateful we both are,” Anya says as she puts her arm around Doug’s waist, gazing into his eyes.

“It was nothing,” I say, watching them with interest.

Jay slips his hand around my waist. “So, everything was okay at the hospital?” he asks.

“Yes, he just has some bruises that they said will heal.” Anya doesn’t take her eyes off Doug’s as she answers.

“I’m sorry,” I mumble.

Doug’s eyes snap to mine.

“Don’t you dare apologize, Holly. I’m alive because of you.” He beams at me.

I can’t get over the change in him. I like this alternative version of Doug, even if it took a near-death experience to bring it out of him.

“You not only saved my life, but you gave me a better one,” he continues, looking at Anya, who kisses him full on the lips in response.

“I don’t think I would have ever declared my love for Doug if he hadn’t almost died.” Anya laughs.

Doug looks at her.

“Oh, come on, babe, you’re always so focused on work and uptight. I never thought you’d feel the same about me. You were all work, work, work,” she says, shaking her head.

“I’m so focused on you, Anya.” Doug takes her face in his hands. “I’ve always wanted the best for you because you mean so much to me. I thought it was obvious. I knew I wasn’t good enough for you, so I would never have said anything.”

Jay’s watching them with a smile on his face. They’ve forgotten we are even here. The way they’re looking at each other right now, I’m expecting them to tear each other’s clothes off in the entryway.

“We’re so happy for you both,” Jay says, which brings their eyes back to us. Anya blushes as she leans her head against Doug’s shoulder.

“Sorry.” She grins. “We’ve spent all night talking; you’d think we would have said it all by now.”

“I don’t think you should ever stop telling someone how much you love them once you find each other,” Jay says as he looks down at me.

My stomach flutters in response as his eyes catch mine.

“We just wanted to come and say thank you, Holly,” Doug says. “I realize I must have sounded like such a cold-hearted jerk when I talked about the break-in.” He looks embarrassed and clears his throat. “Listen, I know they caught the guy who did it and there’s still some unanswered questions. I’ve got some contacts. I’ll ask around and see what I can find out for you.”

Jay pats him on the shoulder. “Thanks, we appreciate it.”

“Anything I can do, Holly,” Doug adds, looking at me. “I mean, anything at all, you only have to ask.”

“Thank you, Doug.” I look him in the eye and smile.

“Right, we better leave you guys to it,” Anya says. “I’m taking Doug to have a rest and I have a real estate agent coming to the house this afternoon.”

“You moving?” Jay raises his brows.

“Yes!” She beams, looking at Doug. “Today is the start of our new life together. I want to start it in a new home that we choose together.”

Doug rolls his eyes at us, but he’s smiling. “It seems I’m under strict orders today.”

Anya taps him on the nose with a long, elegant finger. “Yes, you are. The doctor put me in charge of you to make sure you rest. So, let’s go.” She smiles at him.

We say our goodbyes and wave them off. Jay shuts the door, and his eyes catch mine in delight.

“That was crazy!” I put a hand over my mouth as I process what just happened.

“Tell me about it. She’s in love with Doug?” Jay shakes his head in disbelief. “I did not see that coming. He’s been her agent for years. All this time they’ve both felt the same, but neither said anything? Nuts.” He sighs, running his hand through his hair.

“So, Doug is who Anya was in love with when you dated her?”

“Hardly dated, Holly. More like, accompanied to a few events over a couple of months. It was Doug’s idea, actually.”

“Doug was happy to watch the woman he loved spend time with another man, because he thought you were better for her career? Or more in her league?” I say in disbelief.

“He loves her, Holly. He was willing to forfeit his own happiness for hers. Or what he thought would lead to hers anyway.” Jay shrugs as though it’s no big deal.

“Yeah… I guess when you put it like that,” I say, looking at Jay.

What would I be willing to do for him? If I knew I could do something that was best for him, but I would suffer, would I do it? I would. I know I would. I would do anything for his happiness, no doubt about it. I understand Doug’s motives now and I’m sure he had nothing to do with the break-in, especially now that he’s offered his help. The break-in was more personal. Nothing was missing, but something was being searched for. I just wish I knew what.

“Hey, baby, I just need to go call Stefan about work,” Jay says as he reads a message on his phone.

“Okay. I’m going to text Rach,” I say as I flop back down onto the sofa. Jay leans down and lifts my chin so his lips can reach mine.

“Won’t be long, Berry,” he says, kissing me before disappearing down the hallway to his office. I watch him walk away in his jeans and T-shirt, his feet bare against the floor. I smile to myself; sexy doesn’t even come close.

I pick my phone up and type a message to Rach.

Me: Hey babe, how’s it going? Are you in Washington now? Lots to catch up on when we both get home!

My phone beeps with her reply.

Rachel: Hey, Holls, Matt just texted me! He’s been speaking to Stefan. WTAF!!!?? You stopped a guy choking? You’re like Superwoman! Just about to check out for the flight home, so I will call you tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you in a few days when you get back. That’s if he lets you leave! Lol.

I groan. I’ve got a few days left in LA before my leave is over and I have to go home and back to work. I’ve tried not to think about what will happen when that day comes. The thought of saying goodbye to Jay and going back to not seeing him again for days, or even weeks, makes my stomach twist in pain. I slouch back against the sofa, contemplating how hard saying goodbye will be.

My phone rings. ‘Matt’ lights up on the screen.

“Hey, Matt, your ears must have been burning,” I joke.

“What? Oh, tell me Stefan has been talking about me again?” he asks excitedly.

“No, Rach.” I smile.

“Oh God,” he groans. “What have I done now?”

“Nothing.” I chuckle. “She just told me you texted her, that’s all.”

“Of course I did. I couldn’t believe it when Stefan told me! How are you holding up?”

I blow out a breath.

“Okay now, thanks. I was pretty out of sorts last night, but I feel a lot better today. Doug and Anya just came to visit. It helped to see him again, you know, when he’s not choking.”

“Oh, Holls, you went through something difficult. You might find you’re fine, and then out of the blue something will make you think of it. Just know that I’m here for you if you ever need to talk. Just like you were there for me last year.”

I smile as Matt comforts me. Memories come back to me about the time he and his crew performed CPR on a passenger who had a heart attack. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it. Matt took it hard.

“Thanks, Matt, I appreciate it. You’re a good egg, you know.”

“Like a Fabergé one from the Queen’s royal collection?” He jokes.

“If one of those even exists, then yes.” I laugh.

“You know what else this smart egg has done?”

“What?” I can’t help suspicion creeping into my voice.

“Swapped another flight so I can come out to LA and work the flight you’re going home on.”

“Really?” A grin plasters itself across my face.

“Yes. I figured you may need a shoulder to cry on when you leave that gorgeous hunk of yours behind. That’s if you can even walk after two weeks of being with him. I may need to carry you onto the plane!”

I laugh out loud. “Matt, you and your filthy mind.”

“What? You’d miss me hatching out these thoughts. Get it, hatching… egg.” He titters. “Besides, I wouldn’t be able to walk after two weeks with a hunk like Jay.”

“I’ll remember to ask how your walking is after you and Stefan come back from Hong Kong in a couple of weeks then, shall I?” I tease.

“Oh, Holls! I can’t wait. We’ve booked a lush hotel, award-winning spa, the works. If he doesn’t feel swept off his feet at the end of it, then I don’t know what will work.”

“That sounds amazing, Matt. I’m sure you’ll have a great time together.” I smile as his excitement rubs off on me.

“I guess I will see you in a couple of days then?”

“Yes, I can’t wait!”

“Mwah!” Matt blows me a noisy kiss down the phone.

“Mwah, to you too.” I smile as I hang up.

The next two days pass by in a blur of lovemaking, swimming, eating out, and walking around small local hidden gems, away from the crowds.

“What’s the plan for later today, Berry?” Jay asks as he pours two glasses of a smoothie he’s just blended.

I lean across the kitchen counter so I can see him better. He’s wearing a pair of jogging bottoms low down on his hips. Every muscle on his bare, tanned torso is visible. And his hair is ruffled from where I’ve just had my hands in it, as he woke me up in his favorite way. I’m still throbbing from the intense orgasm he gave me. I swear if there was such a thing as a school for oral sex, then Jay must have graduated with full marks. Hell, he probably founded the school.

He smirks as he sees me checking him out. “Ready for round two already, baby?”

“I’m ready for a shower. I must reek of sex.”

“I like you smelling of sex,” Jay says as he comes up behind me and nips my ear with his teeth, holding my hips and grinding himself against my bum.

I laugh. “You would say that. It means you must have gotten lucky.”

“Anytime with you and I’m lucky, Holly.” He chuckles.

“Smooth, Jay, real smooth.” l turn and stroke his chin with my fingers.

“I am, aren’t I?” His eyes dance with delight as he rubs his chin into my hand. He’s shaved this morning and the designer stubble is gone, for now anyway.

“Not what I meant.” I roll my eyes at him. “I don’t see you freshly shaven often; trying to look younger, are you? What with your old man, extra loud doorbell and all?” I tease as I lean forward and lick the smooth skin along his jaw.

“Well, it’s keeping up with my girlfriend. You know she’s three years younger than me! From an entirely different generation than me, if you believe what she says.” Jay opens his eyes wide, pretending to look shocked.

My shoulders shake up and down as I try to hold in my laugh.

Jay’s eyes light up.

“Oh, I think she needs a tickle to help get that giggle out!” he says as his hands go to the backs of my knees.

“No!” I screech and dart away from him before he can make my legs give way underneath me. I seek safety on the other side of the sofa as he eyes me with a smirk.

“You can’t evade me forever, Berry. You know I’ll catch you.”

“You wouldn’t be able to keep up, old man!” I sing as I run out to the pool deck.

“You’re going to regret that!” Jay shouts as he chases after me.

I’m laughing as I skirt around the edge of the pool. I stop on the other side and look back for Jay. That’s funny, he should be there. I rise onto my tiptoes, searching for him. There’s a chuckle behind me. I try to run, but it’s too late. Strong arms grab me around the waist and the ground becomes sky as my feet slip from under me.

“Payback time for my parents’ house,” Jay shouts as we both plunge into the pool.

Water rushes over my head and into my ears before I break the surface and gasp.

“You git!” I splutter as I splash at Jay, who’s looking rather smug, and dare I say it? Incredibly sexy, all covered in water.

“Just returning the favor.” He grins as he splashes me back.

“Oh, really?” I squeal, splashing him again and getting it in his mouth.

“Alright, alright, truce!” He coughs as he swims closer to me.

I swim backwards, holding his gaze until we are both pressed up against each other at the edge of the pool, the sexual chemistry sizzling between us.

“You know, at least you don’t smell of sex anymore.” His eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles at me. “For now, anyway,” he adds as he reaches his thumb up and pulls my bottom lip down. He looks at it for a second before leaning forward and taking it between his teeth.

I hold my breath as he pulls it back and then lets it go. Then his mouth is on mine, his tongue stroking, lips sucking. I kiss him back with all I have. This man, his humor, his heart, he couldn’t be more amazing.

“I love you,” I confess between kisses.

Jay pauses and looks at me.

“I love you too, Holly.”

His kisses slow down and become tender. I let myself float on a wave of bliss. Right here, in this moment, everything is perfect.

A bang inside the house, followed by the radio being turned on, draws our attention.

“Maggie,” Jay groans. “I forgot she was coming this morning.”

I gasp. “Jay, we’re soaking wet! This is worse than last time I saw her, and I was barely wearing anything.”

“At least you’ve got shorts on this time,” Jay says, only just keeping a straight face as he looks down at my pajama top and shorts set I’m wearing.

“It’s going to be see-through!”

He chuckles. “We can sneak in when she goes down to the office.”

“Okay, that’s one of your better ideas,” I say as we watch through the glass. We don’t have to wait long before Maggie heads down toward the office, apron on, duster in hand, singing out loud to the song on the radio.

“Okay, let’s go!” Jay grabs my hand and we climb out of the pool, peeling off our soaked clothes and throwing them onto a sun bed so we don’t drench the floor inside.

I follow him on my tiptoes through the house and upstairs to his room, my heart beating wildly in my chest, worried in case Maggie sees us naked and dripping wet at any moment.

“Oh my God!” I shriek as we reach the safety of Jay’s bathroom.

“That was close.” Jay’s eyes are bright.

“I can’t believe we’re sneaking around in your own house.” I laugh.

Jay turns the shower on and pulls me in with him. “I can’t believe how much fun a younger woman can be,” he jokes, and I swat him on the chest.

“You are an idiot, Jay Anderson.” I laugh, looking into his eyes.

“But I’m your idiot.” He grins at me, before leaning in to kiss me and finish what we started.

I spray my perfume and am ready to head downstairs, showered, dressed, and expertly fucked again. Luckily, the shower muffled our voices as I know how much Jay loves it when I talk dirty to him and I was feeling generous.

“Hey, baby, I’ve got to go on a conference call with Stefan,” Jay says, checking his phone. “Shouldn’t be more than half an hour. The studio wants to talk filming schedule for next season.”

“Oh, okay.” I smile at him. “I’ll see you soon.”

He kisses me, one hand reaching around to squeeze my bum before heading downstairs.

I turn back to the mirror. My eyes are bright. I’ve never seen myself look so happy. I pick up the watch Jay gave me and go to put it on, but it slips, and I drop it on the carpet. It lands upside down and as I pick it up, there’s an inscription I haven’t seen before. How did I not notice? Jay never said anything about it.

The scripted letters make me draw in a sweet breath.

‘Time with you is my happiness.’

There’s a lump in my throat as I read the inscription over and over. Jay says I make him happy but seeing it like this makes me really believe it. I blink back tears. I am so lucky. I’ve met the love of my life. How many people can say that? I take a deep breath and compose myself as I fasten the watch on my wrist and head downstairs to the kitchen where Maggie is busy mopping the floor.

“Hello, Holly, love.” She smiles up at me.

“Hi, Maggie.” I grin back. “How are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m good, love. I’m good. Just had my grandchildren for the weekend. I’m pooped.” She laughs, shaking her head.

I like Maggie; she’s so warm and easy to talk to. We chat longer and she tells me all about her grandson and granddaughter and what their favorite things are.

“Okay, I’m done now. The floor needed that mop today; there were puddles all over it,” Maggie murmurs, taking her apron off and squeezing me on the arm as I bite my lip to hide my laugh.

“See you soon, Holly.” She smiles.

“Take care, Maggie.”

“Oh, I almost forgot. There was a letter for you this morning. Where did I put it? Ah-ha!” She plucks a brown envelope out from under the vase of flowers in the hallway and hands it to me before heading out through the door.

“Cheerio, love.”

“Bye, Maggie,” I call as I study the envelope my hand.

This is weird; who would send me mail here? The envelope just has Holly printed on the front in thick black marker.

I tear it open and pull out a single sheet of paper. It’s a copy of a photograph. It’s of Jay. He looks about twenty, but there’s no mistaking it’s him, with his sun-kissed hair and piercing blue eyes. He has his arms wrapped around someone I don’t recognize.

Why would someone send me a photo of Jay from years ago? This must be a mistake. I turn the piece of paper over. There’s writing on the back.

No… This can’t be right.

A coursing pain constricts my chest, crushing the air out of my lungs as I read the words.

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