Meet Me in the Penalty Box: A Small Town Hockey Romance (Orchid City Book 1)

Chapter Meet Me in the Penalty Box: CHAPTER 5

“You’re quiet today,” Ava said as we both sat down at the table in the coffee shop. It had become our little thing before work. We would meet here, if neither of us had anything going on, and grab some coffee before we had to head to the arena.

I hadn’t told Ava anything about Nico. All she knew was about some random guy at the club, but I never told her the truth about who it really was. I also never disclosed the fact that he played professional hockey for the same team that we worked for.

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Ava. She was the only friend I really made since moving to Orchid Beach. She hadn’t given me a reason not to trust her, but at the same time, I still found myself hesitant. If I let her in on anything that had to do with Nico, how would I know that she wouldn’t end up saying something to someone?

It was really hard to make that judgment when you didn’t know someone completely.

And on the other hand—it’s not like there was anything real going on between Nico and I. Some harmless flirting and whatnot after our run-in at the club. He had propositioned me and I didn’t take the bait. No harm, no foul. Neither of us could realistically get in trouble for what had happened between us so far.

I knew the limitations and knew where it had to be cut off. It could never progress any further than it already had and I planned on telling Nico that… eventually. I never responded to his last text two nights ago. Part of me knew that I should have shut that down immediately, yet I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Chances were, I would end up seeing him tonight, whether it was on or off the ice.

Then I would tell him the truth.

I shrugged as I took a sip of my latte. “I just didn’t sleep very well last night. I woke up late and then the gym was so busy.” I paused for a second and let out a sigh. “I know, they’re all stupid problems. I’m just ready to get tonight over with and go to bed.”

“Girl, I get it completely. We all have shit days and you’re allowed to have one.” She smiled at me, before pulling out a small compact mirror and a tube of lip gloss. “Just breathe in the good and exhale the bad. Tonight will be amazing, you will be amazing and then you’ll get to go home.”

I stared at Ava, a little taken aback by her sudden yogi attitude. “Are you going through some type of spiritual awakening?”

It was Ava’s turn to sigh. “Ryan has been on this yoga, like meditation, manifesting kick. I’m not against it at all—it really helps my mindset—but sometimes I can’t help but wonder if it’s all a crock of shit.”

I tried really hard not to laugh, but I couldn’t stop the string of laughter from falling from my lips. Ava laughed along and gave me the middle finger. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh. I just can’t picture Ryan doing that.”

Ava’s boyfriend really was a nice, laid-back, quiet guy. He also kind of freaked me out sometimes. He was smart—like smart smart, genius level smart. There was nothing bad about the guy. He had just made jokes about hacking into stuff and with his dry humor, it was hard to tell if he was serious or not.

Which all made it hard to picture him sitting with his feet together and his eyes closed as he let out an “om”.

“Next thing you know, he’s going to be dragging me along to a fucking ayahuasca retreat or something.” Ava shook her head and rolled her eyes. “I love the guy and I’ve done my fair share of mushrooms, but I’m not trying to experience ego death. That might literally kill me.”

My eyes widened. I had heard about people doing those retreats. Supposedly, it was one of the most humbling, life-changing experiences ever. It also sounded like pure hell and something I would never want to experience either.

“Please tell me he didn’t say anything about doing one.”

“Not yet, girl,” Ava said with a soft laugh. “I don’t think he’s far away from suggesting it, though.”

“I’ll pray for you,” I joked as we both laughed.

“I’m going to need the whole damn church praying for me.”

When we got to the media room at the stadium, it was a repeat of the last time. Our assignments were handed out and this time we received them for the entire game. It gave me some peace knowing where I was expected to be during the period of play. I frowned as I looked over where they wanted me.

I was expected to take pictures from the players’ entrance again and during the press release afterward. Thankfully, my game assignments were opposite corners by the net that we would shoot on twice and one by our net. What it essentially meant was there would be no possible way to avoid running into Nico Cirone.

So, this would be a fun night for sure.

After setting up my station, I headed down to the ice level floor and set up by the players’ entrance. It wouldn’t be long before they would all come strolling in. I adjusted my camera settings and made myself comfortable on the concrete floor and did a few practice shots.

As the guys started to come in, I snapped shots of each one. They all greeted me, remembering me from the last game. I wondered if this was where Phillip would have me most games. The guys seemed to appreciate the familiar face and a few even asked how I was doing and what my name was.

Until the two who definitely knew my name came walking in.

This time they were alone. Just Nico and Wes. They were talking about something and Weston was getting animated with his hands, half skipping along. He reminded me of a little kid with how his face lit up when he talked. And the fact that his entire outfit was wrinkled again.

My mouth went dry as Nico looked directly at the camera and winked at me. He looked just as good as he always did and I wanted to slap myself out of the trance I found myself in.

“Hey, Harper,” he said as the two of them stopped to the right of me. No one else was behind them so there was no excuse for me still holding my camera up. I swallowed roughly and lowered it to my lap as I looked up at the two of them.

“Hey, Nico,” I replied and looked to his friend and nodded. “Wes.”

“We really missed you while we were away,” Wes said with a sad smile and puppy dog eyes. “You should come on the road with us next time.”

I practically choked on my own saliva. “Yeah, I don’t know. I’d have to talk to Phillip. I’m pretty sure they usually send the more seasoned photographers on the road.”

“I stalked your social media. They’d be stupid not to send you.”

Nico whipped his head to look at him. “You did what?”

“Wait, you did?” I asked at the same time.

Wes glanced sheepishly between the two of us. “I mean, I was curious. You take really good pictures. Just try a little harder to get my better side when you see me on the ice.” He smirked as he swept his hand along the right side of his jaw. “See ya later, Harp.” He nodded at me before he continued to walk, purposely leaving Nico and I alone.

Silence encapsulated us as Nico watched Wes until he was out of sight. My heart pounded and I could see the sound of the blood rushing through my veins. My stomach did a flip and a twinge of excitement slid down my spine.

No one was around. It was just the two of us and Nico Cirone was staring down at me as waves crashed against the shores of his ocean eyes. I hated the way he was looking at me. The visceral effect that it had on me.

How the hell was I ever going to be able to ignore this man if he looked at me like this every time we were near each other?

“You never answered my text.”

My breath caught in my throat. I nervously shifted my weight as I went over what I wanted to say in my mind. I was not prepared to have this conversation right now. “I figured it would be better to talk about it in person.”

Nico lifted an eyebrow. “Color me curious. Go ahead, love. Don’t be shy.”

I cleared my throat. “I think we need to just let all of this go.” Nico stared at me, but he remained silent. I had no idea where I was going with this, but it was my chance to get out of this situation. “We had our moment that one night and I think it’s best if we just leave it at that. That time has passed and you know, given our circumstances, things are a little different now.”

His gaze lingered. Nothing about his expression changed. It was quite blank, void of any emotion, although his eyes painted a picture I couldn’t quite decipher. “I see.”

“I know what you said about being a good luck charm and you know, I’m still here, so there’s always that.”

“Hmm,” he mused and nodded. He shoved his hands in the front pockets of his dress pants, but he didn’t move from where he was standing. Even though he was above me, he was too close. Yet a part of me wanted him closer. “I suppose you’re right.”

His reaction threw me off-balance and I cocked my head as I continued to look up at him. “That’s it? You’re okay with that?” I didn’t expect him to just agree like that, not after everything he had already said to me. There was a part of me that couldn’t help but be annoyed with him in this moment.

Nico scowled. “What were you expecting? Me to beg you to reconsider? Believe it or not, love, I’m a rather agreeable person.”

“I thought you get what you want.”

A low chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Oh, I do. Just because I’m agreeing with you doesn’t mean I won’t get what I want in the end.” He let out a sigh and his eyes softened a bit. “I play the long game, love. I might move quickly on the ice, but I treat life like a marathon.”

“So, you’re verbally agreeing with me, but in your mind, you don’t agree at all?” I blinked twice as he stood there in silence.

I didn’t believe him at all in this moment. He could appear as agreeable as he wanted, but his words just told a different story. They showed a different angle. He wasn’t just agreeing and moving on from the arrangement he proposed. He was simply lying in wait, while planning his next move.

Nico Cirone was calculated. Forward and a tad abrasive, but he didn’t strike without a plan in place.

The door from the entrance opened and closed and Nico glanced over his shoulder before looking back at me. His lips slowly crept upward and he winked. “Better get back to work, Harper. Don’t want you breaking any rules and missing out on any shots.”

Heat crept up my neck and quickly spread across my cheeks as I directed my gaze away from him. As I lifted my camera back in front of my face and began to press the shutter button, Nico disappeared in the direction of the locker rooms.

He wasn’t going to make this easy at all.

And I wasn’t sure just how long I would be able to keep resisting him.

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