Meet Me in the Penalty Box: A Small Town Hockey Romance (Orchid City Book 1)

Chapter Meet Me in the Penalty Box: CHAPTER 13

I only had two drinks while I was at the bar and it felt like I was floating. It wasn’t because of the alcohol. It was solely because of the man sitting in the driver’s seat next to me with his hand wrapped around mine.

Nico Cirone was completely intoxicating. He was like a drug I couldn’t get enough of. The more I was around him, the more I found myself missing him when I wasn’t with him. He was like heroin in my veins. I wanted more of him, constantly chasing the high he gave me.

He muddled my thoughts and made my heart skip multiple beats. He probably wasn’t good for my health and I had a feeling he definitely wasn’t good for my heart. There was something different about him, yet I found myself questioning it all. When I first met him, he struck me as the playboy type with one thing on his mind.

The more time I spent with him, the more I realized that wasn’t him at all.

There was so much more to Nico than he showed the world, and I wanted to peel back all of his layers. I wanted to know the real man behind the professional athlete persona. I wanted him to bury his secrets inside me.

His hand was warm against mine and he absentmindedly stroked my skin with the pad of his thumb. When we got to his car, I gave him my address and he put it into his GPS so I didn’t have to bother him with directions. It wasn’t a far drive and it was literally only a few turns. The music was soft in the background, but all I could hear was the pounding of my heart.

As Nico pulled his car into the parking garage for my building, I couldn’t help but feel a touch of anxiety. There was something about knowing that he was going to be in my space that had me feeling a little unprepared. It was one thing being at his place. If I went there or spent the night there, I was able to leave whenever I wanted to. Having him here was completely different. I couldn’t run away from him and my feelings while he was in my own apartment.

He found an empty parking spot and parked his car in it before killing the engine. My hand was still in his and I fiddled with the strap of my purse on my lap.

“Harper.” He spoke softly and his voice filled the empty space in the car. “Look at me.”

I slowly turned my head to look at him. His eyes were filled with a touch of concern and he angled his head to the side.

“I don’t have to come in if you don’t want me to.”

I stared back at him for a breath. “I want you to. It’s just a little different for me, bringing someone back to my place instead of just going to yours.”

Nico nodded in understanding, but he didn’t let go of my hand. “We can sit out here for a little if you want.”

“And do what?” I practically whispered the words as I turned in my seat to face him. It was dark in the car and the lights inside the garage seeped through the windows, making it just bright enough that I could make out his facial expression and features.

He shrugged. “Whatever you want.”

I swallowed hard as the nervousness was mixing with the euphoric feeling he gave me. Something about the way he was looking at me had me feeling like the entire world was in my hands. Every choice was mine to make. I was the one who was controlling everything happening.

And I made my move. The one move I had never expected myself to actually have the guts to make.

Releasing his hand, I planted my own on his seat beside the headrest and I began to climb over the center console. Nico’s seat was already slid back as far as it would go because of his long legs. He moved his arms out of the way and rested his hands on my hips as I straddled his lap.

He leaned his head back on the headrest and looked up at me with a look of curiosity mixing with the playful glimmer in his irises. “What are you up to, love?”

I placed both of my hands on his shoulders. “I want you, Nico. And I want you to fuck me in your car.”

He raised an eyebrow at me. “Well, this is a different request. You’d rather I fuck you out here instead of in your apartment?”

I shook my head. “I want both.” I paused for a moment, suddenly feeling a bit shy. “I’ve never had sex in a car before.”

He studied me as a smile crept onto his lips. “Well, I would love to be your first.”

Nico’s hands were still around my waist and I stared down at him for a moment. There was something about being out here where anyone could walk out at any moment that had the adrenaline pumping through my veins. He slowly raised one hand to cup the back of my neck and pulled me down to him.

Our mouths collided and he stole the air from my lungs as his tongue slid against mine. He tasted like whiskey and he smelled like his soap. His hair was still damp from the shower he got before meeting us at the bar and I couldn’t resist pushing my fingers through his tousled waves.

He started the kiss gentle, with his hands wandering beneath the bottom hem of my shirt. He pushed up the silk material and slid his hands beneath my bra as he rolled my nipples between his fingers. I couldn’t stop myself as I moaned into his mouth and he swallowed the sound.

It only seemed to fuel him even more. The intensity of the need between us grew fiercely and it was suddenly a race to get undressed. I was lifting off his lap as he began to push his pants and underwear down. It was awkward as I dropped back into my own seat and kicked my shoes off.

Nico’s eyes were dark with lust as his gaze collided with mine. He sat up and leaned over the center console as he pulled my pants and panties down, stripping me of the clothing that was covering up the bottom half of my body. There was nothing gentle about the way he gripped my hips and practically lifted me in the air before setting me back on his lap.

I lifted myself on my knees as he grabbed his cock and positioned it upright so the tip was pressed against me. As I lowered myself down on his length, he was stretching me to limits that felt almost impossible. I inhaled sharply, sucking in a breath as he filled me to the brim and I slid down until he was fully inside me.

Nico groaned, his fingertips were digging into my flesh as his eyes rolled back momentarily. “Jesus, fuck,” he murmured as his hazy blues met mine. They were glazed over with need and his tongue darted out as he wet his lips. “You’re so goddamn perfect, Harper.”

Heat was building in the pit of my stomach as he stared up at me. I pressed my hands against his chest and he reached over to the side of the seat as he put the entire thing flat. I was hovering above him, completely in control now. I slowly began to move, working my hips as I lifted them off his lap before lowering myself back down.

“That’s it, love,” he growled, his eyes darkening as he helped move me. “Ride my cock like it’s yours and no one else’s.”

We hadn’t discussed whether or not we would be seeing or talking to other people. Hell, we didn’t really have any conversations at all that had to do with what was going on between the two of us except the fact that no one could know. His words struck a chord of jealousy inside of me and it made me move my hips faster.

“There is no one else,” I told him as I stared down at him. “No one rides this cock but me.”

He nodded as mischief danced across his lips. “That’s right, baby. No one but you. And fuck,” he let out a low moan as I bounced on him faster, “you ride it so fucking well.”

He abandoned one hip with his hand and slid it down between my legs. His fingers instantly found my clit and he began to work his thumb against my flesh. Nico was skilled with his hands, not only while holding a hockey stick, but also when they were between my thighs.

“Your pussy is clenched so tight around me right now,” he groaned as he applied more pressure and worked his thumb faster. A sinister look danced in his irises as he abruptly slowed his movements. “You want to come, don’t you? I can feel the way your body is beginning to tense and the way your breathing is quickening.”

I nodded as I bit down on my bottom lip and continued to lift my hips as I slid up and down the length of his cock. “Yes, please,” I moaned and practically pleaded. “Please let me come, Nico.”

“You fuck my cock like you were made for it,” he said as he began to move his thumb again. “I want you to come for me, baby. Be a good girl and do it for me.”

Between him deep inside me, the way that his thumb rolled around my clit, and his words, it didn’t take long before I did exactly as he was asking of me. My orgasm tore through my body and I didn’t stand a chance against the earthquake. My body felt like it was going to split in two and I would gladly fall apart for this man right now.

Nico’s hands gripped my hips tightly and he took over as he fucked me from underneath. I was already riding a wave of ecstasy, practically paralyzed from the euphoric coma he had put me in. He pumped his hips a few more times before he was falling and crashing along with me.

He lost himself inside me and I collapsed against his chest as we were both riding out our highs. Nico released my hips and slid his arms up as he wrapped them around my body and held me close. We both still had our shirts on but I could feel his warmth radiating through our clothes. His touch was tender as he ran his palm across my shoulders.

I slowly pulled away and looked down at him. There was an indistinguishable look in his eyes but I couldn’t seem to look away. It was as if he was staring directly into my soul, looking at nothing but my flesh and bones. Nico was slowly breaking down my walls and stripping away everything I had worked hard to build up to keep anyone out.

He was inside my veins.

And I was addicted.

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