Mates with Alpha Maddox

Chapter 31: 31

Isabella's POV

I decide to get the water for the Luna myself since I we are really full today and everyone is really busy.

"What are you doing in here Bella? You are suppose to be waiting tables. We have a full house tonight" Connor, one of the cooks says while chopping onions.

"I am doing you guys a favor just keep doing what you are doing" I say and grab a glass, and filling it with Ice and water.

I absentmindedly walk out of the kitchen, I spot the Luna again but this time she is with someone. And not just anyone.

She is sitting with the sister fucking asshole who broke my heart after only 5 seconds of meeting me. Aka Alpha lan. The mate I rejected years ago.

Now, if you expect me to cry a river over him then you are in for a surprise.

What he did no longer hurts, because well I kind of got over it.I say kind of because even though It was 7 years ago my heart still beats faster at the sight of him. Anyways, I was only 16 years old. I know better than to cry or swoon over a guy like lan. He isn't worth it.

All I simply feel for him is anger. Because he made me feel like a fool. And I simply hate that feeling.

Then I start connecting the dots. She is Luna, she said she was waiting for her boyfriend and Now lan is there. Now, even a 2 year old can piece that together.

"That bitch, took my place as Luna" My wolf growls in my mind making me roll my eyes. I got over him. Her? She still thinks he will come back and swoop us off our feet. Delusional wolf.

Now, while my wolf is having a panic attack over someone taking "her man" away. All I think about is how bad I feel for the Luna. I mean lan here can't keep it in his pants so Unless she has sex with him 24/7 then he is probably cheating.

Remembering that I was taking too long I decide to bring her the water.

So plastering a smile on my face, I grab another menu and skip towards them.

"Hello guys, here's your water Luna" I say.

"Oh please, call me Jayda" she grins warmly at me.

Oh no, she is one of the nice ones. Ian is seriously a dick if he hurts her.

I hand lan his menu and try to give him an acceptable smile but I bet it ends up looking like a grimace because I seriously dislike the guy.

lan keeps looking at me and its really starting to creep me out so I just look at Jayda.

"Have you decided what you wanted?" I ask her with a smile. One that isn't forced. Unlike my wolf who wants to kill her, I actually like the girl.

"Not yet, my boyfriend still-oh wait there he is" she says and looks behind me. I turn around and see a really tall muscly guy walk towards the table with a serious face.

"The bathroom line was fucking huge" The guy says rolling his eyes in annoyance while sitting next to Jayda and giving her a kiss on the temple.

"Okay, now we are ready to order" Jayda says looking over the menu. "Oh! By the way this is my boyfriend Maddox" she says excitedly looking up from the menu and pointing at The guy sitting next to her. He nods in my direction then starts looking at the menu again. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I would like the Potato skins" Jayda says with a smile. Does she ever stop smiling?

"I'll have a bowl of chili" Maddox, her mate says politely.

They are like polar opposites. He is super scary and serious and she is warm and happy.

"What are the great balls of fire?" lan asks with humor in his voice.

I turn to look at him, Maddox was good looking but he had nothing on lan.

With his sandy brown hair and deep green eyes, sharp jawline and high cheekbones he was beautiful on the outside. Sadly he was disgusting on the inside.

Rolling my eyes at him to show that I didn't find anything funny I answer "The great balls of fire are Jalapeño peppers stuffed with cream cheese. Battered and fried hence the name" "Oh, well I'll have those" he answers, his eyes not leaving mine.

"Good, well I'll have everything ready in about 15 minutes tops, What would you guys like to drink?" I say after writing everything down on my little pad.

"Coke" lan and Maddox say in unison while Jayda says sprite. "Okay, I'll have Betsy bring you guys your drinks"

I was about to make my exit when lan speaks again.

"Wait!" He says quickly. I raise both eyebrows at him because I simply haven't mastered the art of raising one eyebrow.

"Stay" he says, his voice soft and pleading, almost vulnerable.

I look at him for I don't know how long then burst out laughing. I mean tears and everything.

"Oh god, dude you have got to be kidding me" I say wiping the tears from my eyes that had escaped while laughing like a hyena.

"Anyways, I'll give Connor your orders and the food will be ready in a bit" I chirp then walk towards the counter.

"Betsy could you please bring two cokes and a sprite towards table 6? The cokes are for the guys and the sprite for the girl" I ask. "Sure thing hun" Betsy says.

"Connor!" I holler once I am in the kitchen again.

"Bella seriously, you are suppose to be outside taking orders. I feel like 90% of the time you are in here" he says looking at me pointedly.

Shrugging I answer "Well, I have an order and decided to get my favorite cook to make it because well Kelsie is still very much pissed at me from the other day so I've been avoiding her"

"Of course" he mutters with a chuckle holding out his hand out to me. Grabbing my pad I rip the page with the orders and hand them to Connor.

I met him when I started going to the local college together. I was looking for a job and he told me he was working part time at his brothers diner and that he could talk to him about giving me a job and well I accepted cause I really needed the money.

Connor was a really good looking guy, he was my age and had brown hair and hazel eyes. His body was well built and really tall. I am proud to say I hit that, and more than one time too.

I am no slut but well I am a single, mateless she-wolf who refuses to live the rest of her life moping over a guy who hurt her.

"Bella, Reed's going to get mad if he saw you inside the kitchen" He reminds me.

"You are Reed's brother, tell him I'm helping you or something" I wave him off.

"Okay, why don't you want to go outside? Is your sister there again?" Connor asks while he starts working on the orders.

"Nope, I'm actually trying to avoid my mate" I answer vaguely.

He tenses "Do you want me to do something about it?" He asks looking at me.

He was really protective over me, we were best friends who sleep together once in a while just because. No feelings were involved though so it was all good.

Connor wasn't a werewolf but he would definitely be able to give lan a run for his money in a fight because well werewolves and humans aren't the only species in this world.

"No its alright, I'll just hang out with you for a bit until the order is ready then I'll bring it to them and come back here. Or maybe I'll apologize to Kelsie" I say, Connor goes back to cooking.

I watch him cook for a while until I get bored and decide to apologize to Kelsie who was at the other end of the kitchen.

"Hey kels" I greet with a grin.

"Isabella" She says coldly.

"Awwwn, c'mon don't be like that! I didn't mean too" I say pouting.

"Yes you did!" She states.

"Yes I did" I say.

"See, you aren't even sorry!" She exclaims.

"I am not...but before you start yelling if anyone is to blame it should be Reed. I asked him for a day off but nooooo he didn't give it" I defend.

"I cussed Reed out because of you! You told me your grandma was sick" she hisses.

"She was sick...10 years ago, but it still counts" I mumble.

"Is she still sick? Cause if she was then why were you at that party with Connor?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Of course she isn't sick anymore, she died and I was at the party because well I needed to have some fun and well I knew Reed's in love with you and stuff and would listen to anything you said" I shrug. "I cussed him out!!!!"

"But it worked, i got the day off" I say with a grin.

"I would do it for you" I say wiggling my eyebrows "I'll even cover for you if you want ti go to the storage closet and have your way with Reed"

She blushes "what are you saying Isabella! I am not like that! Now off you go. I forgive you just stop saying those things!"

"Okie dokie! Loveeeee youuu" I say kissing her cheek and walking towards Connor.

"I am forgiven" I state simply.

He rolls his eyes "The way you can get away with practically everything both amazes me and scares me"

I tap my temple "Its all in here"

"Food's ready" Connor says.

I grab a tray and load all three plates on it.

I walk towards table 6 with the tray in hands.

"Here are your orders" I say with a small smile.

"Thanks, umm can you talk to us for a bit?" Jayda asks.

"Uh sure" I say looking at her weirdly.

"Okay, so what do you think of lan?" She asks.

"I think that he is an asshole who probably has STD's by now" I say bluntly.

"I don't have any STD's thank you very much" lan says frowning.

"He is a really nice guy" Jayda says.

"Oh I bet" I say with a laugh.

"So would you be maybe willing to give him a second chance?" jayda asks.

"Not really, I don't like him. I have no feelings towards him. I mean of he wants to be my friend to get some kind of closure than sure I'll be his friend but I am 100% over him" I say truthfully, its been 7 years I an

no longer that naive 16 year old girl that would have jumped at the thought of having a mate.

"You are over me?" lan asks in disbelief, his eyes sad.

"Yes, but don't look so sad. What were you expecting?" I ask.

"I don't know but I wasn't expecting this"

"As long as you don't try to flirt with me, I'll hang out with you and stuff. We could be friends. I'll be your wingwoman" I joke and he doesn't laugh.

"Well then, just I don't know. I am not interested in a relationship" I say.

"I'll take what I can get" he says but their was a determined glint in his eyes.

"Don't get any ideas. I wont fall for your shit, enjoy your meal guys. Call me if you need anything else" I say, standing up and walking to the counter where Betsy was.

Hopefully this will help my wolf get closure And finally stop hoping for lan to be ours.

Because he never has been and never will be...00000

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