Mates of a Werewolf Hunter

Chapter 2 Soul Mate

Valentine Winters P.O.V

I woke up as I felt icy bitterly cold water being splashed on me, making me shiver and my lips to quiver. I saw that I was bind up to a chair with chains.

Silver chains.

The chains were making me feel frail. I gape at my now misshapen dress ripped till my knees. I inspected around me and saw that a pair of men were watching me like a hawk, arms crossed over their chest with a unsympathetic look on their faces. I don’t ever think these men ever smiled in their entire life. What a despondent life they have. I sympathise them. I think I’m gonna name them fell face and sad face.

Fell face noticed me and smirked. “She’s awake, let’s take her to master.” He spoke and both of them approached towards me.

They conveyed me motionless with me sitting on the chair. I tried to squirm and obtain freedom but met with disaster miserably. “Let me go!” I wailed. “Where are you taking me?” I questioned. The didn’t answer but press on with carrying me and sauntering to god knows where.

They halt behind a huge door. A small screen was there on the door. There was a passcode to enter the room. A fingerprint and eyes passcode. Sad face placed his thumb on the finger pass and his eyes at the eye pass thing. They were similar to the ones in Charlie’s Angles. The small screen gave out a green light and a affirmative sign granting the huge door to unlock automatically.

Inside was an inordinately huge office room with 5 Internet televisions. There were also about 5 cameras in the room and in two of the television showed a complete of 1000 cameras all around. How hefty is it place ?

Fell face and sad face set me down and stood beside me looking like soldiers. Hands behind their back and legs apart.

I looked around and there were all paintings on the wall. Merciless paintings of killing wolves. Not ordinary wolves but werewolves. I cringe at the sight and looked ahead. There was a huge red desk in front of me and a man sitting on a huge black chair with one leg crossed the other.

A full blown satisfied grin on his face like he accomplished something or getting one million dollars in one second. He looked around to be in his forties with salt and pepper hair. Maybe he drinks too much black tea.

“It’s rare catching a female wolf, first time seeing one.” He says with a smirk plastered on his lips.

“What do you want from me ?” I asked knitting my eyebrows together.

“Death” He uttered. I glowered at him while he just look de-stressed

“What do you want us to do with her sir ?” Fell face enquired.

“Bring her to my room where I can keep an eye on her.” I apprehended a voice say from my left that brought chills and shivers to run down my spine. I looked to whom the voice belong to and saw a handsome looking man.

He was wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt underneath leaving a few buttons unbuttoned showing his well defined chest and you could see his eight pecks right through his shirt, he was also wearing a black jeans.

He may be around 6′5 looking intimidating and tall. His face was so handsome from his sexy, sharp icy blue eyes, a nice straight nose, full pink lips, strong jaw, dark black hair and tan skin.

He seemed to be around twenty or twenty one. Everything about him screamed peril thus far I couldn’t let my eyes dawdle of from him. He was just irresistible to look at.

He glanced at me and once his eyes land on mine. My wolf howled the one thing that I was dreading to hear all this time but not this particular time though.

“Mate!” I peeped at him petrified and frighten to death. Why him to be my mate and who are these people ?

“Who are you?” I observed questionably.

“You’re worst nightmares darling.” Salt and pepper hair answered.

Worst nightmares, silver and chains ?

Oh no.

Then it all dawned up on me.

“Werewolf hunters.” I said.

“Guess who just won the lottery.” My mate told sarcasm dripping from his voice staring at me like a prey.

This time, I was scared stiff and terror-stricken. All werewolves were scared of the werewolf hunters. They were vicious, brutal and ruthless. They had executed an abundance of our species.

Fell face and sad face transported me again. Where are they going to put me now?

“Now where are you taking me?” I asked. I don’t pity these men anymore. Be gone and sad all your life. Okay I shouldn’t curse like that about others but just die!

They halt to another door and set me down. The doors were the colour of blood red.

“Wait here, he’ll come.” Fell face said and both of these men pass from sight.

“Who’s he?” I asked but I achieved no response.

I was left there solo. I thought about my family how they would be doing not knowing where am I.

I sighed sadly.


There were all the was now and nothing else rather than the sound of my own breathing.





“Sorry for keeping you waiting, dog.” My mate said impending towards me. I growled lowly at him for calling me a dog. He unlocked the door using his fingers and eyes.

He hauled me inside yanking me by the chair and positioned me on the centre of his colossal seized nice-looking room. Walls painted blood red as so as the colour of his bed and desk. He even has his own personal walk-in-closet. My room was also substantial but not as gargantuan as this.

“So done checking me and my room out ?′ He put a question to his sentence.

“Who said I was checking you out ?” I cross-questioned instead of answering him.

“You were in my father’s office.” He spoke raising an eyebrow at me.

" I didn’t.” I denied.

“Deny all you want but you and I both know it.” He said confidently.

I sighed rolling my eyes at his cockiness.

The second I implemented that, he was in front of me clutching his right hand tightly around my neck. How did he manage do that ? He was no more than human.

The split second he laid his hands on me, sparks travelled through me from wherever he touched. He withdrew his hand away from me at a stroke observing his hand. Did he felt whatever I felt ?

How was that feasible ? I thought humans are not able to apprehend. Perhaps I was mistaken.

He shoot daggers at me like I’m the one who intentionally caused that. I mean yes I did, but not premeditatedly, it was for the reason of the mate bond.

“How did you do that ?” He wanted to know.

“Do what?” I enquired.

“That electric spark thing.” He referred.

I didn’t answer him. For all one knows, on the condition that I notify him that he’s my mate also acknowledged as my alternative half, he’d possibly love me and not feel aversion towards me.

“You’re my mate.” I murmured under my breath.

“What?” He interrogated.

“I said it was because you’re my mate.” I informed loudly at this point in time.

“Mate?” He asked not really convinced narrowing his eyes at me.

I nodded my head slowly.

He still wasn’t looking persuaded but nevertheless there should be some part of him that knows that its the truth.

“Well then, mates were expected to love and protect each other I assume? Correct me if i’m wrong.” He stated tilting his head to the side a little waiting for my response.

“Yes.” I replied with a miniature hope in me that he would cherish and adore me knowing I’m his other half.

“Then it’s gonna be a pleasure being in possession of your own mate persecuting you.” He smiled sinisterly with a diabolical smirk. Each and every single one of my hopes revolved into dust and vanished into thin air as I take note of him, eyes wide as saucers.

How could someone be so cold-blooded and remorseless ?

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