Mates of a Werewolf Hunter

Chapter 15 Teen Napped Once More

Valentine Winters P.O.V

The look on his face was priceless.

First, it was pure and utter shock, then it turned to confusion and lastly anger.

“What are you doing here ?” He asked pointing his index finger at me. I noticed that he was also wearing the ring .

It had my name carved on it.

Awkward while I had his, right in front of his girlfriend.

“You know her ?” His girlfriend questioned looking between us. If only she knew.

“Shut up, Red” Lucifer shut her.

“Babe.” She whimpered.

" Class now, I’ll be there in a moment.” He stated.

She huffed and walked away with her lost puppies following behind her. Their heels clicking away echoing through the halls.

“ So ?” He snarled taking a step forward while I took a step back pressing myself against my locker.

“Studying.” I replied.

“Why here ? It’s dangerous. My dad thinks your dead.” He said.

I shrugged.

“I don’t want to see you here.” He stated.

“Close your eyes.” I muttered under my breath.

“Suit yourself.” He gritted out.

I just glared at his retreating figure.

I walked to my class, great 15 minutes late. Way to go on my first day.

Classes were fine, I had three classes with Lucifer. P.E, Biology and Arts.

Each class that we had together, he never even spared me a glance treating me like a no one. It really hurt. I didn’t want him to keep staring at me but not even a slight acknowledgement ?

As soon as school was over, I scurried straight back home where my dad hired a private van for me.

“So how was first day, new friends.?” My dad enquired raising an eyebrow at me.

“No.” I sighed.

I went directly to my room and slept on my bed.

The following day, I changed to my P.E uniform to start the lesson.

I walked to my P.E. class after changing in the girls locker room. The teacher wasn’t here yet so I just sat on one of the benches.

“So my boyfriend taught you some lesson.” Red asked. I looked up at her smirking figure.

”Plenty.” I smiled shortly.

“Learn.” She sneered.

“Get out of my way, slut.” I grumbled annoyed.

“Dirty bitch.” she muttered.

What’s her problem ?

She huffed crossing her arms over her chest dramatically and walked away.

I shook my head rolling my eyes looking down. Two shoes came into view. I travelled my eyes up.


Can’t this bitch get anymore infuriating ?

“Get up.” He ordered.

“Why ?” I enquired creasing my forehead.

“You called my girlfriend a slut.” he accused.

“She named me a dirty bitch.” I defended.

“Aren’t you ? Apologise” He commanded.

That ticked me and my wolf of. Before I knew what was happening, my wolf took over and tackled Lucifer on the floor hovering over him before punching him repeatedly on his face resulting bruises to form.

Someone wrap their hands on my waist pulling me back from him. Lucifer instantly sat up spitting out blood.

Consequently, after the incident my wolf held guilt taking over for hurting her mate.

“Spit out?” The coach came in looking at the mess in front of him looking at the both of us.

“She hit me for no reason.” Lucifer accused pointing at me.

My mouth was ajar.

“But-“ I tried but was cut off.

“Both detention after school.” The coach declared. Great, just perfect.

He glared at me with loathe.

Now I had detention. I went to the class and sat on one of the chairs. Soon after the coach arrived with a hamburger in his hand.

“Where’s Lucifer?” He asked looking around.

I shrugged.

Just then, he showed up.

“Your late.” The coach stated.

He then just sat down on the chair behind me.

I placed my head on the table, sighing letting my hair cover my face.

The things he did came rushing into my head. The torture, attempt to rape, rescue, becoming my husband and the time he left me.

Now we’re strangers.

I walked by the lockers after detention. No one was there. I could apprehend my own footsteps.

Just then, someone from behind me placed a cloth that smelled funny on my face making me breathe on it. I tried to fight back but black spots invaded my vision before fully consuming it.

I woke up seeing that I was tied up to a chair. Again. I looked around bewildered to be in the same room I never wanted to be again.

Lucifer’s room.

Why is it all moving backwards ?

It’s too soon, I just got my freedom.

Why ?

“You didn’t think that I would just spare you for hitting me like that in front of everyone did you ?” He asked approaching me with a sharp blade in his hand playing with it.

“Let me go.” I say.

“No” He stated.

“You took privilege of having your liberty.” He sneered.

“No one is here to save you.” He finished.

“No, please.” I pleaded.

“I will shatter your fortitude and you.” He told.

I begged.

“You squandered your chance, now you suffer.” He says.

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